
906 B

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Changelog for "avatar-importer"


Removed LinkedIn OAuth2 deprecated provider and added the new OIDC version to supported providers Moved from commons-lang to commons-lang3 artifactId in org.apache.commons groupId. Now the minor part of the version (the 24 in the 2.24.x) shows the compatibility to the specific Keycloak major version, in this case 24.x.x


Changes in other sub-components


  • Updated to be compiled/used with Keycloak v19.x


Changes in other sub-components


Changes in other sub-components


Prepared for the release in pre-prod


  • First release. It provides avatar import from Identity Providers login. (#19726).
    Currently supported IdPs:
    • Google
    • Facebook
    • LinkedIn