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9 Manage supportive material

Supportive Material

In this page, you can view details about all the supportive material available to users directly on the platform.

At the start, there are two controls available:

  • Material Type: You select the specific supportive material you want to edit.
  • Language: These materials can have translations available for all the registered languages.

When you select both options above, the supportive material editor is opening. When you are done, you can save your changes by pressing the save button located at the bottom right corner of the screen.


Only users that have the Admin role can access this page.


This view is available when the user presses the Supportive Material link from the side navigation menu.

Types of material

Let's explore all the available supportive material types:

  • FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions.
  • About: A brief description of the platform.
  • Glossary: A brief description of the most important keywords you see through the app.
  • Terms Of Service
  • User Guide: A small guide available to the users directly on the platform

End notes


All the above are available for the users to read, following the links situated at the bottom part of the side navigation, visible on every page.

::: :::tip

You can always minimize the navigation sidebar by clicking on the x button on the top of it.
