1. env-properties.ts: Added property openScienceCloudURL?: string.
2. environment.ts: Renamed property "eoscMarketplaceURL" to "openScienceCloudURL" and set value for new property "eoscMarketplaceURL".
3. dataProviderInfo.ts: Use properties.openScienceCloudURL instead of properties.eoscMarketplaceURL.
4. dataProvider.component.ts & organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: Updated method "eoscBackLink()" to use "properties.eoscMarketplaceURL" instead of static url "https://search.marketplace.eosc-portal.eu/".
5. parsingFunctions.class.ts: In eoscSubjects use "properties.eoscMarketplaceURL" instead of static url "https://search.marketplace.eosc-portal.eu/".
6. connectHelper.ts: In method "getCommunityFromDomain()", added check domain.indexOf('eosc-beyond.eu') != -1.
1. myOrcidLinks.component.ts & orcid.service.ts: Added functionality for orcid claim with openaireId.
2. orcid-work.component.ts: Added functionality for orcid claim with openaireId & added (missing from previous commit) @Input() compactView to show or not the word "claim".
3. orcidWork.ts: Set openaireId (relcanId) as external-id with "external-id-type": "source-work-id".
4. newSearchPage.component.ts: Added field public isLoggedIn: boolean = false; and initialize it by calling userManagementService.getUserInfo().
5. newSearchPage.component.html: In <search-result> set isLoggedIn parameter.
6. searchResult.component.ts: Added functionality for orcid claim with openaireId & Added field @Input() isLoggedIn: boolean = false; and replaced Session check.
7. result-preview.component.ts & result-preview.component.html: Removed checks to orcid claim only when there are pids.
1. newSearchPage.component.html: Increase left margin of download button | Added button for compact view | In <search-result> added parameter "compactView".
2. newSearchPage.component.html: Added class fields "@Input() hasCompactView: boolean = false;", to show compact button or not and "public compactView: boolean = false;" to show compact or expanded view of each result.
3. searchDownload.component.ts: Changed download <button> to <a> with class "custom-view-button" | Set visuallyHidden to icon.
4. searchResult.component.ts: Added class field "@Input() compactView: boolean = false;".
5. searchResult.component.html: In <result-preview added parameter "compactView".
6. entity-actions.component.ts: Added class field "@Input() compactView: boolean = false;" | When compactView is true, hide action labels - show only icons.
7. result-preview.component.ts: Added class field "@Input() compactView: boolean = false;".
8. result-preview.component.html: When compactView is true, make margins smaller, show 1 line in title, hide funder budget, identifiers, website url, oai-pmh url, description, action oa routes and metrics labels, and added "compactView" parameter in <entity-actions>.
1. resultLandingInfo.ts: Added field "children".
2. resultLanding.service.ts: Set children field.
3. resultLanding.component.html: In <deletedByInference> add parameter children.
4. result/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts: Parse children to initialize resultsPreview: ResultPreview[] and show versions accordingly.
1. organizationInfo.ts: Added field "children".
2. organization.service.ts: Set children field.
3. organization.component.html: In <organizationsDeletedByInference> add parameter children.
4. organization/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts: Parse children to initialize resultsPreview: ResultPreview[] and show versions accordingly.
1. result-preview.ts: Define interface RelationDatasource and added method "relationDatasourceConvert()".
2. resultLandingInfo.ts: Added fields "relatedServices" and "relatedServicesClassFilters".
3. resultLanding.service.ts: Call parsing for relations "dnet:result_datasource_relations".
4. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Added method "parseDatasources()".
5. resultLanding.component: Follow same schema for related research products (relatedResults) and related services (relatedServices), initialize relation fields and show them.
1. searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchDataProviders.component.ts: Check selected filter values from URL and query top 100 values for selected facets and top 7 for others.
2. newSearchPage.component.ts: In method "getRefineFieldsQuery()" added optional parameter fields: string[] = null, to not always get the full list of fields, but the ones provided (selected filters or not).
1. result-preview.component.html: Added input parameter "resultTitle" to <entity-metadata>.
2. entity-metadata.component.ts: Added @Input() resultTitle: string = null; | When more than 1000 projects or organizations, show +more projects/partners and in modal, show message "Only 1000 Projects/ Partners of {result title} are shown here."
1. searchProjects.service.ts: Added filter &fq=(projectcode<>"unidentified") in methods "getProjectsforDataProvider()", "advancedSearchProjects()", "getProjectsForOrganizations()", "numOfSearchProjects2()".
2. organization.component.ts: In method call "searchProjectsService.getProjectsForOrganizations()" updated parameter for funder to be in fq instead of keyword query.
3. projects-in-modal.component.ts: In method "updateFilters()", format filterQuery to be in fq instead of keyword query.
4. entitySearch.service.ts: In method "search()", for type "project", added in the query &fq=(projectcode<>"unidentified").
1. smooth-scroll.ts: Get behavior from current navigation > extras > state.
2. fos.component: Display level 4 FoS and handle url fragments and page scrolling accordingly.
1. newSearchPage.component.html: Replaced class "uk-label-search-filter" with "uk-label-secondary" on selected search filter labels.
2. color.less: Removed color variable @search-filter-color: #B41FD0;
3. label.less: Removed custom color variables and class "uk-label-search-filter" | Updated class "uk-label-secondary".
4. explore-custom.less: Override @uk-label-secondary: @explore-color;
1. mobile-dropdown.component.ts: Added makrForCheck() method call in "open()".
2. deletedByInference.component.ts: Added @Input() isMobile: boolean = false; & In <result-preview> set parameter [isMobile]="isMobile".
3. resultLanding.component.html: In mobile view, in <deletedByInference> set parameters [isMobile]="isMobile" and [modal]="alertModalDeletedByInferenceFS".
4. showAuthors.component.ts:
5. searchOrganizations.component.ts: [BUG FIX] In <new-search-page> set parameter [showRefine]="refineFields?.length > 0" to display filters or not.
6. newSearchPage.component.html: [BUG FIX] Updated checks for displaying refine filters column or not.
1. searchResult.ts: Added field funderName: string; in class SearchResult.
2. result-preview.ts: Added field funderName: string; in class ResultPreview & in method "searchResultConvert()" set resultPreview.funderName = result.funderName;
3. searchProjects.service.ts: Added parsing of funderName.
4. result-preview.component.html: Show funderName and if not available, show funderShortname.
5. entity-metadata.component.ts: Added check for funders display.
1. deletedByInference.service.ts: [Bug fix] Fixed author check.
2. sdg.component.html & quick-contact.component.html & fos.component.html: Added alt attribute on images.
3. result-preview.component.ts: Set changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush | Added get countDots().
4. result-preview.component.html: Changed how number of access routes dots is passed into a class (countDots) - needed for ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush.
5. orcid-work.component.ts: Added alt attribute on images | Added ChangeDetectorRef and call this.cdr.markForCheck(); on "getPutCode()", "saveWork()" and "deleteWorks()" - needed for ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush.
6. searchResult.component.ts: Rebuild previewResults object after getting orcidPutCodes to draw html again - needed for ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush.
7. newSearchPage.component.html: Removed uk-flex-wrap for number of results and uk-margin-medium-left from desktop sorting.
1. searchProjects.service.ts: Parse funder name if funder shortname is not available.
2. claimProjectSearchForm.component.ts:
a. [BUG FIX] Set filter.countAllValues = filter.values.length; to show filter values without extra "view all" call
b. [BUG FIX] Call projectService.advancedSearchProjects instead of projectService.searchProjects to get projects (/resources2 instead of /projects) to get 100 first values by default in facets.
1. string-utils.class.ts: Added methods "isValidRor()", "isValidIsni()", "isValidWikidata()", "isValidFundRef()" and cases for these new identifiers.
2. newSearchPage.component.ts: In method "createKeywordQuery()", check for PIDs also for organizations entity.
3. environment.ts: Updated property "fundRefURL" to "https://data.crossref.org/fundingdata/funder/" (old: https://api.crossref.org/funders/).
1. home.component.ts: Set field "resultsQuickFilter" to null.
2. searchAll.component.ts: Set field "quickFilter" to null | In method "entityChanged()" do not set parameter "resultbestaccessright" | [BUG FIX] Clear subscriptions from fetchOrps.
3. searchResearchResults.component.ts: Set field "quickFilter" to null.
4. navigationBar.component.ts: Set field "resultsQuickFilter" to null.
5. app.component.ts: Remove "resultbestaccessright" parameter from menu items of Search research products.
1. refineResults.class.ts:
a. Updated method "includeValue()" and include "null" (as a string) check | Call method "includeValue()" when creating filters.
b. Set filter.countUnfilteredValues to the length of values returned by the service before filtering them out.
c. Check if filters returned by service before trying to parse anything.
2. searchHelperClasses.class.ts: Added in Filter structure the field "public countUnfilteredValues?: number = 0;", to check if there are more values to be queried (show "view all" link or not).
3. searchFilter.component.ts: Updated check of hasMoreValues to show or not the "view all" link - check filter.countUnfilteredValues | Comment filtering out of filter values - moved to refineResults.class.ts.
1. searchOrganizations.service.ts: In method "numOfSearchOrganizations2()" and in method "advancedSearchOrganizations()" moved predefined query checks to "fq" field instead of "query".
2. entitySearch.service.ts: Mark method "searchByDepositType()" as @deprecated since it is not used anymore.
3. searchDataProviders.component.ts: In methods "_getFilters()" and "getResults()" updated parameters to set predefined query checks to "fq" field instead of "query" for repositories, journals, entity registries, but keep in "query" field for deposit search.
4. cache-interceptor.service.ts: Updated urls in cachingRequests table and checks in "checkForCachedRequests()" method.
5. searchFields.base.ts: [Bug fix] Temporarily removed from HIDDEN_FIELDS and "DEPENDENT_FIELDS" the "instancetypename" field - there is a bug with static refine fields, until the "angular-16-irish-monitor" branch is merged.
1. searchFields.base.ts: Added method "getFosParameter()" to check if "fos" or "foslabel" is in RESULT_REFINE_FIELDS | Removed environment check for fos in RESULT_REFINE_FIELDS and RESULT_FIELDS_ORDERED.
2. resultLanding.service.ts & landing-utils/fos.component.ts & fos/fos.component: Include code in fos labels when fos field is queried, otherwise (foslabel) not.
1. newSearchPage.component.html: Added display of grouped filters | Added checks for triplet typed filters.
2. newSearchPage.component.ts: Fixed checks for dependent filters and added new checks for dependent to filter values.
3. searchFilter.component.html: New "triplet" type of filter | Grouping of filters - smaller titles.
4. searchFilter.component.ts: Added field "@Input() grouped: boolean = false" | Added check for triplet filter | Added method "tripletFilterChange()".
5. searchFilter.module.ts: Import MatButtonToggleModule.
