DataMiner Manager Widget is a widget which allows the execution of the alghorithms by the DataMiner service.
Updated 2024-12-03 18:45:50 +01:00
Workspace Sharing Widget is a widget that allows the sharing of items present in the D4Science Workspace.
Updated 2024-12-03 18:45:47 +01:00
Workspace Explorer is a widget that allows access and interaction with the D4Science StorageHub.
Updated 2024-12-03 18:45:29 +01:00
Workspace Uploader Widget allows you to upload your files in the gCube Workspace
Updated 2024-12-03 18:45:26 +01:00
The Workspace Tree Widget is a widget to navigate and interact with gCube Workspace
Updated 2024-07-23 10:55:28 +02:00
A widget to execute Data Miner's Algorithms from gCube Workspace
Updated 2024-07-23 10:26:34 +02:00
gCube Ckan2Zenodo Publisher widget allows to publish D4Science catalogue's items on Zenodo
Updated 2024-03-20 17:51:41 +01:00
GitHub Connector is a widget that allows the access and the download of files contained in the GitHub repositories.
Updated 2022-05-20 17:56:56 +02:00
This is a GWT Widget that integrates in the Resource Management Portlet and query the Information System to check the status (health)
Updated 2021-10-27 15:32:58 +02:00
NetCDF Basic Widgets is a set of widgets that allow the display of information related to NetCDF files.
Updated 2021-10-26 18:12:44 +02:00
OpenLayers Basic Widgets is a set of widgets that allow the display of map tiles and the retrieval of geographical information.
Updated 2021-10-26 18:12:36 +02:00
gCube ws-thredds-sync-widget is a widget to use and interact with ws-thredds facility through the Workspace
Updated 2021-08-05 17:21:08 +02:00
Accounting Manager Theme is a simple basic theme for web applications
Updated 2021-05-04 12:36:20 +02:00
ACE GWT Widget is a widget that allows the editing of text with support for programming languages.
Updated 2020-06-18 09:27:01 +02:00
The Gis Viewer Widget is an application to access GIS Data via interactive Map
Updated 2020-06-18 09:26:36 +02:00
Tabular Data Manager is a portlet to manage tabular data. tabular-data-column-widget is a widget for support the operations on columns in the portlet.
Updated 2020-03-04 10:49:11 +01:00
Tabular Data Manager is a portlet to manage tabular data. tabular-data-csv-import-widget is a widget for support csv files import in the portlet.
Updated 2020-03-04 10:48:33 +01:00
Tabular Data Manager is a portlet to manage tabular data. tabular-data-excel-export-widget is a widget for support the export of tabular resources in Excel format.
Updated 2020-03-04 10:47:59 +01:00
Tabular Data Manager is a portlet to manage tabular data. tabular-data-information-widget is a widget for support the information display in the portlet.
Updated 2020-03-04 10:47:27 +01:00