task_21890: enhancements #2

francesco.mangiacrapa merged 38 commits from task_21890 into master 3 years ago

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<classpathentry kind="src" output="target/geoportal-data-viewer-app-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/classes" path="src/main/java">
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@ -35,6 +35,5 @@
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<classpathentry kind="output" path="target/geoportal-data-viewer-app-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/classes"/>

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@ -1,13 +1,37 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project-modules id="moduleCoreId" project-version="1.5.0">
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@ -15,7 +39,19 @@
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources"/>
@ -23,7 +59,19 @@
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@ -31,15 +79,57 @@
<wb-resource deploy-path="/WEB-INF/classes" source-path="/target/generated-sources/gwt"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/WEB-INF/classes" source-path="/src/main/java"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/WEB-INF/classes" source-path="/src/main/resources"/>
<dependent-module archiveName="geoportal-data-common-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" deploy-path="/WEB-INF/lib" handle="module:/resource/geoportal-data-common/geoportal-data-common">
@ -47,13 +137,37 @@
<property name="java-output-path" value="/geoportal-data-viewer-app/target/geoportal-data-viewer-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<property name="context-root" value="geoportal-data-viewer-app"/>
@ -61,7 +175,19 @@

@ -4,20 +4,32 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [v2.0.0-SNAPSHOT] - 2021-07-30
#### Enhancements
- [#21890] Porting to ConcessioniManagerI and pass to mongoID
- [#20595] Porting and using the model view provided by geoportal-common
- [#21946] Show layers of a concessione automatically on map according to zoom level
- [#21976] Access policies checked on server-side
- [#22042] Implemented the public access
- [#22040] Revisited the "Abstract and Relazione di Scavo"
- [#22041] Files have been ported to FileSet model
## [v1.2.0-SNAPSHOT] - 2021-07-19
#### Enhancements
[#21847] Integrated with an Image and LighBox gallery for images
Moved to maven-portal-bom 3.6.3
- [#21847] Integrated with an Image and LighBox gallery for images
- Moved to maven-portal-bom 3.6.3
## [v1.1.0] - 2020-12-21
#### Enhancements
[#20357] Improvements feedback-driven
- [#20357] Improvements feedback-driven
## [v1.0.0] - 2020-12-09
[#20004] First release
- [#20004] First release

@ -7,6 +7,13 @@ The GeoPortal Data Viewer App is an application to access, discovery and navigat
* [OpenJDK](https://openjdk.java.net/) - The JDK used
* [Maven](https://maven.apache.org/) - Dependency Management
* GWT v.2.9.0. [GWT](http://www.gwtproject.org) is licensed under [Apache License 2.0](http://www.gwtproject.org/terms.html)
* GWT-Bootstrap v. [GWT-Bootstrap](https://github.com/gwtbootstrap) is licensed under [[Apache License 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
* GWT-OpenLayers 3+ v.8.0.0-gwt2_9. [GWT-OL3](https://github.com/TDesjardins/gwt-ol)
* OpenLayers v.6.X. [OpenLayers](https://openlayers.org/) is licensed under [BSD 2-Clause "Simplified"](https://github.com/openlayers/openlayers/blob/main/LICENSE.md)
## Documentation

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<name>GeoPortal Data Viewer App</name>
<description>The GeoPortal Data Viewer App is an application to access, discovery and navigate the GeoNa products by a Web-Map Interface</description>
@ -179,6 +179,11 @@
<version>[1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)</version>

@ -5,20 +5,26 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaDataViewerProfile;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaItemRef;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.LayerItem;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.RecordDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MapEventType;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.AddedLayerToMapEvent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.AddedLayerToMapEventHandler;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.ClosedViewDetailsEvent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.ClosedViewDetailsEventHandler;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.MapExtentToEvent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.MapExtentToEventHandler;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.QueryDataEvent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.ShowDetailsEvent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.ShowDetailsEventHandler;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.ZoomOutOverMinimumEvent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.ZoomOutOverMinimumEventHandler;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.ExtentWrapped;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.MapUtils;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.GeonaDataViewMainPanel;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.util.URLUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.GeoQuery;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.RecordDV;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
@ -40,7 +46,7 @@ import ol.Coordinate;
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Oct 27, 2020
* Oct 27, 2020
public class GeoportalDataViewer implements EntryPoint {
@ -48,37 +54,34 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewer implements EntryPoint {
public final static String APP_DIV = "geoportal-data-viewer";
/** The ol map. */
//private OpenLayerOSM olMap = null;
// private OpenLayerOSM olMap = null;
/** The main panel. */
private GeonaDataViewMainPanel mainPanel;
/** The param wms request. */
private String paramWmsRequest;
/** The param UUID. */
//private String paramUUID;
// private String paramUUID;
private String paramGeonaItemType;
/** The param layer title. */
private String paramLayerTitle;
private HandlerManager applicationBus = new HandlerManager("");
/** The layer manager. */
private LayerManager layerManager = new LayerManager(applicationBus);
private String paramGeonaItemID;
private GeoNaDataViewerProfile geonaDataViewerProfile;
private OLMapManager olMapMng = null;
int attempt = 0;
* This is the entry point method.
@ -124,14 +127,14 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewer implements EntryPoint {
GWT.log(GeoportalDataViewerConstants.GET_LAYER_TITLE + " = " + paramLayerTitle);
try {
if (paramGeonaItemID != null)
} catch (Exception e) {
Window.alert("Bad format for parameter " + GeoportalDataViewerConstants.GET_GEONA_ITEM_ID
+ ". It must be a Long");
paramGeonaItemID = null;
// try {
// if (paramGeonaItemID != null)
// Long.parseLong(paramGeonaItemID);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// Window.alert("Bad format for parameter " + GeoportalDataViewerConstants.GET_GEONA_ITEM_ID
// + ". It must be a Long");
// paramGeonaItemID = null;
// }
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
@ -165,9 +168,12 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewer implements EntryPoint {
GWT.log("The layerItem is: " + layerItem);
GWT.log("ON module load The layerItem is: " + layerItem);
String layerName = URLUtil.getValueOfParameter("layers", layerItem.getWmsLink());
layerManager.addLayer(theItemType, null, null, layerItem.getWmsLink(), false, false,
null, true);
null, false, null, null,null);
if (paramGeonaItemID != null) {
if (paramGeonaItemType == null) {
@ -177,7 +183,7 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewer implements EntryPoint {
+ paramGeonaItemID);
GeoNaItemRef gir = new GeoNaItemRef(new Long(paramGeonaItemID), paramGeonaItemType);
GeoNaItemRef gir = new GeoNaItemRef(paramGeonaItemID, paramGeonaItemType);
applicationBus.fireEvent(new ShowDetailsEvent(gir, null, null));
@ -189,9 +195,7 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewer implements EntryPoint {
* Update window size.
@ -200,91 +204,93 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewer implements EntryPoint {
int rootHeight = getClientHeight();
int height = rootHeight;
GWT.log("Set height: "+height);
GWT.log("Set height: " + height);
public int getClientHeight() {
RootPanel principalDiv = RootPanel.get(APP_DIV);
int topBorder = principalDiv.getAbsoluteTop();
int rootHeight = Window.getClientHeight() - topBorder;
return rootHeight;
* Bind events.
private void bindEvents() {
applicationBus.addHandler(ShowDetailsEvent.TYPE, new ShowDetailsEventHandler() {
public void onShowDetails(ShowDetailsEvent showDetailsEvent) {
GWT.log("Fired event: "+showDetailsEvent);
Long id = showDetailsEvent.getGeonaID();
GWT.log("Fired event: " + showDetailsEvent);
if(id==null) {
String geonaMongoId = showDetailsEvent.getGeonaMongoID();
if (geonaMongoId == null) {
Window.alert("Item Id not found");
boolean found = false;
GWT.log("Product with id: "+id+" found? "+found);
if(!found) {
if(showDetailsEvent.getGeonaItemType().equalsIgnoreCase("Concessione")) {
GeoportalDataViewerServiceAsync.Util.getInstance().getConcessioneForId(id, new AsyncCallback<ConcessioneDV>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(ConcessioneDV concessioneDV) {
GWT.log("Showing: "+concessioneDV);
mainPanel.showAsDetails(concessioneDV, showDetailsEvent.getGeonaItemRef());
GWT.log("Product with id: " + geonaMongoId + " found? " + found);
if (!found) {
if (showDetailsEvent.getGeonaItemType().equalsIgnoreCase("Concessione")) {
new AsyncCallback<ConcessioneDV>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(ConcessioneDV concessioneDV) {
GWT.log("Showing: " + concessioneDV);
mainPanel.showAsDetails(concessioneDV, showDetailsEvent.getGeonaItemRef());
applicationBus.addHandler(AddedLayerToMapEvent.TYPE, new AddedLayerToMapEventHandler() {
public void onLayerRendered(AddedLayerToMapEvent addedLayerToMapEvent) {
GWT.log("Fired AddedLayerToMapEvent "+addedLayerToMapEvent.getLayerItem());
//GeoportalDataViewerConstants.print("Fired AddedLayerToMapEvent "+addedLayerToMapEvent.getLayerItem());
GWT.log("Fired AddedLayerToMapEvent " + addedLayerToMapEvent.getLayerItem());
// GeoportalDataViewerConstants.print("Fired AddedLayerToMapEvent
// "+addedLayerToMapEvent.getLayerItem());
try {
attempt = 0;
if(paramGeonaItemID!=null) {
//waiting for record retrieved by service before calling the WFS
final int MAX_RETRY = 7;
if (paramGeonaItemID != null) {
// waiting for record retrieved by service before calling the WFS
final int MAX_RETRY = 15;
Timer timer = new com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer() {
public void run() {
GWT.log("waiting got record tenative: "+attempt);
GWT.log("waiting get record: " + attempt);
RecordDV record = mainPanel.getDisplyedRecord();
if(record!=null) {
if (record != null) {
GWT.log("cancelled timer");
if(attempt>MAX_RETRY) {
if (attempt > MAX_RETRY) {
GWT.log("MAX_RETRY reached, cancelled timer");
@ -292,54 +298,70 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewer implements EntryPoint {
}catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
applicationBus.addHandler(ZoomOutOverMinimumEvent.TYPE, new ZoomOutOverMinimumEventHandler() {
public void onZoomOut(ZoomOutOverMinimumEvent zoomOutEvent) {
if(mainPanel.getDisplyedRecord()==null && !olMapMng.isQueryPointActive()) {
if (mainPanel.getDisplyedRecord() == null && !olMapMng.isQueryPointActive()) {
applicationBus.addHandler(ClosedViewDetailsEvent.TYPE, new ClosedViewDetailsEventHandler() {
public void onClosed(ClosedViewDetailsEvent closedViewDetailsEvent) {
applicationBus.addHandler(MapExtentToEvent.TYPE, new MapExtentToEventHandler() {
public void onExtentEvent(MapExtentToEvent mapExtentToEvent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private void performWFSQueryOnCentroid(RecordDV record) {
if(record!=null) {
GWT.log("record instanceof ConcessioneDV: " +(record instanceof ConcessioneDV));
//GeoportalDataViewerConstants.print("record instanceof ConcessioneDV: " +(record instanceof ConcessioneDV));
if(record instanceof ConcessioneDV) {
if (record != null) {
GWT.log("record instanceof ConcessioneDV: " + (record instanceof ConcessioneDV) + " with mongo item id: "
+ record.getItemId());
// GeoportalDataViewerConstants.print("record instanceof ConcessioneDV: "
// +(record instanceof ConcessioneDV));
if (record instanceof ConcessioneDV) {
ConcessioneDV concessioneDV = (ConcessioneDV) record;
Double x = concessioneDV.getCentroidLong();
Double y = concessioneDV.getCentroidLat();
GWT.log("X: "+x +", Y:"+y);
if(x!=null && y!=null) {
Coordinate transfCoord = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(new Coordinate(x, y), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_4326, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_3857);
GeoQuery select = olMapMng.toDataPointQuery(transfCoord);
GWT.log("GeoQuery: "+select);
//GeoportalDataViewerConstants.print("fireEvent QueryDataEvent");
layerManager.getLayerManagerBus().fireEvent(new QueryDataEvent(select, transfCoord, record.getId(), true));
}else {
GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJs("I cannot select the point one or both coordiantes are null. X: "+x +", Y:"+y);
GWT.log("X: " + x + ", Y:" + y);
if (x != null && y != null) {
Coordinate transfCoord = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(new Coordinate(x, y),
MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_4326.getName(), MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_3857.getName());
GeoQuery select = olMapMng.toDataPointQuery(transfCoord, false);
GWT.log("GeoQuery: " + select);
// GeoportalDataViewerConstants.print("fireEvent QueryDataEvent");
ExtentWrapped toExt = new ExtentWrapped(transfCoord.getX(), transfCoord.getY(), transfCoord.getX(), transfCoord.getY());
layerManager.getLayerManagerBus().fireEvent(new QueryDataEvent(select, toExt,
record.getItemId(), true, MapEventType.ADDED_CENTROID_LAYER_TO_MAP));
} else {
"I cannot select the point one or both coordiantes are null. X: " + x + ", Y:" + y);

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.ConvertToDataViewModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.OpenLayersMapParameters;
import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.DateTimeFormat;
* The Class GeoportalDataViewerConstants.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 24, 2020
* Nov 24, 2020
public class GeoportalDataViewerConstants {
public static final String EPSG_4326 = "EPSG:4326";
public static final String EPSG_3857 = "EPSG:3857";
public static final String MAP_DIV = "map";
public static final String GET_WMS_PARAMETER = "wmsrequest";
public static final String GET_GEONA_ITEM_TYPE = "git";
public static final String GET_GEONA_ITEM_ID = "gid";
@ -24,28 +24,57 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerConstants {
public static final String GET_MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL = OpenLayersMapParameters.OL_MAP_PARAM.maxzoomlevel.name();
public static final String GET_ZOOM = OpenLayersMapParameters.OL_MAP_PARAM.zoom.name();
public static final String GET_CENTER_MAP_TO_LONG_LAT = OpenLayersMapParameters.OL_MAP_PARAM.centermap.name();
public static enum MapEventType {
* The Enum LayerType.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 24, 2020
* Nov 24, 2020
public static final int MAX_WFS_FEATURES = 3; // zero for no limit
public enum LayerType {
public static DateTimeFormat DT_FORMAT = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(ConvertToDataViewModel.DATE_FORMAT);
public static final int MAX_WFS_FEATURES = 10; // zero for no limit
public static final String NEW_LINE_BR = "<br/>";
public static enum MAP_PROJECTION {
EPSG_4326("4326", "EPSG:4326"), EPSG_3857("3857", "EPSG:3857");
String id;
String name;
MAP_PROJECTION(String id, String name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public static final double ITALY_CENTER_LONG = 12.45;
public static final double ITALY_CENTER_LAT = 42.98;
public static final int LIGHT_MAP_ITALY_FIT_ZOOM_ON = 5;
public static final int MAP_ITALY_FIT_ZOOM_ON = 6;
public static final int MAP_ITALY_FIT_ZOOM_ON = 5;
* Prints the.
@ -53,8 +82,25 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerConstants {
* @param msg the msg
public static native void printJs(String msg)/*-{
console.log("js console: "+msg);
console.log("js console: " + msg);
* Prints the.
* @param msg the msg
public static native void printJsObj(Object object)/*-{
console.log("js obj: " + JSON.stringify(object, null, 4));
* Prints the.
* @param msg the msg
public static native String toJsonObj(Object object)/*-{
return JSON.stringify(object);

@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaDataViewerProfile;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaItemRef;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.LayerConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.GeoNaSpatialQueryResult;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.LayerObject;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms.GeoInformationForWMSRequest;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.RemoteService;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.RemoteServiceRelativePath;
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.RemoteServiceRelativePath;
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 17, 2020
* Nov 17, 2020
public interface GeoportalDataViewerService extends RemoteService {
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ public interface GeoportalDataViewerService extends RemoteService {
* Parses the wms request.
* @param wmsRequest the wms request
* @param layerName the layer name
* @param layerName the layer name
* @return the geo information for WMS request
* @throws Exception the exception
@ -37,11 +38,11 @@ public interface GeoportalDataViewerService extends RemoteService {
* Gets the data result.
* @param layerObjects the layer objects
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param mapBBOX the map BBOX
* @param layerObjects the layer objects
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param mapBBOX the map BBOX
* @param maxWFSFeature the max WFS feature
* @param zoomLevel the zoom level
* @param zoomLevel the zoom level
* @return the data result
List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> getDataResult(List<LayerObject> layerObjects, String mapSrsName, BoundsMap mapBBOX,
@ -50,11 +51,11 @@ public interface GeoportalDataViewerService extends RemoteService {
* Gets the concessione for id.
* @param id the id
* @param mongoId the mongo id
* @return the concessione for id
* @throws Exception the exception
ConcessioneDV getConcessioneForId(Long id) throws Exception;
ConcessioneDV getConcessioneForId(String mongoId) throws Exception;
* Gets the my login.
@ -84,12 +85,12 @@ public interface GeoportalDataViewerService extends RemoteService {
* Gets the uploaded images for id.
* @param itemType the item type
* @param id the id
* @param itemId the item id
* @param maxImages the max images
* @return the uploaded images for id
* @throws Exception the exception
* @throws Exception
List<UploadedImageDV> getUploadedImagesForId(String itemType, Long id, int maxImages) throws Exception;
List<UploadedImageDV> getUploadedImagesForId(String itemType, String itemId, Integer maxImages) throws Exception;
* Gets the public links for.
@ -100,4 +101,28 @@ public interface GeoportalDataViewerService extends RemoteService {
GeoNaItemRef getPublicLinksFor(GeoNaItemRef item) throws Exception;
* Gets the layers for id.
* @param itemType the item type
* @param itemId the item id
* @return the layers for id
* @throws Exception the exception
List<LayerConcessioneDV> getLayersForId(String itemType, String itemId) throws Exception;
* Gets the WFS features.
* @param layerObjects the layer objects
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param selectBBOX the select BBOX
* @param maxWFSFeature the max WFS feature
* @param zoomLevel the zoom level
* @return the WFS features
List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> getWFSFeatures(List<LayerObject> layerObjects, String mapSrsName,
BoundsMap selectBBOX, int maxWFSFeature, double zoomLevel);

@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaDataViewerProfile;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaItemRef;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.LayerConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.GeoNaSpatialQueryResult;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.LayerObject;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms.GeoInformationForWMSRequest;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback;
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ public interface GeoportalDataViewerServiceAsync {
void getDataResult(List<LayerObject> layerObjects, String mapSrsName, BoundsMap mapBBOX, int maxWFSFeature, double zoomLevel,
AsyncCallback<List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult>> callback);
void getConcessioneForId(Long id, AsyncCallback<ConcessioneDV> callback);
void getConcessioneForId(String mongoId, AsyncCallback<ConcessioneDV> callback);
void getMyLogin(AsyncCallback<String> callback);
@ -46,8 +47,15 @@ public interface GeoportalDataViewerServiceAsync {
void getGeoNaDataViewProfile(AsyncCallback<GeoNaDataViewerProfile> callback);
void getUploadedImagesForId(String itemType, Long id, int maxImages, AsyncCallback<List<UploadedImageDV>> callback);
void getUploadedImagesForId(String itemType, String itemId, Integer maxImages,
AsyncCallback<List<UploadedImageDV>> callback);
void getPublicLinksFor(GeoNaItemRef item, AsyncCallback<GeoNaItemRef> asyncCallback);
void getLayersForId(String itemType, String itemId,
AsyncCallback<List<LayerConcessioneDV>> asyncCallback);
void getWFSFeatures(List<LayerObject> layerObjects, String mapSrsName, BoundsMap selectBBOX, int maxWFSFeature,
double zoomLevel, AsyncCallback<List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult>> callback);

@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MapEventType;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.QueryDataEvent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.ZoomOutOverMinimumEvent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.ExtentWrapped;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.MapUtils;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.OpenLayerOSM;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil.Location;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil.PLACE;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.GeoQuery;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.GeoQuery.TYPE;
@ -14,14 +19,13 @@ import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerManager;
import ol.Coordinate;
import ol.MapBrowserEvent;
import ol.MapEvent;
import ol.OLFactory;
* The Class OLMapManager.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 19, 2020
* Nov 19, 2020
public class OLMapManager {
@ -32,12 +36,15 @@ public class OLMapManager {
private Double zoomStart = null;
private Double zoomEnd = null;
private ol.Extent dragEndExtent = null;
private static final int QUERY_MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL = 13;
public static final int QUERY_MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL = 13;
public static final Double LAYER_DETAIL_MIN_RESOLUTION = 0.01;
public static final Double LAYER_DETAIL_MAX_RESOLUTION = 13.0;
* Instantiates a new OL map manager.
* @param targetId the target id
* @param targetId the target id
* @param layerManagerBus the layer manager bus
public OLMapManager(String targetId, HandlerManager layerManagerBus) {
@ -56,77 +63,74 @@ public class OLMapManager {
public void clickListener(MapBrowserEvent event) {
Coordinate coordinate = event.getCoordinate();
if (!olMap.mapInstancied())
// if (olMap.isQueryPointActive()) {
// GeoQuery select = toDataPointQuery(coordinate);
// layerManagerBus.fireEvent(new QueryDataEvent(select, coordinate));
// }
GeoQuery select = toDataPointQuery(coordinate);
layerManagerBus.fireEvent(new QueryDataEvent(select, coordinate, null, true));
ExtentWrapped toExt = new ExtentWrapped(coordinate.getX(), coordinate.getY(), coordinate.getX(), coordinate.getY());
GeoQuery select = toDataPointQuery(coordinate, true);
layerManagerBus.fireEvent(new QueryDataEvent(select, toExt, null, true, MapEventType.MOUSE_CLICK));
public void moveEndListener(MapEvent event) {
// onInit
if (!olMap.mapInstancied())
public void moveStartListener(MapEvent event) {
// onInit
if (!olMap.mapInstancied())
public void mapZoomListener(MapEvent event) {
// onInit
if (!olMap.mapInstancied())
zoomStart = olMap.getCurrentZoomLevel();
GWT.log("zoomStart: "+zoomStart);
GWT.log("zoomStart: " + zoomStart);
public void mapZoomEndListener(MapEvent event) {
// onInit
if (!olMap.mapInstancied())
zoomEnd = olMap.getCurrentZoomLevel();
GWT.log("zoomEnd: "+zoomEnd);
GWT.log("zoomEnd: " + zoomEnd);
Coordinate centerCoordinate = OLFactory.createCoordinate(GeoportalDataViewerConstants.ITALY_CENTER_LONG,
Coordinate transformedCenterCoordinate = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(centerCoordinate,
GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_4326, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_3857);
Location italyLocation = ExtentMapUtil.getLocation(PLACE.ITALY);
Coordinate transformedCenterCoordinate = italyLocation.getCoordinate(MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_3857);
@ -136,11 +140,11 @@ public class OLMapManager {
* @param coordinate the coordinate
* @return the geo query
public GeoQuery toDataPointQuery(Coordinate coordinate) {
public GeoQuery toDataPointQuery(Coordinate coordinate, boolean manualClick) {
double lon = coordinate.getX();
double lat = coordinate.getY();
GWT.log("To quey DP: "+coordinate);
GWT.log("To quey DP: " + coordinate);
int w = (int) olMap.getSize().getWidth();
int h = (int) olMap.getSize().getHeight();
@ -149,7 +153,18 @@ public class OLMapManager {
// ratio - mapPixelWeight : bboxWeight = 20px : geoRectangleWidth
// where 10px is the pixel diameter dimension of the clicked point
double bboxWidth = Math.abs(olMap.getExtent().getLowerLeftX() - olMap.getExtent().getUpperRightX());
double geoWidth = (bboxWidth / w) * (20 / 2);
double geoWidth = 0;
// adding a tolerance in case of manual click
if (manualClick) {
// adding a tolerance for clicking
//geoWidth = (bboxWidth / w) * (14 / 2);
geoWidth = (bboxWidth / w) * (16 / 2);
} else {
// data point selection for coordinate loaded from concessione
geoWidth = (bboxWidth / w) * (2);
double x1 = Math.min(lon + geoWidth, lon - geoWidth);
double x2 = Math.max(lon + geoWidth, lon - geoWidth);
double y1 = Math.min(lat + geoWidth, lat - geoWidth);
@ -172,9 +187,10 @@ public class OLMapManager {
* Check select query.
private void checkSelectQuery() {
private void checkSelectQuery(MapEventType mapEventType) {
GWT.log("Zoom is:" + olMap.getCurrentZoomLevel());
GWT.log("Resolution is:" + olMap.getCurrentResolution());
if (dragStartExtent != null && olMap.getCurrentZoomLevel() > QUERY_MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL) {
dragEndExtent = olMap.getExtent();
@ -189,12 +205,12 @@ public class OLMapManager {
GWT.log("the distance is: " + dist);
if (dist > 5000 || startExt.containsExtent(endExt)) {
GeoQuery select = toDataBoxQuery(dragEndExtent);
layerManagerBus.fireEvent(new QueryDataEvent(select, endExt.getCenter(), null, false));
layerManagerBus.fireEvent(new QueryDataEvent(select, endExt, null, false, mapEventType));
else if(zoomStart!=null && zoomEnd!=null) {
} else if (zoomStart != null && zoomEnd != null) {
if (zoomEnd < QUERY_MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL) {
layerManagerBus.fireEvent(new ZoomOutOverMinimumEvent(zoomStart, zoomEnd, QUERY_MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL));
@ -210,7 +226,7 @@ public class OLMapManager {
GWT.log("Drag Start is: " + dragStartExtent);
* To data point query.
@ -218,11 +234,11 @@ public class OLMapManager {
* @return the geo query
private GeoQuery toDataBoxQuery(ol.Extent extent) {
return new GeoQuery(extent.getLowerLeftX(), extent.getLowerLeftY(), extent.getUpperRightX(), extent.getUpperRightY(), TYPE.BOX);
return new GeoQuery(extent.getLowerLeftX(), extent.getLowerLeftY(), extent.getUpperRightX(),
extent.getUpperRightY(), TYPE.BOX);
* Checks if is query point active.
@ -238,6 +254,12 @@ public class OLMapManager {
public void hidePopInfo() {
// /**
// * Removes the detail layers.
// */
// public void removeDetailLayers() {
// olMap.removeAllDetailLayers();
// }