6. searchResearchResults.component.ts: Fixed how groupedFilters are initialized - TODO: Add this fix in other search pages too.
1. feedback.component.html & resultLanding.component.html: In <landing-header> added parameters publiclyFunded and projects.
2. landing-header.component.ts & result-preview.component.html: In <entity-metadata> added parameters publiclyFunded and projects | Added field @Input() publiclyFunded.
3. availableOn.component.ts: Display peer-reviewed.
4. entity-metadata.component.ts: Display publicly funded | Added field @Input() publiclyFunded: boolean.
5. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Added parsing of peer-reviewed (instance.refereed).
6. resultLanding.service.ts & searchResearchResults.service.ts: Added parsing of publicly funded and OA Routes (green, oa color, diamond journal).
7. resultLandingInfo.ts & searchResult.ts: In ResultLandingInfo and in SearchResult added fields oaRoutes: OARoutes; and publiclyFunded: boolean;
8. result-preview.ts: In HostedByCollectedFrom added field peerReviewed?: boolean; | Set interface OARoutes | In ResultPreview added fields oaRoutes: OARoutes; and publiclyFunded: boolean; | In methods "searchResultConvert()" and "resultLandingInfoConvert()" set oaRoutes and publiclyFunded.
2. searchResearchResults.component.ts: Set and initialize orderedFields and orderedFilters and pass them to <new-search-page>.
3. newSearchPage.component.html: If there are orderedFilters, show filters from this structure.
1. searchResearchResults.service.ts & searchProjects.service.ts & searchOrganizations.service.ts & searchDataproviders.service.ts: In advanced search method added parameter minRef: boolean = false and if true, add in request url "&minRef=true" to query for top 7 values.
2. searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchDataProviders.component.ts: By default query filters with minRef=true | Added method "filterRequestedAll()" to be called on view all click of a filter.
3. searchHelperClasses.class.ts: Added in Filter public countAllValues?: number = -1; (-1: all filters not yet requested, 0: request failed) and public isOpen?: boolean = false; (checks if view all filter is clicked).
4. searchFilter.module.ts: Imported LoadingModule.
5. searchFilter.component.ts & searchFilter.component.html: Updated process on view all click.
6. newSearchPage.component.ts: Added method "filterToggled()".
7. newSearchPage.component.html: Bind filterToggled method to <search-filter> output.
1. searchFields.base.ts: Added RESULT_STATIC_FIELDS/ DATASOURCE_STATIC_FIELDS and RESULT_STATIC_FIELD_VALUES/ DATASOURCE_STATIC_FIELD_VALUE and updated in RESULT_FIELDS type to static for resultbestaccessright, and added type and in DATASOURCE_FIELDS added eosctype.
2. staticAutoComplete.component.ts: Added @Input() public fieldValues; and added check not to query for values when static (fieldValues exists).
3. searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchDataProviders.component.ts: Added parameters for static fields in <new-search-page> and initialized them properly.
4. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Added parameter fieldValues to <static-autocomplete>.
5. advancedSearchForm.component.ts: Added method "public getFieldValuesForId(id: string)".
6. newSearchPage.component.html: Added parameter fieldValues to <advanced-search-form> and show static filters view case.
7. newSearchPage.component.ts: Added static filters - initialize them properly and make code for static filters more dynamic.
1. resultLandingInfo.ts: Added field datasourceName: string in interface MetricPerDatasource.
2. parsingFunctions.class.ts: In method "parseMeasures()", updated parsing for usage counts per data source (countsPerDatasource) to parse datasourceId and datasourceName from datasource field of response (split by ||).
3. resultLanding.component.html: On display of countsPerDatasource in table, show datasource names.
1. searchResultsForOrcid.component.html & searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: Removed [promoteWebsiteURL]="true", since this should be true only in deposit cards.
2. searchResultsInDeposit.component.ts: Added @Input() isMobile: boolean = false;
3. searchResultsInDeposit.component.html: Set parameter [isMobile]="isMobile" to <result-preview>.
4. newSearchPage.component.html: Set parameter [isMobile]="mobile" to <deposit-result>.
5. result-preview.component.html: In deposit cards align on the right of the title the "Go to repository" button and in mobile screens show it on the top right of the card.
1. resultLandingInfo.ts:
a. Commented out deprecated fields from interface Measure.
b. Added interface MetricPerDatasource.
c. Added in interface Measure, countsPerDatasource?: MetricPerDatasource[];
2. parsingFunctions.class.ts: In method "parseMeasures()", added parsing for usage counts per data source (countsPerDatasource).
3. resultLanding.component.html: Display countsPerDatasource in table (metrics tab > usage tab) if there is any.
1. availableOn.component.ts: Added Full-Text before Data sources, as a separate action and as information for each instance.
2. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Added parsing for fulltext and updated method "compareHostedByCollectedFrom()" to sort by both access and existence of fulltext.
3. resultLanding.component.html: Removed classes for <availableOn> in mobile actions.
4. entity-actions.component.ts: Updated uk-text-bolder class for all actions.
5. result-preview.ts: Added "fulltext?: string;" in HostedByCollectedFrom.
1. environments/: Added in all environments, property: swhURL: "https://archive.softwareheritage.org/".
2. env-properties.ts: Added property swhURL?: string;
3. string-utils.class.ts: Added method "isValidSwhId()" and swhid in checks and definitions.
4. resultLandingInfo.ts: Added swhid in accepted types of interface Id.
5. resultLanding.component.ts: Added check for swhid in "getReferenceIdName()" and "getReferenceUrl()".
6. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Added pid[i].classid == "swhid" check in "parseIdentifiers()".
7. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Added "swhid" in display of pids.
1. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & dataProvider.component.html & organization.component.html: In mobile (small) screens, change ratio of icons in bottom action bar from 2 to 1.4.
2. showIdentifiers.component.ts: In mobile (small) screens, added in fs-modal classTitle="uk-tile-default uk-border-bottom".
3. landing.less: Added variable @landing-action-bar-mobile-border: @global-border; to use it in border-top of landing-action-bar-mobile > div | Changed padding of landing-action-bar-mobile > div to 8px in top and bottom.
1. home.component: Get portalName by config.portalAsObservable>name and set placeholder to "Search "+portalName.
2. portal.ts: Added parameter "name: string" in method "getMockCommunityInfo()" and set communityInfo.name = name;
3. aggregators.ts: In method "getCommunityInfoByMenuId()", added "name" parameter in Portal.getMockCommunityInfo() | Updated titles in PortalAggregators>AggregatorInfo.
1. home.component & navigationBar.component: Get portalName by config.portalAsObservable>name and set placeholder to "Search "+portalName.
2. searchAll.component.ts: Set default value of "formPlaceholderText" to "Search".
3. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Set placeholder of input (when there is also the <entities-selection>) to [placeholder]="formPlaceholderText".
1. quick-contact.service.ts: Initialize display to true (assume it is not intersecting, otherwise in pages without this section, it can't be initialized correctly).
2. home.component.ts: Removed field "showQuickContact" | In constructor set quickContactService.setDisplay(false) | Refactor intersectionObserver.
3. app-routing.module.ts: In "contact-us" route, set data: {hasQuickContact: false}.
4. app.component.ts: Updated checks for <quick-contact> | Added public showQuickContact: boolean; to be initialized by layoutService.hasQuickContact.
1. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Added in eoscSubjects, subject "EOSC::Data Cube" (linked with Adam plarform).
2. result-preview.component.ts & fundedBy.component.ts & availableOn.component.ts & relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts: Updated method "addEoscPrevInParams()" to add 2 parameters: "return_path" and "search_params" (instead of pv).
3. resultLanding.component.ts:
a. Updated how this.prevPath is initialized (parse url params "return_path" and "search_params" instead of "pv").
b. Added method "getEoscParams()" to return eosc params as a string (to be used in href).
c. Updated method "addEoscPrevInParams()" to add 2 parameters: "return_path" and "search_params" (instead of pv).
4. project.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts:
a. Updated how this.prevPath is initialized (parse url params "return_path" and "search_params" instead of "pv").
b. Updated method "addEoscPrevInParams()" to add 2 parameters: "return_path" and "search_params" (instead of pv).
5. organization.component.ts: Updated how this.prevPath is initialized (parse url params "return_path" and "search_params" instead of "pv").
6. metrics.component.ts: Added method "getEoscParams()" to return eosc params as a string (to be used in href).
1. searchAll.component.ts: [Bug fix] From previous commit - Set formPlaceholderText outside if condition.
2. advancedSearchForm.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "simpleKeywordChanged()", do not check for selectedEntity when !this.entitiesSelection (selectedEntity is changed only when exists <entities-selection>.
1. searchAll.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Subscribe to layoutService.isMobile and calculate there the "offset" (for sticky tabs).
b. Updated "formPlaceholderText" - different for each entity.
2. newSearchPage.component.html: Added check, so that search form is not sticky in advanced search pages.
1. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for usage counts iframes and changed the order they appear (first views, then downloads).
2. dataProvider.component.ts & project.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes.
b. [Bug fix] Updated parsing of dataProviderInfo.measure.counts when querying external usage counts api.
3. resultLanding.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes.
b. [Bug fix] In bipFrameUrl, when environment == "beta", add "&src=beta" parameter.
4. orcid-work.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Updated disabled class checks, to enable orcid buttons in search too when there are identifiers.
b. When loading - action is in progress, show loading icon next to the label.
c. In my orcid links page: renamed "Add to ORCID" to "Claim" and "Delete from ORCID" to "Remove".
5. newSearchPage.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for "filters" floating button in mobile/ small screens.
6. Added method "detectChanges()" to be called by html.
7. navigationBar.component.html: Updated placeholder of search-input to align with the generic search form (Home page).
8. ISVocabularies.service.ts: [Bug fix] In methods getFos() and getSDGs(), removed check and call to cache - these files are always local.
1. full-screen-modal.component.ts: Added cancelButton: boolean = true; and show cancel button, only if cancelButton is true and okButton is false.
2. transferData.module.ts: Imported FullScreenModalModule.
3. transferData.component.html: Replaced <modal-alert> with <fs-modal> and updated the interface accordingly | In inputs, set [inputClass]="'flat'".
4. transferData.component.ts:
a. Configure FullScreenModal, instread of AlertModal.
b. In destinationOptions, set label to dest.description (used to be dest.destination).
c. In transfer, in destinations, use also element.path, to keep the initial structure/ hierarchy when transfering files.
1. searchFilter.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "filterKeywords()", set hasMatch and call detectChanges(), only if !hasMatch.
2. searchAll.component.html: Hide numbers of entity tabs on mobile screens.
1. rangeFilter.component: [Bug fix] Removed from method get disabled() check of isDisabled and added this check for class "disabled" in action/button (error on enter, because isDisabled was already true before triggering the action of yearChanged).
