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package org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.queries.operators;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.gcube.informationsystem.types.PropertyTypeName.BaseTypeGroup;
* @author Luca Frosini (ISTI - CNR)
* See
public enum ConditionalOperator {
EQ("_eq", " = ", BaseTypeGroup.ANY, "Matches values that are equal to a specified value. E.g. `name = 'Luke'`"),
GT("_gt", " > ", BaseTypeGroup.ANY, "Matches values that are greater than a specified value. "),
GTE("_gte", " >= ", BaseTypeGroup.ANY, "Matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value."),
LT("_lt", " < ", BaseTypeGroup.ANY, "Matches values that are less than a specified value."),
LTE("_lte", " <= ", BaseTypeGroup.ANY, "Matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value."),
NE("_ne", " <> ", BaseTypeGroup.ANY, "Matches all values that are not equal to a specified value."),
BETWEEN("_between", " BETWEEN ", BaseTypeGroup.ANY, "The value is between a range. E.g. `price BETWEEN 10 AND 30`. It's equivalent to `price >= 10 AND price <= 30`."),
IS("_is", " IS ", BaseTypeGroup.ANY, "Used to test if a value is NULL"),
LIKE("_like", " LIKE ", BaseTypeGroup.STRING, "Similar to equals, but allow the wildcard '%' that means 'any'. E.g. `name LIKE 'Luk%'`"),
CONTAINS_TEXT("_containsText", " CONTAINSTEXT ", BaseTypeGroup.STRING, "The string contains such text. E.g. `text CONTAINSTEXT 'jay'`"),
MATCHES("_matches", " MATCHES ", BaseTypeGroup.STRING, "Matches the string using a Regular Expression. E.g. `text MATCHES '\b[A-Z0-9.%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}\b'`"),
IN("_in", " IN ", BaseTypeGroup.COLLECTION, "Matches any of the values specified in an array. E.g. `name in ['European','Asiatic']`"),
CONTAINS("_contains", " CONTAINS ", BaseTypeGroup.COLLECTION, "True if the collection contains at least one element that satisfy the next condition. Condition can be a single item: in this case the behaviour is like the IN operator. E.g. `children contains (name = 'Luke')` - `map.values() contains (name = 'Luke')`"),
CONTAINS_ALL("_containsAll", " CONTAINSALL ", BaseTypeGroup.COLLECTION, "True if all the elements of the collection satisfy the next condition. E.g. `children CONTAINSALL (name = 'Luke')`"),
CONTAINS_ANY("_containsAny", " CONTAINSANY ", BaseTypeGroup.COLLECTION, "True if all the elements of the collection satisfy the next condition. E.g. `children CONTAINSANY (name = 'Luke')`"),
CONTAINS_KEY("_containsKey", " CONTAINSKEY ", BaseTypeGroup.MAP, "True if the map contains at least one key equals to the requested. You can also use map.keys() CONTAINS in place of it. E.g. `connections CONTAINSKEY 'Luke'`"),
CONTAINS_VALUE("_containsValue", " CONTAINSVALUE ", BaseTypeGroup.MAP , "True if the map contains at least one value equals to the requested. You can also use map.values() CONTAINS in place of it. E.g. `connections containsValue 10:3`");
protected final String operator;
protected final String conditionalOperator;
protected final BaseTypeGroup allowed;
protected final String description;
private ConditionalOperator(String operator, String conditionalOperator, BaseTypeGroup allowed, String description) {
this.operator = operator;
this.conditionalOperator = conditionalOperator;
this.allowed = allowed;
this.description = description;
public String getOperator() {
return operator;
public String getConditionalOperator() {
return conditionalOperator;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
private static Set<String> operators;
private static Map<String,ConditionalOperator> operatorByKey;
static {
ConditionalOperator.operators = new HashSet<>();
ConditionalOperator.operatorByKey = new HashMap<>();
for(ConditionalOperator queryComparisonOperator : ConditionalOperator.values()) {
ConditionalOperator.operatorByKey.put(queryComparisonOperator.getOperator(), queryComparisonOperator);
public static Set<String> getOperators() {
return ConditionalOperator.operators;
public static ConditionalOperator getQueryComparisonOperator(String key) {
return operatorByKey.get(key);