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# Blueprints
In this page, there is a listing where you can view details about all the available plan blueprints.
**Plan Blueprints** describe how a [Plan](/docs/category/plans) is structured. All the sections and fields a Plan is consisting of, are referenced here. More details will follow in the next sections.
The information displayed by default is: the `display name` of the blueprints, the `status`, the `version` and timestamps for the `creation` and `updates` of the records. At the top right corner of the listing you can also select which columns to display.
For plan blueprints, all the columns are visible by default.
You can create new blueprints by clicking to the `+ Create Plan Blueprint` button at the top right of the page. You can otherwise import one if you have it in **XML** file format by clicking the `Import` button, upload the file and provide a name for your blueprint in the popup form.
There are also many more actions available for plan blueprints. When you clink on the three dots at the last column of a plan, you can perform one of the following actions:
- **Edit**
- **New Version**: Create a new version of this blueprint.
- **Clone**
- **All Plan Blueprint Versions**: View all the versions of this blueprint.<br/>*In the listing, only the last versions of blueprints are displayed, by default.*
- **Download XML**: Download the structure of the blueprint in XML format.
- **Delete**
## Authorization
Only users that have the **Admin** role can access this page.
## Navigation
This view is available when the user presses the `Plan Blueprints` link from the side navigation menu.
## Pagination
Not all the records are being displayed at once. By default, there is a pagination of 10 records applied to them.
You can control how many records are being displayed at any time, by adjusting the `items per page` control at the bottom left corner of the table.
## Filtering
There is a filtering option available for plan blueprints.
- **Is Active**: By toggling this control you can view only the active or only the disabled blueprints.<br/>*By default, this option is set to true.*
- **Status**: Filter blueprints by their status. The status can either be `Draft` or `Finalized`.<br/>*By default, no status is selected.*
In order for the filters to apply, you have to click the `Apply filters` button.
You can also clear any filters already applied, by pressing the `clear all filters` option, located at the top of the popup.
## Edit form
When you try to add new dmp blueprints or edit existing ones, the **dmp blueprint editing form** will appear containing the following controls.
- **Name**: The display name of the blueprint.
You can add one or more **sections** to the blueprint by clicking the `Add Section` button. You can also delete a section by clicking the `delete` icon next to its name.
For every section you add, a new form part appears where you can specify everything about that blueprint section.
### Sections form
For a section you can specify:
- **Section Name**
- **Section Desctiption**<br/>*This is optional.*
You can add one or more **fields** by clicking the `Add Field` button. For every field you add, a new form part appears where we can specify everything about that field.
### Fields form
For a field you can specify:
- **Field Type**: There are three field types available. `System`, `External Reference` and `Custom`. There is more information available in the [Field Types](/docs/documentation/administration/blueprints/field-types) section.
- **System Field**: The specific system field we want to add. <br/>*Only applicable if we add a field of type `System`.*
- **Reference Type**: The type of external reference we want to add. For more information, you can refer to the [Reference Types](/docs/documentation/administration/reference-types) section of our docs.<br/>*Only applicable if we add a field of type `External Reference`.*
- **Label**: A label for the field.
- **Description**: A short description for the field.
- **Semantics**: Select from a list of predefined fields coming from zenodo or rda specifications. There is more information available in the [Semantics](/docs/documentation/administration/blueprints/semantics) section.
- **Required**: You can make the field mandatory if you click the checkbox.<br/>*By default, this is set to false.*
- **Multiple**: You can specify if you allow the addition of multiple fields of the selected type if you click the checkbox.<br/>*Only applicable if we add a field of type `External Reference`. By default, this is set to false.*
Every section must have a `System` field of the following types: `Title`, `Description`, `Language` and `Access`.
### Desctiption Templates form
Each section can have one or more **description templates** attached to it. When you 'attach' a [description template](/docs/documentation/administration/templates/) to a blueprint, every [plan](/docs/category/plans) that inherits from that blueprint must have a [description](/docs/category/descriptions) that inherits from that template. More details will follow. You can add a description template by clicking on the `Add Description Template` button. For every template you add, a new form part appears where you can specify everything about the template attachment. You can also delete one template clicking on the `delete` icon on the right end of its form.
- **Description Template**: The [template](/docs/documentation/administration/templates/) you want to add.
- **Label**: A label for the template.
- **Min Multiplicity**: The minimum amount of [descriptions](/docs/category/descriptions) with this [description template](/docs/documentation/administration/templates/) that a [plan](/docs/category/plans) based on this blueprint has to have.
- **Max Multiplicity**: The maximum amount of [descriptions](/docs/category/descriptions) with this [description template](/docs/documentation/administration/templates/) that a [plan](/docs/category/plans) based on this blueprint has to have.
Let's clarify a little bit more about our description multiplicity options. There are 4 **special cases**.
- If we select a `minimum` and not a `maximum`, it is **mandatory** and there is **no limit** on the amount.
- If we select a `maximum` and not a `minimum`, it is **not mandatory** and there is a **limit** on the amount.
- If we select the **same** `minimum` and `maximum`, we imply **only** that specific amount possible.
- if we select nothing, it is **not mandatory** and there is **no limit** on the amount.
### Prefilling Sources form
We will explore this in detail in the [Prefilling Configurations](/docs/documentation/administration/blueprints/prefilling-configurations) section.
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