2. search-input.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added check for client side in ngAfterViewInit(), before calling "getComputedStyle".
3. searchAll.component:
a. Set "advancedSearchLink" properly and pass it to each search entity page in "simpleSearchLink" parameter.
b. In <advanced-search-form>, pass parameters [entityType]="activeEntity" and [advancedSearchLink]="advancedSearchLink" [advancedSearchLinkParameters]="parameters".
4. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Removed check this.entityType == this.selectedEntity from advanced search link.
5. searchFilter.component.ts: In filterKeywords() method, added cdr.detectChanges().
6. searchResult.component.html: [Bug fix] Reverted [isMobile] parameter to <result-preview" (removed by mistake in a previous merge).
1. Deleted assers/explore-assets/home/graph.svg - Replaced by assets/common-assets/common/graph-nodes.svg.
2. home.component.html:
a. Updated graph image.
b. Added in <div search-input>: [searchInputClass]="'inner background'".
c. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
3. claimResultSearchForm.component.html & searchDataprovidersToDeposit.component.ts: Added in <div search-input>: [searchInputClass]="'inner background'".
4. searchAll.component.html:
a. Updated margins/paddings for sticky tabs.
b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
5. searchAll.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] In method ngOnInit(), moved loadAll() call inside check - avoid duplicate calls to search for each tab with count query.
b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
6. fos.component.html:
a. Updated paper of SciNoBo - replaced the old one with the newest.
b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
7. fos.component.ts: Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
8. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html: [Improvement] Updated check and class for <landing-header> when sticky - make it invisible, when not sticky - solved flickering and change of content position.
9. showTitle.component.ts: Added @Input() isSticky: boolean = false; and when sticky, show only 1 line of the title (class lines-1).
10. landing-header.component.ts: Show only title when sticky and pass isSticky to <showTitle>.
1. searchFields.ts:
a. Added in HIDDEN_FIELDS, "instancetypename" (refine filter for research products).
b. In DEPENDENT_FIELDS, set ["instancetypename"]: "type"
2. quick-selections.component.ts: Added again (as in the past), @Input() vertical: boolean=false and show types using <search-filter> if vertical is true.
3. searchAll.component.html: Changed medium top and bottom margins to uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom.
4. newSearchPage.component.ts:
a. In method "getFields()", check for HIDDEN_FIELDS, also dependencies to resultTypes.
b. Added method "getFilterById()".
5. newSearchPage.component.html:
a. Moved <quick-selections> to the left as filter (removed "include" line).
b. Added <ng-template #search_filter> and re-arranged the order of the filters
1. search.less: Added css for modifier .small-vertical for .input-wrapper of <search-input>.
2. layout.service.ts: Added hasMenuSearchBarSubject: BehaviorSubject<boolean> = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false), parsing and getter/setter methods.
3. navigationBar.module.ts: Imported SearchInputModule.
4. navigationBar.component.ts:
a. Added searchMode: boolean = false; and hasSearchBar: boolean = false; (and other helpful fields)
b. Subscribe to queryParams to hide search bar and reset keyword | Subscribe to layoutService.hasMenuSearchBar to check if search should be included in navbar or not.
c. Added methods "openSearch()" to show the search form and "goTo()" to trigger the search action and navigate to the search page.
5. navigationBar.component.html: Added <div search-input> and search-icon button to show search bar | Added checks if searchMode is enabled (search form visible) or not.
6. app-routing.module.ts: In routes for landing pages added in data: hasMenuSearchBar: true.
1. layout.service.ts: Initialize hasQuickContactSubject to false (Don't ever show it unless it should be there).
2. quick-contact.service.ts: Initialize display to false (Assume it is intersecting, until it is proved it is not).
3. app.component.ts: Updated checks for <quick-contact> and added public bottomNotIntersecting: boolean; and public displayQuickContact: boolean;
1. general.less: Added fixed position for .filters-toggle-button.
2. newSearchPage.component.html: Added floating button for filters in mobile screens.
3. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Re-introduced commented out <entities-selection> inside <advanced-search-input> | Removed iconPosition and commented button for filters inside search form.
4. home.module.ts: Imported SearchInputModule.
5. home.component.html: Replaced <advanced-search-input> with <div search-input>
6. searchDataProviders.component.ts: Set entitiesSelection to false for <new-search-page>
7. newSearchPage.component.ts & searchAll.component.html: Set entitiesSelection to false for <advanced-search-form>
1. icons.ts: Added custom icon "unknown_access", when access is not available (locker with questionmark inside).
2. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Set "accessRightIcon" of each source to "unknown_access" icon, when access is not available.
3. resultLandingUtils.module.ts: Added "unknown_access" icon in iconsService.registerIcons.
4. resultLanding.component.html: Mobile view: Updated tooltip of access - added "access" word in the end.
5. availableOn.component.ts: Updated tooltip of access - added "access" word in the end.
6. result-preview.component.html: In mobile view, show access on the top right, next to the title.
7. searchResearchResults.service.ts: [Bug fix] Call parsingFunctions.addPublisherToHostedBy_collectedFrom after parsing journal, publisher and identifiers.
1. /assets: Added /media/fonts/inter folder with the "Inter" font-family.
2. eosc-custom.less: Override the default font family to use 'Inter', sans-serif.
3. routerHelper.class.ts: Added method "addQueryParam()" to add a query parameter in already existing or not object with parameters.
4. search-tab.component.ts & searchResult.component & projects-in-modal.component.ts & result/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts & organization/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and pass it to the appropriate children components.
5. result-preview.component & fundedBy.component.ts & availableOn.component.ts & relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and method "addEoscPrevInParams()" and call it when building queryParams of internal links.
6. metrics.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and use it when building internal urls.
7. resultLanding.component.ts & project.component.ts & organization.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts:
a. Added fields public referrer: string; and public prevPath: string;
b. Read "pv" url property and get referrer.
c. Added methods "addEoscPrevInParams()" and "eoscBackLink()".
8. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html:
a. Update "Go to Search" back link.
b. Call "addEoscPrevInParams()" method when building queryParams of internal links.
c. Pass "prevPath" to the appropriate children components.
1. home.component.html: Commented everything.
2. home.component.ts: Commented everything and added redirect to EOSC search.
3. app.component.ts: Commented <navbar>.
4. app-routing.module.ts: Removed unused routes | For any route other than landing, redirect to home page.
5. index.html: Removed BETA badge | Updated title from "Search OpenAIRE" to "Search EOSC".
6. errorPage.component.ts & relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts & showAuthors.component.ts & search-tab.component.ts: If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, open search page in OpenAIRE Explore in a new tab.
7. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, open search page in OpenAIRE Explore in a new tab | If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, do not show "feedback/suggest" link.
8. open-aire-jsonld-converter.service.ts: If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, do not add fos and sdgs as doc.isPartOf.
1. linkingGeneric.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for back to result landing page button link | Added back to project landing page button link.
2. directLinking.component.ts: In "createClaimEntity()" method, set value of entity.project.url.
3. ClaimEntityTitle.component.ts: Added "uk-flex" class to middle align icon to the name.
4. claimHelper.class.ts: Commented a console.log.
1. loadingModal.module.ts: Imported LoadingModule.
2. loading.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] loading icon (spinner) was not visible.
b. Added inputs title: string, @Input() isMobile: boolean = false, @Input() classTitle: string = "uk-background-primary uk-light".
c. Added html for small screens (mobile) when isMobile.
3. search-tab.component.ts: Added @Input() public isMobile: boolean = false and [class.uk-flex-column]="isMobile" to not show title and view all link in the same row when isMobile.
4. organization.module.ts: Imported FullScreenModalModule.
5. organization.component.ts & organization.component.html: Mobile redesign complete and functional.
1. availableOn.component.ts: Make "arrow_right" and access right icons bigger in for mobile.
2. resultLanding.component.html: Set same ratio in all actions icons.
3. orcid-work.component.ts: Add margin small (not xsmall) when isMobile and landing.
1. availableOn.component.ts: Mobile redesign - open in full screen modal instead of drop | icons updated.
2. fos.component.ts: In mobile show {{title}} instead of hardcoded title.
3. resultLandingUtils.module.ts: Imported FullScreenModalModule.
4. deletedByInference.component.ts: Removed class "uk-list-divider" for <result-preview> - after redesign each result has its own bottom border.
5. orcid.module.ts: Imported FullScreenModalModule.
6. orcid-work.component.ts: Mobile redesign - Added full screen modals propagationFsModal and grantFsModal.
7. resultLanding.component.ts: Added citeFsModal, addThisFsModal, alertModalDeletedByInferenceFS and property public mobileContent: "info" | "metrics" | "actions" = "info".
8. resultLanding.component.html: Mobile redesign for the 3 buttons at the bottom (main info, metrics, actions).
1. composer.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: Removed "and Technology" from "Fields of Science" typename.
2. resultLanding.component.html: Bind (suggestClicked) to <fos> instead of (feedbackClicked).
3. input.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added check in "filter()" method if option.label.
4. sdg-selection.component.ts: [Bug fix] Set this.loading = false; inside subscribe.
5. fos.component.ts: In title, updated FOS to FoS.
6. sdg-fos-suggest.module.ts: Imported LoadingModule.
7. sdg-fos-suggest.component.ts: Show loading when sending email | Do not initialize <sdg-selection> and <fos-selection> before subjects have value (this way inputs of existing fos/sdgs are checked).
8. fos-selection.component.ts:
a. Added @Input() inModal: boolean = false; to set activeSection, when inModal, instead of navigating with fragment.
b. [Bug fix] Set this.loading = false; inside subscribe.
c. Call this.setObserver(); both in ngOnInit and when keyword changes.
d. Updated threshold of observer from 0.25 to 0.1 (large FoS categories were never triggered on scrolling, because less than 25% of their content was visible).
e. Updated fosOptions to Map<string, boolean> to track easily checked inputs and updated getSelectedSubjects() accordingly.
9. fos-selection.component.html: In search-input of keyword no options are needed | Updated ngModel of checkbox inputs.
10. cache-interceptor.service.ts: Added check if (!properties.useLongCache) to skip cache.
1. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: Added Beta badge and "View all" link.
2. fundedBy.component.ts: Added @Input isMobile and relative checks in html | Updated how projects appear in mobile | Added ng-template for #funder and #dropInfo.
3. relatedTo.component.ts: Added @Input isMobile and relative checks in html | Added uk-margin-small-bottom between communities in mobile.
4. showSubjects.component.ts:
a. Added @Input isMobile and relative checks in html.
b. Added @Input() viewAllSubjects: boolean = false, @Input() viewAllClassifiedSubjects: boolean = false, @Output() viewAllClicked = new EventEmitter(); and methods "viewAllSubjectsClicked()", "viewAllSubjectsByVocabularyClicked()" to show subjects properly in mobile.