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil.Location;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.GwtEvent;
* The Class MapExtentToEvent.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Sep 1, 2021
public class MapExtentToEvent extends GwtEvent<MapExtentToEventHandler> {
public static Type<MapExtentToEventHandler> TYPE = new Type<MapExtentToEventHandler>();
private Location location;
* Instantiates a new map extent to event.
* @param layerItem the layer item
public MapExtentToEvent(Location location) {
this.location = location;
* Gets the associated type.
* @return the associated type
public Type<MapExtentToEventHandler> getAssociatedType() {
return TYPE;
* Dispatch.
* @param handler the handler
protected void dispatch(MapExtentToEventHandler handler) {
public Location getLocation() {
return location;

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.EventHandler;
* The Interface MapExtentToEventHandler.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Sep 1, 2021
public interface MapExtentToEventHandler extends EventHandler {
* On extent event.
* @param mapExtentToEvent the map extent to event
void onExtentEvent(MapExtentToEvent mapExtentToEvent);

@ -1,39 +1,42 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MapEventType;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.ExtentWrapped;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.GeoQuery;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.GwtEvent;
import ol.Coordinate;
* The Class QueryDataEvent.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Oct 29, 2020
* Aug 31, 2021
public class QueryDataEvent extends GwtEvent<QueryDataEventHandler> {
public static Type<QueryDataEventHandler> TYPE = new Type<QueryDataEventHandler>();
private GeoQuery select;
private Coordinate onFailureCenterTo;
private Long recordId;
private ExtentWrapped queryClickExtent;
private String mongoItemId;
private boolean onInit;
private MapEventType sourceMapEventType;
* Instantiates a new query data event.
* @param select the select
* @param select the select
* @param onFailureCenterTo the on failure center to
* @param recordId the record id
* @param onInit the on init
* @param mongoItemId the mongo item id
* @param onInit the on init
* @param mapEventType the map event type
public QueryDataEvent(GeoQuery select, Coordinate onFailureCenterTo, Long recordId, boolean onInit) {
public QueryDataEvent(GeoQuery select, ExtentWrapped queryClickExtent, String mongoItemId, boolean onInit,
MapEventType mapEventType) {
this.select = select;
this.onFailureCenterTo = onFailureCenterTo;
this.recordId = recordId;
this.queryClickExtent = queryClickExtent;
this.mongoItemId = mongoItemId;
this.onInit = onInit;
this.sourceMapEventType = mapEventType;
@ -45,15 +48,14 @@ public class QueryDataEvent extends GwtEvent<QueryDataEventHandler> {
public Type<QueryDataEventHandler> getAssociatedType() {
return TYPE;
* Gets the record id.
* Gets the mongo item id.
* @return the record id
* @return the mongo item id
public Long getRecordId() {
return recordId;
public String getMongoItemId() {
return mongoItemId;
@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ public class QueryDataEvent extends GwtEvent<QueryDataEventHandler> {
public boolean isOnInit() {
return onInit;
* Dispatch.
@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ public class QueryDataEvent extends GwtEvent<QueryDataEventHandler> {
* Gets the geo query.
@ -83,10 +86,18 @@ public class QueryDataEvent extends GwtEvent<QueryDataEventHandler> {
public GeoQuery getGeoQuery() {
return select;
public Coordinate getOnFailureCenterTo() {
return onFailureCenterTo;
public ExtentWrapped getQueryClickExtent() {
return queryClickExtent;
* Gets the source map event type.
* @return the source map event type
public MapEventType getSourceMapEventType() {
return sourceMapEventType;
@ -94,19 +105,16 @@ public class QueryDataEvent extends GwtEvent<QueryDataEventHandler> {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("QueryDataEvent [select=");
builder.append(", onFailureCenterTo=");
builder.append(", recordId=");
builder.append(", queryClickExtent=");
builder.append(", mongoItemId=");
builder.append(", onInit=");
builder.append(", sourceMapEventType=");
return builder.toString();

@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ import com.google.gwt.event.shared.GwtEvent;
* The Class ShowDetailsEvent.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Nov 13, 2020
* Jul 30, 2021
public class ShowDetailsEvent extends GwtEvent<ShowDetailsEventHandler> {
public static Type<ShowDetailsEventHandler> TYPE = new Type<ShowDetailsEventHandler>();
private String geonaItemType;
private FeatureRow featureRow;
private Long geonaID;
private String geonaMongoID;
private String itemName;
@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ public class ShowDetailsEvent extends GwtEvent<ShowDetailsEventHandler> {
* Instantiates a new show details event.
* @param geonaItemType the geona item type
* @param geonaID the geona ID
* @param geonaMongoID the geona mongo ID
* @param itemName the item name
* @param featureRow the feature row
public ShowDetailsEvent(String geonaItemType, Long geonaID, String itemName, FeatureRow featureRow) {
public ShowDetailsEvent(String geonaItemType, String geonaMongoID, String itemName, FeatureRow featureRow) {
this.geonaItemType = geonaItemType;
this.geonaID = geonaID;
this.geonaMongoID = geonaMongoID;
this.itemName = itemName;
this.featureRow = featureRow;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class ShowDetailsEvent extends GwtEvent<ShowDetailsEventHandler> {
public ShowDetailsEvent(GeoNaItemRef gir, String itemName, FeatureRow featureRow) {
this.geonaItemType = gir.getItemType();
this.geonaID = gir.getItemId();
this.geonaMongoID = gir.getItemId();
this.itemName = itemName;
this.featureRow = featureRow;
@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ public class ShowDetailsEvent extends GwtEvent<ShowDetailsEventHandler> {
* Gets the geona ID.
* Gets the geona mongo ID.
* @return the geona ID
* @return the geona mongo ID
public Long getGeonaID() {
return geonaID;
public String getGeonaMongoID() {
return geonaMongoID;
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public class ShowDetailsEvent extends GwtEvent<ShowDetailsEventHandler> {
* @return the geona item ref
public GeoNaItemRef getGeonaItemRef() {
return new GeoNaItemRef(geonaID, geonaItemType);
return new GeoNaItemRef(geonaMongoID, geonaItemType);

@ -1,14 +1,24 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.resources.Images;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.GeoQuery;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.GeoQuery.TYPE;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.NumberFormat;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONObject;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONParser;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONString;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONValue;
import ol.Collection;
import ol.Coordinate;
import ol.Feature;
import ol.Map;
@ -22,6 +32,7 @@ import ol.event.EventListener;
import ol.geom.Point;
import ol.interaction.KeyboardPan;
import ol.interaction.KeyboardZoom;
import ol.layer.Base;
import ol.layer.Image;
import ol.layer.LayerOptions;
import ol.layer.Tile;
@ -32,6 +43,7 @@ import ol.source.ImageWms;
import ol.source.ImageWmsOptions;
import ol.source.ImageWmsParams;
import ol.source.Osm;
import ol.source.Source;
import ol.source.XyzOptions;
import ol.style.Icon;
import ol.style.IconOptions;
@ -39,34 +51,35 @@ import ol.style.Style;
import ol.style.Text;
import ol.style.TextOptions;
* The Class LightOpenLayerOSM.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 11, 2020
public class LightOpenLayerOSM {
* The Class LightOpenLayerOSM.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 11, 2020
public class LightOpenLayerOSM {
public static final int MAX_ZOOM = 20;
/** The map. */
private Map map;
/** The view. */
private View view;
/** The view options. */
private ViewOptions viewOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
/** The projection options. */
private ProjectionOptions projectionOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
private boolean isQueryPointActive;
private ol.layer.Vector geometryLayer;
private String markerURL = Images.ICONS.mapMarkerIcon().getURL();
* Instantiates a new light open layer OSM.
@ -74,123 +87,124 @@ import ol.style.TextOptions;
public LightOpenLayerOSM(String divTargetId) {
// create a OSM-layer
XyzOptions osmSourceOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
Osm osmSource = new Osm(osmSourceOptions);
LayerOptions osmLayerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
// create a OSM-layer
XyzOptions osmSourceOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
// osmSourceOptions.setTileLoadFunction(null);
Tile osmLayer = new Tile(osmLayerOptions);
Osm osmSource = new Osm(osmSourceOptions);
LayerOptions osmLayerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
Tile osmLayer = new Tile(osmLayerOptions);
// create a projection
Projection projection = new Projection(projectionOptions);
// create a view
view = new View(viewOptions);
// create the map
MapOptions mapOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
// create a view
view = new View(viewOptions);
// create the map
MapOptions mapOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
map = new Map(mapOptions);
map = new Map(mapOptions);
// map.addLayer(tileDebugLayer);
Attribution attribution = new Attribution();
map.addClickListener(new EventListener<MapBrowserEvent>() {
Attribution attribution = new Attribution();
map.addClickListener(new EventListener<MapBrowserEvent>() {
public void onEvent(MapBrowserEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Coordinate coordinate = event.getCoordinate();
if(isQueryPointActive) {
if (isQueryPointActive) {
double lon = coordinate.getX();
double lat = coordinate.getY();
int w = (int) map.getSize().getWidth();
int h = (int) map.getSize().getHeight();
// handler.clickOnMap(x, y, w, h);
// ratio - mapPixelWeight : bboxWeight = 10px : geoRectangleWidth
// handler.clickOnMap(x, y, w, h);
// ratio - mapPixelWeight : bboxWeight = 10px : geoRectangleWidth
// where 10px is the pixel diameter dimension of the clicked point
double bboxWidth = Math.abs(getExtent().getLowerLeftX() - getExtent().getUpperRightX());
double geoWidth = (bboxWidth / w) * (20 / 2);
double x1 = Math.min(lon+geoWidth, lon-geoWidth);
double x2 = Math.max(lon+geoWidth, lon-geoWidth);
double y1 = Math.min(lat+geoWidth, lat-geoWidth);
double y2 = Math.max(lat+geoWidth, lat-geoWidth);
double x1 = Math.min(lon + geoWidth, lon - geoWidth);
double x2 = Math.max(lon + geoWidth, lon - geoWidth);
double y1 = Math.min(lat + geoWidth, lat - geoWidth);
double y2 = Math.max(lat + geoWidth, lat - geoWidth);
// GWT.log("("+x1+","+y1+")("+x2+","+y2+")");
// Point pt = new Point(coordinate);
// ol.Extent extent = pt.getExtent();
// //new ClickDataInfo(x1, y1, x2, y2)
// SelectDataInfo selectDataInfo
//selectBox(new GeoQuery(x1, y1, x2, y2, GeoQuery.TYPE.POINT));
// selectBox(new GeoQuery(x1, y1, x2, y2, GeoQuery.TYPE.POINT));
GeoQuery select = new GeoQuery(x1, y1, x2, y2, TYPE.POINT);
// add some interactions
map.addInteraction(new KeyboardPan());
map.addInteraction(new KeyboardZoom());
// add some interactions
map.addInteraction(new KeyboardPan());
map.addInteraction(new KeyboardZoom());
* Sets the center.
* @param centerCoordinate the new center
public void setCenter(Coordinate centerCoordinate) {
* Sets the center.
* @param zoom the new zoom
public void setZoom(int zoom) {
* Adds the WMS layer.
* @param mapServerHost the map server host
* @param layerName the layer name
* @param bbox
* @param layerName the layer name
* @param bbox the bbox
* @return the image
public Image addWMSLayer(String mapServerHost, String layerName, BoundsMap bbox) {
GWT.log("Adding wmsLayer with mapServerHost: "+mapServerHost+", layerName: "+layerName);
GWT.log("Adding wmsLayer with mapServerHost: " + mapServerHost + ", layerName: " + layerName);
ImageWmsParams imageWMSParams = OLFactory.createOptions();
//imageWMSParams.setSize(new Size(400,400));
// imageWMSParams.setSize(new Size(400,400));
// imageWMSParams.setVersion("1.1.0");
// if(bbox!=null)
// imageWMSParams.set("BBOX", bbox.getLowerLeftX()+","+bbox.getLowerLeftY()+","+bbox.getUpperRightX()+","+bbox.getUpperRightY());
ImageWmsOptions imageWMSOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
// imageWMSOptions.setRatio(1.5f);
ImageWms imageWMSSource = new ImageWms(imageWMSOptions);
@ -198,50 +212,125 @@ import ol.style.TextOptions;
ol.layer.Image wmsLayer = new ol.layer.Image(layerOptions);
// visibleLayerItems
return wmsLayer;
* Gets the first layer.
* @return the first layer
public Image getFirstLayer() {
if(map.getLayers()!=null) {
if (map.getLayers() != null) {
return (Image) map.getLayers().getArray()[0];
return null;
* Gets the layers.
* @return the layers
public List<String> getLayers() {
Collection<Base> layers = map.getLayers();
List<String> layerNames = null;
if (layers != null) {
Base[] layersArr = layers.getArray();
layerNames = new ArrayList<String>(layersArr.length);
for (int i = 0; i < layersArr.length; i++) {
Base layer = layersArr[i];
if (layer instanceof Image) {
Image layerImage = (Image) layer;
Source source = layerImage.getSource();
// GWT.log("source: "+source.toString());
String sorceRootObj = GeoportalDataViewerConstants.toJsonObj(source);
JSONValue jsonObj = JSONParser.parseStrict(sorceRootObj);
// GWT.log("jsonObj: " + jsonObj.toString());
JSONObject jsonSourceObj = (JSONObject) jsonObj;
JSONObject jsonParamsObj = (JSONObject) jsonSourceObj.get("params_");
// GWT.log("jsonParamsObj is: "+jsonParamsObj);
JSONValue jsonLayers = jsonParamsObj.get("LAYERS");
GWT.log("theLayerName name is: " + jsonLayers);
return layerNames;
public java.util.Map<String, String> getLayerURLsProperty() {
Collection<Base> layers = map.getLayerGroup().getLayers();
java.util.Map<String, String> mapLayerNameURL = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (layers != null) {
Base[] layersArr = layers.getArray();
for (int i = 0; i < layersArr.length; i++) {
Base layer = layersArr[i];
if (layer instanceof Image) {
Image layerImage = (Image) layer;
Source source = layerImage.getSource();
// GWT.log("source: "+source.toString());
// GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJsObj(source);
String sorceRootObj = GeoportalDataViewerConstants.toJsonObj(source);
JSONValue jsonObj = JSONParser.parseStrict(sorceRootObj);
// GWT.log("jsonObj: " + jsonObj.toString());
JSONObject jsonSourceObj = (JSONObject) jsonObj;
JSONObject jsonParamsObj = (JSONObject) jsonSourceObj.get("params_");
// GWT.log("jsonParamsObj is: "+jsonParamsObj);
JSONString jsonLayers = (JSONString) jsonParamsObj.get("LAYERS");
String layerName = jsonLayers.stringValue();
GWT.log("jsonLayers is: " + layerName);
// GWT.log("theLayerName name is: " + jsonLayers);
JSONValue jsonImage = jsonSourceObj.get("image_");
// GWT.log("jsonImage: " + jsonImage.toString());
JSONObject jsonImageObj = (JSONObject) jsonImage;
JSONString jsonSrc = (JSONString) jsonImageObj.get("src_");
String layerURL = jsonSrc.stringValue();
GWT.log("jsonSrc: " + layerURL);
mapLayerNameURL.put(layerName, layerURL);
GWT.log("returning mapLayerNameURL: "+mapLayerNameURL);
return mapLayerNameURL;
* Adds the point.
* @param coordinate the coordinate
* @param coordinate the coordinate
* @param showCoordinateText the show coordinate text
* @param asMarker the as marker
* @param asMarker the as marker
public void addPoint(Coordinate coordinate, boolean showCoordinateText, boolean asMarker) {
if(geometryLayer!=null) {
if (geometryLayer != null) {
}else {
} else {
Style style = new Style();
if(asMarker) {
if (asMarker) {
IconOptions iconOptions = new IconOptions();
Icon icon = new Icon(iconOptions);
if(showCoordinateText) {
if (showCoordinateText) {
TextOptions textOptions = new TextOptions();
// StrokeOptions strokeOptions = new StrokeOptions();
@ -253,10 +342,11 @@ import ol.style.TextOptions;
// fillOptions.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.0));
// textOptions.setFill(new Fill(fillOptions));
Coordinate transfCoord = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(coordinate, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_3857, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_4326);
//DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.####");
Coordinate transfCoord = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(coordinate, MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_3857.getName(),
// DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.####");
NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getFormat("#.####");
textOptions.setText("Long: "+fmt.format(transfCoord.getX()) + ", Lat: "+fmt.format(transfCoord.getY()));
textOptions.setText("Long: " + fmt.format(transfCoord.getX()) + ", Lat: " + fmt.format(transfCoord.getY()));
Text text = new Text(textOptions);
// FillOptions fillOptions = new FillOptions();
@ -266,7 +356,6 @@ import ol.style.TextOptions;
// style.setFill(fill);
Point thePoint = new Point(coordinate);
Feature vf = new Feature(thePoint);
@ -278,7 +367,7 @@ import ol.style.TextOptions;
geometryLayer = new ol.layer.Vector(vectorLayerOptions);
* Gets the map.
@ -297,7 +386,6 @@ import ol.style.TextOptions;
return map.getView().getProjection().getCode();
* Gets the current zoom level.
@ -306,9 +394,7 @@ import ol.style.TextOptions;
public double getCurrentZoomLevel() {
return map.getView().getZoom();
* Gets the bbox.
@ -317,7 +403,7 @@ import ol.style.TextOptions;
public ol.Extent getBBOX() {
return getExtent();
* Gets the extent.
@ -326,6 +412,5 @@ import ol.style.TextOptions;
public ol.Extent getExtent() {
return this.map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize());

