
635 B


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1-5-3] - 2019-12-18

[#18318] Updated library org.eclipse.egit.github.core to open-jdk8 and TLSv1.2

[1-5-0] - 2018-10-01

[#11725] Updated to StorageHub

[1-4-0] - 2017-06-12

[#8541] Support Java 8 compatibility

[1-3-0] - 2017-02-15

[#6279] Updated PortalContext support

[1-2-0] - 2016-12-15

Added Portal Context

[1-1-0] - 2016-10-01

Removed accesslogger dependency

Updated to Auth 2.0

[1-0-0] - 2016-07-01

First release