5. full-screen-modal.component.ts: Added method "backClicked()" and field public stayOpenInBack: boolean = false.
6. resultLanding.module.ts: Imported FullScreenModalModule.
7. resultLanding.component.ts & resultLanding.component.html: Redesign for small screens (mobile) for main info and its tabs (Summary, References, etc..).
1. alert.ts: Added previous button option.
2. composer.ts: Set feedback values in body | Make method "composeEmailForSdgsSuggestion()" generic to send feedback for either SDGs or FoS. - TODO: Rename method.
3. sdg-selection.component: Added some checks | Added method "getSelectedSubjects()".
4. sdg-fos-suggest.component: Updated component for suggestion | Send suggested subjects to composer | Add modal here | Make file generic for FoS or SDGs suggestion.
5. resultLanding.component: Updated how <sdg-fos-suggest> is called | Moved SDGs / FoS suggest modal inside <sdg-fos-suggest>.
1. claimContextSearchForm.component.ts & claimProjectSearchForm.component.ts & claimResultSearchForm.component.ts: Added "@Input() public centerAlign: boolean = false".
2. claimContextSearchForm.component.html & claimProjectSearchForm.component.html & claimResultSearchForm.component.html: align search form to the center if centerAlign is true (in direct linking).
3. linkingGeneric.component.ts:
a. Scroll to top smoothly when changing step.
b. Added method "getEntityName()" to resolve entity name from entity type.
4. linkingGeneric.component.html: Redesign in direct linking:
a. Hidden stepper.
b. Title before search form
c. Back button instead of breadcrumb.
d. Search form aligned to the center.
e. In basket, no tabs, but source on top of link source to.
f. Button to Step 3 renamed to "Summarise".
5. HelperFunctions.class.ts: In methods "scroll()" and "scrollTo()" added parameter "smooth: boolean = false" for smooth scroll.
6. tsconfig.json: Commented "angularCompilerOptions": { "strictTemplates": true}.
1. sdg.component.html: Added link for more information to joomla article (Canada's request).
2. timeout-interceptor.service.ts: Excluded from timeout interceptor properties.searchCrossrefAPIURL and properties.searchDataciteAPIURL.
3. searchDatacite.service.ts: In method "getDataciteResultByDOI()", for requests coming from file uploaded in linking added timeout to 20 sec, and for other requests timeout similar to the interceptor (6 sec for production, 12 otherwise).
4. searchCrossref.service.ts: In method "searchCrossrefByDOIs()", added timeout similar to the interceptor (6 sec for production, 12 otherwise) | Added method "searchCrossrefByDOI()", called for requests coming from file uploaded in linking.
5. bulkClaim.component.ts: Call new API method for Crossref requests for DOIs | Fixed tooltip to appear.
1. CuratorInfo.ts: In Curator class added visible: boolean = true;
2. personal-info.module.ts: Imported MatSlideToggleModule.
3. personal-info.component.ts: Added slider to set curator profile to visible or invisible (default to visible).
4. menu.ts: In Menu class added field "featuredAlignment: MenuAlignment;" | Added enum MenuAlignment.
5. menu.component: Updated title "Menu settings" | Added "Menu Alignment" setting, to set if custom menu will be left, center or right alligned | Added notification when menu visibility changes.
6. help-content.service.ts: Added "alignMenu()" method to align custom menu dynamically.
1. dataProvider.component.ts & organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts & orcid-work.component.ts: Commented unused @ViewChild fields.
2. dataProvider.service.ts & project.service.ts & resultLanding.service.ts: Strip html tags from title.
3. resultLanding.component.ts: [Bug fix] resultLanding.description is string, not array.
4. orcidWork.ts: [Bug fix] resultLanding.description is string, not array & strip html tags from description.
5. refineFieldResults.service.ts: In method "getSearchAPIURLForEntity()", for entityType "result" set suffix to "results/".
6. searchDataproviders.service.ts & searchOrganizations.service.ts & searchProjects.service.ts & searchResearchResults.service.ts: Strip html tags from title | Do not cut description (multi line ellipsis is used in html).
7. jsonld-document-serializer.service.ts: [Bug fix] resultLanding.description is string, not array.
8. result-preview.component.html: Show description as innerHTML to properly display special characters.
1. home.component.html: Added blue banner, white logo, aligned search form to the center and updated fonts according the new EOSC Marketplace.
2. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Updated link to Marketplace for eosc subject EOSC::RO-crate.
3. resultLanding.component.html: Updated how links to Compatible EOSC Services are displayed.
4. searchAll.component.html: Updated paddings and margins in search form of Search all page.
5. navigationBar.component.html: Set burger menu icon to light color if dark background.
6. advancedSearchDataProviders.component.ts & advancedSearchOrganizations.component.ts & advancedSearchProjects.component.ts & advancedSearchServices.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchDataproviders.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchServices.component.ts & search.component.ts: Set in searchForm, dark=true.
7. aggregators.ts: In eoscInfo, updated logoUrl and removed customCss of AggregatorInfo.
8. app.component.ts: Set header.darkBg: true.
9. Added eosc-custom.less file.
10. styles.less: import eosc-custom less file, instead of portal-custom.css.
11. deletedByInference.service.ts & result-preview.ts: [Bug fix] Parse description of versions properly.
12. reports.service.ts: Copy fix from angular-14 branch - do not timeout to 10000.
1. portal.ts & aggregators.ts: [Bug fix] In method "getMockCommunityInfo()" set also pid for community (isRouteEnabled.guard needs it) | Updates in less files (overrides of colors)
2. styles.less: Updated imports (added linking, landing and canada-custom and removed aggregator-custom).
3. numbers.component.ts: Updated default value of @Input() colorClass to "uk-text-primary".
4. connectHelper.ts: In method "getCommunityFromDomain()" added also "aggregator" and "eosc" portal types to set domain on development.
1. styles.less: Renamed from styles.css and added imports of less files and portal-custom.css (to be updated).
2. angular.json: In styles configuration added styles.less.
3. index.html & beta/index.html: In beta badge, used background instead of background-color to css rules.
4. portal-custom.css: Added rule for .search-form to inherit color in background.
5. searchFields.ts:
a. Replaced "datasourcetypeuiname" field with "eoscdatasourcetype" for datasources refine filter "Type".
b. In method "getResultAdvancedFields()" return always RESULT_ADVANCED_FIELDS without excluding "eoscifguidelines".
6. datasourcesHelper.class.ts: Replaced "datasourcetypeuiname" field with "eoscdatasourcetype" for datasources queries and used updated type names "Research Entity Registry" (old "Registry") and "Journal Archive" (old "Journal archive").
7. cache-interceptor.service.ts: Updated cachingRequests array, using new "eoscdatasourcetype" and its values.
8. dataProvider.component.html && result-preview.component.html: Do not add hardcoded compatibility label "Not yet registered" and updated checks.
9. resultLanding.service.ts & parsingFunctions.class.ts: Parse resultLandingInfo.eoscSubjects only by "eoscifguidelines" field not "subjects".
10. searchFilter.component.ts: [Bug fix] In Access filter, fixed bug in view all, when clearing the preselected value.
* Do not forget to add in package.json in devDependencies, "@types/express-serve-static-core": "4.17.28"
1. app.component.ts: Removed deprecated RootMenuItem and used MenuItem instead.
2. criteria.component.ts: Import OpenaireEntities and set variable openaireEntities.
3. criteria.component.html: [Bug fix] Use openaireEntities in no filters message.
4. searchAll.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "getDefaultEntityToShow()", return "datasources" instead of "content providers".
5. add-content-providers.component.ts: [Bug fix] In error messages use "data sources" wording instead of "content providers".
6. manage-zenodo-communities.component.html: [Bug fix] In <no-load-paging>, set type to "Zenodo communities".
1. resultLanding.service.ts: [Bug fix] Spelling error in parsing of "eoscifguidelines" field.
2. showSubjects.component.ts: [Bug fix] Do not show "EOSC" label in classified subjects, when no "eoscSubjects" parsed.
3. searchFields.ts: In RESULT_ADVANCED_FIELDS added "eoscifguidelines" | Added method "getResultAdvancedFields()", which does not include "eoscifguidelines" in "RESULT_ADVANCED_FIELDS" when environment == "production".
4. searchAll.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts: Get searchFields.RESULT_ADVANCED_FIELDS from "getResultAdvancedFields()".
1. fundedBy.component.ts: Added local field "provenancesCalculated" to check for each provenance label only once and do not show provenance if no vocabulary or if not label for this value.
2. result-preview.component.ts: Do not show provenance if no vocabulary or if no label for this value.
3. HelperFunctions.class.ts: In method "getVocabularyLabel()" added parameter "returnIfNotFound: boolean = true" to return null if no vocabulary or if no label for this value, when it is false.
1. resultLanding.service.ts: Added in parsing field "eoscifgiudelines" (resultLandingInfo.eoscSubjects).
2. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Added method "parseEoscSubjects()" | Method "checkAndAddEoscSubject()" updated - do not add eosc subjects in classifiedSubjects.
3. resultLanding.component.html: In <showSubjects> added [eoscSubjects]="resultLandingInfo.eoscSubjects".
4. showSubjects.component.ts: Added @Input() eoscSubjects: any[]; and show them as classifiedSubjects too.
1. develop.component.ts: Added example bullet for research products & Updated view of bullets (removed quotes - type bold).
2. page-content.component.ts:
a. Added <div id="page_content_sticky_footer" #sticky_footer> and <div id="page_content_footer" #footer>.
b. Added methods "ngAfterContentChecked()", "observeStickyFooter()", "calcStickyFooterOffset()" to calculate offset of sticky footer.
3. monitor.component.html: Added graph & feedback line as sticky_footer in >= medium screens and as footer in small screens.
1. env-properties.ts & environments/: Removed old properties searchLinkToEntityRegistriesDataProvidersTable and searchLinkToJournalsTable.
2. fetchDataproviders.class.ts & searchDataproviders.service.ts: Removed old unused methods related to subjects/ tables/ csv.
3. searchFields.ts: Added more refine filters in Repositories, Journals, Registries pages (COMPATIBLE_DATAPROVIDER_FIELDS, ENTITY_REGISTRIES_FIELDS, JOURNAL_FIELDS).
4. result-preview.component.ts: Added field @Input() deposit: boolean = false;
5. result-preview.component.html:
a. Added link to landing page even for not compatible datasources.
b. Added class "uk-label-danger" when compatibility = "not available" only when deposit=true.
6. searchResultsInDeposit.component.html: In <result-preview> added parameter deposit="true".
7. dataProvider.component.html:
a. Added class "uk-label-danger" when compatibility = "not available".
b. Show custom "Not yet registered" compatibility label when compatibility = "not available".