@ -1,18 +1,28 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.AddedLayerToMapEvent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.LayerItem;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Visibility;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerManager;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONObject;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONParser;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONValue;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event;
import ol.Collection;
import ol.Coordinate;
import ol.Feature;
import ol.FeatureOptions;
import ol.Map;
import ol.MapBrowserEvent;
import ol.MapEvent;
@ -25,6 +35,7 @@ import ol.View;
import ol.ViewOptions;
import ol.control.Attribution;
import ol.event.EventListener;
import ol.geom.Geometry;
import ol.interaction.Draw;
import ol.interaction.DrawOptions;
import ol.interaction.Extent;
@ -36,123 +47,160 @@ import ol.layer.Base;
import ol.layer.Image;
import ol.layer.LayerOptions;
import ol.layer.Tile;
import ol.layer.VectorLayerOptions;
import ol.proj.Projection;
import ol.proj.ProjectionOptions;
import ol.source.ImageWms;
import ol.source.ImageWmsOptions;
import ol.source.ImageWmsParams;
import ol.source.Osm;
import ol.source.Source;
import ol.source.Vector;
import ol.source.XyzOptions;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* The Class OpenLayerOSM.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Oct 27, 2020
* Oct 27, 2020
public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
public static final int MAX_ZOOM = 21;
* Click listener.
* @param event the event
public abstract void clickListener(MapBrowserEvent event);
* Move end listener.
* @param event the event
public abstract void moveEndListener(MapEvent event);
* Move start listener.
* @param event the event
public abstract void moveStartListener(MapEvent event);
* Map zoom listener.
* @param event the event
public abstract void mapZoomListener(MapEvent event);
* Map zoom end listener.
* @param event the event
public abstract void mapZoomEndListener(MapEvent event);
/** The map. */
private Map map;
/** The view. */
private View view;
/** The view options. */
private ViewOptions viewOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
/** The projection options. */
private ProjectionOptions projectionOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
/** The point draw. */
private Draw queryPoint;
private Extent queryBox;
/** The popup overlay. */
private Overlay popupOverlay;
private HandlerManager eventBus;
private boolean isQueryBoxActive;
private boolean isQueryPointActive;
* Instantiates a new open layer OSM.
* @param divTargetId the div target id
* @param eventBus the event bus
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see de.desjardins.ol3.demo.client.example.Example#show()
private java.util.Map<String, Image> wmsDetailsLayerMap;
private HashMap<String, Image> wmsLayerMap;
* Instantiates a new open layer OSM.
* @param divTargetId the div target id
* @param eventBus the event bus
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see de.desjardins.ol3.demo.client.example.Example#show()
public OpenLayerOSM(String divTargetId, HandlerManager eventBus) {
this.eventBus = eventBus;
// create a OSM-layer
XyzOptions osmSourceOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
// create a OSM-layer
XyzOptions xyzOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
// osmSourceOptions.setCrossOrigin("Anonymous");
// osmSourceOptions.setTileLoadFunction(null);
Osm osmSource = new Osm(osmSourceOptions);
LayerOptions osmLayerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
Tile osmLayer = new Tile(osmLayerOptions);
Osm osmSource = new Osm(xyzOptions);
LayerOptions osmLayerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
Tile osmLayer = new Tile(osmLayerOptions);
// create a projection
Projection projection = new Projection(projectionOptions);
// create a view
view = new View(viewOptions);
// create the map
MapOptions mapOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
map = new Map(mapOptions);
// add some controls
Attribution attribution = new Attribution();
// add some interactions
map.addInteraction(new KeyboardPan());
map.addInteraction(new KeyboardZoom());
// create a view
view = new View(viewOptions);
// create the map
MapOptions mapOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
map = new Map(mapOptions);
// map.addLayer(tileDebugLayer);
// add some controls
Attribution attribution = new Attribution();
// add some interactions
map.addInteraction(new KeyboardPan());
map.addInteraction(new KeyboardZoom());
* Bind events.
private void bindEvents() {
map.addClickListener(new EventListener<MapBrowserEvent>() {
@ -168,7 +216,7 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
map.addMoveStartListener(new EventListener<MapEvent>() {
@ -176,7 +224,7 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
map.addMapZoomListener(new EventListener<MapEvent>() {
@ -184,7 +232,7 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
map.addMapZoomEndListener(new EventListener<MapEvent>() {
@ -193,32 +241,37 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
* Sets the center.
* @param centerCoordinate the new center
public void setCenter(Coordinate centerCoordinate) {
* Sets the center.
* @param centerCoordinate the new center
* @param zoom the new zoom
public void setZoom(int zoom) {
* Show popup.
* @param html the html
* @param coordinate the coordinate
public void showPopup(String html, Coordinate coordinate) {
GWT.log("Showing popup on: "+coordinate);
//GeoportalDataViewerConstants.print("Showing popup on: "+coordinate);
GWT.log("Showing popup on: " + coordinate);
// GeoportalDataViewerConstants.print("Showing popup on: "+coordinate);
Element elPopup = DOM.getElementById("popup");
if(popupOverlay==null) {
if (popupOverlay == null) {
popupOverlay = addOverlay(elPopup);
@ -226,14 +279,17 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
* Hide popup.
public void hidePopup() {
if(popupOverlay!=null) {
if (popupOverlay != null) {
Element elPopup = DOM.getElementById("popup");
* Adds the popup closer handelr.
@ -253,11 +309,11 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
* Handler popu closer.
* @param divId the div id
* @param divId the div id
* @param overlayId the overlay id
public static native void handlerPopuCloser(String divId, String overlayId) /*-{
@ -271,51 +327,172 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
* Adds the WMS layer.
* @param layerItem the layer item
public void addWMSLayer(LayerItem layerItem) {
ImageWmsParams imageWMSParams = OLFactory.createOptions();
ImageWmsOptions imageWMSOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
if (wmsLayerMap == null)
wmsLayerMap = new HashMap<String, Image>();
ImageWms imageWMSSource = new ImageWms(imageWMSOptions);
String key = layerItem.getName();
LayerOptions layerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
Image layer = wmsLayerMap.get(key);
if (layer == null) {
ImageWmsParams imageWMSParams = OLFactory.createOptions();
ImageWmsOptions imageWMSOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
// imageWMSOptions.setRatio(1.5f);
ImageWms imageWMSSource = new ImageWms(imageWMSOptions);
LayerOptions layerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
// Settings MIN and MAX Resolution
if (layerItem.getMinResolution() != null) {
if (layerItem.getMaxResolution() != null) {
Image wmsLayer = new Image(layerOptions);
// visibleLayerItems
wmsLayerMap.put(key, wmsLayer);
GWT.log("Added WMSLayer for layer: " + layerItem.getName());
eventBus.fireEvent(new AddedLayerToMapEvent(layerItem));
} else {
GWT.log("The WMS layer with key: " + key + " already exists, skipping");
* Adds the WMS detail layer.
* @param layerItem the layer item
public void addWMSDetailLayer(LayerItem layerItem) {
if (wmsDetailsLayerMap == null)
wmsDetailsLayerMap = new HashMap<String, Image>();
String key = layerItem.getName();
Image layer = wmsDetailsLayerMap.get(key);
if (layer == null) {
GWT.log("The detail layer with key: " + key + " does not exist, creating and adding it to map");
ImageWmsParams imageWMSParams = OLFactory.createOptions();
ImageWmsOptions imageWMSOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
// imageWMSOptions.setRatio(1.5f);
ImageWms imageWMSSource = new ImageWms(imageWMSOptions);
LayerOptions layerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions();
// Settings MIN and MAX Resolution
if (layerItem.getMinResolution() != null) {
if (layerItem.getMaxResolution() != null) {
Image wmsLayer = new Image(layerOptions);
// visibleLayerItems
wmsDetailsLayerMap.put(key, wmsLayer);
GWT.log("Added WMSDetailLayer for layer name: " + layerItem.getName());
eventBus.fireEvent(new AddedLayerToMapEvent(layerItem));
} else {
GWT.log("The WMS detail layer with key: " + key + " already exists, skipping");
Image wmsLayer = new Image(layerOptions);
GWT.log("Fired the event Added Layer");
eventBus.fireEvent(new AddedLayerToMapEvent(layerItem));
* Removes the all detail layers.
public void removeAllDetailLayers() {
if (wmsDetailsLayerMap == null)
GWT.log("Removing layers: " + wmsDetailsLayerMap.keySet() + " from map");
for (String key : wmsDetailsLayerMap.keySet()) {
Image layer = wmsDetailsLayerMap.get(key);
* Adds the vector.
* @param geometry the geometry
public void addVector(Geometry geometry) {
VectorLayerOptions vectorLayerOptions = new VectorLayerOptions();
// Style style = new Style();
// FillOptions fillOptions = new FillOptions();
// Color color = new Color(0, 0, 255, 1.0);
// fillOptions.setColor(color);
// Fill fill = new Fill(fillOptions);
// style.setFill(fill);
FeatureOptions featureOptions = new FeatureOptions();
Feature feature = OLFactory.createFeature(featureOptions);
Vector vectorSource = OLFactory.createVectorSource();
ol.layer.Vector vector = OLFactory.createVector(vectorLayerOptions);
* Adds the point vector source.
* @return the draw
public Draw addPointVectorSource() {
if (queryPoint == null)
isQueryPointActive = true;
return queryPoint;
* Inits the point interaction.
@ -328,39 +505,39 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
queryPoint = new Draw(drawOptions);
queryPoint.addChangeListener(new EventListener<ol.events.Event>() {
public void onEvent(ol.events.Event event) {
* Removes the interaction.
* @param interaction the interaction
public void removeInteraction(Interaction interaction) {
* Removes the interactions.
public void removeQueryInteractions() {
Collection<Interaction> interactions = map.getInteractions();
if(interactions!=null) {
if (interactions != null) {
isQueryBoxActive = false;
isQueryPointActive = false;
* Adds the extent interaction.
@ -369,17 +546,16 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
public Extent addExtentInteraction() {
ExtentOptions extentOptions = new ExtentOptions();
//StyleOptions styleOptions = new StyleOptions();
//extentOptions.setBoxStyle(new ol.style.Style(styleOptions));
// StyleOptions styleOptions = new StyleOptions();
// styleOptions.setStroke(stroke);
// styleOptions.set
// extentOptions.setBoxStyle(new ol.style.Style(styleOptions));
queryBox = new Extent(extentOptions);
isQueryBoxActive = true;
return queryBox;
* Adds the overlay.
@ -405,23 +581,47 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
* @return true, if is layer visible
public boolean isLayerVisible(String layerName) {
Collection<Base> layers = map.getLayers();
if(layers!=null) {
if (layers != null) {
Base[] layersArr = layers.getArray();
for (int i = 0; i < layersArr.length; i++) {
Base layer = layersArr[i];
String theLayerName = (String) layer.get("name");
GWT.log("The Layer name is: "+layerName);
if(theLayerName!=null && theLayerName.equals(layerName))
GWT.log("The Layer name is: " + theLayerName);
if (theLayerName != null && theLayerName.equals(layerName))
return true;
return false;
* Gets the layer property.
* @param layerName the layer name
* @param property the property
* @return the layer property
public String getLayerProperty(String layerName, String property) {
Collection<Base> layers = map.getLayers();
if (layers != null) {
Base[] layersArr = layers.getArray();
for (int i = 0; i < layersArr.length; i++) {
Base layer = layersArr[i];
String theLayerName = (String) layer.get("name");
GWT.log("The Layer name is: " + layerName);
if (theLayerName != null && theLayerName.equals(layerName))
return layer.get(property);
return null;
* Gets the projection code.
@ -431,7 +631,6 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
public String getProjectionCode() {
return map.getView().getProjection().getCode();
* Gets the current zoom level.
@ -441,9 +640,16 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
public double getCurrentZoomLevel() {
return map.getView().getZoom();
* Gets the current zoom level.
* @return the current zoom level
public double getCurrentResolution() {
return map.getView().getResolution();
* Gets the bbox.
@ -452,7 +658,7 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
public ol.Extent getBBOX() {
return getExtent();
* Gets the extent.
@ -461,26 +667,107 @@ public abstract class OpenLayerOSM {
public ol.Extent getExtent() {
return this.map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize());
public Coordinate transform (Coordinate centerCoordinate, String source, String target){
return Projection.transform(centerCoordinate, source, target);
* Transform.
* @param centerCoordinate the center coordinate
* @param source the source
* @param target the target
* @return the coordinate
public Coordinate transform(Coordinate centerCoordinate, String source, String target) {
return Projection.transform(centerCoordinate, source, target);
* Checks if is query box active.
* @return true, if is query box active
public boolean isQueryBoxActive() {
return isQueryBoxActive;
* Checks if is query point active.
* @return true, if is query point active
public boolean isQueryPointActive() {
return isQueryPointActive;
* Gets the size.
* @return the size
public Size getSize() {
return map.getSize();
* Map instancied.
* @return true, if successful
public boolean mapInstancied() {
return this.map!=null;
return this.map != null;
* Gets the layers from map.
* @return the layers from map
public List<String> getLayersFromMap() {
Collection<Base> layers = map.getLayers();
List<String> layerNames = null;
if (layers != null) {
Base[] layersArr = layers.getArray();
layerNames = new ArrayList<String>(layersArr.length);
for (int i = 0; i < layersArr.length; i++) {
Base layer = layersArr[i];
if (layer instanceof Image) {
Image layerImage = (Image) layer;
Source source = layerImage.getSource();
// GWT.log("source: "+source.toString());
// GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJsObj(source);
String sorceRootObj = GeoportalDataViewerConstants.toJsonObj(source);
JSONValue jsonObj = JSONParser.parseStrict(sorceRootObj);
// GWT.log("jsonObj: " + jsonObj.toString());
JSONObject jsonSourceObj = (JSONObject) jsonObj;
JSONObject jsonParamsObj = (JSONObject) jsonSourceObj.get("params_");
// GWT.log("jsonParamsObj is: "+jsonParamsObj);
JSONValue jsonLayers = jsonParamsObj.get("LAYERS");
GWT.log("theLayerName name is: " + jsonLayers);
return layerNames;
* Gets the wms details layer map.
* @return the wms details layer map
public java.util.Map<String, Image> getWmsDetailsLayerMap() {
return wmsDetailsLayerMap;
* Gets the wms layer map.
* @return the wms layer map
public HashMap<String, Image> getWmsLayerMap() {
return wmsLayerMap;

@ -10,10 +10,16 @@ public interface Images extends ClientBundle {
ImageResource loading();
ImageResource mapMarkerIcon();
ImageResource shareIcon();
ImageResource italyIcon();
ImageResource worldIcon();

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.4 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.2 KiB

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaItemRef;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.RecordDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.ClosedViewDetailsEvent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.products.concessioni.ConcessioneView;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.RecordDV;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Button;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.ButtonType;

@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaItemRef;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.RecordDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.events.MapExtentToEvent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.OpenLayerOSM;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.RecordDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.resources.Images;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil.Location;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Button;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.NavLink;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.IconType;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Unit;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerManager;
@ -16,6 +22,7 @@ import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiBinder;
import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiField;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTMLPanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Image;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
@ -23,7 +30,7 @@ import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 19, 2020
* Nov 19, 2020
public class GeonaDataViewMainPanel extends Composite {
@ -34,14 +41,14 @@ public class GeonaDataViewMainPanel extends Composite {
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 19, 2020
* Nov 19, 2020
interface GeonaDataViewMainPanelUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, GeonaDataViewMainPanel> {
HTMLPanel mainContainerPanel;
HTMLPanel mainToolBar;
@ -50,38 +57,53 @@ public class GeonaDataViewMainPanel extends Composite {
NavLink dataBoxSelection;
Button removeQuery;
DetailsPanel detailsPanel;
Button extentToItaly;
Button extentToEarth;
private MapPanel mapPanel;
private OpenLayerOSM map;
private HandlerManager applicationBus;
* Instantiates a new geona data view main panel.
* @param applicationBus the application bus
* @param mapHeight the map height
* @param mapHeight the map height
public GeonaDataViewMainPanel(HandlerManager applicationBus, int mapHeight) {
this.applicationBus = applicationBus;
mapPanel = new MapPanel(mapHeight+"px");
mapPanel = new MapPanel(mapHeight + "px");
detailsPanel.setHeight(mapHeight + "px");
Image italyImg = new Image(Images.ICONS.italyIcon());
italyImg.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingLeft(20, Unit.PX);
Image worldImg = new Image(Images.ICONS.worldIcon());
worldImg.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingLeft(20, Unit.PX);
@ -143,9 +165,9 @@ public class GeonaDataViewMainPanel extends Composite {
removeQuery.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
@ -153,27 +175,51 @@ public class GeonaDataViewMainPanel extends Composite {
extentToItaly.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
Location italyLocation = ExtentMapUtil.getLocation(ExtentMapUtil.PLACE.ITALY);
applicationBus.fireEvent(new MapExtentToEvent(italyLocation));
extentToEarth.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
Location earthLocation = ExtentMapUtil.getLocation(ExtentMapUtil.PLACE.WORLD);
applicationBus.fireEvent(new MapExtentToEvent(earthLocation));
* Show as details.
* @param concessioneDV the concessione DV
* @param geonaItemRef the geona item ref
* @param geonaItemRef the geona item ref
public void showAsDetails(ConcessioneDV concessioneDV, GeoNaItemRef geonaItemRef) {
detailsPanel.showDetailsFor(concessioneDV, geonaItemRef);
* Hide panel details.
public void hidePanelDetails() {
* Gets the displyed record.

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
.margin-right-10 {
margin-right: 10px;
.font-weight-bold {
font-weight: bold;
@ -19,9 +20,28 @@
<g:HTMLPanel ui:field="panelMI"
<g:Label>Map Interactions</g:Label>
<b:Paragraph><b:Icon type="CHECK_EMPTY"/> Use <code>Shift+Drag</code> to draw an extent for zoom in the Map</b:Paragraph>
<b:Paragraph><b:Icon type="HAND_UP"/> Click on the Points shown on the Map to view their features</b:Paragraph>
<b:Icon type="CHECK_EMPTY" />
to draw an extent for zoom in the Map
<b:Icon type="HAND_UP" />
Click on the Points shown on the Map to view their features
<b:DropdownButton type="LINK" text="Preset Location"
<b:Button type="LINK" ui:field="extentToItaly"
text="Italy" title="Center to Italy"></b:Button>
<b:Button type="LINK" ui:field="extentToEarth"
text="World" title="Center to World"></b:Button>
<b:DropdownButton type="LINK" text="Query"

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.dialogs;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaItemRef;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.PublicLink;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerServiceAsync;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.util.LoaderIcon;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Alert;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Button;
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Tooltip;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.VisibilityChange;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Unit;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseOverEvent;
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ import com.google.gwt.user.client.Random;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTMLPanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Label;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.VerticalPanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Sep 19, 2019
* Sep 19, 2019
public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
@ -45,10 +47,10 @@ public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
ControlGroup cgPublicLink;
ControlGroup cgPrivateLongLink;
ControlGroup cgPublicLongLink;
@ -57,58 +59,61 @@ public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
TextBox textPrivateLink;
TextBox textPrivateLongLink;
TextBox textPublicLongLink;
Alert errorAlert;
Alert actionAlert;
// @UiField
// Well alertFilePublicLink;
Fieldset fieldSetPrivate;
Fieldset fieldSetPublic;
VerticalPanel fieldPrivateSharing;
// @UiField
// VerticalPanel filedEnableDisableSharing;
Label labelLinkSharing;
Button privateLinkCopyButton;
Button privateLongLinkCopyButton;
Button publicLinkCopyButton;
Button publicLongLinkCopyButton;
// @UiField
// Well wellPrivateLinkDescription;
Button showPrivateLongLinkButton;
Button showPublicLongLinkButton;
HTMLPanel info_panel;
// @UiField
// HTMLPanel panelFieldsContainer;
@ -117,22 +122,23 @@ public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
private String fileVersion;
private boolean itemIsPublicStatus;
private PublicLink openPublicLink;
private PublicLink restrictedPublicLink;
private final String privateShareToFileDescription = "By sharing the following Private Link "
+ "with your coworkers, you will enact the users of the group the folder is shared with, "
+ "to access the file and the shared folder content. Login required";
private LoaderIcon loadingIcon = new LoaderIcon("loading...");
* The Interface DialogShareableLinkUiBinder.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Sep 19, 2019
* Sep 19, 2019
interface DialogShareableLinkUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, DialogShareableLink> {
@ -140,80 +146,81 @@ public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
* Instantiates a new dialog shareable link.
* @param item the item
* @param item the item
* @param version the version
public DialogShareableLink(GeoNaItemRef item, String version) {
this.geonItemRef = item;
this.fileVersion = version;
// cgRemovePublicLink.setVisible(false);
// fieldSetPrivate.setVisible(false);
// fieldPrivateSharing.setVisible(false);
GeoportalDataViewerServiceAsync.Util.getInstance().getMyLogin(new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onSuccess(String result) {
if(result!=null) {
if (result != null) {
showMessage("", false);
// alertFilePublicLink.setVisible(true);
// getElement().setClassName("gwt-DialogBoxNew");
modalBox.setTitle("Share Link...");
ModalFooter modalFooter = new ModalFooter();
final Button buttClose = new Button("Close");
buttClose.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
textPrivateLink.setId(Random.nextInt() + Random.nextInt() + "");
textPrivateLongLink.setId(Random.nextInt() + Random.nextInt() + "");
textPublicLink.setId(Random.nextInt() + Random.nextInt() + "");
textPublicLongLink.setId(Random.nextInt() + Random.nextInt() + "");
* Adds the events.
private void addEvents() {
showPrivateLongLinkButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
@ -221,16 +228,16 @@ public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
showPublicLongLinkButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
if(openPublicLink!=null && openPublicLink.getCompleteURL()!=null) {
if (openPublicLink != null && openPublicLink.getCompleteURL() != null) {
}else {
} else {
textPublicLongLink.setText("Not available");
showPublicLongLinkButton.setText("Not available");
@ -240,149 +247,147 @@ public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
privateLinkCopyButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
final Element elem = event.getRelativeElement();
elem.setTitle("Copied to clipboard");
Tooltip.changeVisibility(elem, VisibilityChange.TOGGLE.get());
Timer timer = new Timer() {
public void run() {
Tooltip.changeVisibility(elem, VisibilityChange.HIDE.get());
privateLinkCopyButton.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() {
public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) {
final Element elem = event.getRelativeElement();
privateLongLinkCopyButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
final Element elem = event.getRelativeElement();
Tooltip.changeVisibility(elem, VisibilityChange.TOGGLE.get());
Timer timer = new Timer() {
public void run() {
Tooltip.changeVisibility(elem, VisibilityChange.HIDE.get());
privateLongLinkCopyButton.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() {
public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) {
final Element elem = event.getRelativeElement();
publicLinkCopyButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
final Element elem = event.getRelativeElement();
Tooltip.changeVisibility(elem, VisibilityChange.TOGGLE.get());
Timer timer = new Timer() {
public void run() {
Tooltip.changeVisibility(elem, VisibilityChange.HIDE.get());
publicLinkCopyButton.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() {
public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) {
final Element elem = event.getRelativeElement();
publicLongLinkCopyButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
final Element elem = event.getRelativeElement();
Tooltip.changeVisibility(elem, VisibilityChange.TOGGLE.get());
Timer timer = new Timer() {
public void run() {
Tooltip.changeVisibility(elem, VisibilityChange.HIDE.get());
publicLongLinkCopyButton.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() {
public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) {
final Element elem = event.getRelativeElement();
textPrivateLink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
textPrivateLongLink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
textPublicLongLink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
* Copy to clipboard.
@ -390,15 +395,14 @@ public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
private native void copyToClipboard(String myDivId) /*-{
var copyText = $doc.getElementById(myDivId);
console.log("text copied is :"+copyText.value);
//For mobile devices
copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999);
//alert("Copied the text: " + copyText.value);
var copyText = $doc.getElementById(myDivId);
console.log("text copied is :" + copyText.value);
//For mobile devices
copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999);
//alert("Copied the text: " + copyText.value);
* Load and show public links for item.
@ -407,30 +411,31 @@ public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
private void loadAndShowPublicLinksForItem(GeoNaItemRef item) {
new AsyncCallback<GeoNaItemRef>() {
GeoportalDataViewerServiceAsync.Util.getInstance().getPublicLinksFor(item, new AsyncCallback<GeoNaItemRef>() {
public void onSuccess(GeoNaItemRef itemReferences) {
openPublicLink = itemReferences.getOpenLink();
restrictedPublicLink = itemReferences.getRestrictedLink();
String toPublicURL = openPublicLink.getShortURL() != null && !openPublicLink.getShortURL().isEmpty()
? openPublicLink.getShortURL()
: openPublicLink.getCompleteURL();
String toPrivateURL = restrictedPublicLink.getShortURL() != null && !restrictedPublicLink.getShortURL().isEmpty()
? restrictedPublicLink.getShortURL()
: restrictedPublicLink.getCompleteURL();
String toPrivateURL = restrictedPublicLink.getShortURL() != null
&& !restrictedPublicLink.getShortURL().isEmpty() ? restrictedPublicLink.getShortURL()
: restrictedPublicLink.getCompleteURL();
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
openPublicLink = null;
@ -439,6 +444,17 @@ public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
public void showLoadingIcon(boolean show) {
try {
}catch (Exception e) {
* Disable text box.
@ -448,7 +464,7 @@ public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
* Show error.
@ -458,16 +474,16 @@ public class DialogShareableLink extends Composite {
* Show message.
* @param msg the msg
* @param msg the msg
* @param visible the visible
private void showMessage(String msg, boolean visible) {
actionAlert.setText(msg == null ? "" : msg);

@ -44,12 +44,11 @@
<g:HTMLPanel ui:field="info_panel"></g:HTMLPanel>
<b:Form type="HORIZONTAL">
<b:Alert ui:field="actionAlert" close="false" type="INFO"
<b:Icon type="ROTATE_RIGHT" spin="true" />
<g:VerticalPanel ui:field="fieldPrivateSharing"

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.gallery;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.WorkspaceContentDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.content.WorkspaceContentDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONArray;
@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ public class ImagesGallery {
galleryTheme : {
thumbnail : {
borderRadius : '2px',
background : '#fff',
titleShadow : 'none',
titleColor : '#696969',
labelBackground : '#f3f3f3'
borderRadius : '2px !important',
background : '#ffffff !important',
titleShadow : 'none !important',
titleColor : '#696969 !important',
labelBackground : '#f3f3f3 !important'
thumbnailIcon : {
color : '#000',
@ -140,22 +140,24 @@ public class ImagesGallery {
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
int index = 0;
for (UploadedImageDV image : listImages) {
for (WorkspaceContentDV imageContent : image.getListWsContent()) {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("src", new JSONString(imageContent.getLink()));
json.put("srct", new JSONString(imageContent.getLink()));
List<String> listAuthors = image.getResponsabili();
String txtAuthors = listAuthors.size()>1 ? "Authors: ": "Author: ";
for (String author : listAuthors) {
txtAuthors+= " "+author +",";
if(image.getListWsContent()!=null) {
for (WorkspaceContentDV imageContent : image.getListWsContent()) {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("src", new JSONString(imageContent.getLink()));
json.put("srct", new JSONString(imageContent.getLink()));
List<String> listAuthors = image.getResponsabili();
String txtAuthors = listAuthors.size()>1 ? "Authors: ": "Author: ";
for (String author : listAuthors) {
txtAuthors+= " "+author +",";
txtAuthors = txtAuthors.substring(0,txtAuthors.length()-2);
String description = txtAuthors + ". ID Licenza: "+image.getLicenseID();
json.put("title", new JSONString(image.getDidascalia()));
json.put("description", new JSONString(description));
json.put("downloadURL", new JSONString(imageContent.getLink()));
jsonArray.set(index, json);
txtAuthors = txtAuthors.substring(0,txtAuthors.length()-2);
String description = txtAuthors + ". ID Licenza: "+image.getLicenseID();
json.put("title", new JSONString(image.getDidascalia()));
json.put("description", new JSONString(description));
json.put("downloadURL", new JSONString(imageContent.getLink()));
jsonArray.set(index, json);

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.images;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.content.WorkspaceContentDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.ModalWindow;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.util.NewBrowserWindow;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.util.StringUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.WorkspaceContentDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Button;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Heading;

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.images;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.util.StringUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiBinder;

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.MapUtils;
import ol.Coordinate;
import ol.OLFactory;
* The Class ExtentMapUtil.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Sep 1, 2021
public class ExtentMapUtil {
* The Enum PLACE.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Sep 1, 2021
public static enum PLACE {
final static Map<PLACE, Location> mapExtent = new HashMap<PLACE, Location>();
static {
Location ita = new Location(PLACE.ITALY.name(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.ITALY_CENTER_LONG,
GeoportalDataViewerConstants.ITALY_CENTER_LAT, MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_4326,
Location earth = new Location(PLACE.WORLD.name(), 0,
mapExtent.put(PLACE.ITALY, ita);
mapExtent.put(PLACE.WORLD, earth);
public static Location getLocation(PLACE place) {
return mapExtent.get(place);
* The Class Location.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Sep 1, 2021
public static class Location {
public String name;
public double coordinateX;
public double coordinateY;
public MAP_PROJECTION projection;
public int zoomLevel;
* Instantiates a new location.
* @param name the name
* @param coordinateX the coordinate X
* @param coordinateY the coordinate Y
* @param projection the projection
* @param zoomLevel the zoom level
public Location(String name, double coordinateX, double coordinateY, MAP_PROJECTION projection, int zoomLevel) {
this.name = name;
this.coordinateX = coordinateX;
this.coordinateY = coordinateY;
this.projection = projection;
this.zoomLevel = zoomLevel;
* Gets the name.
* @return the name
public String getName() {
return name;
* Gets the coordinate X.
* @return the coordinate X
public double getCoordinateX() {
return coordinateX;
* Gets the coordinate Y.
* @return the coordinate Y
public double getCoordinateY() {
return coordinateY;
* Gets the projection.
* @return the projection
public MAP_PROJECTION getProjection() {
return projection;
* Gets the zoom level.
* @return the zoom level
public int getZoomLevel() {
return zoomLevel;
* Gets the coordinate.
* @param targetProjection the target projection
* @return the coordinate
public Coordinate getCoordinate(MAP_PROJECTION targetProjection) {
Coordinate coordinate = OLFactory.createCoordinate(coordinateX, coordinateY);
if (projection.equals(targetProjection)) {
return coordinate;
} else {
Coordinate transformedCenterCoordinate = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(coordinate, projection.getName(),
return transformedCenterCoordinate;
* To string.
* @return the string
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("Location [name=");
builder.append(", coordinateX=");
builder.append(", coordinateY=");
builder.append(", projection=");
builder.append(", zoomLevel=");
return builder.toString();

