[develop | DONE | FIXED]: orcid-work.component.ts: [Bug fix] Show tooltip when button is disabled & When in beta environment, do not call query to get put codes, always disable buttons and show tooltip about not available feature on beta.
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,88 +22,54 @@ declare var UIkit: any;
template: `
<ng-container *ngIf="pageType == 'landing' || pageType == 'search'">
<span *ngIf="!putCodes || putCodes.length == 0"
(click)="currentAction='add'; saveWorkPreparation();"
[class.uk-disabled]="showLoading || !isLoggedIn || (!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0))"
[class.clickable]="!showLoading && isLoggedIn && (pids || (identifiers && identifiers.size > 0))"
[ngClass]="isMobile && pageType == 'landing' ? ' uk-width-1-1' : ''"
[attr.uk-tooltip]="isMobile? 'cls: uk-invisible' : 'pos: bottom; cls: uk-active uk-text-small uk-padding-small'"
[title]="((!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0)) || !isLoggedIn) ? ((!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0)) ? tooltipNoPid : tooltipNoLoggedInUser) : tooltipAdd">
<a class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-button-link"
[ngClass]="isMobile && !(pageType == 'landing') ? 'uk-margin-left' : ''"
[class.uk-text-bolder]="!(isMobile && pageType == 'landing')"
[class.uk-text-muted]="showLoading || !isLoggedIn || (!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0))"
(mouseover)="hoverEvent($event)" (mouseout)="hoverEvent($event)">
<icon *ngIf="!showLoading" [class.text-orcid]="!showLoading && isLoggedIn && (pids || identifiers?.size > 0)"
[class.uk-text-muted]="showLoading || !isLoggedIn || (!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0))"
name="orcid_add" [ratio]="(isMobile && pageType == 'search') ? 0.7 : 1" visuallyHidden="add"></icon>
<span *ngIf="showLoading" class="uk-icon"><loading
[top_margin]="false" [size]="'small'"></loading></span>
<span [ngClass]="(isMobile && pageType == 'landing') ? 'uk-margin-small-left' : 'uk-margin-xsmall-left'">Claim</span>
<div *ngIf="isMobile && pageType == 'landing'" class="uk-margin-xsmall-top uk-padding uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-text-meta uk-text-xsmall"
[innerHTML]="((!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0)) || !isLoggedIn) ? ((!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0)) ? tooltipNoPid : tooltipNoLoggedInUser) : tooltipAdd"></div>
[ngClass]="isMobile && pageType == 'landing' ? ' uk-width-1-1' : ''"
[attr.uk-tooltip]="isMobile? 'cls: uk-invisible' : 'pos: bottom; cls: uk-active uk-text-small uk-padding-small'"
[title]="(noPids || !isLoggedIn) ? ((noPids) ? tooltipNoPid : tooltipNoLoggedInUser) : tooltipAdd">
<span (click)="currentAction='add'; saveWorkPreparation();"
<a class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-button-link"
[ngClass]="isMobile && !(pageType == 'landing') ? 'uk-margin-left' : ''"
[class.uk-text-bolder]="!(isMobile && pageType == 'landing')"
<icon *ngIf="!showLoading" [class.text-orcid]="properties.environment != 'beta' && !showLoading && isLoggedIn && (pids || identifiers?.size > 0)"
name="orcid_add" [ratio]="(isMobile && pageType == 'search') ? 0.7 : 1" visuallyHidden="add"></icon>
<span *ngIf="showLoading" class="uk-icon"><loading
[top_margin]="false" [size]="'small'"></loading></span>
<span [ngClass]="(isMobile && pageType == 'landing') ? 'uk-margin-small-left' : 'uk-margin-xsmall-left'">Claim</span>
<div *ngIf="isMobile && pageType == 'landing'" class="uk-margin-xsmall-top uk-padding uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-text-meta uk-text-xsmall"
[innerHTML]="(noPids || !isLoggedIn) ? ((noPids) ? tooltipNoPid : tooltipNoLoggedInUser) : tooltipAdd"></div>
<span *ngIf="putCodes && putCodes.length > 0"
(click)="currentAction='delete'; deleteWorks();"
[class.uk-disabled]="showLoading || !isLoggedIn || (!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0))"
[class.clickable]="!showLoading && isLoggedIn && (pids || (identifiers && identifiers.size > 0))"
[ngClass]="isMobile && pageType == 'landing' ? ' uk-width-1-1' : ''"
<span *ngIf="putCodes && putCodes.length > 0" [ngClass]="isMobile && pageType == 'landing' ? ' uk-width-1-1' : ''"
[attr.uk-tooltip]="isMobile? 'cls: uk-invisible' : 'pos: bottom; cls: uk-active uk-text-small uk-padding-small'"