8. ISVocabularies.service.ts: Added methods for getting relationsVocabulary (dnet:relation_relClass.json).
9. resultLanding.service.ts & parsingFunctions.class.ts: When parsing relations, get relationName from relationsVocabulary.
10. resultLanding.component.ts: Get relationsVocabulary and pass it to "getResultLandingInfo()".
11. orcid-work.component.ts: When calling "getResultLandingInfo()", added null parameter for relationsVocabulary.
12. configuration.service.ts: [Bug fix] Added more checks in method "isPageEnabledByStateAsync()".
1. organization.service.ts & searchOrganizations.service.ts: When "objIdentifier" starts with "openorgs____", set canonicalId and id to openorgs id.
2. dataProvider.component & organization.component & project.component: In button and modal for social media sharing, use name of entity by OpenaireEntities.
1. projects-in-modal.module.ts: Imported DropdownFilterModule.
2. projects-in-modal.component.ts: Use common <dropdown-filter> instead of custom uk-button and uk-dropdown.
3. full-screen-modal.component.ts: [Bug fix] In ngOnDestroy added check for observer - error in ssr.
1. searchProjects.service.ts: Added "params" parameter in "getFunders()" method.
2. resultsAndPagesNum.component.ts: Do not show number of results and pages when no results.
3. manage-communities.module.ts: Remove "group" and "lock" icons from registerIcons call.
4. add-projects.component & communityProjects.module.ts & manage-projects.component.ts & remove-projects.component: Redesign of remove/add projects pages according to the new mocks.
5. add-zenodo-communities.component & manage-zenodo-communities.component & preview-z-community.component.ts & zenodo-communities.component.ts & zenodo-communities.module.ts: Redesign of remove/add zenodo communities pages according to the new mocks.
1. environments/: [Bug fix] Added missing property "adminPortalURL".
2. community-routing.module.ts: Added "user-info" path for each community.
3. app.routing.ts: Set "hasSidebar" to true for "user-info" path.
4. app.component.ts:
a. Set "user-info" path in userMenuItems under community if any selected.
b. In menuHeader for community set logoUrl and logoSmallUrl to headerLogoUrl (community logo).
c. When community is selected, added in menu all items of dashboard too (menu same in admin and dashboard).
5. app.component.html: In <navbar> added input parameter "communityId".
6. navigationBar.component.ts: On "initialize()" method, clear "showEntity" and "showPage" fields before filling them again and subscribe to communityInformationState if there is a community and adminToolsAPIURL OR if adminToolsPortalType is community (admin & dashboard).
7. community.service.ts: On getCommunityAsync() method, after await call clearSubscriptions().
1. availableOn.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added class "uk-link-text" in links of license and providers.
2. menu.ts: In MenuItem added field target: string = "_blank"; and in constructor added parameters and initialization of target, type, isFeatured.
3. navigationBar.component.html: Updated checks for "custom-external" class and target according to target field of MenuItem.
4. app.component.ts: In "Manage" menu item set target to "_self".
5. menu.component.ts: (Admin form) In method "menuItemSaveConfirmed()" added: this.menuItemForm.value.target = this.menuItemForm.value['type'] == "internal" ? "_self" : "_blank";
1. displayClaims.component.ts & searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts: Added scrolling in my/all claims page and in my orcid links page.
2. errorPage.component.ts: Set statusMessage and statusCode to 403 when page is private.
3. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Do not add uk-text-uppercase for "re3data" pid.
4. myOrcidLinks.component.ts: In "No ORCID links found" added classes "uk-text-meta uk-text-large uk-text-center" instead of alert.
5. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: Added condition if totalResults > 0 and previewResults > 0 for <no-load-paging>.
1. projects-in-modal.component.ts: Added the missing number of selected values next to the filter name - on updateFilters() method, update filter.countSelectedValues.
2. searchFields.ts:
b. Added method "sortFieldsByName()" to sort fields by name and leave "q" filter (Any field) first.
3. searchAll.component.ts & searchDataProviders.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts: Added "this.searchFields.sortFieldsByName(this.fieldIds, this.fieldIdsMap);" to sort advanced fields alphabetically.
1. app.component.ts: In search menu, use OpenaireEntities.
2. navigationBar.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "isTheActiveMenu()", update condition to "if(menu instanceof MenuItem || !menu.rootItem)" - custom menu items via admin tools are MenuItems but not instanceof MenuItem.
3. projectsPage.component.ts & nationalBulletinsPage.component.ts & contentPage.component.ts: Margins & paddings updated, so that breadcrumb is at the same position on all pages.
1. orcid.service.ts: [Bug fix] In method "getOrcidWorks()", updated response type from <any[]> to <any> --> "bulk" object with an array inside is returned.
2. orcid-work.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "getOrcidWorks()", parsing of bulk works fixed to not have problem when null response or error object inside bulk is returned.
1. resultLanding.component.ts & resultLanding.service.ts: Deleted code related to Open Citations (unused and deprecated).
2. myOrcidLinks.component.ts & orcid-work.component.ts: [Bug fix] On method "openGrantWindow()", condition changed to show success notification if (ev.isTrusted && ev.origin == location.origin && ev.data == 'success') - notification was appearing on logout.
3. orcid-work.component.ts:
a. In #workModal set large="true".
b. [Bug fix] In method "getPutCode()", called in "View orcid work" button, added check and warning notification if response is null - used to open empty modal.
c. [Bug fix] In handleError() method, messages fixed -- used to show ...with pids: {{title}}...
4. datasourcesHelper.class.ts: In method "getQueryPrefix()" deleted commented conditional code for the environment.
1. app.component.ts: Added <div id="modal-container"></div>.
2. alert.ts: [Bug fix] Updated target container in modal to id #modal-container (get portal specific css and have a generic z-index).
3. datasourcesHelper.class.ts: In method getQueryPrefix(), have a common setting for beta & prod environments.
4. orcid-work.component.ts: In grant modal, removed uk-text-center class and added [overflowBody]=false.
1. resultLanding.component.html: Moved offcanvas right sidebar outside grid (problem with upcoming new openaire theme - .less version).
2. landing-utils.css: [Bug fix]: In .landing .uk-offcanvas .uk-dropdown, set left and right to auto (dropdown shouldn't go out of offcanvas).
1. landing-utils.css: [Bug fix] z-indexes of uk-dropdown set to 981 (landing only), z-index of #main-tabs-div set to 978, z-index of graph_and_feedback set to 979.
2. showAuthors.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added @Input() isSticky: boolean = false; and when isSticky is true, do not show orcid info & dropdown for authors (z-index problem).
3. resultLanding.component.ts: Added scrolling in "References" and "External Databases" (bioentiites) tabs on page change.
4. resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] For the right sidebar, added inner <div class="uk-overflow-auto uk-height-1-1"> inside sticky - z-index problem.
5. result/deletedByInference.component.ts & organization/deletedByInference.component.ts: Added scrolling on page change.
6. projects-in-modal.component.ts:
a. Added scrolling in "Projects" tab on page change.
b. Show number of projects and pages always.
b. [Bug fix] On filterChange(), set page=1.
7. landing-header.component.ts: Added parameter isSticky in <showAuthors>.
8. Added scrolling in "Related Data Sources" tab on page change.
1. project.component.html & result-preview.component.html: Do not display label for "Special Clause 39".
2. project.service.ts:
a. Removed parsing of ecsc39.
b. For parsing of openAccessMandateDatasets, use projectoamandatedata or ecarticle29_3.
3. searchDataproviders.service.ts & searchOrganizations.service.ts & searchResearchResults.service.ts: Removed sc39 from "title" of SearchResult.
4. searchProjects.service.ts:
a. Removed sc39 from "title" of SearchResult.
b. Removed parsing of ecsc39.
c. For parsing of openAccessMandateDatasets, use oamandatedata or ecarticle29_3.
5. organizationInfo.ts: Removed "sc39: string;" from OrganizationProject.
6. projectInfo.ts: Removed "specialClause39: string;" from ProjectInfo.
7. searchFields.ts: Removed "projectecsc39" and added "projectoamandatepublications" in PROJECT_REFINE_FIELDS.
8. result-preview.ts: Removed "sc39: string;" from ResultTitle and ResultPreview | Do not set sc39 in searchResultConvert().
a. Updated "view all" functionality and how subjects by vocabulary are displayed.
b. Added setTimeout in ngAfterViewInit().
c. Added check in getKeys() if map is defined.
d. Added checks in <modal-alert> for subjects and subjects by vocabulary.
e. Set large="true" in <modal-alert> for subjects by vocabulary.
1. dropdown.css: [Bug fix] Added z-index: 1 in uk-dropdown to prevent dropdown from being on top of menu.
2. text.css: Removed classes "text-orcid" and "text-argos" (moved to openaire-theme/css/openaire.css.
3. openaire.css: Removed class "graph" and added "text-graph", "text-orcid", "text-argos".
4. dataProvider.component.html & organization.component.html & project.component.html & resultLanding.component.html & newSearchPage.component.html: Use class "text-graph" instead of "graph" for graph color.
5. landing-utils.css: [Bug fix] Updated z-index of #graph_and_feedback to 980 (previous 979) to be on top of tabs in landing pages | background of #main-tabs-div was set twice.
1. landing-utils.css: Added class .landing-right-sidebar-min-width { min-width: 360px; }.
2. resultLanding.component.html: In right sidebar added class "landing-right-sidebar-min-width".
3. showSubjects.component.ts: [Bug fix] Removed class "uk-flex-inline" from keys for loop div - so that each tag goes to a new line.
4. availableOn.component.ts: Added uk-tooltip for accessRight tooltip | On hovering licence, show in tooltip the whole value.
1. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: Added method "urlEncodeAndQuote()" to encode and then quote a string.
2. fos.component.html & sdg.component.html:
a. "Beta" badge was updated to yellow uk-text-large.
b. Link to the simple search page instead of the advanced and urlEncodeAndQuote the parameter used in url.
3. link.css: Added class "view-more-less-link" to set on ::after "chevron_right" icon (not underlined on hover) - used in "view all/more/less" links.
4. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & fundedBy.component.ts & relatedTo.component.ts & showIdentifiers.component.ts & showAuthors.component.ts: In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link" | Renamed "view more" to "view all".
5. feedback.component.html: Rename wording to be more positive: issues -> feedback, issue -> comment, report -> feedback.
6. feedback.component.ts: Added @Input() preSelectedField: string = ""; and set with it "field" on "addIssue()" (fos/sdg preselected for feedback).
7. availableOn.component.ts:
a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link".
b. #7833 - Show instance.license information (as link when recognized as url, string otherwise).
8. landing-utils/fos.component.ts & landing-utils/sdg.component.ts:
a. "Beta" word was updated to yellow uk-text-xsmall.
b. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link".
c. Added feedback functionality: link to feedback form.
9. showSubjects.component.ts:
a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link".
b. Added "view all" functionality for classified subjects too.