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.ExtentWrapped;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.LightOpenLayerOSM;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.MapUtils;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil.Location;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil.PLACE;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler;
@ -20,14 +23,14 @@ import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
import ol.Coordinate;
import ol.OLFactory;
* The Class MapView.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 11, 2020
public class MapView extends Composite{
* The Class MapView.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 11, 2020
public class MapView extends Composite {
private static MapViewUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MapViewUiBinder.class);
@ -36,49 +39,49 @@ import ol.OLFactory;
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 11, 2020
* Nov 11, 2020
interface MapViewUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, MapView> {
HTMLPanel theMap;
HorizontalPanel coordinatePanel;
private LightOpenLayerOSM olsm;
private LightOpenLayerOSM lightOLSM;
private String theMapId = null;
* Instantiates a new map view.
* @param centerTo the center to
* @param zoom the zoom
* @param zoom the zoom
public MapView(Coordinate centerTo, int zoom, String internalMapWidth, String internalMapHeight) {
String theMapId = "map"+Random.nextInt();
theMapId = "map" + Random.nextInt();
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
olsm = new LightOpenLayerOSM(theMapId);
Coordinate centerCoordinate = OLFactory.createCoordinate(GeoportalDataViewerConstants.ITALY_CENTER_LONG, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.ITALY_CENTER_LAT);
Coordinate transformedCenterCoordinate = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(centerCoordinate, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_4326, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_3857);
lightOLSM = new LightOpenLayerOSM(theMapId);
Location italyLocation = ExtentMapUtil.getLocation(PLACE.ITALY);
Coordinate transformedCenterCoordinate = italyLocation.getCoordinate(MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_3857);
private void setMapSize() {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
@ -86,38 +89,42 @@ import ol.OLFactory;
public void execute() {
int width = theMap.getParent().getOffsetWidth();
int height = theMap.getParent().getOffsetHeight();
if (width == 0)
width = 300;
if (height == 0)
height = 300;
GWT.log("Internal Map w: "+width + ", h: "+height);
theMap.setSize(width+"px", height+"px");
GWT.log("Internal Map w: " + width + ", h: " + height);
theMap.setSize(width + "px", height + "px");
public String getPanelMapElementId() {
return theMapId;
* Adds the marker.
* @param coordinate the coordinate
* @param coordinate the coordinate
* @param showCoordinateText the show coordinate text
public void addMarker(Coordinate coordinate, boolean showCoordinateText) {
public void addMarker(Coordinate coordinate, boolean showCoordinateText) {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
if(olsm!=null) {
olsm.addPoint(coordinate, showCoordinateText, true);
if (lightOLSM != null) {
lightOLSM.addPoint(coordinate, showCoordinateText, true);
* Adds the WMS layer.
@ -130,30 +137,30 @@ import ol.OLFactory;
public void execute() {
ExtentWrapped ew = null;
BoundsMap theBBOX = bbox;
if (bbox != null) {
Coordinate lower = OLFactory.createCoordinate(bbox.getLowerLeftX(), bbox.getLowerLeftY());
Coordinate lowerCoord = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(lower, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_4326,
Coordinate lowerCoord = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(lower, MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_4326.getName(),
Coordinate upper = OLFactory.createCoordinate(bbox.getUpperRightX(), bbox.getUpperRightY());
Coordinate upperCoord = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(upper, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_4326,
Coordinate upperCoord = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(upper, MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_4326.getName(),
ew = new ExtentWrapped(lowerCoord.getX(), lowerCoord.getY(), upperCoord.getX(), upperCoord.getY());
theBBOX = new BoundsMap(lowerCoord.getX(), lowerCoord.getY(), upperCoord.getX(), upperCoord.getY(), null);
theBBOX = new BoundsMap(lowerCoord.getX(), lowerCoord.getY(), upperCoord.getX(), upperCoord.getY(),
olsm.addWMSLayer(mapServerHost, layerName, theBBOX);
lightOLSM.addWMSLayer(mapServerHost, layerName, theBBOX);
if (ew != null) {
@ -161,4 +168,9 @@ import ol.OLFactory;
public LightOpenLayerOSM getLightOLSM() {
return lightOLSM;

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.products;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.RecordDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.util.CustomFlexTable;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.RecordDV;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Unit;
@ -31,8 +32,8 @@ public class RecordView extends Composite {
public RecordView(RecordDV record) {
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Created", record.getCreationTime());
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Last Updated", record.getLastUpdateTime());
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Created", GeoportalDataViewerConstants.DT_FORMAT.format(record.getCreationTime()));
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Last Updated", GeoportalDataViewerConstants.DT_FORMAT.format(record.getLastUpdateTime()));
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Updated by", record.getLastUpdateUser());

@ -4,18 +4,23 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaItemRef;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.AbstractRelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.LayerConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.RelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerServiceAsync;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.MapUtils;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.ModalWindow;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.dialogs.DialogShareableLink;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.gallery.ImagesGallery;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil.Location;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil.PLACE;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.MapView;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.util.CustomFlexTable;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.AbstractRelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.LayerConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Button;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.PageHeader;
@ -35,12 +40,9 @@ import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTMLPanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
import ol.Coordinate;
import ol.OLFactory;
public class ConcessioneView extends Composite {
private static ConcessioneViewUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(ConcessioneViewUiBinder.class);
interface ConcessioneViewUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, ConcessioneView> {
@ -51,10 +53,10 @@ public class ConcessioneView extends Composite {
Paragraph introduzione;
HTMLPanel concessioniPanel;
HTMLPanel relazioneScavoPanel;
@ -66,21 +68,18 @@ public class ConcessioneView extends Composite {
HTMLPanel mapViewPanel;
HTMLPanel posizionamentoAreaIndaginePanel;
HTMLPanel piantaFineScavoPanel;
// @UiField
// HTMLPanel sharePanel;
Button shareButton;
Button viewButton;
Button expandButton;
private ConcessioneDV concessioneDV;
@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ public class ConcessioneView extends Composite {
private CustomFlexTable customTable = new CustomFlexTable();
private GeoNaItemRef geonaItemRef;
private String myLogin;
private boolean viewImageButtonVisible = true;
@ -100,40 +99,45 @@ public class ConcessioneView extends Composite {
public ConcessioneView(GeoNaItemRef item, ConcessioneDV concDV) {
this(item, concDV, true, true);
public ConcessioneView(GeoNaItemRef item, ConcessioneDV concDV, boolean viewImageButtonVisible, boolean openImageButtonVisible) {
public ConcessioneView(GeoNaItemRef item, ConcessioneDV concDV, boolean viewImageButtonVisible,
boolean openImageButtonVisible) {
GWT.log("Rendering "+concDV.getNome());
GWT.log("Rendering " + concDV.getNome());
this.concessioneDV = concDV;
this.geonaItemRef = item;
this.viewImageButtonVisible = viewImageButtonVisible;
this.openImageButtonVisible = openImageButtonVisible;
if (concessioneDV.getDataInizioProgetto() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Data Inizio Progetto", concessioneDV.getDataInizioProgetto());
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Data Inizio Progetto",
if (concessioneDV.getDataFineProgetto() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Data Fine Progetto", concessioneDV.getDataFineProgetto());
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Data Fine Progetto",
if (concessioneDV.getParoleChiaveLibere() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Parole chiave Libere", concessioneDV.getParoleChiaveLibere(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Parole chiave Libere", concessioneDV.getParoleChiaveLibere(),
if (concessioneDV.getParoleChiaveICCD() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Parole chiave Cronologia", concessioneDV.getParoleChiaveICCD(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Parole chiave Cronologia", concessioneDV.getParoleChiaveICCD(),
if (concessioneDV.getAuthors() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Autori", concessioneDV.getAuthors(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Staff", concessioneDV.getAuthors(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
if (concessioneDV.getContributore() != null) {
@ -143,21 +147,24 @@ public class ConcessioneView extends Composite {
if (concessioneDV.getEditore() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Editore", concessioneDV.getEditore());
if (concessioneDV.getResponsabile() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Responsabile", concessioneDV.getResponsabile());
if (concessioneDV.getRisorseCorrelate() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Risorse Correlate", concessioneDV.getRisorseCorrelate(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Risorse Correlate", concessioneDV.getRisorseCorrelate(),
if (concessioneDV.getTitolari() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Titolari dei dati", concessioneDV.getTitolari(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Titolari dei dati", concessioneDV.getTitolari(),
if (concessioneDV.getSoggetto() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Soggetti", concessioneDV.getSoggetto(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Soggetti", concessioneDV.getSoggetto(),
if (concessioneDV.getEditore() != null) {
@ -165,60 +172,63 @@ public class ConcessioneView extends Composite {
if (concessioneDV.getFontiFinanziamento() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Fonti di Finanziamento", concessioneDV.getFontiFinanziamento(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Fonti di Finanziamento", concessioneDV.getFontiFinanziamento(),
if (concessioneDV.getLicenzaID() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValue("ID Licenza", concessioneDV.getLicenzaID());
if (concessioneDV.getTitolariLicenza() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Titolare Licenza", concessioneDV.getTitolariLicenza(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Titolare Licenza", concessioneDV.getTitolariLicenza(),
if (concessioneDV.getTitolariCopyright() != null) {
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Titolare Copyright", concessioneDV.getTitolariCopyright(),GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Titolare Copyright", concessioneDV.getTitolariCopyright(),
shareButton.setTitle("Get a link to share with...");
shareButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
DialogShareableLink dg = new DialogShareableLink(geonaItemRef, null);
viewButton.setTitle("View Details in New Dialog");
viewButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
expandButton.setTitle("Show this view in new Window");
expandButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
ConcessioneView cv = new ConcessioneView(geonaItemRef, concessioneDV, false, openImageButtonVisible);
int width = Window.getClientWidth()*75/100;
int height = Window.getClientHeight()*70/100;
int width = Window.getClientWidth() * 75 / 100;
int height = Window.getClientHeight() * 70 / 100;
ModalWindow mw = new ModalWindow(concessioneDV.getNome(), width, height);
// mw.setWidth(900);
GeoportalDataViewerServiceAsync.Util.getInstance().getMyLogin(new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onSuccess(String result) {
myLogin = result;
@ -227,117 +237,84 @@ public class ConcessioneView extends Composite {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
private void addPosizionamentoAreaIndagine() {
LayerConcessioneDV layer = concessioneDV.getPosizionamentoScavo();
if (layer == null)
if(layer.getPolicy()==null || layer.getPolicy().equalsIgnoreCase("OPEN")) {
posizionamentoAreaIndaginePanel.add(new LayerConcessioneView(layer));
}else {
//I need to be authenticated to show the fields according to POLICY
if(myLogin!=null) {
posizionamentoAreaIndaginePanel.add(new LayerConcessioneView(layer));
posizionamentoAreaIndaginePanel.add(new LayerConcessioneView(layer));
private void addPiantaFineScavo() {
List<LayerConcessioneDV> listLayersDV = concessioneDV.getPianteFineScavo();
if (listLayersDV == null)
for (LayerConcessioneDV layer : listLayersDV) {
if(layer.getPolicy()==null || layer.getPolicy().equalsIgnoreCase("OPEN")) {
piantaFineScavoPanel.add(new LayerConcessioneView(layer));
}else {
//I need to be authenticated to show the fields according to POLICY
if(myLogin!=null) {
piantaFineScavoPanel.add(new LayerConcessioneView(layer));
for (LayerConcessioneDV layerDV : listLayersDV) {
piantaFineScavoPanel.add(new LayerConcessioneView(layerDV));
private void addRelazioneDiScavo() {
AbstractRelazioneScavoDV abstractRS = concessioneDV.getAbstractRelazioneScavo();
RelazioneScavoDV relazioneScavo = concessioneDV.getRelazioneScavo();
if (abstractRS == null && relazioneScavo==null)
if(abstractRS.getPolicy()==null || abstractRS.getPolicy().equalsIgnoreCase("OPEN")) {
relazioneScavoPanel.add(new RelazioneScavoView(abstractRS, concessioneDV.getRelazioneScavo(), false));
}else {
//I need to be authenticated to show the fields according to POLICY
if(myLogin!=null) {
relazioneScavoPanel.add(new RelazioneScavoView(abstractRS, concessioneDV.getRelazioneScavo(), true));
relazioneScavoPanel.add(new RelazioneScavoView(abstractRS, concessioneDV.getRelazioneScavo()));
private void addCentroidMap() {
Coordinate centerCoordinate = OLFactory.createCoordinate(GeoportalDataViewerConstants.ITALY_CENTER_LONG, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.ITALY_CENTER_LAT);
Coordinate transformedCenterCoordinate = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(centerCoordinate, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_4326, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_3857);
MapView mapView = new MapView(transformedCenterCoordinate, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.LIGHT_MAP_ITALY_FIT_ZOOM_ON, "70%", "300px");
if(concessioneDV!=null && concessioneDV.getCentroidLat()!=null && concessioneDV.getCentroidLong()!=null) {
Location italyLocation = ExtentMapUtil.getLocation(PLACE.ITALY);
Coordinate transformedCenterCoordinate = italyLocation.getCoordinate(MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_3857);
MapView mapView = new MapView(transformedCenterCoordinate,
GeoportalDataViewerConstants.LIGHT_MAP_ITALY_FIT_ZOOM_ON, "70%", "300px");
if (concessioneDV != null && concessioneDV.getCentroidLat() != null
&& concessioneDV.getCentroidLong() != null) {
Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(concessioneDV.getCentroidLong(), concessioneDV.getCentroidLat());
Coordinate transfCoord = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(coord, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_4326, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_3857);
//Coordinate invertedCoordinate = MapUtils.reverseCoordinate(coord);
boolean authenticatedUser = myLogin!=null?true:false;
Coordinate transfCoord = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(coord, MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_4326.getName(),
// Coordinate invertedCoordinate = MapUtils.reverseCoordinate(coord);
boolean authenticatedUser = myLogin != null ? true : false;
mapView.addMarker(transfCoord, authenticatedUser);
}else if(concessioneDV!=null){
GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJs("I cannot add centroid as maker one or both coordinates are null. Lat: "+concessioneDV.getCentroidLong() +", Long:"+concessioneDV.getCentroidLat());
} else if (concessioneDV != null) {
.printJs("I cannot add centroid as maker one or both coordinates are null. Lat: "
+ concessioneDV.getCentroidLong() + ", Long:" + concessioneDV.getCentroidLat());
private void addUploadedImages() {
GWT.log("Managing immagini: "+concessioneDV.getImmaginiRappresentative());
GWT.log("Managing immagini: " + concessioneDV.getImmaginiRappresentative());
List<UploadedImageDV> immagini = concessioneDV.getImmaginiRappresentative();
if (immagini != null && immagini.size() > 0) {
List<UploadedImageDV> immaginiToShow = new ArrayList<UploadedImageDV>();
for (UploadedImageDV uploadedImageDV : immagini) {
if(uploadedImageDV.getPolicy()==null || uploadedImageDV.getPolicy().equalsIgnoreCase("OPEN")) {
}else {
if(myLogin!=null) {
if(immaginiToShow.size()>0) {
if (immaginiToShow.size() > 0) {
ImagesGallery gallery = new ImagesGallery(immaginiToShow);
@ -348,9 +325,9 @@ public class ConcessioneView extends Composite {
public ConcessioneDV getConcessioneDV() {
return concessioneDV;
protected void setViewDetailsButtonVisible(boolean bool) {
protected void setExpandViewButtonVisible(boolean bool) {

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
<b:Button ui:field="shareButton">Share</b:Button>
<b:Button ui:field="viewButton">View</b:Button>
<b:Button ui:field="expandButton">Expand</b:Button>
<b:Paragraph ui:field="introduzione"></b:Paragraph>
<g:VerticalPanel addStyleNames="{style.width-100}">

@ -1,20 +1,32 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.products.concessioni;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.LayerConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.MapUtils;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil.Location;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.ExtentMapUtil.PLACE;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.map.MapView;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.util.CustomFlexTable;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.LayerConcessioneDV;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.DropdownButton;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.NavLink;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.ButtonType;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.IconType;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Unit;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler;
import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiBinder;
import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiField;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTMLPanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
import ol.Coordinate;
import ol.OLFactory;
public class LayerConcessioneView extends Composite {
@ -22,36 +34,232 @@ public class LayerConcessioneView extends Composite {
interface LayerConcessioneUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, LayerConcessioneView> {
HTMLPanel layerConcessionePanel;
HTMLPanel mapViewPanel;
private CustomFlexTable customTable = new CustomFlexTable();
private static enum IMAGE_EXPORT_AS {
int downloadAttempt = 0;
public LayerConcessioneView(LayerConcessioneDV layerDV) {
GWT.log("Showing: "+layerDV);
GWT.log("Showing: " + layerDV);
GWT.log("WMS LINK: " + layerDV.getWmsLink());
if (layerDV.getLayerName() != null && layerDV.getWmsLink() != null) {
DropdownButton exportMapButton = new DropdownButton("Export Map as...");
exportMapButton.setTitle("Export the map view (OSM + layer) as an image...");
Style exportStyle = exportMapButton.getElement().getStyle();
//exportStyle.setWidth(100, Unit.PCT);
exportStyle.setMarginLeft(70, Unit.PCT);
Location italyLocation = ExtentMapUtil.getLocation(PLACE.ITALY);
Coordinate transformedCenterCoordinate = italyLocation.getCoordinate(MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_3857);
MapView mapView = new MapView(transformedCenterCoordinate,
GeoportalDataViewerConstants.LIGHT_MAP_ITALY_FIT_ZOOM_ON, "70%", "300px");
String mapServerHost = layerDV.getWmsLink().contains("?")
? layerDV.getWmsLink().substring(0, layerDV.getWmsLink().indexOf("?"))
: layerDV.getWmsLink();
mapView.addWMSLayer(mapServerHost, layerDV.getLayerName(), layerDV.getBbox());
String htmlLinkId = mapView.getPanelMapElementId() + "-image-download";
for (IMAGE_EXPORT_AS exportType : IMAGE_EXPORT_AS.values()) {
NavLink navLink = new NavLink(exportType.name());
String exportExt = exportType.name().toLowerCase();
String filename = layerDV.getLayerName() + "." + exportExt;
String mimeType = "image/" + exportExt;
final HTML htmlLink = new HTML("<a id=\"" + htmlLinkId + "\" download=\"" + filename + "\"></a>");
navLink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// DOWNLOAD only the layer by Geoserver
* Map<String, String> mapLayerURLs =
* mapView.getLightOLSM().getLayerURLsProperty(); Collection<String> layerURLs =
* mapLayerURLs.values(); ArrayList<String> layers = new
* ArrayList<String>(layerURLs); exportPDF(layers.get(0)); String layerURL =
* mapLayerURLs.get(layerDV.getLayerName()); GWT.log("layerDV name is: " +
* layerDV.getLayerName()); if (layerURL != null) Window.open(layerURL,
* "_blank", null);
if (downloadAttempt > 3) {
// DOWNLOAD the OSM + layer by canvas
downloadMap(mapView.getLightOLSM().getMap(), mapView.getPanelMapElementId(), htmlLinkId,
filename, mimeType);
// mapExport(mapView.getLightOLSM().getMap(), mapView.getPanelMapElementId());
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Abstract", layerDV.getAbstractSection());
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Valutazione qualità", layerDV.getValutazioneQualita());
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Metodo raccolta dati", layerDV.getMetodoRaccoltaDati());
customTable.addNextKeyValue("Scala acquisizione dati", layerDV.getScalaAcquisizione());
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Autori", layerDV.getAuthors(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
GWT.log("WMS LINK: "+layerDV.getWmsLink());
if(layerDV.getLayerName()!=null && layerDV.getWmsLink()!=null) {
Coordinate centerCoordinate = OLFactory.createCoordinate(GeoportalDataViewerConstants.ITALY_CENTER_LONG, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.ITALY_CENTER_LAT);
Coordinate transformedCenterCoordinate = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(centerCoordinate, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_4326, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_3857);
MapView mapView = new MapView(transformedCenterCoordinate, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.LIGHT_MAP_ITALY_FIT_ZOOM_ON, "70%", "300px");
String mapServerHost = layerDV.getWmsLink().contains("?")? layerDV.getWmsLink().substring(0,layerDV.getWmsLink().indexOf("?")):layerDV.getWmsLink();
mapView.addWMSLayer(mapServerHost, layerDV.getLayerName(), layerDV.getBbox());
public static native void exportPDF(String layerURL) /*-{
var image = new Image(layerURL);
var doc = new $wnd.jspdf.jsPDF();
doc.addImage(layerURL, 'PNG', 0, 0, image.width, image.height);
* Prints the.
* @param msg the msg
public static native void downloadMap(ol.Map map, String mapPanelId, String linkId, String filename,
String mimeType)/*-{
console.log("map: " + map);
map.once('rendercomplete', function() {
var mapCanvas = $doc.createElement('canvas');
var size = map.getSize();
mapCanvas.width = size[0];
mapCanvas.height = size[1];
var mapContext = mapCanvas.getContext('2d');
var mapContainer = $doc.querySelector('#' + mapPanelId);
//console.log("mapContainer:" +JSON.stringify(mapContainer, null, 4));
.querySelectorAll('.ol-layer canvas'), function(canvas) {
if (canvas.width > 0) {
var opacity = canvas.parentNode.style.opacity;
mapContext.globalAlpha = opacity === '' ? 1
: Number(opacity);
var transform = canvas.style.transform;
// Get the transform parameters from the style's transform matrix
var matrix = transform.match(/^matrix\(([^\(]*)\)$/)[1]
// Apply the transform to the export map context
mapContext, matrix);
mapContext.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
if (navigator.msSaveBlob) {
// link download attribute does not work on MS browsers
navigator.msSaveBlob(mapCanvas.msToBlob(), filename);
} else {
var link = $doc.getElementById(linkId);
link.href = mapCanvas.toDataURL(mimeType);
// public static native void mapExport(ol.Map map, String mapPanelId)/*-{
// try {
// var dims = {
// a0 : [ 1189, 841 ],
// a1 : [ 841, 594 ],
// a2 : [ 594, 420 ],
// a3 : [ 420, 297 ],
// a4 : [ 297, 210 ],
// a5 : [ 210, 148 ],
// };
// var resolutions = {
// 72 : 72,
// 150 : 150,
// 300 : 300,
// };
// //var format = document.getElementById('format').value;
// var format = 'a4';
// //var resolution = document.getElementById('resolution').value;
// var resolution = resolutions[150];
// var dim = dims[format];
// var width = Math.round((dim[0] * resolution) / 25.4);
// var height = Math.round((dim[1] * resolution) / 25.4);
// var size = map.getSize();
// var viewResolution = map.getView().getResolution();
// map.once('rendercomplete', function() {
// var mapCanvas = $doc.createElement('canvas');
// mapCanvas.width = width;
// mapCanvas.height = height;
// var mapContext = mapCanvas.getContext('2d');
// var selectId = "#" + mapPanelId;
// console.log('selectId: ' + selectId);
// var container = $doc.querySelector(selectId);
// console.log('container: ' + container);
// Array.prototype.forEach.call(container
// .querySelectorAll('.ol-layer canvas'),
// function(canvas) {
// canvas.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; // This enables CORS
// if (canvas.width > 0) {
// var opacity = canvas.parentNode.style.opacity;
// mapContext.globalAlpha = opacity === '' ? 1
// : Number(opacity);
// var transform = canvas.style.transform;
// // Get the transform parameters from the style's transform matrix
// var matrix = transform
// .match(/^matrix\(([^\(]*)\)$/)[1]
// .split(',').map(Number);
// // Apply the transform to the export map context
// CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.setTransform
// .apply(mapContext, matrix);
// mapContext.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
// }
// });
// //window.open(mapCanvas.toDataURL(), '_blank');
// var pdf = new $wnd.jspdf.jsPDF('landscape', undefined, format);
// pdf.addImage(mapCanvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg'), 'JPEG', 0, 0,
// dim[0], dim[1]);
// pdf.save('map.pdf');
// // Reset original map size
// map.setSize(size);
// map.getView().setResolution(viewResolution);
// exportButton.disabled = false;
// document.body.style.cursor = 'auto';
// });
// //map.renderSync();
// // Set print size
// var printSize = [width, height];
// map.setSize(printSize);
// var scaling = Math.min(width / size[0], height / size[1]);
// map.getView().setResolution(viewResolution / scaling);
// } catch (error) {
// window.alert(error);
// }
// }-*/;

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.products.concessio
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.content.WorkspaceContentDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.AbstractRelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.RelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.ui.util.CustomFlexTable;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.WorkspaceContentDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.AbstractRelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.RelazioneScavoDV;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Button;
import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Paragraph;
@ -30,78 +30,90 @@ public class RelazioneScavoView extends Composite {
interface RelazioneScavoViewUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, RelazioneScavoView> {
HTMLPanel relazioneScavoPanel;
Paragraph abstractParagraphIta;
Paragraph abstractParagraphEng;
Button linkAbstractLanguage;
private CustomFlexTable customTable = new CustomFlexTable();
public RelazioneScavoView(AbstractRelazioneScavoDV abstractDV, RelazioneScavoDV relazioneScavoDV, boolean autheticatedUser) {
public RelazioneScavoView(AbstractRelazioneScavoDV abstractRelazioneDV, RelazioneScavoDV relazioneScavoDV) {
if(abstractDV.getAbstractSectionIta()!=null) {
if(abstractDV.getAbstractSectionEng()!=null) {
GWT.log("Showing abstract: "+abstractRelazioneDV);
GWT.log("Showing relazioneScavoDV: "+relazioneScavoDV);
if (abstractRelazioneDV != null) {
if (abstractRelazioneDV.getAbstractSectionIta() != null) {
if (abstractRelazioneDV.getAbstractSectionEng() != null) {
showLinkToDownloadWsContent("Abstract Relazione", abstractRelazioneDV.getListWsContent());
//customTable.addNextKeyValue("Created", relazioneScavoDV.getCreationTime());
//customTable.addNextKeyValue("ID Licenza", relazioneScavoDV.getLicenseID());
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Responsabili", relazioneScavoDV.getResponsabili(), GeoportalDataViewerConstants.NEW_LINE_BR);
linkAbstractLanguage.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
if(abstractParagraphIta.isVisible()) {
if (abstractParagraphIta.isVisible()) {
}else {
} else {
//Showing the Download PFD relazione accoding to policy
if(relazioneScavoDV.getPolicy()==null || relazioneScavoDV.getPolicy().equalsIgnoreCase("OPEN")) {
if (relazioneScavoDV != null) {
}else {
//I need to be authenticated to show the fields according to POLICY
if(autheticatedUser) {
// customTable.addNextKeyValue("Created", relazioneScavoDV.getCreationTime());
// customTable.addNextKeyValue("ID Licenza", relazioneScavoDV.getLicenseID());
customTable.addNextKeyValues("Responsabili", relazioneScavoDV.getResponsabili(),
showLinkToDownloadWsContent("Relazione", relazioneScavoDV.getListWsContent());
private void showLintToDownloadLastContent(List<WorkspaceContentDV> listContent) {
if(listContent!=null) {
int size = listContent.size();
WorkspaceContentDV lastDoc = listContent.get(size-1);
customTable.addNextKeyWidget("PDF Relazione", new HTML("<a href=\""+lastDoc.getLink()+"\">download</a>"));
private void showLinkToDownloadWsContent(String title, List<WorkspaceContentDV> listContent) {
if (listContent != null) {
int i = 0;
String fieldLabel = title;
for (WorkspaceContentDV workspaceContentDV : listContent) {
if (i > 0) {
fieldLabel = "";
String downloadLabel = "download";
if(workspaceContentDV.getName()!=null) {
downloadLabel = workspaceContentDV.getName();
customTable.addNextKeyWidget(fieldLabel, new HTML(
"<a href=\"" + workspaceContentDV.getLink() + "\">" + downloadLabel + "</a>"));

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.util;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* The Class URLUtil.
@ -60,6 +61,35 @@ public class URLUtil {
* Sets the value of parameter.
* @param wmsParam the wms param
* @param wmsLink the wms link
* @param newValue the new value
* @param addIfNotExists the add if not exists
* @return the string
public static String setValueOfParameter(String wmsParam, String wmsLink, String newValue, boolean addIfNotExists){
String toLowerWmsLink = wmsLink.toLowerCase();
String toLowerWmsParam = wmsParam.toLowerCase();
int index = toLowerWmsLink.indexOf(toLowerWmsParam+"="); //END WITH CHAR "=" TO BE SURE THAT IT IS A PARAMETER
if(index > -1){
int indexStartValue = index + toLowerWmsParam.length()+1; //add +1 for char '='
int indexOfSeparator = toLowerWmsLink.indexOf("&", indexStartValue); //GET THE FIRST "&" STARTING FROM INDEX VALUE
// logger.trace("indexOfSeparator index of "+wmsParam+ " is: "+indexOfSeparator);
int indexEndValue = indexOfSeparator!=-1?indexOfSeparator:toLowerWmsLink.length();
// logger.trace("end: "+indexEndValue);
return wmsLink.substring(0, indexStartValue) + newValue +wmsLink.substring(indexEndValue, wmsLink.length());
}else if (addIfNotExists){
// logger.trace("return value: "+value);
return wmsLink;
* Extract value of parameter from URL.