[title]="((!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0)) || !isLoggedIn) ? ((!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0)) ? tooltipNoPid : tooltipNoLoggedInUser) : tooltipDelete">
<a class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-button-link"
[ngClass]="isMobile && !(pageType == 'landing') ? 'uk-margin-left' : ''"
[class.uk-text-bolder]="!(isMobile && pageType == 'landing')"
[class.uk-text-muted]="showLoading || !isLoggedIn || (!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0))"
(mouseover)="hoverEvent($event, 'delete')" (mouseout)="hoverEvent($event, 'delete')">
<icon *ngIf="!showLoading" [class.text-orcid]="!showLoading && isLoggedIn && (pids || identifiers?.size > 0)"
[class.uk-text-muted]="showLoading || !isLoggedIn || (!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0))"
name="orcid_bin" [ratio]="(isMobile && pageType == 'search') ? 0.7 : 1" visuallyHidden="delete"></icon>
<span *ngIf="showLoading" class="uk-icon"><loading
[top_margin]="false" [size]="'small'"></loading></span>
<span [ngClass]="(isMobile && pageType == 'landing') ? 'uk-margin-small-left' : 'uk-margin-xsmall-left'">Remove</span>
<div *ngIf="isMobile && pageType == 'landing'" class="uk-margin-xsmall-top uk-padding uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-text-meta uk-text-xsmall"
[innerHTML]="((!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0)) || !isLoggedIn) ? ((!pids && (!identifiers || identifiers.size == 0)) ? tooltipNoPid : tooltipNoLoggedInUser) : tooltipDelete"></div>
[title]="(noPids || !isLoggedIn) ? ((noPids) ? tooltipNoPid : tooltipNoLoggedInUser) : tooltipDelete">
<span (click)="currentAction='delete'; deleteWorks();"
<a class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-button-link"
[ngClass]="isMobile && !(pageType == 'landing') ? 'uk-margin-left' : ''"
[class.uk-text-bolder]="!(isMobile && pageType == 'landing')"
<icon *ngIf="!showLoading" [class.text-orcid]="!showLoading && isLoggedIn && (pids || identifiers?.size > 0)"
name="orcid_bin" [ratio]="(isMobile && pageType == 'search') ? 0.7 : 1" visuallyHidden="delete"></icon>
<span *ngIf="showLoading" class="uk-icon"><loading
[top_margin]="false" [size]="'small'"></loading></span>
<span [ngClass]="(isMobile && pageType == 'landing') ? 'uk-margin-small-left' : 'uk-margin-xsmall-left'">Remove</span>
<div *ngIf="isMobile && pageType == 'landing'" class="uk-margin-xsmall-top uk-padding uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-text-meta uk-text-xsmall"
[innerHTML]="(noPids || !isLoggedIn) ? ((noPids) ? tooltipNoPid : tooltipNoLoggedInUser) : tooltipDelete"></div>
<!-- Old 'remove' code -->
<!-- <span *ngIf="putCodes && putCodes.length > 0"
[attr.uk-tooltip]="'pos: bottom; cls: uk-active uk-text-small uk-padding-small'"
[title]="(!pids || !isLoggedIn) ? (!pids ? tooltipNoPid : tooltipNoLoggedInUser) : tooltipDelete">
<a *ngIf="!showLoading" (click)="currentAction='delete'; deleteWorks();"
class="uk-icon-button uk-icon landing-action-button landing-action-button-orcid"
[class.uk-disabled]="showLoading || !isLoggedIn || !pids"
(mouseover)="hoverEvent($event, 'delete')" (mouseout)="hoverEvent($event, 'delete')">
<icon *ngIf="!hoverDelete" name="orcid_bin" ratio="1.1" visuallyHidden="delete"></icon>
<icon *ngIf="hoverDelete" name="delete_outline" class="uk-text-danger" visuallyHidden="delete"></icon>
<span *ngIf="showLoading" class="uk-icon icon-button uk-icon-button-small"><loading
[top_margin]="false" [size]="'small'"></loading></span>
</span> -->
<modal-alert *ngIf="!isMobile" #grantModal [overflowBody]=false (alertOutput)="openGrantWindow()">
<!-- <div class="uk-margin-medium-top uk-align-right">-->
<!-- <button (click)="closeGrantModal()" type="submit"-->
<!-- class="uk-button uk-padding-small uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-button-default">-->
<!-- <span>Cancel</span>-->
<!-- </button>-->
<!-- <button (click)="openGrantWindow()" type="submit"-->
<!-- class="uk-button uk-padding-small uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-margin-left uk-button-primary">-->
<!-- <span>Grant OpenAIRE</span>-->
<!-- </button>-->
<!--<!– <button (click)="openGrantWindow()" type="submit"–>-->