10. resultLanding.component.html:
a. In "view all/less" links added class "view-more-less-link" | Renamed "view more" to "view all"
b. Added feedback functionality: link to feedback form - preselect in feedback form fos/sdg.
11. resultLanding.component.ts:
a. Added public feedbackPreSelectedField: string = ""; field.
b. Added method "feedbackClicked()".
c. [Bug fix] In hasPrimaryInfo() added check for classifiedSubjects.
d. Renamed getProvenanceVocabularyAndResultLandingInfo() to getVocabulariesAndResultLandingInfo() and call also this._vocabulariesService.getSubjectsVocabulary().
12. parsingFunctions.class.ts:
a. #7196 - Updated parsing of subjects in method "parseAllSubjects()".
b. #7833 - In method "parseHostedBy_collectedFrom()", added parsing for "license" field.
13. orcid-work.component.ts: On calling method "this.resultLandingService.getResultLandingInfo()", added null parameter for subject vocabulary.
14. searchFilter.module.ts: Import IconsModule.
15. searchFilter.component.html: Removed +/- form "view all/less" links and added class "view-more-less-link".
16. result-preview.ts: Added "licence?: string" in HostedByCollectedFrom.
17. ISVocabularies.service.ts:
a. Added "private subjectsVocabulary: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);" field and methods "getSubjectsVocabulary()", "getSubjectsVocabularyFromService()".
b. Commented this.clearSubscriptions() from "getProvenanceActionVocabularyFromServiceAsync()".
18. resultLanding.service.ts:
a. On subjects parsing, use subjectsVocabulary.
b. #7509- Added if/then/else case for parsing citations (new name: references).
1. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html:
a. Move errorMessages and loading inside center box.
b. In center box, after graph & feedback line, set [style]="'margin-bottom: '+graph_height+'px'", so that sticky header stop before graph & feedback.
2. resultLanding.component.html: Removed "uk-height-1-1" class from center box.
3. organization.component.html & project.component.html: In sticky header use <landing-header> instead of <showTitle> (forgotten in commit 8b94b7f98a).
4. organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: In errorMessage, use OpenaireEntities in singular.
5. parsingFunctions.class.ts: [Bug fix] Removed "eoscSubjectsFound" from class fields and set it as local variable - bug fixed on back and again on landing.
1. badge.css: [NEW] Css file for uk-badge added.
2. import.css: Added @import "structure/badge.css";
3. fos.component.html & sdg.component.html: Added beta badge on top left of the title.
4. landing-utils/fos.component.ts & landing-utils/sdg.component.ts: Added [Beta] in title.
5. searchFields.ts: In sdg and fos RESULT_FIELDS, added [Beta] in their names.
6. offcanvas.css: [Bug fix] In rule .offcanvas .uk-offcanvas-bar added "max-width: 100vw", so that offcanvas does not exceed the screen width.
7. searchAll.component.html: Added some classes in <advanced-search-form> and uk-slider to be better displayed in small screens (form within page with some horizontal margins and arrows in slider).
1. dataProvider.component.ts: [Bug fix] Allow also ?pid url parameter, query accordingly and set canonicalUrl to use it in seoService and scema2jsonld.
2. dataProvider.component.html: Set canonicalUrl into URL of <schema2jsonld> | Use <landing-header> instead of <showTitle>.
3. dataProvider.service.ts: Set url for querying a datasource by pid (if ?pid in landing url param) and parse also the whole record, the objIdentifier and the relcanId.
4. landing-header.component.ts: Added @Input() isSticky: boolean = false; to set less margins when sticky.
5. resultLanding.component.html: Use <landing-header> instead of <showTitle>.
6. resultLanding.component.ts: Use renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
7. metrics.service.ts: Removed console.log.
8. searchDataproviders.service.ts: Added parsing for relcanId.
9. dataProviderInfo.ts: Added relcanId, objIdentifier, record.
10. result-preview.component.ts: Use renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
11. string-utils.class.ts: Renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
12. [SITEMAPS] extractUrlsFromSearch.ts: Use renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
13. newSearchPage.component.ts: [Bug fix]
a. entityType for datasources is "dataprovider".
b. Added service filter options only when entityType == "service".
1. transferData.module.ts: Imported AlertModalModule.
2. transferData.component.ts: Use <modal-alert> common component instead of uk-modal | Comment logs.
3 alert.ts:
a. Added "@Input() public emitHidden: boolean = false;" and " @Output() public alertHidden: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();"
b. On ngAfterViewInit, if emitHidden is true, check when modal is hidden and emit alertHidden (currently used only in transferData.component.ts to reinitialize local fields and route).
1. home.component.html:
a. Removed uk-margin-large-top from search form and logo.
b. Removed uk-height-medium from search form and logo.
c. Move searchImage on top of search form (uk-width-1-1) for small screens.
2. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: Removed animation with uk-scrollspy.
3. searchAll.component.html: Move searchImage on top of search form (uk-width-1-1) for small screens.
4. newSearchPage.component.html:
a. Removed animation with uk-scrollspy.
b. For simple search, move searchImage on top of search form (uk-width-1-1) for small screens.
c. For advanced search, searchImage is on top of search form for any screen size.
5. result-preview.component.html & result-preview.component.ts: For eosc portalType, added in incompatible datasources link to the service landing page.
6. aggregators.ts:
a. In #searchImage commented custom margin-left.
b. In #searchForm commented custom padding and width.
c. Exclude also .uk-button-link from custom css for buttons with parent .search_box_bg or #searchForm.
1. dataProvider.component.ts: In method "searchRelatedDatasources()", size can be always 0 (refine query).
2. advancedSearchForm.component.html: [Bug fix] Make all the button line clickable and functional in advanced search form.
3. result-preview.component.ts: Added get method "isResultType()" which checks if result.resultType is result, publication, dataset, software, other.
4. result-preview.component.html: [Bug fix] Call <orcid-work> (add/remove from ORCID buttons) only for results - check for identifiers is not enough, now datasources also have pids.
1. app.component.ts: [Bug fix] Add services search page in menu items if "service" entity is enabled (not datasource".
2. aggregators.ts: Added "datasource" entity and "/search/find/datasources" page in disabled list for eosc.
3. result-preview.component.html:
a. Do not show "Not yet registered" compatibility label in services.
b. For eosc, show in datasources "Not yet registered in OpenAIRE".
4. quick-selections.component.ts: Changed uk-child-width-auto@l to uk-child-width-auto@m (not nice in medium screens for 2 types).
5. newSearchPage.component.ts: "Include" filter name for services changed to "Other Services"
1. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Updated width in div for entity selection in advanced search form (uk-width-large@m uk-width-2-5@xl uk-width-1-1).
2. newSearchPage.component.html: In <advanced-search-form> added horizontal padding (on the left it was already there) - the form is centered and leaves some space from the right side of page.
3. aggregators.ts:
a. Commented background css in .search_box_bg.
b. Do not apply custom button css for .uk-button-text with parent .search_box_bg or #searchForm.
c. Added padding: 10px in buttons with parent .search_box_bg or #searchForm.
1. app.component.ts: [Bug fix] First menu item under "Search", set to OpenaireEntities.RESULTS.
2. searchFields.ts: Renamed OpenaireEntities.DATASOURCE to "Data source".
3. addThis.component.ts: [Bug fix] Check for showing warning was missing a not (!).
1. addThis.component.ts: [Bug fix] Increased timeout to 4 sec and fix check (sometimes innerText was undefined).
2. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: [Bug fix] Removed uk-animation-fade from results and added uk-scrollspy.
3. showAuthors.component.ts: [Bug fix] Fixed copy to clipboard - data-clipboard-target was not working because we have multiple clipboards in the same page (reverted code to old way of copying).
4. timeout-interceptor.service.ts: Reverted timeout time for client.
5. utils.css: Added custom css for .orcid-dropdown input (orcid dropdown in authors).
1. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added properties.domain as prefix in request for vocabulary - Network error on server.
2. displayClaims.component.html: Used <results-and-pages> before results and <paging-no-load> after results.
3. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: After results use <paging-no-load>.
4. displayClaims.module.ts & searchMyOrcidResults.module.ts: Imported NoLoadPaging.
5. dataProvider.component.ts & organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: [Bug fix] Fixed checks in ngAfterContentChecked, not to run on server.
6. dataProvider.service.ts: Added check if there are subjects.
7. orcid-work.component.ts: [Bug fix] On search view, add classes uk-button uk-button-link in orcid actions.
8. newSearchPage.component.ts: Removed console.log.
1. env-properties.ts:
a. In Dashboard type added "aggregator".
b. In PortalType added "funder", "ri", "project", "organization", "aggregator", "eosc".
2. environments/: Set "dashboard" property to "aggregator" and only for eosc set "adminToolsPortalType" property to "eosc".
3. entitiesSelection.component.ts: Added check if adminToolsPortalType is "eosc".
4. resultLanding.component.ts: In method "hasRightSidebarInfo()" check if adminToolsPortalType is "eosc" to show "Check compatible EOSC services" button.
5. resultLanding.component.html: Show "Check compatible EOSC services" for adminToolsPortalType "explore" or "eosc".
1. dataProviderInfo.ts: Added fields jurisdiction, thematic, contentpolicy, identifiers.
2. dataProvider.service.ts: Parse new fields.
3. dataProvider.component.html: Added label "Thematic" when true | moved "web page" under the labels | Show identifiers, jurisdiction and contentpolicy.
4. dataProvider.module.ts: Import ResultLandingUtilsModule.
5. parsingFunctions.class.ts: In method "parseIdentifiers()" added parsing for classid "re3data".
6. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Show identifier when key is "re3data" too.
7. string-utils.class.ts: In Identifier class added class and check for "re3data".
8. searchDataproviders.service.ts: In method "parseResults()" parse "pid" and set identifiers.
9. newSearchPage.component.ts: In method "createKeywordQuery()" added check for identifiers for entityTypes "datasource" and "service".
1. result-preview.component.ts & datasourcesHelper.class.ts & entitiesSelection.component.ts & newSearchPage.component.ts & errorPage.component.ts & searchAll.component.ts: Added case for service entity.
2. searchFields.ts: Added in OpenaireEntities names for Services | In methods "getFieldName()" and "getFieldParam()" case for service entity.
3. searchDataProviders.component.ts: Parametrize component to show/query for datasources or services.
4. quick-selections.component.ts: Delete reset of resultTypes from "initializeFilters()" method.
5. searchDataproviders.service.ts: In method "numOfSearchDataproviders2()" added parameter "typePathParam" to search for datasources or services | In method "parseResults()" set "entityType" according to eosctype field.
6. portal.ts: In method "getmockPortalInfo()" added entity and routes for service.
7. env-properties.ts: Added properties "searchLinkToService", "searchLinkToServices", "searchLinkToAdvancedServices".
