1. dmp-editor.component.html & dmp-clone.component.html & dataset-wizard.component.html: On next button, moved chevron_right icon to the right side of the text.
2. dataset-profile-editor.component.scss:
a. Removed margin-top from .dataset-profile-editor.
b. Updated position and styling of .scroll-on-top.
c. Added .floating-btn and .progress-min-height.
3. dataset-profile-editor.component.ts:
a. Set showScrollOnTopButton default value to true and comment intersection stepperNavigationObserver (because title is sticky now and always visible).
b. In method "onSubmit()" added parameter close:boolean=false, to check if the router will navigate to "/dataset-profiles" or not (button "save and continue" added).
4. dataset-profile-editor.component.html:
a. Renamed "Back" button to "Close" and use DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.CLOSE.
b. Moved "Close", "Save"/"Update" and "Finalize" buttons aligned with title on the top right.
c. Made title with aligned buttons sticky to top with stepper.
d. Moved buttons "Previous"/"Next" on the down right of viewport (floating buttons).
e. Moved scroll button and update it.
f. Updated alignment of main content when there is no sidebar on the left.
5. i18n/: In language files added "DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.CLOSE" and updated "USER-PROFILE.MERGING-EMAILS-DIALOG.TITLE" (#7662).
1. user-profile.component.ts: Added PopupNotificationDialogComponent when email for validating account has been sent.
2. login.component.ts: Added @Input() redirect: boolean = true; - if this is false do not redirect to home page.
3. add-account-dialog.component.html: Add parameter redirect="false" in <app-login>.
4. clone-dialog.component.html: [Bug fix] Truncate title of dataset and show tooltip in dmp clone popup.
1. dataset-profile-editor-upload-field.component.ts: Added image/tiff media type in available types for Upload.
2. en.json: Updated literals for "Upload" file field type and removed literals for "Table" field type, because the field is not ready yet.
3. de.json, es.json, gr.json, pt.json, sk.json, sr.json, tr.json: Added literals for "Upload" file field type.
1. dataset-profile-field-view-style.ts: Include "upload" field type.
2. field-data.ts: Export interface UploadFieldData.
3. config.json: Added new property "maxFileSizeInMB":10.
4. configuration.service.ts: Added _maxFileSizeInMB field and getter for it.
5. enum-utils.service.ts: Added cases for upload and table (not ready, to be added) field types.
6. rich-text-editor.module.ts: [Bug fix] Removed import of HttpClientModule (this is imported only once in order to work with interceptor).
7. field-editor-model.ts & dataset-profile-editor.component.ts: Added case and validators for "upload" field type.
8. dataset-profile.module.ts: Imports for upload.
9.dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component & dataset-profile-editor-field.component: Added button for upload.
10. form-field.component: Added functionality for uploading and downloading files.
11. dataset-description-form.module.ts: Added "FileService" provider and import of "NgxDropzoneModule".
12. en.json: New literals for upload and table (to be added in other language files too).
13. New files for upload field type: file.service.ts, upload-field-data-editor-model.ts, dataset-profile-editor-upload-field.component.html, dataset-profile-editor-upload-field.component.ts, dataset-profile-editor-upload-field.component.scss
1. rich-text-editor.component.scss: Css for .editor-wrapper .disabled added.
2. rich-text-editor.component.ts: New "editable" Input() field added, to allow rich text area to be disabled and not editable.
3. dataset-profile-editor.component.html:
a. In <rich-text-editor-component> set [editable]="form.controls['description'].status !== 'DISABLED'"
b. #7518 Show required message and css in rich text area when there is error "required" and description is touched (not dirty)
4. dataset-profile-editor.component.ts: #7519 comment disable of form controls label (title), description and language.
5. dataset-profile-listing.component.html: #7519 Time added in created column of dataset templates.
6. dataset-editor.component.html & form-field.component.html: #7518 Show required message and css in rich text area when there is error "required" and description is touched (not dirty).
7. clone-dialog.component.html: Replaced <textarea> with <rich-text-editor-component> for description field.
