Handle the new "HttpStatus.MULTI_STATUS"-response from the Controller, inside "AssignmentsHandler.postWorkerReport()".

Lampros Smyrnaios 2 years ago
parent b051e10fd3
commit 4b85b092fe

@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ public class AssignmentsHandler {
// The "postWorkerReport()" above, may fail, but the numbers below still stand, as they are affected by the results themselves, rather than the "posting" of them to the Controller.
numHandledAssignmentsBatches ++; // This is used later to stop this app, if a user-defined upper limit is set and reached.
// Every time we reach a "limit" of handled id-url clear some data-structures of the underlying "PublicationsRetriever" program.
@ -186,6 +188,10 @@ public class AssignmentsHandler {
if ( responseCode == HttpStatus.OK.value() ) {
logger.info("The submission of the WorkerReport of assignments_" + assignmentRequestCounter + " to the Controller, and the full-text delivering, were successful!");
return true;
else if ( responseCode == HttpStatus.MULTI_STATUS.value() ) {
logger.warn("The submission of the WorkerReport of assignments_" + assignmentRequestCounter + " to the Controller was successful, but the full-texts' delivering failed!");
return true;
} else {
logger.error("HTTP-Connection problem with the submission of the WorkerReport of assignment_" + assignmentRequestCounter + " to the Controller. Error-code was: " + responseCode);
return false;