8. dataProvider.component.html: Parametrize component to show for datasources or services | [Bug fix] Added [class.uk-invisible]="!dataProviderInfo" in #graph_and_feedback_template.
9. dataProvider.component.ts: Parametrize component to show/query for datasources or services.
10. dataProvider.service.ts: In method "getDataproviderInfo()" added parameter "typePathParam" to search for datasources or services.
11. searchAll.component.html: Added tab for search services.
1. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & resultLanding.component.html: Removed "shouldSticky" check from id="main-tabs-div" - title & tabs sticky even when bottom is in viewport.
2. dataProvider.component.ts & organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: Commented shouldSticky and observer for bottom - title & tabs sticky even when bottom is in viewport.
3. organization.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: In modal for other versions, title updated without "of".
4. project.component.html: In <search-tab> for DMPs added resultType="DMPs" | Title in DMPs tab changed to Data Management Plans.
5. search-tab.component.ts: Moved <errorMessages> after tab title and <ng-content> | In method "getEntityName()" return "this.resultType" if exists and no other condition matches.
1. projects-in-modal.component.ts: Use OpenaireEntities in <errorMessages>.
2. errorMessages.component.ts: Updated look of message when errorCodes.NONE: large, meta text which is center and middle aligned instead of alert.
1. landing-utils.css: Deleted .landing-background-default-color (replaced in html with uk-background-default).
2. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html: Updates and fixes for redesign.
a. #graph_and_feedback outside margins and checks (invisible when no info).
b. [Bug fix] margin-top of center column fixed (uk-sticky-placeholder was adding space).
c. [Bug fix] Show again right sidebar when screen becomes medium+.
d. [Bug fix] Added grid in labels.
3. resultLanding.component.ts & project.component.ts & organization.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts: Added ResizeObserver and updated how graph_offset is calculated | Added graph_height field to set margin-top of center column.
4. project.component.ts: In getFileNameType() use OpenaireEntities.
5. organization.component.ts:
a. In contentTypes field added type file names from OpenaireEntities
b. Added field contentFileName.
c. Added field shouldSticky and observer for "bottom" to stop sticky title & tabs when bottom is in viewport.
6. dataProvider.component.ts: Added field "provenanceUrls" and method "getProvenanceUrls()" to flatten all urls from dataProviderInfo.provenance.
1. newSearchPage.component.html: In graph and feedback, replace uk-text-muted with uk-text-meta and add uk-margin-large-top.
2. datasourcesHelper.class.ts & searchDataProviders.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts: Use OpenaireEntities for result type names.
1. searchDataproviders.service.ts & searchProjects.service.ts: Updated parsing of description (like in services for landing, use ParsingFunctions.parseDescription()).
2. searchFields.ts: Added in OpenaireEntities enum values for type names in files.
3. open-aire-jsonld-converter.service.ts:
a. Updated parsing of description in methods convertProject() and convertDatasource() - use ParsingFunctions.parseDescription().
b. In convertDatasource() method set "otherUrl" (not push it) in sameAs (on next commit, dataprovider landing sents all provenance urls as array).
4. jsonld-document-serializer.service.ts: [Bug fix] Added check in "serializeDescription()" method.
1. landing-utils.css: Commented transition ease-out in #main-tabs-div.
2. app.component.ts: Added id="bottom" in <bottom>.
3. newSearchPage.component.html: Updated "Powered by OpenAIRE Research Graph" to make the link underlined on hover.
4. metrics.component.ts: Add classes "uk-text-small uk-text-meta" in "Powered by".
5. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & dataProvider.component.html:
a. Updated "Powered by OpenAIRE Research Graph" to make the link underlined on hover.
b. Add uk-sticky attribute in id="main-tabs-div" only if shouldSticky is true (bottom is not in the viewport).
6. resultLanding.component.ts & project.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts: Added fields shouldSticky and observer, check in ngAfterViewInit() if bottom is intersecting and kill the observer in ngOnDestroy().
7. statisticsTab.component.ts: Added customContainerClass="uk-background-default" customIframeClass="uk-blend-multiply" in <i-frame>.
8. showAuthors.component.ts: [Bug fix] In "View less authors" make only the link clickable, not the whole row.
1. dataProvider.component.html: Use type names from OpenaireEntities | Added missing bottom <helper> and graph_and_feedback_template for small screens.
2. dataProvider.component.ts: Use type names from OpenaireEntities | stickyHeader = false when queryParams change.
3. project.component.html: Use type names from OpenaireEntities.
4. project.component.ts: stickyHeader = false when queryParams change.
5. resultLanding.component.html: Use type names from OpenaireEntities | In #relation_in_tab, use common component for input instead of mat-select.
6. resultLanding.component.ts:
a. Use type names from OpenaireEntities.
b. Added relatedClassFilters: Option[] and use it in input for #relation_in_tab.
c. stickyHeader = false when queryParams change.
7. resultLanding.module.ts: Imported InputModule.
8. orcid-work.component.ts: Use type names from OpenaireEntities.
9. result-preview.component: Use type names from OpenaireEntities.
1. environments/: Added "fairSharingURL" and "eoscMarketplaceURL".
2. env-properties.ts: Added properties: fairSharingURL?: string, eoscMarketplaceURL?: string
3. searchFields.ts: In OpenaireEntities added type names also in singular.
4. statisticsTab.component.ts: Use type names from OpenaireEntities.
5. relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts: Updated paging and align of columns according to mocks | Use type names from OpenaireEntities.
6. dataProvider.module.ts: Added iconsService.registerIcons([graph]).
7. dataProviderInfo.ts:
a. "description" type changed from string to string[]
b. #7718: Added field provenance: Map<string, {"url": string[]}>;
c. export class DataproviderProvenance with "provenance" field with info foreach provenance type.
8. dataProvider.service.ts: Updated parsing for description and originalId (provenanve) (#7718).
9. dataProvider.component: Redesign of datasource landing page.
1. statisticsTab.component.ts: Added charts inside cards.
2. landing-header.component.ts: Updated margins according to mocks.
3. project.component.html: In #graph_and_feedback, updated offset attribute. | Updated wrapper class from "publication" to "project" | Removed "uk-margin-top" from labels section.
4. project.component.ts:
a. Added field public graph_offset: number = 0;
b. [Bug fix] Fix expressionchangedafterithasbeencheckederror - Updated when "offset" and "graph_offset" (calcGraphOffset()) is calculated.
c. [Bug fix] Updated checks in hasMetrics().
d. [Bug fix] Updated title for organizationsModal to "Partners".
5. project.module.ts: Added in constructor iconsService.registerIcons([link, graph]).
6. projectService.module.ts: Removed IconsService - icons should be registred in project.module.
7. resultLanding.component.html: In #graph_and_feedback, updated offset attribute.
8. resultLanding.component.ts: Added field public graph_offset: number = 0; | [Bug fix] Fix expressionchangedafterithasbeencheckederror - Updated when "offset" and "graph_offset" (calcGraphOffset()) is calculated.
1. addThis.component.ts: Updated social icons of addThis.
2. landing-header.component.ts: Added "uk-text-small" in subtitle.
3. metrics.component.ts: Added method "clickedMetrics()" to set "metricsClicked" | Added metricsClicked and metrics.infos conditions for loading table or iframes | Added customContainerClass and customIframeClass in <i-frame>.
4. project.component: Updated project landing page according to UI redesign.
5. project.module.ts: Import LoadingModule, IconsModule, InputModule.
6. project.service.ts: Use parsingFunctions.parseDescription.
7. projectService.module.ts: iconsService.registerIcons([link, graph]).
8. resultLanding.component.html: Small fixes in ui | Added right arrow on tooltips of actions that are links to other pages | Display of description updated as innerHtml (#7345).
9. orcid-work.component.ts: Added flex=true in <icon>.
10. input.component.ts: Added disabled?: boolean in Option interface and show disabled options as muted.
11. projectInfo.ts: Updated description to be string[] instead of string.
12. iframe.component.ts: Added @Input() customContainerClass: string = ""; and @Input() customIframeClass: string = "";
13. search-tab.component.ts: Updated according to redesign | Update "getEntityName()" to return values from OpenaireEntities.
14. tabs.component.ts: Added "uk-height-1-1" in custom tabs | In #mytabs::before set left:0.
1. fos.component.css: Removed rule "mark.highlighted" and ".custom-bottom-border" updated with variables.
2. feedback.component.html: Updated width of email input for small screens.
3. parsingFunctions.class.ts: In "parseAllSubjects()" method, comment otherSubjects and push them in subjects.
4. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Updated classes in <modal-alert>.
5. showSubjects.component.ts: "Subjects by Vocabulary" and "Subjects" separated & view more functionality added in "Subjects".
6. resultLanding.component:
a. Added button and modal for <addThis> (share in social media).
b. View more functionality for related organizations.
c. Graph and feedback section sticky.
d. Added checks for summary tab and right sidebar.
e. In small screens made right sidebar offcanvas.
7. resultLanding.module.ts: Updated iconsService.registerIcons to register link, graph, quotes.
8. orcid-work.component.ts: Added visually-hidden in icon buttons for landing | Updated classes in <modal-alert> and use buttons of alert instead of custom.
9. no-load-paging.component.ts: Use new component <results-and-pages> for results and pages number and set uk-flex-right in <paging-no-load> (default is center).
10. cookie-law.css: In ".cookie-law-wrapper" increased z-index from 100 to 1000.
11. showAuthors.component.ts: Removed shadow from search button | Updated classes in <modal-alert>.
12. icons.ts: Added "quotes" svg.
13. alert.ts: Updated modal to have header - body - footer (theme was updated too) | classTitle input set default to "uk-background-primary-opacity" | @Input() overflowBody: boolean = true; added to add overflow in body.
14. paging.module.ts: Added ResultsAndPagesNumComponent in declarations and exports.
15. pagingFormatter.component.ts: Add "uk-invisible" to previous and next buttons instead of hiding them.
16. pagingFormatterNoLoad.component.ts: Add "uk-invisible" to previous and next buttons instead of hiding them | Set customClasses default to "uk-flex-center".
17. tabs.component.ts: Updated margins/ paddings | Added @Input() offsetForSticky:number=0; to compare with the top distance for isSticky.
18. resultsAndPagesNum.component.ts: [NEW] Component to show number of results, number of pages and current page (used in paging).
19. landing-utils.css:
a. Moved variables in .landing instead of :root.
b. Added variable --landing-light-color-rgb: var(--light-color-rgb);
c. Added glass filter in #graph_and_feedback.
d. Set z-index of #main-tabs-div and #graph_and_feedback to 979 (default 980 caused problems with metrics box).
e. Added padding-bottom: 80px and margin-top: 80px in .landing-sections.
f. Added top rule for #right-sidebar-switcher.
g. Added custom width rules for .landing-left-sidebar-width.