<!--<!– class="uk-button uk-padding-small uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-margin-left orcid-button">–>-->
<!--<!– <img src="assets/common-assets/common/ORCIDiD_icon16x16.png" alt="">{{" "}}–>-->
<!--<!– <span>Create or Connect your ORCID iD</span>–>-->
<!--<!– </button>–>-->
<!-- </div>-->
@ -292,18 +258,6 @@ declare var UIkit: any;
<!-- <div class="uk-margin-medium-top uk-align-right">-->
<!-- <button (click)="closePropagationModal()" type="submit"-->
<!-- class="uk-button uk-padding-small uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-button-default">-->
<!-- <span>Cancel</span>-->
<!-- </button>-->
<!-- <button (click)="confirmedPropagation()" type="submit"-->
<!-- class="uk-button uk-padding-small uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-margin-left uk-button-primary">-->
<!-- <span>Continue</span>-->
<!-- </button>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<fs-modal #propagationFsModal classTitle="uk-tile-default uk-border-bottom">
@ -369,9 +323,6 @@ export class OrcidWorkComponent {
public hasConsent: boolean = false;
public currentAction: string = "";
public hoverAdd: boolean = false;
public hoverDelete: boolean = false;
public properties: EnvProperties = properties;
public openaireEntities = OpenaireEntities;
@ -391,24 +342,26 @@ export class OrcidWorkComponent {
ngOnInit() {
this.subscriptions.push(this.userManagementService.getUserInfo().subscribe(user => {
if (user) {
this.isLoggedIn = true;
if (!this.givenPutCode) {
if(this.properties.environment != 'beta') {
this.subscriptions.push(this.userManagementService.getUserInfo().subscribe(user => {
if (user) {
this.isLoggedIn = true;
if (!this.givenPutCode) {
} else {
this.isLoggedIn = false;
} else {
}, error => {
this.isLoggedIn = false;
if (properties.dashboard == 'irish') {
this.subscriptions.push(this._userProfileService.getUserProfile().subscribe(userProfile => {
this.hasConsent = userProfile.consent;
}, error => {
this.hasConsent = false;
}, error => {
this.isLoggedIn = false;
if(properties.dashboard == 'irish'){
this.subscriptions.push(this._userProfileService.getUserProfile().subscribe(userProfile => {
this.hasConsent = userProfile.consent;
}, error =>{
this.hasConsent = false;
@ -894,13 +847,18 @@ export class OrcidWorkComponent {
this.showLoading = false;
get tooltipBETA() {
// return "Login to the production environment to add works to your <span class=\"text-orcid\">ORCID</span> record";
return "Add or delete a work from your <span class=\"text-orcid\">ORCID</span> record. This feature is not available on BETA.";
get tooltipAdd() {
return "Add this work to your <span class=\"text-orcid\">ORCID</span> record" + ((properties.environment == "beta") ? ". The action will affect your real ORCID iD." : "");
return (properties.environment == "beta") ? this.tooltipBETA : ("Add this work to your <span class=\"text-orcid\">ORCID</span> record" + ((properties.environment == "test") ? ". The action will affect your real ORCID iD." : ""));
get tooltipDelete() {
return "Delete this work from your <span class=\"text-orcid\">ORCID</span> record" + ((properties.environment == "beta") ? ". The action will affect your real ORCID iD." : "");
return "Delete this work from your <span class=\"text-orcid\">ORCID</span> record" + ((properties.environment == "test") ? ". The action will affect your real ORCID iD." : "");
get tooltipNoPid() {
@ -908,16 +866,14 @@ export class OrcidWorkComponent {
get tooltipNoLoggedInUser() {
return "Add or delete a work from your <span class=\"text-orcid\">ORCID</span> record. Please log in first."
return (properties.environment == "beta") ? this.tooltipBETA : "Add or delete a work from your <span class=\"text-orcid\">ORCID</span> record. Please log in first."
hoverEvent($event, action: string = "add") {
if (action == "add") {
this.hoverAdd = $event.type == "mouseover";
this.hoverDelete = false;
} else if (action == "delete") {
this.hoverDelete = $event.type == "mouseover";
this.hoverAdd = false;
get isDisabled() {
return (this.properties.environment == 'beta' || this.showLoading || !this.isLoggedIn || (!this.pids && (!this.identifiers || this.identifiers.size == 0)));
get noPids() {
return (!this.pids && (!this.identifiers || this.identifiers.size == 0));
Reference in New Issue