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8 Manage all available languages


In this page, there is a listing where you can view details about all the supported languages.

The information displayed by default is: the code of the languages, the status and timestamps for the creation and updates of the records. At the top right corner of the listing you can also select which columns to display.


For languages, all the columns are visible by default.


You can add support for a new language by clicking to the + Create Language button at the top right corner of the page.

Editing and removing existing languages is also possible by clicking on the tree dots available on the last column.


Only users that have the Admin role can access this page.


This view is available when the user presses the Languages link from the side navigation menu.


Not all the records are being displayed at once. By default, there is a pagination of 10 records applied to them.

You can control how many records are being displayed at any time, by adjusting the items per page control at the bottom left corner of the table.


There is a filtering option available for languages.

  • Is Active: By toggling this control you can view only the active or only the disabled languages.
    By default, this option is set to true.

In order for the filters to apply, you have to click the Apply filters button.

You can also clear any filters already applied, by pressing the clear all filters option, located at the top of the popup.

Edit form

When you try to add new languages or edit existing ones, the language editing form will appear containing the following controls:

  • Code: The code of the language, typically consisting of two characters.
    For example: 'en', 'pt' etc.
  • Ordinal: This controlls the position in which the language will appear on all the dropdowns with the available languages.
  • Payload: Here all the language strings can be edited, in JSON format.
  • Override from file: In case a language is already defined in a file format, you can load the contents of the definition on the Payload control by clicking this checkbox. Then, you can proceed to make any change you want on the payload.


Editing a language payload will override the file definition, if it exists.
