This component is a Liferay 6.2.6 CE Porlet which interacts with workspace and social service to gather usage statistics (e.g. disk space in use, number of posts etc.)
Updated 2024-01-31 18:08:38 +01:00
This is the Email Contact Us form used in the D4Science and gCubeSystem websites
Updated 2021-11-03 13:20:20 +01:00
The GeoPortal Data Viewer App is an application to access, discovery and navigate the GeoNa products by a Web-Map Interface
Updated 2024-04-24 15:20:39 +02:00
The GeoPortal Data Entry App is a technology to publish and manage spatio-temporal projects in the Geoportal D4Science service
Updated 2024-04-16 11:22:39 +02:00
A widget to execute Data Miner's Algorithms from gCube Workspace
Updated 2021-02-01 18:37:42 +01:00
gCube ws-thredds-sync-widget is a widget to use and interact with ws-thredds facility through the Workspace
Updated 2021-08-05 17:21:08 +02:00
gCube Invites Members Widget is used from the portlet for inviting external users to portal VREs.
Updated 2024-01-30 19:03:31 +01:00
Invites Members Portlet is used for inviting external users to portal VREs.
Updated 2024-01-30 17:26:23 +01:00
Resource Management: Infrastructure Monitor This application lets administrator users to manage resources providing the basic functionalities to access and modify their data information.
Updated 2023-12-14 14:59:51 +01:00
DataMiner Manager Tester portlet is a tool to test the DataMiner services in the D4Science Infrastructure.
Updated 2023-01-18 15:10:29 +01:00
gCube Portal Manager is a Liferay 6.2.6 component all portlets need to use to get the context where they are running.
Updated 2023-03-31 10:16:15 +02:00
The gCube Species Discovery Portlet lets the users discovery species information from the Species Service.
Updated 2024-01-29 17:25:45 +01:00
gCube Share Updates Portlet is used to create social posts in any VRE.
Updated 2022-07-22 16:43:48 +02:00
Join VRE Portlet is the Explore portlet of the Gateway when the user is not logged in. When logged in it allows the user to register to VREs.
Updated 2024-01-31 18:40:28 +01:00
Resource Sweeper Widget is a GWT Widget integrated with RMP portlet which provide a WEB UI to clean manually the IS of dead and expired resources.
Updated 2020-04-09 10:12:55 +02:00
The Gis Viewer Widget is an application to access GIS Data via interactive Map
Updated 2020-06-18 09:26:36 +02:00
a Liferay 6.2.6 CE Hook which customises (custom JSPs) the Liferay Sign In Portlet look & feel
Updated 2021-03-04 17:38:39 +01:00
Trending Topics Portlet (former Top Topics) visualises a list of topics (#hashtags) that are present in the context where it is deployed. The #hashtags are ranked according to their "trendiness".
Updated 2024-02-01 17:54:58 +01:00
Updated 2022-02-01 14:05:08 +01:00