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The gCube eXtensions to the Rest Protocol (gxRest) is a set of Java libraries designed to provide convenient round-trip interaction between a Restful web application (also known as "service") and its clients.

gxRest has the flexibility for different degrees of exploitation:

  • it can be entirely adopted both at client and service side with full benefit of its conventions;
  • it can be used to send REST requests based only on plain HTTP;
  • it can be used only to return HTTP code/messagess from the service;
  • it can be used only to throw Exceptions from the service to the client.

Examples of use

Sending a request:

GXHTTPRequest request = GXHTTPRequest.newRequest("http://host:port/service/").from("GXRequestTest");
//prepare some parameters
String context ="...";
Map<String,String> queryParams = new WeakHashMap<>();
queryParams.put("param name", "param value");

GXInboundResponse response = request.path("context")

Returning a success response:

  public Response create(...) {
    //Resource successfully created 
    URI location = ... //URI of the new resource
    return GXOutboundSuccessResponse.newCREATEResponse(location)
              .withMessage("Context successfully created.")

Throwing an exception:

  public Response create(...) {
    //Oh no, something failed here
    GXOutboundErrorResponse.throwException(new RMContextAlreadyExistException("Context already exists."));

Parsing a response

// invoke the create method and get a response.
Response create = target("context").queryParam(...).request()
		.post(Entity.entity(ISMapper.marshal(newContext), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON + ";charset=UTF-8"));
//wrap the response
GXInboundResponse response = new GXInboundResponse(create);
if (response.hasException()) 
    throw response.getException();
//assuming a created (200) code was expected 
if (response.hasCREATEDCode()) {
		System.out.println("Resource successfully created!");
//access content as string
String value = response.getStreamedContentAsString();

//unmasharll content as json
Context returnedContext = response.tryConvertStreamedContentFromJson(Context.class);



Notes about how to deploy this on an infrastructure or link to wiki.


See gxRest on Wiki.

Built With

  • JAX-RS - Java™ API for RESTful Web Services
  • Jersey - JAX-RS runtime
  • Maven - Dependency Management
