1. app.component.ts: Removed deprecated RootMenuItem and used MenuItem instead.
2. criteria.component.ts: Import OpenaireEntities and set variable openaireEntities.
3. criteria.component.html: [Bug fix] Use openaireEntities in no filters message.
4. searchAll.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "getDefaultEntityToShow()", return "datasources" instead of "content providers".
5. add-content-providers.component.ts: [Bug fix] In error messages use "data sources" wording instead of "content providers".
6. manage-zenodo-communities.component.html: [Bug fix] In <no-load-paging>, set type to "Zenodo communities".
1. resultLanding.service.ts: [Bug fix] Spelling error in parsing of "eoscifguidelines" field.
2. showSubjects.component.ts: [Bug fix] Do not show "EOSC" label in classified subjects, when no "eoscSubjects" parsed.
3. searchFields.ts: In RESULT_ADVANCED_FIELDS added "eoscifguidelines" | Added method "getResultAdvancedFields()", which does not include "eoscifguidelines" in "RESULT_ADVANCED_FIELDS" when environment == "production".
4. searchAll.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts: Get searchFields.RESULT_ADVANCED_FIELDS from "getResultAdvancedFields()".
1. fundedBy.component.ts: Added local field "provenancesCalculated" to check for each provenance label only once and do not show provenance if no vocabulary or if not label for this value.
2. result-preview.component.ts: Do not show provenance if no vocabulary or if no label for this value.
3. HelperFunctions.class.ts: In method "getVocabularyLabel()" added parameter "returnIfNotFound: boolean = true" to return null if no vocabulary or if no label for this value, when it is false.
1. resultLanding.service.ts: Added in parsing field "eoscifgiudelines" (resultLandingInfo.eoscSubjects).
2. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Added method "parseEoscSubjects()" | Method "checkAndAddEoscSubject()" updated - do not add eosc subjects in classifiedSubjects.
3. resultLanding.component.html: In <showSubjects> added [eoscSubjects]="resultLandingInfo.eoscSubjects".
4. showSubjects.component.ts: Added @Input() eoscSubjects: any[]; and show them as classifiedSubjects too.
1. develop.component.ts: Added example bullet for research products & Updated view of bullets (removed quotes - type bold).
2. page-content.component.ts:
a. Added <div id="page_content_sticky_footer" #sticky_footer> and <div id="page_content_footer" #footer>.
b. Added methods "ngAfterContentChecked()", "observeStickyFooter()", "calcStickyFooterOffset()" to calculate offset of sticky footer.
3. monitor.component.html: Added graph & feedback line as sticky_footer in >= medium screens and as footer in small screens.