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server;
* The Class ApplicationProfileException.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa francesco.mangiacrapa{@literal @}isti.cnr.it
* Sep 6, 2016
public class ApplicationProfileNotFoundException extends Exception {
* Instantiates a new application profile exception.
* @param message the message
public ApplicationProfileNotFoundException(String message) {

@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.AccessPolicy;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.BBOX;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.Concessione;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.LayerConcessione;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.OtherContent;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.PersistedContent;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.RelazioneScavo;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.UploadedImage;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.WorkspaceContent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.util.URLParserUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.OtherContentDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.WorkspaceContentDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.AbstractRelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.LayerConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.RelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The Class ConvertToGUIModel.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 2, 2020
public class ConvertToDataViewModel {
private static final String NO_TIME = "T00:00";
/** The Constant LOG. */
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConvertToDataViewModel.class);
public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "dd-MM-yyyy";
public static final String HOURS_MINUTES_SEPARATOR = ":";
public static final String TIME_FORMAT = "HH" + HOURS_MINUTES_SEPARATOR + "mm";
* To concessione.
* @param concessione the concessione
* @return the concessione
* @throws Exception the exception
public static ConcessioneDV toConcessione(Concessione concessione) throws Exception {
LOG.debug("called toConcessione for: "+concessione);
if (concessione == null)
return null;
try {
ConcessioneDV theConcessione = new ConcessioneDV();
if (concessione.getImmaginiRappresentative() != null) {
List<UploadedImageDV> uploadedImagesDV = new ArrayList<UploadedImageDV>(
for (UploadedImage ui : concessione.getImmaginiRappresentative()) {
if (concessione.getGenericContent() != null) {
List<OtherContentDV> otherContentsDV = new ArrayList<OtherContentDV>(
for (OtherContent gc : concessione.getGenericContent()) {
if (concessione.getPianteFineScavo() != null) {
List<LayerConcessioneDV> piantaScavoDV = new ArrayList<LayerConcessioneDV>(
for (LayerConcessione lc : concessione.getPianteFineScavo()) {
if (concessione.getPosizionamentoScavo() != null) {
LayerConcessioneDV thePosizScavo = toLayerConcessione(concessione.getPosizionamentoScavo());
LOG.debug("Returning concessione: " + theConcessione);
return theConcessione;
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error on converting concessione: "+concessione, e);
return null;
// public static List<String> toListString(List<String> orginList){
// if(orginList==null)
// return null;
// List<String> destList = new ArrayList<String>(orginList.size());
// for (String orgValue : orginList) {
// destList.add(orgValue);
// }
// return destList;
// }
* To user.
* @param username the username
* @return the string
public static String toUser(String username) {
return null;
return username;
* To policy.
* @param policy the policy
* @return the string
public static String toPolicy(AccessPolicy policy) {
return null;
return policy.name();
* To date format string.
* @param dateTime the date time
* @return the string
public static String toDateFormatString(LocalDateTime dateTime) {
return null;
String time = dateTime.toString();
DateTimeFormatter formatter = null;
try {
if(!time.endsWith(NO_TIME)) {
formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(DATE_FORMAT + " " + TIME_FORMAT);
}else {
time = time.replace(NO_TIME, "");
formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(DATE_FORMAT);
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Parsing error: ",e);
try {
return dateTime.format(formatter);
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Date format error: ",e);
return dateTime.toString();
* To abstract relazione scavo.
* @param relazioneScavo the relazione scavo
* @return the abstract relazione scavo DV
public static AbstractRelazioneScavoDV toAbstractRelazioneScavo(RelazioneScavo relazioneScavo) {
if (relazioneScavo == null)
return null;
AbstractRelazioneScavoDV theRelazioneDiScavo = new AbstractRelazioneScavoDV();
LOG.debug("Returning: " + theRelazioneDiScavo);
return theRelazioneDiScavo;
* To relazione scavo.
* @param relazioneScavo the relazione scavo
* @return the relazione scavo data view
public static RelazioneScavoDV toRelazioneScavo(RelazioneScavo relazioneScavo) {
if (relazioneScavo == null)
return null;
RelazioneScavoDV theRelazioneDiScavo = new RelazioneScavoDV();
List<PersistedContent> actContent = relazioneScavo.getActualContent();
if(actContent!=null && actContent.size()>0) {
List<WorkspaceContentDV> listWsContent = new ArrayList<WorkspaceContentDV>();
for (PersistedContent content : actContent) {
if(content!=null && content instanceof WorkspaceContent) {
LOG.debug("Returning: " + theRelazioneDiScavo);
return theRelazioneDiScavo;
* To uploaded image.
* @param uploadedImage the uploaded image
* @return the uploaded image data-view
public static UploadedImageDV toUploadedImage(UploadedImage uploadedImage) {
if (uploadedImage == null)
return null;
UploadedImageDV theUploadedImageDV = new UploadedImageDV();
List<PersistedContent> actContent = uploadedImage.getActualContent();
if(actContent!=null && actContent.size()>0) {
List<WorkspaceContentDV> listWsContent = new ArrayList<WorkspaceContentDV>();
for (PersistedContent content : actContent) {
if(content!=null && content instanceof WorkspaceContent) {
LOG.debug("Returning: " + theUploadedImageDV);
return theUploadedImageDV;
* To workspace content.
* @param wContent the w content
* @return the workspace content DV
public static WorkspaceContentDV toWorkspaceContent(WorkspaceContent wContent){
if (wContent == null)
return null;
WorkspaceContentDV theWSDV = new WorkspaceContentDV();
return theWSDV;
* To layer concessione.
* @param layerConcessione the layer concessione
* @return the layer concessione data view
public static LayerConcessioneDV toLayerConcessione(LayerConcessione layerConcessione) {
if (layerConcessione == null)
return null;
LOG.debug("Converting: "+layerConcessione);
LayerConcessioneDV theLayerConessione = new LayerConcessioneDV();
String wmsLink = layerConcessione.getWmsLink();
String layerName = null;
BoundsMap bounds = null;
//reading layer name from wmsLink
//string bbox
if(wmsLink!=null) {
layerName = URLParserUtil.extractValueOfParameterFromURL("layers", wmsLink);
String bbox = URLParserUtil.extractValueOfParameterFromURL("bbox", wmsLink);
String wmsVersion = URLParserUtil.extractValueOfParameterFromURL("version", wmsLink);
bounds = toBoundMap(wmsVersion, bbox, ",");
LOG.debug("Built bounds from wmsLInk: "+bounds);
bounds = toBoundMap(layerConcessione.getBbox());
LOG.debug("Returning: " + theLayerConessione);
return theLayerConessione;
* To other content DV.
* @param otherContent the other content
* @return the other content DV
public static OtherContentDV toOtherContentDV(OtherContent otherContent) {
if (otherContent == null)
return null;
OtherContentDV theOtherContent = new OtherContentDV();
return theOtherContent;
* To bound map.
* @param bbox the bbox
* @return the bounds map
public static BoundsMap toBoundMap(BBOX bbox) {
if (bbox == null)
return null;
return new BoundsMap(bbox.getMinLong(), bbox.getMinLat(), bbox.getMaxLong(), bbox.getMaxLat(), null);
* To bound map.
* @param wmsVersion the wms version
* @param bbox the bbox
* @param separator the separator
* @return the bounds map
public static BoundsMap toBoundMap(String wmsVersion, String bbox, String separator) {
if (bbox == null)
return null;
return null;
separator = ",";
try {
String[] bboxArr = bbox.split(separator);
if(wmsVersion.startsWith("1.3")) {
//is 1.3.x
return new BoundsMap(toDouble(bboxArr[1]), toDouble(bboxArr[0]), toDouble(bboxArr[3]), toDouble(bboxArr[2]), wmsVersion);
}else {
//should be 1.1.X
return new BoundsMap(toDouble(bboxArr[0]), toDouble(bboxArr[1]), toDouble(bboxArr[2]), toDouble(bboxArr[3]), wmsVersion);
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error on creating Bounds for wmsVersion "+wmsVersion+" and bbox "+bbox+" : ",e);
return null;
* To double.
* @param value the value
* @return the double
public static Double toDouble(String value) {
try {
return Double.parseDouble(value);
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error on parsing "+value+" as double: ",e);
return null;

@ -1,33 +1,45 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.client.legacy.ConcessioniManager;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.Concessione;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.LayerConcessione;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.UploadedImage;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.ConvertToDataViewModel;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.GeoNaDataViewerProfileReader;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.GeoportalCommon;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaDataViewerProfile;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaItemRef;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.LayerItem;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.BaseConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.AbstractRelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.LayerConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.RelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.util.URLParserUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerService;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.gis.FeatureParser;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.gis.WMSUrlValidator;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accesspolicy.GeoNACheckAccessPolicy;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.util.SessionUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.util.URLParserUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.GeoNaSpatialQueryResult;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.LayerObject;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wfs.FeatureRow;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms.GeoInformationForWMSRequest;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms.Styles;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms.ZAxis;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.urlshortener.UrlShortener;
import org.gcube.spatial.data.geoutility.GeoNcWMSMetadataUtility;
import org.gcube.spatial.data.geoutility.bean.LayerStyles;
import org.gcube.spatial.data.geoutility.bean.LayerZAxis;
@ -43,21 +55,22 @@ import com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet;
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 12, 2020
* Nov 12, 2020
public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
GeoportalDataViewerService {
public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements GeoportalDataViewerService {
public static final String PRODUCT_ID = "product_id";
/** The Constant LOG. */
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl.class);
* Parses the wms request.
* @param wmsRequest the wms request
* @param layerName the layer name
* @param layerName the layer name
* @return the geo information for WMS request
* @throws Exception the exception
@ -65,17 +78,17 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet impleme
public GeoInformationForWMSRequest parseWmsRequest(String wmsRequest, String layerName) throws Exception {
return loadGeoInfoForWmsRequest(wmsRequest, layerName);
* Load geo info for wms request.
* @param wmsLink the wms link
* @param wmsLink the wms link
* @param layerName the layer name
* @return the geo information for WMS request
* @throws Exception the exception
public static GeoInformationForWMSRequest loadGeoInfoForWmsRequest(String wmsLink, String layerName) throws Exception{
public static GeoInformationForWMSRequest loadGeoInfoForWmsRequest(String wmsLink, String layerName)
throws Exception {
try {
WMSUrlValidator validator = new WMSUrlValidator(wmsLink, layerName);
String wmsServiceHost = validator.getWmsServiceHost();
@ -83,30 +96,33 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet impleme
layerName = validator.getLayerName();
String versionWms = validator.getValueOfParsedWMSParameter(WmsParameters.VERSION);
String crs = validator.getValueOfParsedWMSParameter(WmsParameters.CRS);
HashMap<String, String> mapWmsNotStandard = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (validator.getMapWmsNoStandardParams() != null) {
GeoNcWMSMetadataUtility geoGS = new GeoNcWMSMetadataUtility(validWMSRequest, 4000);
LayerStyles layerStyle = geoGS.loadStyles();
Map<String,String> mapNcWmsStyles = layerStyle.getMapNcWmsStyles()==null?new HashMap<String, String>(1):layerStyle.getMapNcWmsStyles();
LayerStyles layerStyle = geoGS.loadStyles();
Map<String, String> mapNcWmsStyles = layerStyle.getMapNcWmsStyles() == null ? new HashMap<String, String>(1)
: layerStyle.getMapNcWmsStyles();
Styles styles = new Styles(layerStyle.getGeoStyles(), layerStyle.getMapNcWmsStyles(), layerStyle.isNcWms());
// ZAxis
LayerZAxis layerZAxis = geoGS.loadZAxis();
ZAxis zAxis = layerZAxis!=null?new ZAxis(layerZAxis.getUnits(), layerZAxis.isPositive(), layerZAxis.getValues()):null;
ZAxis zAxis = layerZAxis != null
? new ZAxis(layerZAxis.getUnits(), layerZAxis.isPositive(), layerZAxis.getValues())
: null;
return new GeoInformationForWMSRequest(wmsServiceHost, validWMSRequest, layerName, versionWms, crs, mapWmsNotStandard, styles, styles.isNcWms(), zAxis);
catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "An error occurred during wms request validation for layer: "+layerName;
return new GeoInformationForWMSRequest(wmsServiceHost, validWMSRequest, layerName, versionWms, crs,
mapWmsNotStandard, styles, styles.isNcWms(), zAxis);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "An error occurred during wms request validation for layer: " + layerName;
LOG.error(msg, e);
throw new Exception(msg);
@ -114,154 +130,270 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet impleme
* Gets the data result.
* @param layerObjects the layer objects
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param selectBBOX the select BBOX
* @param layerObjects the layer objects
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param selectBBOX the select BBOX
* @param maxWFSFeature the max WFS feature
* @param zoomLevel the zoom level
* @param zoomLevel the zoom level
* @return the data result
public List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> getDataResult(List<LayerObject> layerObjects, String mapSrsName, BoundsMap selectBBOX,
int maxWFSFeature, double zoomLevel) {
public List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> getDataResult(List<LayerObject> layerObjects, String mapSrsName,
BoundsMap selectBBOX, int maxWFSFeature, double zoomLevel) {
LOG.info("getDataResult called");
List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> listDAO = new ArrayList<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult>(layerObjects.size());
for (LayerObject layerObject : layerObjects) {
GeoNaSpatialQueryResult geoDAO = new GeoNaSpatialQueryResult();
List<FeatureRow> features = FeatureParser.getWFSFeatures(layerObject.getLayerItem(), mapSrsName, selectBBOX, maxWFSFeature);
LOG.debug("For layer name: "+layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() +" got features: "+features);
List<FeatureRow> features = FeatureParser.getWFSFeatures(layerObject.getLayerItem(), mapSrsName, selectBBOX,
LOG.debug("For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got features: " + features);
// Getting the concessioneId from WFS features
for (FeatureRow fRow : features) {
if(fRow.getMapProperties()!=null) {
if (fRow.getMapProperties() != null) {
List<String> concessioneIds = fRow.getMapProperties().get("product_id");
if(concessioneIds!=null && concessioneIds.size()>0) {
if (concessioneIds != null && concessioneIds.size() > 0) {
String cId = concessioneIds.get(0);
try {
long theConcessionID = Long.parseLong(cId);
List<UploadedImageDV> listUI = getUploadedImagesForId("Concessione", theConcessionID, 1);
Map<Long, List<UploadedImageDV>> mapImages = new LinkedHashMap<Long, List<UploadedImageDV>>();
mapImages.put(theConcessionID, listUI);
UploadedImageDV uplImg = sessionloadPreviewImageForConcessione(this.getThreadLocalRequest(),
"Concessione", cId);
// List<UploadedImageDV> listUI = getUploadedImagesForId("Concessione", cId, 1);
Map<String, List<UploadedImageDV>> mapImages = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<UploadedImageDV>>();
mapImages.put(cId, Arrays.asList(uplImg));
// mapImages.put(cId, listUI);
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error on loading uploaded images for concessione: "+cId, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error on loading uploaded images for concessione: " + cId, e);
LOG.info("For layer name: "+layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() +" got "+features.size()+" feature/s");
LOG.info("For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got " + features.size()
+ " feature/s");
LOG.info("returning "+listDAO+" geona data objects");
LOG.info("returning " + listDAO + " geona data objects");
return listDAO;
* Gets the uploaded images for id.
* @param id the id
* @param itemType the item type
* @param itemId the item id. It is the mongoId
* @param maxImages the max images
* @return the uploaded images for id
* @throws Exception the exception
public List<UploadedImageDV> getUploadedImagesForId(String itemType, Long id, int maxImages) throws Exception{
LOG.info("getUploadedImagesForId [id: "+id+", itemType: "+itemType+"] called");
public List<UploadedImageDV> getUploadedImagesForId(String itemType, String itemId, Integer maxImages)
throws Exception {
LOG.info("getUploadedImagesForId [itemId: " + itemId + ", itemType: " + itemType + "] called");
return getUploadedImagesForId(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), itemType, itemId, maxImages);
* Gets the layers for id.
* @param itemType the item type
* @param itemId the item id
* @return the layers for id
* @throws Exception the exception
public List<LayerConcessioneDV> getLayersForId(String itemType, String itemId) throws Exception {
LOG.info("getLayersForId [itemId: " + itemId + ", itemType: " + itemType + "] called");
if (itemType == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The itemType is null");
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The Id is null");
List<UploadedImageDV> listUI = null;
if (itemId == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The itemId is null");
List<LayerConcessioneDV> listLayers = null;
try {
SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true);
if(itemType.equalsIgnoreCase("concessione")) {
LOG.info("Trying to get concessione for id "+id);
ConcessioniManager concessioniManager = new ConcessioniManager();
Concessione concessione = concessioniManager.getById(id+"");
String userName = null;
try {
userName = SessionUtil.getCurrentUser(this.getThreadLocalRequest()).getUsername();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.info("User not found in session, the userName for cecking policy will be null");
if (itemType.equalsIgnoreCase("concessione")) {
LOG.info("Trying to get concessione for id " + itemId);
ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy cms = new ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy(
Concessione concessione = cms.getItemById(itemId);
BaseConcessioneDV baseConcessione = ConvertToDataViewModel.toBaseConcessione(concessione);
if (concessione != null) {
LOG.info("For id "+id+", got concessione "+concessione.getNome() +" from service");
List<UploadedImage> images = concessione.getImmaginiRappresentative();
if (images != null) {
listUI = new ArrayList<UploadedImageDV>();
int max = maxImages < images.size() ? maxImages : images.size();
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
UploadedImageDV ui = ConvertToDataViewModel.toUploadedImage(images.get(i));
LOG.info("For id " + itemId + ", got concessione " + concessione.getNome() + " from service");
listLayers = new ArrayList<LayerConcessioneDV>();
if (concessione.getPianteFineScavo() != null) {
for (LayerConcessione lc : concessione.getPianteFineScavo()) {
if (GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(lc.getPolicy().name(), userName)) {
listLayers.add(ConvertToDataViewModel.toLayerConcessione(lc, baseConcessione));
LOG.info("For id "+id+", got "+listUI.size() +" image/s");
LayerConcessione lcPosizionamento = concessione.getPosizionamentoScavo();
if (lcPosizionamento != null) {
if (GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(lcPosizionamento.getPolicy().name(), userName)) {
LayerConcessioneDV thePosizScavo = ConvertToDataViewModel
.toLayerConcessione(lcPosizionamento, baseConcessione);
if (thePosizScavo != null)
throw new Exception("Concessione with id: "+id +" not available");
} else
throw new Exception("Concessione with id '" + itemId + "' not available");
return listUI;
}catch (Exception e) {
String erroMsg = UploadedImage.class.getSimpleName() +" not available for "+Concessione.class.getSimpleName() +" with id "+id;
LOG.info("For id " + itemId + ", returning " + listLayers.size() + " layer/s");
return listLayers;
} catch (Exception e) {
String erroMsg = "Layers are not available for " + Concessione.class.getSimpleName() + " with id " + itemId;
LOG.error(erroMsg, e);
throw new Exception(erroMsg);
* Gets the concessione for id.
* @param id the id
* @param mongoId the mongo id
* @return the concessione for id
* @throws Exception the exception
public ConcessioneDV getConcessioneForId(Long id) throws Exception{
LOG.info("getConcessioneForId "+id+ " called");
public ConcessioneDV getConcessioneForId(String mongoId) throws Exception {
LOG.info("getConcessioneForId " + mongoId + " called");
ConcessioneDV concessionDV = null;
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The Id is null");
if (mongoId == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The itemId is null");
try {
LOG.info("Trying to get record for id "+id);
SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true);
Concessione concessione = new ConcessioniManager().getById(id+"");
LOG.info("Got concessione for id "+id);
if(concessione !=null) {
LOG.info("Trying to get record for id " + mongoId);
ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy cms = new ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy(
Concessione concessione = cms.getItemById(mongoId);
LOG.info("Got concessione for mongoId: " + mongoId);
if (concessione != null) {
concessionDV = ConvertToDataViewModel.toConcessione(concessione);
String userName = null;
try {
userName = SessionUtil.getCurrentUser(this.getThreadLocalRequest()).getUsername();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.info("User not found in session, so going to apply the acess policies");
if (userName == null) {
LOG.info("Applying access policies for concessione " + mongoId + " returned by service");
LayerConcessioneDV layerPosizionamento = concessionDV.getPosizionamentoScavo();
if (layerPosizionamento != null) {
if (!GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(layerPosizionamento.getPolicy(), userName)) {
} else {
LOG.info("Posizionamento di Scavo is not accessible by current user");
List<LayerConcessioneDV> listLayersDV = concessionDV.getPianteFineScavo();
if (listLayersDV != null) {
List<LayerConcessioneDV> accessibleListLayersDV = new ArrayList<LayerConcessioneDV>();
for (LayerConcessioneDV layerDV : listLayersDV) {
if (GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(layerDV.getPolicy(), userName)) {
AbstractRelazioneScavoDV abstractRS = concessionDV.getAbstractRelazioneScavo();
if (abstractRS != null) {
if (!GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(abstractRS.getPolicy(), userName)) {
RelazioneScavoDV relazioneScavo = concessionDV.getRelazioneScavo();
if (relazioneScavo != null) {
if (!GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(relazioneScavo.getPolicy(), userName)) {
List<UploadedImageDV> immagini = concessionDV.getImmaginiRappresentative();
if (immagini != null && immagini.size() > 0) {
List<UploadedImageDV> accessibleListImages = new ArrayList<UploadedImageDV>();
for (UploadedImageDV uploadedImageDV : immagini) {
if (GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(uploadedImageDV.getPolicy(), userName)) {
LOG.info("Access policies applied");
throw new Exception("Concessione with id: "+id +" not available");
LOG.debug("For id "+id+" returning "+ConcessioneDV.class.getSimpleName()+": "+concessionDV);
if (concessionDV == null)
throw new Exception("Concessione with id '" + mongoId + "' not available");
LOG.debug("For id " + mongoId + " returning " + ConcessioneDV.class.getSimpleName() + ": " + concessionDV);
return concessionDV;
}catch (Exception e) {
String erroMsg = Concessione.class.getSimpleName() +" with id "+id+" not available";
} catch (Exception e) {
String erroMsg = Concessione.class.getSimpleName() + " with id '" + mongoId + "' not available";
LOG.error(erroMsg, e);
throw new Exception(erroMsg);
* Gets the parameters from URL.
* @param theURL the the URL
* @param theURL the the URL
* @param parameters the parameters
* @return a map with couple (paramKey, paramValue)
public Map<String, String> getParametersFromURL(String theURL, List<String> parameters) {
if (theURL == null)
@ -275,30 +407,29 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet impleme
String paramValue = URLParserUtil.extractValueOfParameterFromURL(paramKey, theURL);
hashParameters.put(paramKey, paramValue);
return hashParameters;
* Gets the my login.
* @return the my login
public String getMyLogin(){
public String getMyLogin() {
try {
GCubeUser user = SessionUtil.getCurrentUser(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
if (user == null)
return null;
return user.getUsername();
}catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error on getting the login, am I out of portal? Returning null");
return null;
* Gets the layer for type.
@ -307,31 +438,31 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet impleme
* @throws Exception the exception
public GeoInformationForWMSRequest getLayerForType(String layerType) throws Exception{
LOG.info("Called getLayerForType for:"+layerType);
if(layerType==null || layerType.isEmpty())
public GeoInformationForWMSRequest getLayerForType(String layerType) throws Exception {
LOG.info("Called getLayerForType for:" + layerType);
if (layerType == null || layerType.isEmpty())
throw new Exception("The input parameter layerType is null or empty");
SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true);
GeoNaDataViewerProfileReader gdvp = new GeoNaDataViewerProfileReader("geoportal-data-viewer-app");
GeoNaDataViewerProfile profile = gdvp.readProfileFromInfrastrucure();
LOG.info("Read profile: "+profile);
LOG.info("Read profile: " + profile);
String lowerLayerType = layerType.toLowerCase();
LOG.info("Reading map layers for type:"+lowerLayerType);
LOG.info("Reading map layers for type:" + lowerLayerType);
LayerItem layer = profile.getMapLayers().get(lowerLayerType);
if(layer==null || layer.getWmsLink()==null)
throw new Exception("The layer type "+lowerLayerType+" has not been found. Please check your input parameter");
throw new Exception("The layer type "+lowerLayerType+" has not a WMS Link associated. Please check your input parameter");
if (layer == null || layer.getWmsLink() == null)
throw new Exception(
"The layer type " + lowerLayerType + " has not been found. Please check your input parameter");
if (layer.getWmsLink() == null)
throw new Exception("The layer type " + lowerLayerType
+ " has not a WMS Link associated. Please check your input parameter");
return parseWmsRequest(layer.getWmsLink(), null);
* Gets the geo na data view profile.
@ -340,17 +471,23 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet impleme
* @throws Exception the exception
public GeoNaDataViewerProfile getGeoNaDataViewProfile() throws Exception{
public GeoNaDataViewerProfile getGeoNaDataViewProfile() throws Exception {
LOG.info("getGeoNaDataViewProfile called");
SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true);
GeoportalCommon gc = new GeoportalCommon();
org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaDataViewerProfile profile = gc.getGeoNaDataViewProfile(null);
LOG.info("Returning profile: "+profile);
LOG.info("Returning profile: " + profile);
return profile;
* Gets the public links for.
* @param item the item
* @return the public links for
* @throws Exception the exception
public GeoNaItemRef getPublicLinksFor(GeoNaItemRef item) throws Exception {
LOG.info("getPublicLinksFor called for: " + item);
@ -359,25 +496,169 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet impleme
if (item == null)
throw new Exception("Bad request, the item is null");
if (item.getItemId() == null)
throw new Exception("Bad request, the item id is null");
if (item.getItemType() == null)
throw new Exception("Bad request, the item type is null");
SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true);
GeoportalCommon gc = new GeoportalCommon();
return gc.getPublicLinksFor(item);
return gc.getPublicLinksFor(item, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error on getPublicLinksFor for: " + item, e);
throw new Exception("Share link not available for this item. Try later or contact the support. Error: "+e.getMessage());
throw new Exception("Share link not available for this item. Try later or contact the support. Error: "
+ e.getMessage());
* Checks if is session expired.
* @return true, if is session expired
* @throws Exception the exception
public boolean isSessionExpired() throws Exception {
return SessionUtil.isSessionExpired(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
* Gets the WFS features.
* @param layerObjects the layer objects
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param selectBBOX the select BBOX
* @param maxWFSFeature the max WFS feature
* @param zoomLevel the zoom level
* @return the WFS features
public List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> getWFSFeatures(List<LayerObject> layerObjects, String mapSrsName,
BoundsMap selectBBOX, int maxWFSFeature, double zoomLevel) {
LOG.info("getWFSFeatures called");
List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> listDAO = new ArrayList<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult>(layerObjects.size());
for (LayerObject layerObject : layerObjects) {
GeoNaSpatialQueryResult geoDAO = new GeoNaSpatialQueryResult();
List<FeatureRow> features = FeatureParser.getWFSFeatures(layerObject.getLayerItem(), mapSrsName, selectBBOX,
LOG.debug("For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got features: " + features);
LOG.info("For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got " + features.size()
+ " feature/s");
LOG.info("returning " + listDAO + " geona data objects");
return listDAO;
* Gets the preview image for concessione from http session. It is the first
* image retrieved from mongoService for mongoConcessioneId. Caching it into
* session
* @param httpServletRequest the http servlet request
* @param itemType the item type
* @param mongoConcessioneId the mongo concessione id
* @return the preview image for concessione
private UploadedImageDV sessionloadPreviewImageForConcessione(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
String itemType, String mongoConcessioneId) {
LOG.info("sessionloadPreviewImageForConcessione [mongoConcessioneId: " + mongoConcessioneId + ", itemType: "
+ itemType + "] called");
HttpSession session = httpServletRequest.getSession();
Map<String, List<UploadedImageDV>> mapImages = null;
List<UploadedImageDV> lUI = null;
try {
mapImages = (LinkedHashMap) session.getAttribute(CACHE_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOR_CONCESSIONE);
if (mapImages == null) {
mapImages = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<UploadedImageDV>>();
List<UploadedImageDV> imagePreviewForConcessione = mapImages.get(mongoConcessioneId);
if (imagePreviewForConcessione == null || imagePreviewForConcessione.size() == 0) {
LOG.info("Into " + CACHE_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOR_CONCESSIONE + " object session the mongoConcessioneId "
+ mongoConcessioneId + " is empty or null, loading from service and filling it");
lUI = getUploadedImagesForId(httpServletRequest, itemType, mongoConcessioneId, 1);
mapImages.put(mongoConcessioneId, lUI);
lUI = mapImages.get(mongoConcessioneId);
LOG.info("From " + CACHE_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOR_CONCESSIONE + " object session read image: " + lUI);
session.setAttribute(CACHE_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOR_CONCESSIONE, mapImages);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error occurred when instancing the " + UrlShortener.class.getSimpleName(), e);
if (lUI == null || lUI.isEmpty())
return null;
return lUI.get(0);
* Gets the uploaded images for id.
* @param httpServletRequest the http servlet request
* @param itemType the item type
* @param itemId the item id
* @param maxImages the max images
* @return the uploaded images for id
* @throws Exception the exception
private List<UploadedImageDV> getUploadedImagesForId(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, String itemType,
String itemId, Integer maxImages) throws Exception {
LOG.info("getUploadedImagesForId [itemId: " + itemId + ", itemType: " + itemType + "] called");
if (itemType == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The itemType is null");
if (itemId == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The itemId is null");
List<UploadedImageDV> listUI = null;
try {
if (itemType.equalsIgnoreCase("concessione")) {
LOG.info("Trying to get concessione for id " + itemId);
ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy cms = new ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy(httpServletRequest);
Concessione concessione = cms.getItemById(itemId);
if (concessione != null) {
LOG.info("For id " + itemId + ", got concessione " + concessione.getNome() + " from service");
List<UploadedImage> images = concessione.getImmaginiRappresentative();
if (images != null) {
listUI = new ArrayList<UploadedImageDV>();
int max = maxImages < images.size() ? maxImages : images.size();
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
UploadedImageDV ui = ConvertToDataViewModel.toUploadedImage(images.get(i));
LOG.info("For id " + itemId + ", got " + listUI.size() + " image/s");
} else
throw new Exception("Concessione with id '" + itemId + "' not available");
return listUI;
} catch (Exception e) {
String erroMsg = UploadedImage.class.getSimpleName() + " not available for "
+ Concessione.class.getSimpleName() + " with id " + itemId;
LOG.error(erroMsg, e);
throw new Exception(erroMsg);