8. clone-dialog.module.ts: Import RichTextEditorModule.
9. clone-dialog.component.ts: #7519 comment disable of form group label (title)
10. styles.scss: Css for class .form-field-subscript-wrapper updated.
1. media-kit.html: Deleted factsheet (moved it to user-guide.html).
2. user-guide.html: Added Admin sections with factsheet and handbook and factsheet for users.
3. assets/media-kit: Argos-Admin-Handbook_14_01_2022.pdf (handbook) & OpenAIRE_ARGOS_Administrators.pdf (factsheet) files added.
1. Rename of "Registries" to "Metadata"
2. add apis for taxonomy, licenses, publications
3. change data repositories: from querying all registered to all of type data repository
4. add separate APIs for journals and pub repositories
1. dataset-profile-listing.component.html: #7226: In <mat-table> added matSortActive="created" matSortDirection="desc".
2. dataset-profile-editor.component.html: #7225: Added hint in section 1.4 to make prominent when the new editors will receive an informative email.
1. multiple-auto-complete.component.ts:
a. Added @Input field minLength (default 0)
b. In method "_onInputFocus()" filter results, only if query >= minLength.
2. dmp-invitation-dialog.component.html: In <app-multiple-auto-complete>, added property [minLength]="3" (invite users to a DMP).
dataset-wizard.component.ts & dmp-editor.component.ts & form-validation-errors-dialog.component.ts:
a. For 'mat-select', use placeholder instead of aria-label.
b. [Bug fix] For 'app-multiple-auto-complete' dig into 2 more levels (formControl.nativeElement.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.children) --> reason: commit de99784b5e: moved <input> inside <mat-chip-list>.
1. multiple-auto-complete.component.html:
a. #7137: show full width for input ([matAutocompleteConnectedTo]="origin") | wrap title into multiple lines (added classes "title-subtitle-fn", "subtitle-fn", "subtitle-fn-inner" and updated classes "title-fn", "title-fn-inner").
b. single-auto-complete.component.html: #7136: Show "No results found" when user is not typing and there are no results.
c. added check to show this label according to "showNoResultsLabel" input parameter.
2. multiple-auto-complete.component.ts & single-auto-complete.component.ts:
a. Added field "queryValue", input "showNoResultsLabel".
b. increase "requestDelay" from 400 to 600ms.
3. multiple-auto-complete.component.scss: wrap title into multiple lines (added classes "title-subtitle-fn", "subtitle-fn", "subtitle-fn-inner" and updated classes "title-fn", "title-fn-inner").
4. dmp-invitation-dialog.component.html: In <app-multiple-auto-complete> added parameter [showNoResultsLabel]="false".
1. multiple-auto-complete.component.html: Added class "title-fn-inner" to cut the displayed description of dataset templates.
2. multiple-auto-complete.component.scss: Css for class "title-fn" updated and for class "title-fn-inner" added to cut the displayed description of dataset templates.
3. available-profiles.component.html: Added class "list-option-inner" to cut the displayed description of dataset templates.
4. available-profiles.component.scss: Css for class "list-option" updated and for class "list-option-inner" added to cut the displayed description of dataset templates.
5. dataset-preview-dialog.component.html: Added [datasetDescription]="data?.template?.description" in <app-dataset-description>
6. dataset-description.component.ts: Added in class, field "datasetDescription".
7. dataset-description.component.html: Show template datasetDescription (as html) instead of DMP-EDITOR.DATASET-DESCRIPTION.INTRO.
1. dataset-profile.module.ts: Added in declarations "DatasetProfileEditorRichTextAreaFieldComponent".
2. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html: Added RichTextArea as input field type for response to a question.
3. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.ts: In method "addNewInput()" added case for RichTextArea.
4. dataset-profile-field-view-style.ts & view-style-enum.ts: Added RichTextArea.
5. field-data.ts: Added interface RichTextAreaFieldData.