20. css-rules.txt: Added cookie-law-wrapper: 1000 info for z-index
21. explore-custom.css: Added variable --background-primary-rgb: var(--explore-color-rgb);
1. availableOn.component.ts: Updated class of title to "uk-text-light-grey" and added custom-external icon to links and updated accessright icons.
2. citation.class.ts: Added fileFormatOptions: Option[] to use it in input options.
3. citeThis.component.ts: Updated select inputs using "input" from InputComponent | Updated copy to clipboard button to link.
4. citeThis.module.ts: Import InputModule.
5. fos.component.ts: Updated class of title to "uk-text-light-grey".
6. fundedBy.component.ts: Updated class of title to "uk-text-light-grey" and updated links with uk-text-emphasis class.
7. landing-header.component.ts: Increase authorsLimit to 7 | Changed class of "under curation" to uk-text-primary (used to be custom class).
8. metrics.component.ts: Updated in clickOutside event.
parsingFunctions.class.ts: Updated open, closed and unknown with icon names instead of paths to svgs (download accessright icons).
9. relatedTo.component.ts: Updated class of title to "uk-text-light-grey" and added custom-external for links.
10. resultLandingUtils.module.ts: Inport AlertModalModule (to open modal).
11. sdg.component.ts: Updated class of titlte to "uk-text-light-grey".
12. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Added view more functionality.
13. showPublisher.component.ts: Updated custon-external class.
14. resultLanding.module.ts: registerIcon link.
15. resultLanding.component.html: Updated css for result landing and commented annotations (b2note).
16. orcid-work.component.ts: Updated orcid action button for landing page.
17. orcid.module.ts: registerIcons orcid_add and orcid_bin.
18. customOptions.class.ts: [Bug fix] [By Kostis] registryOptions() was not returning properly httpHeaders.
19. showAuthors.component.ts: Updated css
20. icons.ts: Export svgs orcid_add, orcid_bin, link.
21. alert.ts: Removed margin from title.
22. result-preview.component.html: Title of results set to <h2> and uk-h6 and when links to uk-link-heading | accessRightIcon for hostedBy_collectedFrom.
23. result-preview.module.ts: Imported IconsModule.
24. landing-utils.css: Updates in landing css & css of landing-action-button & added backdrop filter missing rules.
25. utils.css: Updated class orcid-clipboard-wrapper and renamed to clipboad-wrapper | Update class .custom-external to set in content with code instead of name and updated not to underline it on hover
26. library.css: Added class .default-dropdown with max-width: 500px;
1. resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] In EGI Notebook, uk-text-uppercase should be in text (custom-external icon could not be loaded).
2. resultLanding.component.ts: Removed unnecessary log.
3. result-preview.component.html: Added properly "custom-external" class.
4. utils.css: In class "custom-external", set verical-align: super.
1. monitor.component.html: Filters icon changed | Print button added.
2. monitor.module.ts: Added "filters" in iconsService.registerIcons and removed "print".
3. notification-sidebar.component.css: #notifications-switcher position top changed.
4. notifications-sidebar.component.ts: In read notifications added class "uk-text-light-grey".
5. icons.ts: [NEW] svg icon "filters" added.
6. offcanvas.css: Added variable --offcanvas-button-shadow and use it for offcanvas-switcher.
7. text.css: Added variable --text-light-grey-color: var(--light-grey-color); and class "uk-text-light-grey".
8. variables.css: Added variable --light-grey-color: #6E6E6E;
9. monitor-dashboard-custom.css: Added rules ".stakeholderPage #filters_icon .start" and ".stakeholderPage #filters_icon .end" for filters svg gradient | Added rule for #print_toggle to set top position.
1. shadow.css: Added variable --shadow-main-dark.
2. offcanvas.css:
a. Set --offcanvas-shadow: var(--shadow-main-dark);
b. In class .offcanvas-switcher remove transition (will not be visible when offcanvas is open)
c. [Bug fix] In class .offcanvas-count increased font size and make background always round, added line-height: 20px.
d. In rule ".offcanvas .uk-offcanvas-bar" set border-radius to 4px.
3. notification-utils.ts: Full stop added in messages.
4. notification-sidebar.component.css: In rule "#notifications .notification-list ul" set height: calc(100% - 77px).
5. notifications-sidebar.component.ts:
a. Removed anything related to offcavnas events
b. Removed commented code
c. Added in icons visuallyHidden.
6. monitor.component.html:
a. Removed "open" class when offcanvas is open.
b. Added in icons visuallyHidden
c. Added sign in link in filters when user is not logged in
d. Added uk-text-small class in "Clear".
7. monitor.component.ts:
a. Removed anything related to offcavnas events
b. Added method "logIn()".
1. landing-header.component.ts: Remove from <showTitle>, isH1 input.
2. metrics.component.ts: On metrics error, emit also "pageViews: 0".
3. showTitle.component.ts: Remove "isH1" input property and add in title class uk-h5 always.
4. resultLanding.component.html: Redesign (currently broken) of result landing page.
5. orcid-work.component.ts: Remove label "Add to / Remove from ORCID".
6. import.css: Import "landing-utils.css".
7. landing-utils.css: Comment all existing css rules and add new.
1. offcanvas.css: [NEW] Custom css for custom 'offcanvas' classes.
2. import.css: Import new file offcanvas.css
3. structure.css: Removed custom css for notifications offcanvas.
4. monitor.component.ts: Added property "offcanvasOpen" which is set on UIkit.util.on events for offcavnas "#style_switcher" (filters).
5. monitor.component.html: Added "offcanvas-switcher", "offcanvas", "offcanvas-close" classes | Small changes in close button, switcher button and message.
6. monitor-dashboard-custom.css: For #filters_switcher_toggle only top is defined here. Now css will be imported by offcanvas.css file.
7. notification-user.component.ts: Updated default value for property 'colorClass' from 'portal-color' to 'uk-text-primary'.
8. notifications-sidebar.component.ts:
a. Added property "offcanvasOpen" which is set on UIkit.util.on events for offcavnas "#notifications".
b. Added "offcanvas-switcher", "offcanvas", "offcanvas-close" classes
c. Small changes in close button, switcher button and font sizes.
9. notifications-sidebar.module.ts: Removed iconsService.registerIcons from constructor.
10. notification-sidebar.component.css: Unnecessary css removed | css updated and moved to new file offcanvas.css.
1. layout.service.ts: Added "activeMenuItemSubject" to keep value of data['activeMenuItem'].
2. menu.ts: Removed "markAsActive" (not used) | Set RootMenuItem as deprecated (should use only MenuItem) | Added "isTheActiveMenuItem()" method to check if a MenuItem (root or not / sidebar or navbar) is active.
3. navigationBar.component.ts: Updated "isTheActiveMenu()" method to call MenuItem.isTheActiveMenu() | Removed method "isTheActiveMenuItem()".
4. navigationBar.component.html: Always call "isTheActiveMenu()" method.
5. sideBar.component.ts: Added "get currentRoute()" and updated method "isTheActiveMenuItem()".
6. tabs.component.ts: [Bug fix] Removed [class.uk-active] from <li> of tabs (since small-tabs are not currently used it is ok to remove this) - caused by version update of Uikit.
7. monitor-routing.module.ts: Set activeMenuItem: "dashboard" for any path under a stakeholder that has nothing or anything under a topic. | Set activeMenuItem: "search" in paths under search.
8. app-routing.module.ts: Set activeMenuItem: "manage" for paths under admin/:stakeholder.
9. app.component.ts: Updated menu in Admin Dashboard (all items visible and logo of monitor used) | Set value for MenuItem.routeActive when adding menu items of topics and users.
"/resources2/?format=json&query= ( (reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver-openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire3.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire4.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire-cris_1.1 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0_data or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact hostedBy or relproject=*) ) &refine=true&fields=country&&type=organizations&page=0&size=0",
// "/resources2/?format=json&query= ( (reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver-openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire3.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire4.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire-cris_1.1 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0_data or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact hostedBy or relproject=*) ) &refine=true&fields=country&&type=organizations&page=0&size=0",
"/resources2/?format=json&refine=true&fields=country&&type=organizations&fq=(reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver-openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire3.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire4.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire-cris_1.1 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0_data or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact hostedBy or relproject=*)&page=0&size=0&minRef=true",
"/resources2/?format=json&size=0&type=organizations&fq=(reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver-openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire3.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire4.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire-cris_1.1 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0_data or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact hostedBy or relproject=*)",
[attr.uk-tooltip]="'title:<divclass=\'uk-marginuk-padding-small\'>The link information will be added in the portal and the APIs in the next content provision workflow.</div>'"
[routerLink]="path"class="uk-link uk-link-heading"[class.uk-disabled]="!linkAvailable">{{entity.title?entity.title:"[No title available]"}}</a>
<a*ngIf="externalPortalUrl"[href]="externalPortalUrl+path+'?'+param+'='+entity.openaireId"class="uk-link uk-link-heading custom-external"[class.uk-disabled]="!linkAvailable">{{entity.title?entity.title:"[No title available]"}}</a>
// let url = properties.searchOrcidURL+'search?defType=edismax&q='+term+'&qf=given-name^1.0+family-name^2.0+other-names^1.0+credit-name^1.0&start=0&rows=10';
leturl=/*properties.searchOrcidURL +*/'https://pub.orcid.org/v3.0/expanded-search?q='+StringUtils.URIEncode('{!edismax qf="given-and-family-names^50.0 family-name^10.0 given-names^10.0 credit-name^10.0 other-names^5.0 text^1.0" pf="given-and-family-names^50.0" bq="current-institution-affiliation-name:[* TO *]^100.0 past-institution-affiliation-name:[* TO *]^70" mm=1}')+term+'&start=0&rows='+size;
// given-and-family-names^50.0 family-name^10.0 given-names^10.0 credit-name^10.0 other-names^5.0 text^1.0" pf="given-and-family-names^50.0" bq="current-institution-affiliation-name:[* TO *]^100.0 past-institution-affiliation-name:[* TO *]^70" mm=1}
vardescription="Linking is a functionality provided by OpenAIRE, in order to link research results with a project, a research community or other research results.";
@ -69,13 +88,13 @@ export class LinkingGenericComponent {
<h6class="uk-text-bold uk-margin-small-bottom uk-text-nowrap">Research Community or Infrastructure <spanclass="uk-text-danger uk-text-bold">*</span></h6>
<inputclass="uk-input uk-width-1"type="text"placeholder="Your community name"formControlName="community"
uk-tooltip="title:<divclass='uk-padding-small uk-width-large'><divclass='uk-text-bold '> Enable or disable help text to show or hide it from the dashboard</div></div>"
uk-tooltip="title:<divclass='uk-padding-small uk-width-large'><divclass='uk-text-bold '> Enable or disable help text to show or hide it from the dashboard</div></div>"