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
//package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server;
//import java.time.LocalDateTime;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.Arrays;
//import java.util.List;
//import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.AccessPolicy;
//import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.BBOX;
//import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.Concessione;
//import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.LayerConcessione;
//import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.PersistedContent;
//import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.RelazioneScavo;
//import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.UploadedImage;
//import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.WorkspaceContent;
//public class TestModel {
// public static Concessione prepareEmptyConcessione() {
// Concessione concessione = new Concessione();
// // Generic fields
// // Concessione fields
// concessione.setNome("Italia, forse");
// concessione.setIntroduzione("This is my project");
// concessione.setDescrizioneContenuto("It contains this and that");
// concessione.setAuthors(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Some one", "Some, oneelse" }));
// concessione.setContributore("Contrib 1");
// concessione.setTitolari(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Some one", "Some, oneelse" }));
// concessione.setResponsabile("Someone");
// concessione.setEditore("Editore");
// concessione.setFontiFinanziamento(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Big pharma", "Pentagon" }));
// concessione.setSoggetto(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Research Excavation", "Archeology" }));
// concessione
// .setRisorseCorrelate(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "https://google.com", "https://www.repubblica.it" }));
// concessione.setDataInizioProgetto(LocalDateTime.now());
// concessione.setDataFineProgetto(LocalDateTime.now());
// concessione.setLicenzaID("CC-BY");
// concessione.setTitolareLicenza("Qualcun altro");
// concessione.setTitolareCopyright("Chiedilo in giro");
// concessione.setParoleChiaveLibere(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Robba", "Stuff" }));
// concessione.setParoleChiaveICCD(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "vattelapesca", "somthing something" }));
// concessione.setLastUpdateTime(LocalDateTime.now());
// concessione.setCreationTime(LocalDateTime.now());
// concessione.setLastUpdateUser("fake user");
// concessione.setCentroidLat(43.0); // N-S
// concessione.setCentroidLong(9.0); // E-W
// return concessione;
// }
// public static Concessione prepareConcessione() {
// Concessione concessione = prepareEmptyConcessione();
// // Attachments
// // Relazione scavo
// RelazioneScavo relScavo = new RelazioneScavo();
// relScavo.setAbstractSection("simple abstract section");
// relScavo.setResponsabili(concessione.getAuthors());
// concessione.setRelazioneScavo(relScavo);
// // Immagini rappresentative
// ArrayList<UploadedImage> imgs = new ArrayList<>();
// for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// UploadedImage img = new UploadedImage();
// img.setTitolo("My image number " + i);
// img.setDidascalia("You can see my image number " + i);
// img.setFormat("TIFF");
// img.setCreationTime(LocalDateTime.now());
// img.setResponsabili(concessione.getAuthors());
// List<PersistedContent> actualContentList = new ArrayList<PersistedContent>(1);
// WorkspaceContent ws = new WorkspaceContent();
// ws.setLink("https://data.dev.d4science.org/shub/E_azRkaVhqTFExMzZvTG9pY0hwSFJNV2tVTHBEMGEycFVsQitvWjZvb29WZjkwRU84b1hXQnp0QjRuSGhrODJqQg==");
// actualContentList.add(ws);
// img.setActualContent(actualContentList);
// imgs.add(img);
// }
// concessione.setImmaginiRappresentative(imgs);
// // Posizionamento
// LayerConcessione posizionamento = new LayerConcessione();
// posizionamento.setValutazioneQualita("Secondo me si");
// posizionamento.setMetodoRaccoltaDati("Fattobbene");
// posizionamento.setScalaAcquisizione("1:10000");
// posizionamento.setAuthors(concessione.getAuthors());
// concessione.setPosizionamentoScavo(posizionamento);
// // Piante fine scavo
// ArrayList<LayerConcessione> piante = new ArrayList<LayerConcessione>();
// for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// LayerConcessione pianta = new LayerConcessione();
// pianta.setValutazioneQualita("Secondo me si");
// pianta.setMetodoRaccoltaDati("Fattobbene");
// pianta.setScalaAcquisizione("1:10000");
// pianta.setAuthors(concessione.getAuthors());
// pianta.setPolicy(AccessPolicy.RESTRICTED);
// pianta.setLayerName("gna_conc_12:pos");
// pianta.setWmsLink(
// "https://geoserver1.dev.d4science.org/geoserver/gna_conc_12/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=gna_conc_12:pos&styles=&bbox=8.62091913167495,40.62975046683799,8.621178639172953,40.630257904721645&width=392&height=768&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers#toggle");
// pianta.setBbox(new BBOX(40.630257904721645,8.621178639172953,40.62975046683799,8.62091913167495));
// piante.add(pianta);
// }
// concessione.setPianteFineScavo(piante);
// return concessione;
// }

@ -15,27 +15,24 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.util.URLParserUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.util.URLParserUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.LayerItem;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wfs.Coordinate;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wfs.FeatureGeometry;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wfs.FeatureRow;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wfs.PointsPath;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The Class FeatureParser.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 13, 2020
* Nov 13, 2020
public class FeatureParser {
@ -44,125 +41,121 @@ public class FeatureParser {
* Gets the WFS features.
* @param layerItem the layer item
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param selectBBOX the select BBOX
* @param layerItem the layer item
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param selectBBOX the select BBOX
* @param maxWFSFeature the max WFS feature
* @return the WFS features
public static List<FeatureRow> getWFSFeatures(LayerItem layerItem, String mapSrsName, BoundsMap selectBBOX, int maxWFSFeature) {
public static List<FeatureRow> getWFSFeatures(LayerItem layerItem, String mapSrsName, BoundsMap selectBBOX,
int maxWFSFeature) {
if(maxWFSFeature<0) {
if (maxWFSFeature < 0) {
maxWFSFeature = GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAX_WFS_FEATURES;
return getWFSFeatureProperties(layerItem, mapSrsName, selectBBOX, maxWFSFeature);
* Gets the WFS feature properties.
* @param layerItem the layer item
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param selectBBOX the select BBOX
* @param layerItem the layer item
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param selectBBOX the select BBOX
* @param maxWFSFeature the max WFS feature
* @return the WFS feature properties
private static List<FeatureRow> getWFSFeatureProperties(LayerItem layerItem, String mapSrsName, BoundsMap selectBBOX, int maxWFSFeature) {
private static List<FeatureRow> getWFSFeatureProperties(LayerItem layerItem, String mapSrsName,
BoundsMap selectBBOX, int maxWFSFeature) {
LOG.info("getWFSFeatureProperties for layerItem: "+layerItem.getName() +" in the "+selectBBOX +" and maxWFSFeature: "+maxWFSFeature);
LOG.info("getWFSFeatureProperties for layerItem: " + layerItem.getName() + " in the " + selectBBOX
+ " and maxWFSFeature: " + maxWFSFeature);
InputStream is = null;
List<FeatureRow> listFeaturesRow = new ArrayList<FeatureRow>();
try {
String url = GisMakers.buildWFSFeatureQuery(layerItem, mapSrsName, selectBBOX, maxWFSFeature, GisMakers.JSON);
String url = GisMakers.buildWFSFeatureQuery(layerItem, mapSrsName, selectBBOX, maxWFSFeature,
String cqlFilterValue = URLParserUtil.extractValueOfParameterFromURL(GisMakers.CQL_FILTER_PARAMETER, url);
LOG.info("Found CQL filter value into query string: "+cqlFilterValue);
if(cqlFilterValue!=null) {
String notEncodedCQLFilter = String.format("%s=%s",GisMakers.CQL_FILTER_PARAMETER,cqlFilterValue);
//log.info("Found CQL filter: "+notEncodedCQLFilter);
String toEncodeCQLFilter = String.format("%s=%s",GisMakers.CQL_FILTER_PARAMETER,URLEncoder.encode(cqlFilterValue,"UTF-8"));
LOG.debug("Encoded CQL filter: "+toEncodeCQLFilter);
LOG.info("Found CQL filter value into query string: " + cqlFilterValue);
if (cqlFilterValue != null) {
String notEncodedCQLFilter = String.format("%s=%s", GisMakers.CQL_FILTER_PARAMETER, cqlFilterValue);
// log.info("Found CQL filter: "+notEncodedCQLFilter);
String toEncodeCQLFilter = String.format("%s=%s", GisMakers.CQL_FILTER_PARAMETER,
URLEncoder.encode(cqlFilterValue, "UTF-8"));
LOG.debug("Encoded CQL filter: " + toEncodeCQLFilter);
url = url.replace(notEncodedCQLFilter, toEncodeCQLFilter);
LOG.info("Built WFS URL: "+url);
LOG.info("Built WFS URL: " + url);
is = new URL(url).openStream();
String jsonTxt = IOUtils.toString(is);
if(jsonTxt==null || jsonTxt.isEmpty()){
if (jsonTxt == null || jsonTxt.isEmpty()) {
jsonTxt = "{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",\"features\":[]}";
// get json object
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonTxt);
// iterate features
JSONArray features = json.getJSONArray("features");
if(features.length()==0) {
if (features.length() == 0) {
LOG.info("No features detected in the response, returning empty list");
return listFeaturesRow;
String featureCRSName = "";
try {
JSONObject crs = json.getJSONObject("crs");
JSONObject crsProp = crs.getJSONObject("properties");
featureCRSName = crsProp.getString("name");
LOG.info("Crs name found: "+featureCRSName);
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.info("Crs name found: " + featureCRSName);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Unable to read the field 'crs'");
LOG.info("Features are: "+features.length());
for (int i=0; i<features.length(); i++) {
LOG.info("Features are: " + features.length());
for (int i = 0; i < features.length(); i++) {
final FeatureRow row = new FeatureRow();
JSONObject theFeature = ((JSONObject)features.get(i));
LOG.debug("Building at index: "+i);
JSONObject theFeature = ((JSONObject) features.get(i));
LOG.debug("Building at index: " + i);
try {
String fetaureId = theFeature.getString("id");
JSONObject geometry = theFeature.getJSONObject("geometry");
String typeValue = geometry.getString("type");
JSONArray coordinates = geometry.getJSONArray("coordinates");
//String toCoordinates = coordinates.toString();
String x1 = coordinates.get(0).toString();
String y1 = coordinates.get(1).toString();
LOG.debug("Coordinate x1: "+x1);
LOG.debug("Coordinate y1: "+y1);
Double coordX = null;
Double coordY = null;
FeatureGeometry fg = new FeatureGeometry();
try {
coordX = Double.parseDouble(x1);
coordY = Double.parseDouble(y1);
Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(coordX, coordY);
fg.setPath(new PointsPath(new Coordinate[] {coord}));
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Not able to parse the 'coordinates' field: ",e);
JSONArray coordinates = geometry.getJSONArray("coordinates");
String coordinateJSONString = coordinates.toString();
LOG.debug("coordinates are: " + coordinateJSONString);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Not able to parse the 'coordinates' field: ", e);
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("Unable to pase geometry at index: "+i);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("Unable to parse geometry at index: " + i);
// // iterate properties
JSONObject properties = theFeature.getJSONObject("properties");
Map<String,List<String>> mapProperties = new HashMap<String,List<String>>();
Map<String, List<String>> mapProperties = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
Iterator<String> ii = properties.keys();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
String key = ii.next();
String value = properties.optString(key,"");
String value = properties.optString(key, "");
List<String> theValues = mapProperties.get(key);
if (theValues == null)
mapProperties.put(key, Arrays.asList(value));
else {
@ -171,18 +164,18 @@ public class FeatureParser {
LOG.info("Added row "+row+" to exported properties");
LOG.info("Added row " + row + " to exported properties");
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error for layerItem name: "+layerItem.getName(), e);
LOG.error("Error for layerItem name: " + layerItem.getName(), e);
} catch (JSONException e) {
LOG.error("Error for layerItem name: "+layerItem.getName(), e);
LOG.error("Error for layerItem name: " + layerItem.getName(), e);
} finally {
LOG.info("Returning "+listFeaturesRow.size()+" features");
LOG.info("Returning " + listFeaturesRow.size() + " features");
return listFeaturesRow;

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.gis;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.util.URLParserUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.gis.MapServerRecognize.SERVERTYPE;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.util.URLParserUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.LayerItem;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class GisMakers {
LOG.debug("wms url contains wxs is a map server? no appending /wfs ");
outputformat = MapServerRecognize.outputFormatRecognize(SERVERTYPE.MAPSERVER, outputFormat);
boundingBox = BBOX_FORMAT(COORDINATE_FORMAT.YX, ",",mapBBOX.getLowerLeftX(),mapBBOX.getLowerLeftY(),mapBBOX.getUpperRightX(),mapBBOX.getUpperRightY()); // USE AXIS XY
LOG.debug("SERVERTYPE.MAPSERVER outputformat: " + outputformat);
LOG.debug("SERVERTYPE.MAPSERVER srsName: " + mapSrsName);
LOG.debug("SERVERTYPE.MAPSERVER boundingBox: " + boundingBox);
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public class GisMakers {
outputformat = MapServerRecognize.outputFormatRecognize(SERVERTYPE.GEOSEVER, outputFormat);
mapSrsName = "urn:x-ogc:def:crs:"+mapSrsName;
boundingBox = BBOX_FORMAT(COORDINATE_FORMAT.YX, ",",mapBBOX.getLowerLeftX(),mapBBOX.getLowerLeftY(),mapBBOX.getUpperRightX(),mapBBOX.getUpperRightY()); // USE AXIS XY
LOG.debug("SERVERTYPE.GEOSEVER outputformat: " + outputformat);
LOG.debug("SERVERTYPE.GEOSEVER srsName: " + mapSrsName);

@ -395,7 +395,6 @@ public class WMSUrlValidator {
System.out.println("Returned wms: "+wms.toString());
catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice;
import static org.gcube.application.geoportal.client.GeoportalAbstractPlugin.statefulMongoConcessioni;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.client.legacy.ConcessioniManagerI;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.Concessione;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The Class ConcessioniMongoService.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Sep 23, 2021
public class ConcessioniMongoService {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConcessioniMongoService.class);
* Instantiates a new concessioni mongo service.
protected ConcessioniMongoService() {
* Gets the item by id.
* @param mongoItemId the mongo item id
* @return the item by id
* @throws Exception the exception
protected Concessione getItemById(String mongoItemId) throws Exception {
LOG.info("called getItemById: " + mongoItemId);
ConcessioniManagerI concessioniManager = statefulMongoConcessioni().build();
// Returning item by Id
return concessioniManager.getById(mongoItemId);
* To concessione.
* @param jsonString the json string
* @return the concessione
protected Concessione toConcessione(String jsonString) {
LOG.info("toConcessione called");
try {
return org.gcube.application.geoportal.client.utils.Serialization.read(jsonString, Concessione.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error on serializing: ", e);
return null;
* For testing public Concessione iamClientGetItemBy(HttpServletRequest request,
* String mongoItemId, String clientId, String secret) throws Exception { String
* scope = SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(request, true); return
* iamClientGetItemBy(scope, mongoItemId, clientId, secret); }

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.Concessione;
import org.gcube.common.portal.PortalContext;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accessidentity.GcubeIdentity;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accessidentity.IAMClientIdentity;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accessidentity.UserIdentity;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.util.SessionUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The Class ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Sep 23, 2021
public class ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy.class);
private GcubeIdentity gCubeIdentity;
* Instantiates a new concessioni mongo service proxy.
* @param request the request
* @throws Exception the exception
public ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(request, true);
PortalContext pContext = PortalContext.getConfiguration();
String username = null;
try {
username = pContext.getCurrentUser(request).getUsername();
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.info("Username not detected in session");
if (username != null) {
LOG.info("User detected, using its identity");
gCubeIdentity = new UserIdentity();
} else {
LOG.info("User not detected, using IAM Client identity");
gCubeIdentity = new IAMClientIdentity();
* Gets the item by id.
* @param mongoItemId the mongo item id
* @return the item by id
* @throws Exception the exception
public Concessione getItemById(String mongoItemId) throws Exception {
try {
// Obtain the client
ConcessioniMongoService concessioniManager = new ConcessioniMongoService();
// Returning item by Id
return concessioniManager.getItemById(mongoItemId);
}catch(Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error on reading itemById: "+mongoItemId, e);
}finally {

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice;
import static org.gcube.resources.discovery.icclient.ICFactory.clientFor;
import static org.gcube.resources.discovery.icclient.ICFactory.queryFor;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.common.encryption.StringEncrypter;
import org.gcube.common.resources.gcore.ServiceEndpoint;
import org.gcube.common.resources.gcore.ServiceEndpoint.AccessPoint;
import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accessidentity.IAMClientCredentials;
import org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.api.DiscoveryClient;
import org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.queries.api.SimpleQuery;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The Class IAMClientCredentialsReader.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Sep 23, 2021
public class IAMClientCredentialsReader {
private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IAMClientCredentialsReader.class);
private static final String SE_PROFILE_NAME = "geoportal-data-viewer-app";
private static final String SE_CATEGORY_NAME = "SystemClient";
* Gets the credentials.
* @return the credentials
* @throws Exception the exception
public static IAMClientCredentials getCredentials() throws Exception {
LOG.info("Searching SE in the scope: " + ScopeProvider.instance.get() + " with profile name: " + SE_PROFILE_NAME
+ " and category name: " + SE_CATEGORY_NAME);
SimpleQuery query = queryFor(ServiceEndpoint.class);
query.addCondition("$resource/Profile/Name/text() eq '" + SE_PROFILE_NAME + "'");
query.addCondition("$resource/Profile/Category/text() eq '" + SE_CATEGORY_NAME + "'");
DiscoveryClient<ServiceEndpoint> client = clientFor(ServiceEndpoint.class);
List<ServiceEndpoint> resources = client.submit(query);
if (resources.size() > 0)
LOG.info("The query returned " + resources.size() + " ServiceEndpoint/s");
throw new RuntimeException("ServiceEndpoint not found. Searching for profile name: " + SE_PROFILE_NAME
+ " and category name: " + SE_CATEGORY_NAME + "in the scope: " + ScopeProvider.instance.get());
ServiceEndpoint se = resources.get(0);
Collection<AccessPoint> theAccessPoints = se.profile().accessPoints().asCollection();
String clientId = null;
String secredPwd = null;
for (AccessPoint accessPoint : theAccessPoints) {
clientId = accessPoint.username();
secredPwd = accessPoint.password();
LOG.debug("Found clientId: " + clientId + " and encrypted secret: " + secredPwd);
// decrypting the pwd
try {
if (secredPwd != null) {
secredPwd = StringEncrypter.getEncrypter().decrypt(secredPwd);
LOG.debug("Secret decrypted is: " + secredPwd.substring(0, secredPwd.length() / 2)
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error on decrypting the pwd: ", e);
LOG.info("Returning keycloack credentials read from SE");
return new IAMClientCredentials(clientId, secredPwd);

