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Georgios Kakaletris edited this page 2023-10-18 12:22:27 +02:00

About OpenDMP / ARGOS

OpenDMP is the software empowering the ARGOS service.

Using OpenDMP / ARGOS

There are a few alternative ways to exploit OpenDMP software features. Currently the following three options are available, while new ones are underway to accommodate other service paradigms:

  1. Use standard ARGOS service offering provided by OpenAIRE. The service is provided free of charge under the terms presented in [OpenAIRE ARGOS] https://argos.openaire.eu/).
  2. Perform a self-served on premises OpenDMP installation (See relevant section bellow).
  3. Acquire OpenDMP on premises or cloud resources deployment. Contact OpenDMP service team for terms, potential customisation options and costs of services that accompany the option.

OpenDMP Source Code access

The core of the system is licensed as Free Open-Source Software under the MIT license. ccess to, modification and usage of the OpenDMP source code is ruled by the terms of the aforementioned license. You may obtain the code of OpenDMP from our Gitea repository project location.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: No support is provided to development teams for OpenDMP code editing and maintenance.

In case you fix a bug or provide a significant feature that you wish to see being incorporated and supported in future OpenDMP releases, feel free to perform a pull request to our repository. Pull requests will be handled on a best effort policy and according to Argos / OpenDMP roadmap priorities.

On premises installation instructions

Self-served on premises installations of OpenDMP are feasible using OpenDMP software. Argos deployment uses the same open source code and may differentiate only due to services linked and configurations hooked to the system installation.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The deployment, troubleshooting, maintenance and operation of on-premises self-served OpenDMP instances for development, testing or production use, shall be the sole responsibility of the adopter. No support is provided for any issue that may be encountered during deployment, extension or operation of such installations.

Issues and suggestions are welcome for future consideration by the software management team, however they will be handled in a best-effort approach and to the degree their outcome may improve procedures and/or documentation for other adopters of the system.

If you want to utilize OpenDMP as a self-served Data Management Planning solution, you may deploy OpenDMP on premises following the instructions bellow, after downloading the source code from its repository.

On-premises deployment documentation is maintained on a best-effort basis.