- Clear the "ConnSupportUtils.domainsWithConnectionData" data-structure, after each batch.
- Move the code for handling the "CookieStore" inside the "PublicationsRetrieverPlugin", as it is more related to that.
- Avoid running the "deleteHandledAssignmentsFullTexts()" scheduled task on application's start.
- Optimize assignment of "requestUrl".
- Add clarity in the scheduled tasks, by using "fixedDelay" instead of "fixedRate", to signify that the time specified is counted right from the time the last task is finished (even though without enabling the "Async" there is no "danger" of running them in parallel).
- Code cleanup.
- Fix a bug, where, in case it took too long to get the assignments from the Controller (possible when there are too many workers requesting at the same time or if the database is responding slowly), the Worker's scheduler would request for new assignments, in the meantime.
- Fix a bug, where, if the "maxAssignmentsBatchesToHandleBeforeRestart" was set, the Worker's scheduler could request another batch, right before the Worker was about to shut down.
- Fix a bug, where the condition of when to clear the over-sized data-structures was based on the "assignmentRequestCounter" send by the Controller (which is increased on each request by any worker and not for each individual one), and not on the "numHandledAssignmentsBatches" kept by each individual worker. This would result in much earlier cleanup, relative to the number of the Workers.
- Avoid double-checking for handledAssignments -in order to delete their full-texts- when the app is about to shut down, in case the "maxAssignmentsBatchesToHandleBeforeRestart" is set above Zero.
- When the user sets the "maxAssignmentsBatchesToHandleBeforeRestart" above zero, shutdown immediately after the last assignments-batch. Do not wait for the next scheduled check.
- Allow the user to set the "maxAssignmentsBatchesToHandleBeforeRestart" in the "installAndRun.sh" script.
- Increase the "fixedRate" for the "ScheduledTasks.deleteHandledAssignmentsFullTexts()" method to 12 hours.
- Update README.md
- Avoid converting the zero fileSize to < null >. Now, the default value is < null >, so the zero-value will indicate a zero-byte file.
- Update dependencies.
- Code cleanup.
- Use the "InputStreamResource" also in "get(single)FullText"-endpoint, in order to avoid loading a big full-text file in memory.
- Decrease the system-reserved memory by 128 MB.
- Fix path-variable regexes for "getFullText"-endpoint.
- Optimize imports.
- Code cleanup.
- Fix not setting the right "Error"-members when the docUrl was found, but the full-text was not retrieved.
- Set a "couldRetry"-indication in the "Error"-class, when the full-text was retrieved, as, in general, it could be retried to give the same successful result.
- Update the "docFileNotRetrieved"-check to use the standardized string.
- Eliminate some possible NPEs.
- Update Gradle.
- Fix a bug, causing a missing character in the "alreadyDownloaded" full-text fileName, which in turn caused the file-data of that record to not get updated with the file-data of the record for which the same file was initially downloaded for.
- Leave the "fileLocation" to be NULL, when the DocFile was not retrieved. Previously, the value "File not retrieved" was assigned (only in theory, because the bug above caused the related check to always fail).
- Verify that the "ControllerBaseUrl" given by the user is not malformed.
- Set increased lower and upper limits for the Java Heap Size.
- Update the "ServerBaseURL" to the Public IP Address of the machine which is running the app.
- Improve two log-messages.
- Improve the "getMultipleFullTexts"-endpoint. Check if the "fileNamesWithExtensions"-list is empty. Check if the baseDir for the fullTexts of a given assignments-counter is missing.
- Optimize the "PublicationsRetrieverPlugin.processAssignments()" method.
- Set a max-size limit to the amount of space the logs can use. Over that size, the older logs will be deleted.
- Show the heap size, in the beginning.
- Update Gradle.
- Code cleanup.
- Improve performance and reduce memory consumption, by calling the "ConnSupportUtils.setKnownMimeTypes()" method only once, in the constructor-method.
- Code cleanup.
- Implement the "getFullTexts"-endpoint, which returns the requested full-texts in a zip file.
- Implement the "getFullText"-endpoint, which returns the requested full-text.
- Implement the "getHandledAssignmentsCounts"-endpoint which returns the assignments-numbers, which were handled by that worker.
- Make sure each urlReport has the same "Date" for a given assignments-number. Also, make sure the "size" and "hash" have a "null" value, in case the full-text was not found.
- Check and log thread-pool shutdown errors.
- Add the stack-trace in the error-logs, instead of the Stderr.
- Update SpringBoot dependency.
- Change log levels.
- Code cleanup.
- Fix a bug, causing degraded performance when processing more than 3000 assignments.
- Fix the progress percentage shown in the logs.
- Avoid a potential NPE when processing a broken "Assignment" object.
- Update Spring to v.2.5.6.
- Code cleanup.
- Avoid a potential NPE when giving information about the received AssignmentRequest.
- Log and return, when the received assignments-list is empty.
- Improve some logging-messages.
- Update the logs' fileName and change the preferred appender to "File".
- Code cleanup.
- Increase the "requestConnectTimeoutDuration" and the "requestReadTimeoutDuration".
- Increase project's version to "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT".
- Update dependencies.
- Code cleanup.
- Make sure that the test-Results do not get posted to the Controller and written to the database.
- Improve error-handling in "AssignmentHandler.requestAssignments()".
--Ask the user to give the "workerId" and the "controllerBaseUrl".
--Make sure the "libs" directory is created, if not exists.
--Make sure the "unzip" package is installed.
- Change the data-type of the "UrlReport.status" to be "enum StatusType", in order to increase consistency and comparability.
- Update the guidelines in the README.
- Switch the "AssignmentsHandler.askForTest" to "false".
- Get the size and the hash of a docFile which is previously downloaded by another ID in that batch.
- Reset the "AssignmentHandler.urlReports" list after posting the results to the Controller.
- Enhance logging and comments.
- Add more guidelines in the README.
- Disable the scheduled test-live job.
- Code cleanup.
- Make the "mimeType" "null", when no docFile was retrieved.
- Signal the scheduler that the worker is ready for work, when it has finished processing but not yet posted the previous data.
- Fix a minor bug; now return "false" when there is any problem with the url of a specific task.
- Avoid memory re-allocations for "callableTasks".