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accessidentity;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
* The Interface GcubeIdentity.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Sep 23, 2021
public interface GcubeIdentity {
* Sets the identity.
* @param httpRequest the new identity
* @throws Exception the exception
public void setIdentity(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) throws Exception;
* Reset identity.
public void resetIdentity();

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accessidentity;
import java.io.Serializable;
* The Class IAMClientCredentials.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Sep 23, 2021
public class IAMClientCredentials implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7242909633989611318L;
private String clientId;
private String clientSecret;
* Instantiates a new IAM client credentials.
public IAMClientCredentials() {
* Instantiates a new IAM client credentials.
* @param clientId the client id
* @param clientSecret the client secret
public IAMClientCredentials(String clientId, String clientSecret) {
this.clientId = clientId;
this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
* Gets the client id.
* @return the client id
public String getClientId() {
return clientId;
* Gets the client secret.
* @return the client secret
public String getClientSecret() {
return clientSecret;
* Sets the client id.
* @param clientId the new client id
public void setClientId(String clientId) {
this.clientId = clientId;
* Sets the client secret.
* @param clientSecret the new client secret
public void setClientSecret(String clientSecret) {
this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
* To string.
* @return the string
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("IAMClientCredentials [clientId=");
builder.append(", clientSecret=");
return builder.toString();

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accessidentity;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.gcube.common.authorization.library.provider.AccessTokenProvider;
import org.gcube.common.keycloak.KeycloakClientFactory;
import org.gcube.common.keycloak.model.TokenResponse;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.IAMClientCredentialsReader;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.util.SessionUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class IAMClientIdentity implements GcubeIdentity {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IAMClientIdentity.class);
private String previousUMAToken = null;
public void setIdentity(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) throws Exception {
LOG.info("setIdentity called");
String currentScope = SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(httpRequest, true);
IAMClientCredentials credentials = sessionGetIAMClientCredentials(httpRequest);
try {
if(credentials==null) {
credentials = IAMClientCredentialsReader.getCredentials();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error on discovering IAM Client credentials", e);
throw new Exception("IAM Client discovery failed");
LOG.trace("Read credentials: " + credentials);
String umaAcessToken = null;
String clientId = credentials.getClientId();
String clientSecret = credentials.getClientSecret();
try {
LOG.info("Querying KeycloakClientFactory to get UMA token..");
TokenResponse tr = KeycloakClientFactory.newInstance().queryUMAToken(clientId, clientSecret, currentScope,
umaAcessToken = tr.getAccessToken();
if (umaAcessToken != null && !umaAcessToken.isEmpty()) {
LOG.info("UMA Access Token read correctly");
} else {
LOG.error("UMA Access Token NOT RETRIEVED!!!");
throw new Exception("UMA Access Token is null or empty");
} catch (Exception e2) {
throw new Exception("Error occurred on reading UMA access token:", e2);
try {
try {
// Here the previousUMAToken should be null
previousUMAToken = AccessTokenProvider.instance.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
// catching excpetion to be sure
// silent
LOG.debug("JWT token: " + umaAcessToken.substring(0, 20) + "_MASKED_TOKEN_");
LOG.info("Setting clientId '" + clientId + "' identity by JWT token in the "
+ AccessTokenProvider.class.getSimpleName());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
public void resetIdentity() {
LOG.info("resetIdentity called");
LOG.info("resetIdentity to previous AccessToken");
* Gets the IAM client credentials.
* @param httpRequest the http request
* @return the IAM client credentials
public static IAMClientCredentials sessionGetIAMClientCredentials(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession();
try {
return (IAMClientCredentials) session.getAttribute(IAM_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error occurred when reading " + IAM_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS + " from session");
return null;
* Sets the IAM client credentials.
* @param httpRequest the http request
* @param iamCC the iam CC
public static void sessionSetIAMClientCredentials(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, IAMClientCredentials iamCC) {
HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession();
try {
session.setAttribute(IAM_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS, iamCC);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error occurred when setting " + IAM_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS + " into session");

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accessidentity;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.util.SessionUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class UserIdentity implements GcubeIdentity {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserIdentity.class);
public UserIdentity() {
public void setIdentity(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) throws Exception {
LOG.info("setIdentity called");
SessionUtil.getCurrentToken(httpRequest, true);
public void resetIdentity() {
LOG.info("resetIdentity called, doing nothing");
// doing nothing

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accesspolicy;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The Class GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Sep 9, 2021
public class GeoNACheckAccessPolicy {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.class);
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Sep 8, 2021
public static enum ACCESS_POLICY {
* Checks if is open access.
* @param policy the policy
* @return true, if is open access
private static boolean isOpenAccess(String policy) {
if (policy == null || policy.equalsIgnoreCase(ACCESS_POLICY.OPEN.name())) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if is restricted access.
* @param policy the policy
* @return true, if is restricted access
private static boolean isRestrictedAccess(String policy) {
if (policy == null || policy.equalsIgnoreCase(ACCESS_POLICY.RESTICTED.name())) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if is accessible accoding to access policies
* @param policy the policy
* @param myLogin the my login
* @return true, if is accessible
public static boolean isAccessible(String policy, String myLogin) {
boolean bool = isOpenAccess(policy);
if (bool) {
// is open access
return true;
//From here managing is NOT OPEN access
if (myLogin == null || myLogin.isEmpty()) {
// here is not open and the user is not authenticated
return false;
// Here the login is not null, so checking if the access to item is RESTICTED
bool = isRestrictedAccess(policy);
if (bool) {
// is restricted access
return true;
// Here the user is authenticated, but the policy is not managed, so returning
// true
return true;

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.util;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.gcube.common.authorization.library.provider.SecurityTokenProvider;
import org.gcube.common.portal.PortalContext;
import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.urlshortener.UrlShortener;
@ -20,20 +21,19 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil;
* The Class SessionUtil.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Oct 20, 2020
* Oct 20, 2020
public class SessionUtil {
/** The log. */
private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SessionUtil.class);
* Checks if is into portal.
@ -44,20 +44,18 @@ public class SessionUtil {
try {
return true;
}catch (Exception ex) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.warn("Development Mode ON");
return false;
* Checks if is session expired.
* @param httpServletRequest
* the http servlet request
* @param httpServletRequest the http servlet request
* @return true, if is session expired
* @throws Exception
* the exception
* @throws Exception the exception
public static boolean isSessionExpired(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) throws Exception {
LOG.trace("workspace session validating...");
@ -70,9 +68,9 @@ public class SessionUtil {
* @param request the request
* @return a GcubeUser object
public static GCubeUser getCurrentUser(HttpServletRequest request){
public static GCubeUser getCurrentUser(HttpServletRequest request) {
if(request == null)
if (request == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("HttpServletRequest is null!");
PortalContext pContext = PortalContext.getConfiguration();
@ -84,36 +82,60 @@ public class SessionUtil {
* Retrieve the current scope by using the portal manager.
* @param request the request
* @param request the request
* @param setInThread the set in thread
* @return a GcubeUser object
public static String getCurrentContext(HttpServletRequest request, boolean setInThread){
public static String getCurrentContext(HttpServletRequest request, boolean setInThread) {
if(request == null)
if (request == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("HttpServletRequest is null!");
PortalContext pContext = PortalContext.getConfiguration();
String context = pContext.getCurrentScope(request);
LOG.debug("Returning context " + context);
if(context != null && setInThread)
if (context != null && setInThread)
LOG.debug("Returning context " + context);
return context;
* Retrieve the current scope by using the portal manager.
* @param request the request
* @param setInThread the set in thread
* @return a GcubeUser object
public static String getCurrentToken(HttpServletRequest request, boolean setInThread) {
if (request == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("HttpServletRequest is null!");
PortalContext pContext = PortalContext.getConfiguration();
String scope = pContext.getCurrentScope(request);
GCubeUser user = pContext.getCurrentUser(request);
String token = PortalContext.getConfiguration().getCurrentUserToken(scope, user.getUsername());
if (token != null && setInThread)
LOG.debug("Returning token " + token.substring(1, 10) + "_MASKED_TOKEN_");
return token;
* Retrieve the group given the scope.
* @param scope the scope
* @return the group from scope
* @throws UserManagementSystemException the user management system exception
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault the group retrieval fault
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault the group retrieval fault
public static GCubeGroup getGroupFromScope(String scope) throws UserManagementSystemException, GroupRetrievalFault{
public static GCubeGroup getGroupFromScope(String scope) throws UserManagementSystemException, GroupRetrievalFault {
if(scope == null || scope.isEmpty())
if (scope == null || scope.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Scope is missing here!!");
GroupManager gm = new LiferayGroupManager();
@ -122,7 +144,6 @@ public class SessionUtil {
* Gets the url shortener.
@ -142,7 +163,7 @@ public class SessionUtil {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error occurred when instancing the "+UrlShortener.class.getSimpleName(), e);
LOG.warn("Error occurred when instancing the " + UrlShortener.class.getSimpleName(), e);
return shortener;

@ -4,16 +4,17 @@ import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.LayerObject;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wfs.FeatureRow;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
* The Class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Nov 17, 2020
* Jul 30, 2021
public class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult implements Serializable {
@ -23,8 +24,8 @@ public class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3513120677727206958L;
private List<FeatureRow> features;
private LayerObject sourceLayerObject;
// Map with couple (id concessione, list of uplaoded Images for the concessione)
private Map<Long, List<UploadedImageDV>> mapImages = null;
// Map with couple (mongoId concessione, list of uploaded Images for the concessione)
private Map<String, List<UploadedImageDV>> mapImages = null;
* Instantiates a new geo na data object.
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ public class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult implements Serializable {
* @return the map images
public Map<Long, List<UploadedImageDV>> getMapImages() {
public Map<String, List<UploadedImageDV>> getMapImages() {
return mapImages;
@ -83,10 +84,15 @@ public class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult implements Serializable {
* @param mapImages the map images
public void setMapImages(Map<Long, List<UploadedImageDV>> mapImages) {
public void setMapImages(Map<String, List<UploadedImageDV>> mapImages) {
this.mapImages = mapImages;
* To string.
* @return the string
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis;
import java.io.Serializable;
* The Class BoundsMap.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Oct 27, 2020
public class BoundsMap implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 69005924452960006L;
/** The lower left X. */
private double lowerLeftX = 0.0;
/** The lower left Y. */
private double lowerLeftY = 0.0;
/** The upper right X. */
private double upperRightX = 0.0;
/** The upper right Y. */
private double upperRightY = 0.0;
/** The crs. */
private String crs = "";
* Instantiates a new bounds map.
public BoundsMap() {
* Instantiates a new bounds map.
* @param lowerLeftX the lower left X
* @param lowerLeftY the lower left Y
* @param upperRightX the upper right X
* @param upperRightY the upper right Y
* @param crs the crs
public BoundsMap(double lowerLeftX, double lowerLeftY, double upperRightX,
double upperRightY, String crs) {
this.lowerLeftX = lowerLeftX;
this.lowerLeftY = lowerLeftY;
this.upperRightX = upperRightX;
this.upperRightY = upperRightY;
this.crs = crs;
* Gets the lower left X.
* @return the lower left X
public double getLowerLeftX() {
return lowerLeftX;
* Sets the lower left X.
* @param lowerLeftX the new lower left X
public void setLowerLeftX(double lowerLeftX) {
this.lowerLeftX = lowerLeftX;
* Gets the lower left Y.
* @return the lower left Y
public double getLowerLeftY() {
return lowerLeftY;
* Sets the lower left Y.
* @param lowerLeftY the new lower left Y
public void setLowerLeftY(double lowerLeftY) {
this.lowerLeftY = lowerLeftY;
* Gets the upper right X.
* @return the upper right X
public double getUpperRightX() {
return upperRightX;
* Sets the upper right X.
* @param upperRightX the new upper right X
public void setUpperRightX(double upperRightX) {
this.upperRightX = upperRightX;
* Gets the upper right Y.
* @return the upper right Y
public double getUpperRightY() {
return upperRightY;
* Sets the upper right Y.
* @param upperRightY the new upper right Y
public void setUpperRightY(double upperRightY) {
this.upperRightY = upperRightY;
* Gets the crs.
* @return the crs
public String getCrs() {
return crs;
* Sets the crs.
* @param crs the new crs
public void setCrs(String crs) {
this.crs = crs;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("BoundsMap [lowerLeftX=");
builder.append(", lowerLeftY=");
builder.append(", upperRightX=");
builder.append(", upperRightY=");
builder.append(", crs=");
return builder.toString();

@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms.Property;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms.ZAxis;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* The Class LayerItem.
@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ public class LayerItem implements Serializable, Cloneable {
/** The Constant INT_TYPE. */
public static final String INT_TYPE = "xsd:int";
public Double minResolution;
public Double maxResolution;
* Instantiates a new layer item.
@ -848,6 +852,47 @@ public class LayerItem implements Serializable, Cloneable {
this.zAxisSelected = zAxisSelected;
* Sets the max resolution.
* @param maxResolution the new max resolution
public void setMaxResolution(Double maxResolution) {
this.maxResolution = maxResolution;
* Sets the min resolution.
* @param minResolution the new min resolution
public void setMinResolution(Double minResolution) {
this.minResolution = minResolution;
* Gets the min resolution.
* @return the min resolution
public Double getMinResolution() {
return minResolution;
* Gets the max resolution.
* @return the max resolution
public Double getMaxResolution() {
return maxResolution;
* To string.
* @return the string
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
@ -909,9 +954,12 @@ public class LayerItem implements Serializable, Cloneable {
builder.append(", zAxisSelected=");
builder.append(", minResolution=");
builder.append(", maxResolution=");
return builder.toString();

@ -2,13 +2,15 @@ package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.BaseConcessioneDV;
* The Class LayerObject.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Nov 13, 2020
* Sep 9, 2021
public class LayerObject implements Serializable {
@ -19,30 +21,35 @@ public class LayerObject implements Serializable {
/* This is the layer/product type. E.g. Concessione */
private String itemType;
private LayerItem layerItem;
private BaseConcessioneDV sourceConcessione;
* Instantiates a new layer object.
public LayerObject() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
* Gets the item type.
* Instantiates a new layer object.
* @return the item type
* @param itemType the item type
* @param layerItem the layer item
* @param sourceConcessione the source concessione
public String getItemType() {
return itemType;
public LayerObject(String itemType, LayerItem layerItem, BaseConcessioneDV sourceConcessione) {
this.itemType = itemType;
this.layerItem = layerItem;
this.sourceConcessione = sourceConcessione;
* Sets the item type.
* Gets the item type.
* @param itemType the new item type
* @return the item type
public void setItemType(String itemType) {
this.itemType = itemType;
public String getItemType() {
return itemType;
@ -54,6 +61,24 @@ public class LayerObject implements Serializable {
return layerItem;
* Gets the source concessione.
* @return the source concessione
public BaseConcessioneDV getSourceConcessione() {
return sourceConcessione;
* Sets the item type.
* @param itemType the new item type
public void setItemType(String itemType) {
this.itemType = itemType;
* Sets the layer item.
@ -63,6 +88,15 @@ public class LayerObject implements Serializable {
this.layerItem = layerItem;
* Sets the source concessione.
* @param sourceConcessione the new source concessione
public void setSourceConcessione(BaseConcessioneDV sourceConcessione) {
this.sourceConcessione = sourceConcessione;
* To string.
@ -75,8 +109,10 @@ public class LayerObject implements Serializable {
builder.append(", layerItem=");
builder.append(", sourceConcessione=");
return builder.toString();

@ -3,44 +3,60 @@ package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wfs;
import java.io.Serializable;
* The Class FeatureGeoemtry.
* The Class FeatureGeometry.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Oct 29, 2020
* Sep 6, 2021
public class FeatureGeometry implements WFSGeometry, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6251162740446739453L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8134176011135233810L;
private String type;
private PointsPath path;
private String coordinatesJSON;
private String toJSON;
* Instantiates a new feature geometry.
public FeatureGeometry() {
public FeatureGeometry(String type, PointsPath path) {
* Instantiates a new feature geometry.
* @param type the type
* @param coordinatesJSON the coordinates JSON
public FeatureGeometry(String type, String coordinatesJSON) {
this.type = type;
this.path = path;
this.coordinatesJSON = coordinatesJSON;
public String getType() {
return type;
public String getCoordinatesJSON() {
return coordinatesJSON;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public PointsPath getPath() {
return path;
public void setCoordinatesJSON(String coordinatesJSON) {
this.coordinatesJSON = coordinatesJSON;
public void setPath(PointsPath path) {
this.path = path;
public String getToJSONObject() {
toJSON = "{\"type\":\""+type+"\",\"coordinates\":"+coordinatesJSON+"}";
return toJSON;
@ -48,10 +64,10 @@ public class FeatureGeometry implements WFSGeometry, Serializable {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("FeatureGeometry [type=");
builder.append(", path=");
builder.append(", coordinatesJSON=");
return builder.toString();

@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ public class FeatureRow implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6254861811998867626L;
private String id;
private Map<String, List<String>> mapProperties;
private FeatureGeometry geometry;
private String crsName;
public FeatureRow() {
@ -36,6 +38,14 @@ public class FeatureRow implements Serializable {
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public Map<String, List<String>> getMapProperties() {
return mapProperties;
@ -63,14 +73,16 @@ public class FeatureRow implements Serializable {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("FeatureRow [mapProperties=");
builder.append("FeatureRow [id=");
builder.append(", mapProperties=");
builder.append(", geometry=");
builder.append(", crsName=");
return builder.toString();

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wfs;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Arrays;
* The Class PointsPath.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 16, 2020
public class PointsPath implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3295493507974317970L;
private Coordinate[] coordinates;
* Instantiates a new points path.
public PointsPath() {
* Instantiates a new points path.
* @param coordinates the coordinates
public PointsPath(Coordinate[] coordinates) {
this.coordinates = coordinates;
public Coordinate[] getCoordinates() {
return coordinates;
* To string.
* @return the string
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("PointsPath [coordinates=");
return builder.toString();

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wfs;
* The Interface WFSGeometry.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Nov 16, 2020
* Sep 6, 2021
public interface WFSGeometry {
@ -16,13 +16,12 @@ public interface WFSGeometry {
* @return the type
String getType();
* Gets the path.
* Gets the coordinates JSON.
* @return the path
* @return the coordinates JSON
PointsPath getPath();
String getCoordinatesJSON();

@ -6,16 +6,14 @@ package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* The Class ZAxis.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Oct 27, 2020
* Oct 27, 2020
public class ZAxis implements Serializable{
public class ZAxis implements Serializable {
@ -24,10 +22,10 @@ public class ZAxis implements Serializable{
/** The units. */
private String units;
/** The positive. */
private boolean positive;
/** The values. */
private List<Double> values;
@ -40,9 +38,9 @@ public class ZAxis implements Serializable{
* Instantiates a new layer z axis.
* @param units the units
* @param units the units
* @param positive the positive
* @param values the values
* @param values the values
public ZAxis(String units, boolean positive, List<Double> values) {
this.units = units;
@ -50,7 +48,6 @@ public class ZAxis implements Serializable{
this.values = values;
* Gets the units.
@ -61,7 +58,6 @@ public class ZAxis implements Serializable{
return units;
* Checks if is positive.
@ -72,7 +68,6 @@ public class ZAxis implements Serializable{
return positive;
* Gets the values.
@ -83,7 +78,6 @@ public class ZAxis implements Serializable{
return values;
* Sets the units.
@ -94,7 +88,6 @@ public class ZAxis implements Serializable{
this.units = units;
* Sets the positive.
@ -105,7 +98,6 @@ public class ZAxis implements Serializable{
this.positive = positive;
* Sets the values.
@ -121,7 +113,9 @@ public class ZAxis implements Serializable{
* @return the string
/* (non-Javadoc)
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()

@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.OtherContentDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.AbstractRelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.LayerConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.RecordDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.RelazioneScavoDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable;
* The Class ConcessioneDV.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 4, 2020
public class ConcessioneDV extends RecordDV implements Serializable, IsSerializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1387327199157005059L;
/** The introduzione. */
private String introduzione;
/** The descrizione contenuto. */
private String descrizioneContenuto;
/** The authors. */
private List<String> authors;
/** The contributore. */
private String contributore;
/** The titolari. */
private List<String> titolari;
/** The responsabile. */
private String responsabile;
/** The editore. */
private String editore;
/** The fonti finanziamento. */
private List<String> fontiFinanziamento;
/** The soggetto. */
private List<String> soggetto;
/** The risorse correlate. */
private List<String> risorseCorrelate;
/** The data inizio progetto. */
private String dataInizioProgetto;
/** The data fine progetto. */
private String dataFineProgetto;
/** The titolare licenza. */
private List<String> titolariLicenza;
/** The titolare copyright. */
private List<String> titolariCopyright;
/** The parole chiave libere. */
private List<String> paroleChiaveLibere;
/** The parole chiave ICCD. */
private List<String> paroleChiaveICCD;
/** The centroid lat. */
private Double centroidLat;
/** The centroid long. */
private Double centroidLong;
/** The relazione scavo. */
private AbstractRelazioneScavoDV abstractRelazioneScavo;
/** The relazione scavo. */
private RelazioneScavoDV relazioneScavo;
/** The immagini rappresentative. */
private List<UploadedImageDV> immaginiRappresentative = new ArrayList<UploadedImageDV>();
/** The posizionamento scavo. */
private LayerConcessioneDV posizionamentoScavo;
/** The piante fine scavo. */
private List<LayerConcessioneDV> pianteFineScavo = new ArrayList<LayerConcessioneDV>();
/** The generic content. */
private List<OtherContentDV> genericContent = new ArrayList<OtherContentDV>();
* Instantiates a new concessione.
public ConcessioneDV() {
* Gets the introduzione.
* @return the introduzione
public String getIntroduzione() {
return introduzione;
* Sets the introduzione.
* @param introduzione the new introduzione
public void setIntroduzione(String introduzione) {
this.introduzione = introduzione;
* Gets the descrizione contenuto.
* @return the descrizione contenuto
public String getDescrizioneContenuto() {
return descrizioneContenuto;
* Sets the descrizione contenuto.
* @param descrizioneContenuto the new descrizione contenuto
public void setDescrizioneContenuto(String descrizioneContenuto) {
this.descrizioneContenuto = descrizioneContenuto;
* Gets the authors.
* @return the authors
public List<String> getAuthors() {
return authors;
* Sets the authors.
* @param authors the new authors
public void setAuthors(List<String> authors) {
this.authors = authors;
* Gets the contributore.
* @return the contributore
public String getContributore() {
return contributore;
* Sets the contributore.
* @param contributore the new contributore
public void setContributore(String contributore) {
this.contributore = contributore;
* Gets the titolari.
* @return the titolari
public List<String> getTitolari() {
return titolari;
* Sets the titolari.
* @param titolari the new titolari
public void setTitolari(List<String> titolari) {
this.titolari = titolari;
* Gets the responsabile.
* @return the responsabile
public String getResponsabile() {
return responsabile;
* Sets the responsabile.
* @param responsabile the new responsabile
public void setResponsabile(String responsabile) {
this.responsabile = responsabile;
* Gets the editore.
* @return the editore
public String getEditore() {
return editore;
* Sets the editore.
* @param editore the new editore
public void setEditore(String editore) {
this.editore = editore;
* Gets the fonti finanziamento.
* @return the fonti finanziamento
public List<String> getFontiFinanziamento() {
return fontiFinanziamento;
* Sets the fonti finanziamento.
* @param fontiFinanziamento the new fonti finanziamento
public void setFontiFinanziamento(List<String> fontiFinanziamento) {
this.fontiFinanziamento = fontiFinanziamento;
* Gets the soggetto.
* @return the soggetto
public List<String> getSoggetto() {
return soggetto;
* Sets the soggetto.
* @param soggetto the new soggetto
public void setSoggetto(List<String> soggetto) {
this.soggetto = soggetto;
* Gets the risorse correlate.
* @return the risorse correlate
public List<String> getRisorseCorrelate() {
return risorseCorrelate;
* Sets the risorse correlate.
* @param risorseCorrelate the new risorse correlate
public void setRisorseCorrelate(List<String> risorseCorrelate) {
this.risorseCorrelate = risorseCorrelate;
* Gets the data inizio progetto.
* @return the data inizio progetto
public String getDataInizioProgetto() {
return dataInizioProgetto;
* Sets the data inizio progetto.
* @param dataInizioProgetto the new data inizio progetto
public void setDataInizioProgetto(String dataInizioProgetto) {
this.dataInizioProgetto = dataInizioProgetto;
* Gets the data fine progetto.
* @return the data fine progetto
public String getDataFineProgetto() {
return dataFineProgetto;
* Sets the data fine progetto.
* @param dataFineProgetto the new data fine progetto
public void setDataFineProgetto(String dataFineProgetto) {
this.dataFineProgetto = dataFineProgetto;
* Gets the titolari licenza.
* @return the titolari licenza
public List<String> getTitolariLicenza() {
return titolariLicenza;
* Sets the titolari licenza.
* @param titolariLicenza the new titolari licenza
public void setTitolariLicenza(List<String> titolariLicenza) {
this.titolariLicenza = titolariLicenza;
* Gets the titolari copyright.
* @return the titolari copyright
public List<String> getTitolariCopyright() {
return titolariCopyright;
* Sets the titolari copyright.
* @param titolariCopyright the new titolari copyright
public void setTitolariCopyright(List<String> titolariCopyright) {
this.titolariCopyright = titolariCopyright;
* Gets the parole chiave libere.
* @return the parole chiave libere
public List<String> getParoleChiaveLibere() {
return paroleChiaveLibere;
* Sets the parole chiave libere.
* @param paroleChiaveLibere the new parole chiave libere
public void setParoleChiaveLibere(List<String> paroleChiaveLibere) {
this.paroleChiaveLibere = paroleChiaveLibere;
* Gets the parole chiave ICCD.
* @return the parole chiave ICCD
public List<String> getParoleChiaveICCD() {
return paroleChiaveICCD;
* Sets the parole chiave ICCD.
* @param paroleChiaveICCD the new parole chiave ICCD
public void setParoleChiaveICCD(List<String> paroleChiaveICCD) {
this.paroleChiaveICCD = paroleChiaveICCD;
* Gets the centroid lat.
* @return the centroid lat
public Double getCentroidLat() {
return centroidLat;
* Sets the centroid lat.
* @param centroidLat the new centroid lat
public void setCentroidLat(Double centroidLat) {
this.centroidLat = centroidLat;
* Gets the centroid long.
* @return the centroid long
public Double getCentroidLong() {
return centroidLong;
* Sets the centroid long.
* @param centroidLong the new centroid long
public void setCentroidLong(Double centroidLong) {
this.centroidLong = centroidLong;
* Gets the relazione scavo.
* @return the relazione scavo
public RelazioneScavoDV getRelazioneScavo() {
return relazioneScavo;
* Sets the relazione scavo.
* @param relazioneScavo the new relazione scavo
public void setRelazioneScavo(RelazioneScavoDV relazioneScavo) {
this.relazioneScavo = relazioneScavo;
* Gets the immagini rappresentative.
* @return the immagini rappresentative
public List<UploadedImageDV> getImmaginiRappresentative() {
return immaginiRappresentative;
* Sets the immagini rappresentative.
* @param immaginiRappresentative the new immagini rappresentative
public void setImmaginiRappresentative(List<UploadedImageDV> immaginiRappresentative) {
this.immaginiRappresentative = immaginiRappresentative;
* Gets the posizionamento scavo.
* @return the posizionamento scavo
public LayerConcessioneDV getPosizionamentoScavo() {
return posizionamentoScavo;
* Sets the posizionamento scavo.
* @param posizionamentoScavo the new posizionamento scavo
public void setPosizionamentoScavo(LayerConcessioneDV posizionamentoScavo) {
this.posizionamentoScavo = posizionamentoScavo;
* Gets the piante fine scavo.
* @return the piante fine scavo
public List<LayerConcessioneDV> getPianteFineScavo() {
return pianteFineScavo;
* Sets the piante fine scavo.
* @param pianteFineScavo the new piante fine scavo
public void setPianteFineScavo(List<LayerConcessioneDV> pianteFineScavo) {
this.pianteFineScavo = pianteFineScavo;
* Gets the generic content.
* @return the generic content
public List<OtherContentDV> getGenericContent() {
return genericContent;
* Sets the generic content.
* @param genericContent the new generic content
public void setGenericContent(List<OtherContentDV> genericContent) {
this.genericContent = genericContent;
* Gets the abstract relazione scavo.
* @return the abstract relazione scavo
public AbstractRelazioneScavoDV getAbstractRelazioneScavo() {
return abstractRelazioneScavo;
* Sets the abstract relazione scavo.
* @param abstractRelazioneScavo the new abstract relazione scavo
public void setAbstractRelazioneScavo(AbstractRelazioneScavoDV abstractRelazioneScavo) {
this.abstractRelazioneScavo = abstractRelazioneScavo;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("ConcessioneDV [introduzione=");
builder.append(", descrizioneContenuto=");
builder.append(", authors=");
builder.append(", contributore=");
builder.append(", titolari=");
builder.append(", responsabile=");
builder.append(", editore=");
builder.append(", fontiFinanziamento=");
builder.append(", soggetto=");
builder.append(", risorseCorrelate=");
builder.append(", dataInizioProgetto=");
builder.append(", dataFineProgetto=");
builder.append(", titolariLicenza=");
builder.append(", titolariCopyright=");
builder.append(", paroleChiaveLibere=");
builder.append(", paroleChiaveICCD=");
builder.append(", centroidLat=");
builder.append(", centroidLong=");
builder.append(", abstractRelazioneScavo=");
builder.append(", relazioneScavo=");
builder.append(", immaginiRappresentative=");
builder.append(", posizionamentoScavo=");
builder.append(", pianteFineScavo=");
builder.append(", genericContent=");
return builder.toString();

