Join VRE Portlet is the Explore portlet of the Gateway when the user is not logged in. When logged in it allows the user to register to VREs.

Updated 3 months ago

Create users portlet allows a VRE-Manager to enter user’s personal data and automatically register he/she in the portal. The portlet also sends a temporary password to the just registered user.

Updated 3 months ago

The News-Feed allows to view already published posts sorted in a reverse chronological order within a given VRE context, along with their replies and likes plus some other information, such as the date in which it was published etc.

Updated 1 month ago

Resource Management: Infrastructure Monitor This application lets administrator users to manage resources providing the basic functionalities to access and modify their data information.

Updated 5 months ago

gCube Invites Members Widget is used from the portlet for inviting external users to portal VREs.

Updated 3 months ago

Trending Topics Portlet (former Top Topics) visualises a list of topics (#hashtags) that are present in the context where it is deployed. The #hashtags are ranked according to their "trendiness".

Updated 3 months ago

gCube Share Updates Portlet is used to create social posts in any VRE.

Updated 2 years ago

gCube VRE Definition Portlet shows a Wizard to create VREs.

Updated 3 years ago

VRE Roles and Groups viewer Portlet allows to view only the user roles and groups in a VRE.

Updated 3 months ago

This component is a Liferay 6.2.6 CE Porlet which interacts with workspace and social service to gather usage statistics (e.g. disk space in use, number of posts etc.)

Updated 3 months ago

The auth-portlet-manager is a Liferay portlet that is functional to the Authorization layer of the infra

Updated 2 years ago

Tabular Data Manager is a portlet to manage tabular data. tabular-data-gwt-service is a widget for support the communication with tabular data service.

Updated 4 years ago

The gCube Species Discovery Portlet lets the users discovery species information from the Species Service.

Updated 3 months ago

VRE Members Portlet displays the members of the current VRE

Updated 3 months ago

A portlet used by F.A.O. of the United Nations to update Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Reports

Updated 2 years ago