6. enum-utils.service.ts: In methods "toDatasetProfileFieldViewStyleString()" and "toDatasetProfileViewTypeString()" added cases for RichTextArea
7. field-editor-model.ts: Added richTextarea.
8. component-profile-editor-default-value.component.html: Added <mat-form-field> for RichTextArea (how rich text area is initialized when this type is selected as response).
9. dataset-profile-editor-field.component.html: Added <mat-option> for RichTextArea (to select it) and <app-dataset-profile-editor-rich-text-area-field-component> (to show it).
10. dataset-profile-editor-field.component.ts: Added RichTextArea case everywhere.
11. dataset-wizard.component.ts & dmp-editor.component.ts: In method "_getPlaceHolder()" added case for richTextarea.
12. dataset-description-form.module.ts: Imported RichTextEditorModule.
13. form-field.component.html: Added RichTextArea case with <rich-text-editor-component>.
15. field-data/rich-text-area-field-data-editor-model.ts & field-type/rich-textarea/: [NEW] Files for Rich Text Area field type.
1. dataset-profile-editor-section.component.html & dataset-profile-editor.component.html & dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html: Replace <angular-editor> with <rich-text-editor-component> (custom common component when rich text editor is set).
2. dataset-profile-editor-section.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.ts: Remove AngularEditorConfig (this is set in RichTextEditorComponent).
3. dataset-profile.module.ts: Instead of AngularEditorModule, import RichTextEditorModule (common component where rich text editor is set).
4. styles.scss: Moved css for angular editor to dedicated css file (src/app/library/rich-text-editor/rich-text-editor.component.scss) and keep here only "form-field-subscript-wrapper" class.
1. library/rich-text-editor: [NEW] Common component which configures a rich text editor.
2. dataset-editor.component.html & main-info.component.html: Use <rich-text-editor-component> to allow rich text in dataset and dmp description.
3. dataset-overview.component.html & dmp-overview.component.html: Show dataset and dmp description as innerHTML.
4. dataset.module.ts & dmp.module.ts: Imported RichTextEditorModule.
1. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor-section.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor.component.ts: Initialize AngularEditorConfig.
2. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html & dataset-profile-editor-section.component.html & dataset-profile-editor.component.html: Use <angular-editor> in description.
3. multiple-auto-complete.component.html & dataset-profile-listing.component.html & form-section.component.html: Show description as html.
4. dataset-profile.module.ts: Imported HttpClientModule, AngularEditorModule (needed for <angular-editor>).
5. available-profiles.component.html: Show description as html, under the Dataset Template title, not as tooltip (matTooltip does not receive html).
6. available-profiles.component.ts: Added styleUrls: ['available-profiles.component.scss'].
7. available-profiles.component.scss: [NEW] Added css for class "list-option" to cut description if too long.
8. form-composite-title.component.html: Show description and extendedDescription as html | Add view more/less functionality to show/hide extendedDescription.
9. form-composite-title.component.ts: Added "public showExtendedDescription: boolean = false;" field.
10. form-composite-title.component.scss: Added css for "more" class, to make "view more/less" seem like link.
12. assets/styles.css: Added css for <angular-editor>, to be similar to the other text areas and forms.
* Member of dmp cannot see dmp editor anymore. Redirects to overview
* Hide percentage bar in dmp editor when editor is disabled (when finalized or locked)
* Change font sizes on Resource page (static pages)
* Fix issue of indeterministic disabled on DMP editor.
[Admin Template Editor]:
* Add question underneath each question and in the table of contents
* "Make conditional question" changed position
* Small restyles in required toggler and question preview component
* Input icons update
* Scrolling on top of question
[Dataset Editor]:
* Show asterisk on required fields
Pt language updates
* Fix issue on table of contents in dataset editor. Invalid fields that are hidden via visibility rules, are not computed in in the validity of the tocEntry.
Admin Templates listing table fix. When a filter is applied, gets you to the first page. Total templates number fix .
Admin Template Editor. Enable editing Description in finalized templates.
Dataset wizard. Fix NaN in total progress when finalized. (remove all edit/save actions).
Portuguese language update.