@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model.RecordDV;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable;
* The Class AssociatedContent.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 2, 2020
public abstract class AssociatedContentDV implements IsSerializable, Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3666420861504055117L;
/** The id. */
private long id;
/** The policy. */
private String policy;
/** The license ID. */
private String licenseID;
/** The titolo. */
private String titolo;
/** The creation time. */
private String creationTime;
/** The record. */
private RecordDV record;
* Instantiates a new associated content.
public AssociatedContentDV() {
* Instantiates a new associated content.
* @param id the id
* @param policy the policy
* @param licenseID the license ID
* @param titolo the titolo
* @param creationTime the creation time
* @param record the record
public AssociatedContentDV(long id, String policy, String licenseID, String titolo, String creationTime,
RecordDV record) {
this.id = id;
this.policy = policy;
this.licenseID = licenseID;
this.titolo = titolo;
this.creationTime = creationTime;
this.record = record;
* Gets the id.
* @return the id
public long getId() {
return id;
* Sets the id.
* @param id the new id
public void setId(long id) {
this.id = id;
* Gets the policy.
* @return the policy
public String getPolicy() {
return policy;
* Sets the policy.
* @param policy the new policy
public void setPolicy(String policy) {
this.policy = policy;
* Gets the license ID.
* @return the license ID
public String getLicenseID() {
return licenseID;
* Sets the license ID.
* @param licenseID the new license ID
public void setLicenseID(String licenseID) {
this.licenseID = licenseID;
* Gets the titolo.
* @return the titolo
public String getTitolo() {
return titolo;
* Sets the titolo.
* @param titolo the new titolo
public void setTitolo(String titolo) {
this.titolo = titolo;
* Gets the creation time.
* @return the creation time
public String getCreationTime() {
return creationTime;
* Sets the creation time.
* @param creationTime the new creation time
public void setCreationTime(String creationTime) {
this.creationTime = creationTime;
* Gets the record.
* @return the record
public RecordDV getRecord() {
return record;
* Sets the record.
* @param record the new record
public void setRecord(RecordDV record) {
this.record = record;
* To string.
* @return the string
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("AssociatedContent [id=");
builder.append(", policy=");
builder.append(", licenseID=");
builder.append(", titolo=");
builder.append(", creationTime=");
builder.append(", record=");
return builder.toString();

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content;
import java.io.Serializable;
* The Class OtherContent.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 2, 2020
public class OtherContentDV extends AssociatedContentDV implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2550361768550673836L;
* Instantiates a new other content.
public OtherContentDV() {
* To string.
* @return the string
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("OtherContent [toString()=");
return builder.toString();

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content;
import java.io.Serializable;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable;
* The Class WorkspaceContentDV.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 5, 2020
public class WorkspaceContentDV implements IsSerializable, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3919923007831416696L;
/** The mimetype. */
private String mimetype;
/** The storage ID. */
private String storageID;
/** The link. */
private String link;
private Long id;
public WorkspaceContentDV() {
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
public String getMimetype() {
return mimetype;
public void setMimetype(String mimetype) {
this.mimetype = mimetype;
public String getStorageID() {
return storageID;
public void setStorageID(String storageID) {
this.storageID = storageID;
public String getLink() {
return link;
public void setLink(String link) {
this.link = link;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("WorkspaceContentDV [mimetype=");
builder.append(", storageID=");
builder.append(", link=");
builder.append(", id=");
return builder.toString();

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.AssociatedContentDV;
* The Class AbstractRelazioneScavoDV.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Dec 21, 2020
public class AbstractRelazioneScavoDV extends AssociatedContentDV implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8768745863185590509L;
/** The abstract section. */
private String abstractSectionIta;
private String abstractSectionEng;
/** The responsabili. */
private List<String> responsabili;
/** The soggetto. */
private List<String> soggetto;
* Instantiates a new abstract relazione scavo.
public AbstractRelazioneScavoDV() {
* Instantiates a new abstract relazione scavo.
* @param abstractSectionIta the abstract section ita
* @param abstractSectionEng the abstract section eng
* @param responsabili the responsabili
* @param soggetto the soggetto
public AbstractRelazioneScavoDV(String abstractSectionIta, String abstractSectionEng, List<String> responsabili, List<String> soggetto) {
this.abstractSectionIta = abstractSectionIta;
this.abstractSectionEng = abstractSectionEng;
this.responsabili = responsabili;
this.soggetto = soggetto;
* Gets the abstract section ita.
* @return the abstract section ita
public String getAbstractSectionIta() {
return abstractSectionIta;
* Sets the abstract section ita.
* @param abstractSectionIta the new abstract section ita
public void setAbstractSectionIta(String abstractSectionIta) {
this.abstractSectionIta = abstractSectionIta;
* Gets the abstract section eng.
* @return the abstract section eng
public String getAbstractSectionEng() {
return abstractSectionEng;
* Sets the abstract section eng.
* @param abstractSectionEng the new abstract section eng
public void setAbstractSectionEng(String abstractSectionEng) {
this.abstractSectionEng = abstractSectionEng;
* Gets the responsabili.
* @return the responsabili
public List<String> getResponsabili() {
return responsabili;
* Sets the responsabili.
* @param responsabili the new responsabili
public void setResponsabili(List<String> responsabili) {
this.responsabili = responsabili;
* Gets the soggetto.
* @return the soggetto
public List<String> getSoggetto() {
return soggetto;
* Sets the soggetto.
* @param soggetto the new soggetto
public void setSoggetto(List<String> soggetto) {
this.soggetto = soggetto;
* To string.
* @return the string
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("RelazioneScavoDV [abstractSectionIta=");
builder.append(", abstractSectionEng=");
builder.append(", responsabili=");
builder.append(", soggetto=");
return builder.toString();

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable;
public class LayerConcessioneDV extends SDILayerDescriptorDV implements IsSerializable, Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2633250621043744245L;
// 1.Identificazione
private String abstractSection;
// 2.Classificazione
private String topicCategory;
// 3.Keyword
private String subTopic;
// 4. Delimitazione geographica
private BoundsMap bbox;
// 5. Temporal
// 6. Quality
private String valutazioneQualita;
private String metodoRaccoltaDati;
private String scalaAcquisizione;
private List<String> authors;
public LayerConcessioneDV() {
public String getAbstractSection() {
return abstractSection;
public void setAbstractSection(String abstractSection) {
this.abstractSection = abstractSection;
public String getTopicCategory() {
return topicCategory;
public void setTopicCategory(String topicCategory) {
this.topicCategory = topicCategory;
public String getSubTopic() {
return subTopic;
public void setSubTopic(String subTopic) {
this.subTopic = subTopic;
public BoundsMap getBbox() {
return bbox;
public void setBbox(BoundsMap bbox) {
this.bbox = bbox;
public String getValutazioneQualita() {
return valutazioneQualita;
public void setValutazioneQualita(String valutazioneQualita) {
this.valutazioneQualita = valutazioneQualita;
public String getMetodoRaccoltaDati() {
return metodoRaccoltaDati;
public void setMetodoRaccoltaDati(String metodoRaccoltaDati) {
this.metodoRaccoltaDati = metodoRaccoltaDati;
public String getScalaAcquisizione() {
return scalaAcquisizione;
public void setScalaAcquisizione(String scalaAcquisizione) {
this.scalaAcquisizione = scalaAcquisizione;
public List<String> getAuthors() {
return authors;
public void setAuthors(List<String> authors) {
this.authors = authors;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("LayerConcessione [abstractSection=");
builder.append(", topicCategory=");
builder.append(", subTopic=");
builder.append(", bbox=");
builder.append(", valutazioneQualita=");
builder.append(", metodoRaccoltaDati=");
builder.append(", scalaAcquisizione=");
builder.append(", authors=");
builder.append(", wmsLink=");
builder.append(", layerName=");
return builder.toString();

@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model;
import java.io.Serializable;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable;
* The Class Record.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 2, 2020
public abstract class RecordDV implements Serializable, IsSerializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2913726613820175679L;
/** The id. */
private Long id;
/** The record type. */
private String recordType;
/** The version. */
private String version = "1.0.0";
/** The licenza ID. */
private String licenzaID;
private String policy;
/** The nome. */
// Nome del progetto
private String nome;
/** The folder id. */
// Storage Info
private String folderId;
/** The last update time. */
// Accounting
private String lastUpdateTime;
/** The last update user. */
private String lastUpdateUser;
/** The creation time. */
private String creationTime;
/** The creation user. */
private String creationUser;
* Instantiates a new record.
public RecordDV() {
* Gets the id.
* @return the id
public Long getId() {
return id;
* Sets the id.
* @param id the new id
public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
* Gets the record type.
* @return the record type
public String getRecordType() {
return recordType;
* Sets the record type.
* @param recordType the new record type
public void setRecordType(String recordType) {
this.recordType = recordType;
* Gets the version.
* @return the version
public String getVersion() {
return version;
* Sets the version.
* @param version the new version
public void setVersion(String version) {
this.version = version;
* Gets the licenza ID.
* @return the licenza ID
public String getLicenzaID() {
return licenzaID;
* Sets the licenza ID.
* @param licenzaID the new licenza ID
public void setLicenzaID(String licenzaID) {
this.licenzaID = licenzaID;
* Gets the accesso.
* @return the accesso
public String getPolicy() {
return policy;
* Sets the accesso.
* @param policy the new policy
public void setPolicy(String policy) {
this.policy = policy;
* Gets the nome.
* @return the nome
public String getNome() {
return nome;
* Sets the nome.
* @param nome the new nome
public void setNome(String nome) {
this.nome = nome;
* Gets the folder id.
* @return the folder id
public String getFolderId() {
return folderId;
* Sets the folder id.
* @param folderId the new folder id
public void setFolderId(String folderId) {
this.folderId = folderId;
* Gets the last update time.
* @return the last update time
public String getLastUpdateTime() {
return lastUpdateTime;
* Sets the last update time.
* @param lastUpdateTime the new last update time
public void setLastUpdateTime(String lastUpdateTime) {
this.lastUpdateTime = lastUpdateTime;
* Gets the last update user.
* @return the last update user
public String getLastUpdateUser() {
return lastUpdateUser;
* Sets the last update user.
* @param lastUpdateUser the new last update user
public void setLastUpdateUser(String lastUpdateUser) {
this.lastUpdateUser = lastUpdateUser;
* Gets the creation time.
* @return the creation time
public String getCreationTime() {
return creationTime;
* Sets the creation time.
* @param creationTime the new creation time
public void setCreationTime(String creationTime) {
this.creationTime = creationTime;
* Gets the creation user.
* @return the creation user
public String getCreationUser() {
return creationUser;
* Sets the creation user.
* @param creationUser the new creation user
public void setCreationUser(String creationUser) {
this.creationUser = creationUser;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("RecordDV [id=");
builder.append(", recordType=");
builder.append(", version=");
builder.append(", licenzaID=");
builder.append(", policy=");
builder.append(", nome=");
builder.append(", folderId=");
builder.append(", lastUpdateTime=");
builder.append(", lastUpdateUser=");
builder.append(", creationTime=");
builder.append(", creationUser=");
return builder.toString();

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.AssociatedContentDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.WorkspaceContentDV;
* The Class RelazioneScavoDV.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Dec 21, 2020
public class RelazioneScavoDV extends AssociatedContentDV implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2456950567302197554L;
/** The responsabili. */
private List<String> responsabili;
/** The soggetto. */
private List<String> soggetto;
private List<WorkspaceContentDV> listWsContent;
* Instantiates a new relazione scavo DV.
public RelazioneScavoDV() {
* Instantiates a new relazione scavo DV.
* @param responsabili the responsabili
* @param soggetto the soggetto
public RelazioneScavoDV(List<String> responsabili, List<String> soggetto) {
this.responsabili = responsabili;
this.soggetto = soggetto;
* Gets the responsabili.
* @return the responsabili
public List<String> getResponsabili() {
return responsabili;
* Sets the responsabili.
* @param responsabili the new responsabili
public void setResponsabili(List<String> responsabili) {
this.responsabili = responsabili;
* Gets the soggetto.
* @return the soggetto
public List<String> getSoggetto() {
return soggetto;
* Sets the soggetto.
* @param soggetto the new soggetto
public void setSoggetto(List<String> soggetto) {
this.soggetto = soggetto;
* Gets the list ws content.
* @return the list ws content
public List<WorkspaceContentDV> getListWsContent() {
return listWsContent;
* Sets the list ws content.
* @param listWsContent the new list ws content
public void setListWsContent(List<WorkspaceContentDV> listWsContent) {
this.listWsContent = listWsContent;
* To string.
* @return the string
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("RelazioneScavoDV [responsabili=");
builder.append(", soggetto=");
builder.append(", listWsContent=");
return builder.toString();

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.AssociatedContentDV;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable;
* The Class SDILayerDescriptorDV.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 4, 2020
public class SDILayerDescriptorDV extends AssociatedContentDV implements IsSerializable, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6137246723753812015L;
// meta
private String layerUUID;
private Long layerID;
// layer
private String layerName;
private String wmsLink;
* Instantiates a new SDI layer descriptor DV.
public SDILayerDescriptorDV() {
* Instantiates a new SDI layer descriptor DV.
* @param layerUUID the layer UUID
* @param layerID the layer ID
* @param layerName the layer name
* @param wmsLink the wms link
public SDILayerDescriptorDV(String layerUUID, Long layerID, String layerName, String wmsLink) {
this.layerUUID = layerUUID;
this.layerID = layerID;
this.layerName = layerName;
this.wmsLink = wmsLink;
* Gets the layer UUID.
* @return the layer UUID
public String getLayerUUID() {
return layerUUID;
* Sets the layer UUID.
* @param layerUUID the new layer UUID
public void setLayerUUID(String layerUUID) {
this.layerUUID = layerUUID;
* Gets the layer ID.
* @return the layer ID
public Long getLayerID() {
return layerID;
* Sets the layer ID.
* @param layerID the new layer ID
public void setLayerID(Long layerID) {
this.layerID = layerID;
* Gets the layer name.
* @return the layer name
public String getLayerName() {
return layerName;
* Sets the layer name.
* @param layerName the new layer name
public void setLayerName(String layerName) {
this.layerName = layerName;
* Gets the wms link.
* @return the wms link
public String getWmsLink() {
return wmsLink;
* Sets the wms link.
* @param wmsLink the new wms link
public void setWmsLink(String wmsLink) {
this.wmsLink = wmsLink;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.AssociatedContentDV#toString()
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("SDILayerDescriptor [layerUUID=");
builder.append(", layerID=");
builder.append(", layerName=");
builder.append(", wmsLink=");
return builder.toString();

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.model;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.AssociatedContentDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.content.WorkspaceContentDV;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable;
* The Class UploadedImage.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* Nov 2, 2020
public class UploadedImageDV extends AssociatedContentDV implements IsSerializable, Serializable {
/** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 809167060189883015L;
/** The didascalia. */
private String didascalia;
/** The format. */
private String format;
/** The responsabili. */
private List<String> responsabili;
/** The soggetto. */
private List<String> soggetto;
private List<WorkspaceContentDV> listWsContent;
* Instantiates a new uploaded image.
public UploadedImageDV() {
* Gets the didascalia.
* @return the didascalia
public String getDidascalia() {
return didascalia;
* Sets the didascalia.
* @param didascalia the new didascalia
public void setDidascalia(String didascalia) {
this.didascalia = didascalia;
* Gets the format.
* @return the format
public String getFormat() {
return format;
* Sets the format.
* @param format the new format
public void setFormat(String format) {
this.format = format;
* Gets the responsabili.
* @return the responsabili
public List<String> getResponsabili() {
return responsabili;
* Sets the responsabili.
* @param responsabili the new responsabili
public void setResponsabili(List<String> responsabili) {
this.responsabili = responsabili;
* Gets the soggetto.
* @return the soggetto
public List<String> getSoggetto() {
return soggetto;
* Sets the soggetto.
* @param soggetto the new soggetto
public void setSoggetto(List<String> soggetto) {
this.soggetto = soggetto;
public List<WorkspaceContentDV> getListWsContent() {
return listWsContent;
public void setListWsContent(List<WorkspaceContentDV> listWsContent) {
this.listWsContent = listWsContent;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("UploadedImageDV [didascalia=");
builder.append(", format=");
builder.append(", responsabili=");
builder.append(", soggetto=");
builder.append(", listWsContent=");
return builder.toString();

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@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
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<!-- Consider inlining CSS to reduce the number of requested files -->
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer;
import static org.gcube.application.geoportal.client.GeoportalAbstractPlugin.statefulMongoConcessioni;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.client.legacy.ConcessioniManagerI;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.Concessione;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.ConvertToDataViewModel;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.gcube.common.authorization.library.provider.SecurityTokenProvider;
import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider;
public class ConcessioneReader {
private static final String YOUR_TOKEN = "";
public static String SCOPE = "/gcube/devsec/devVRE";
public static String mongoConcessioneID = "6102c07002ad3d05b5f81ddc";
public void setEnviroment() {
public void readConcessione() throws Exception {
System.out.println("getConcessioneForId " + mongoConcessioneID + "called");
ConcessioneDV concessionDV = null;
if (mongoConcessioneID == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The Id is null");
try {
System.out.println("Trying to get record for id " + mongoConcessioneID);
ConcessioniManagerI concessioniManager = statefulMongoConcessioni().build();
Concessione concessione = concessioniManager.getById(mongoConcessioneID);
System.out.println("For id " + mongoConcessioneID + ", got concessione " + concessione);
System.out.println("Immagini Rappresentative are: " + concessione.getImmaginiRappresentative());
System.out.println("Relazione scavo: " + concessione.getRelazioneScavo());
System.out.println("Pianta Fine scavo: " + concessione.getPianteFineScavo());
System.out.println("Posizionamento scavo: " + concessione.getPosizionamentoScavo());
if (concessione != null) {
concessionDV = ConvertToDataViewModel.toConcessione(concessione);
if (concessionDV == null)
throw new Exception("Concessione not retrieved");
System.out.println("Got concessione: " + concessionDV);
} catch (Exception e) {
String erroMsg = Concessione.class.getSimpleName() + " with id " + mongoConcessioneID + " not available";
throw new Exception(erroMsg);

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.client.legacy.ConcessioniManager;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.Concessione;
import org.gcube.common.authorization.library.provider.SecurityTokenProvider;
import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.ConvertToDataViewModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.products.ConcessioneDV;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class GetConcessione {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GetConcessione.class);
private static final String YOUR_TOKEN = "";
public static String SCOPE = "/gcube/devsec/devVRE";
public static long concessioneId = 8;
public static ConcessioneDV getConcessioneForId(Long id) throws Exception{
LOG.info("getConcessioneForId "+id+ "called");
ConcessioneDV concessionDV = null;
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The Id is null");
try {
LOG.info("Trying to get record for id "+id);
Concessione concessione = new ConcessioniManager().getById(id+"");
LOG.info("For id "+id+", got concessione "+concessione);
LOG.info("Immagini Rappresentative are: "+concessione.getImmaginiRappresentative());
LOG.info("Relazione scavo: "+concessione.getRelazioneScavo());
LOG.info("Pianta Fine scavo: "+concessione.getPianteFineScavo());
LOG.info("Posizionamento scavo: "+concessione.getPosizionamentoScavo());
if(concessione !=null) {
concessionDV = ConvertToDataViewModel.toConcessione(concessione);
throw new Exception("Concessione not retrieved");
return concessionDV;
}catch (Exception e) {
String erroMsg = Concessione.class.getSimpleName() +" with id "+id+" not available";
throw new Exception(erroMsg);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
LOG.info("Trying to get record for id "+concessioneId);
ConcessioneDV concessione = getConcessioneForId(concessioneId);
LOG.info("Got record for id "+concessione);

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.Concessione;
import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.IAMClientCredentialsReader;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accessidentity.IAMClientCredentials;
import org.junit.Test;
public class IAMClient {
private static final String SCOPE = "/gcube/devsec/devVRE";
private static final String MONGO_ITEM_ID = "614af6a502ad3d6128abd43f";
public void readCredentials() {
System.out.println("called readCredentials test");
IAMClientCredentials credentials = null;
try {
credentials = IAMClientCredentialsReader.getCredentials();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Read credentials: " + credentials);
Concessione concessione;
try {
// concessione = new ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy();
// System.out.println("Get concessione: " + concessione);
} catch (Exception e) {

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ import java.util.Arrays;
import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.urlshortener.UrlShortener;
public class TestShortener {
public class Shortener {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void availableInTheScope() {
System.out.println("called availableInTheScope test");
try {
String toShort = "https://next.d4science.org/group/nextnext/geona-data-viewer";
String[] splitted = toShort.split("\\?");
@ -27,12 +29,12 @@ public class TestShortener {
System.out.println("encodedQuery is: "+encodedQuery);
link = String.format("%s?%s", splitted[0], encodedQuery);
UrlShortener shortener = new UrlShortener();
} catch (Exception e) {