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package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms;
import java.util.HashMap;
* The Class GeoInformationForWMSRequest.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (
* Oct 27, 2020
public class GeoInformationForWMSRequest implements Serializable {
/** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6846636281073641003L;
/** The base wms service host. */
private String baseWmsServiceHost;
/** The wms request. */
private String wmsRequest;
/** The layer name. */
private String layerName;
/** The version WMS. */
private String versionWMS;
/** The crs. */
private String crs;
/** The map WMS no standard params. */
private HashMap<String, String> mapWMSNoStandardParams;
/** The styles. */
private Styles styles;
/** The is nc WMS. */
private boolean isNcWMS;
/** The z axis. */
private ZAxis zAxis;
* Instantiates a new geo information for wms request.
public GeoInformationForWMSRequest() {
* Instantiates a new geo information for wms request.
* @param baseWmsServiceHost the base wms service host
* @param wmsRequest the wms request
* @param layerName the layer name
* @param versionWms the version wms
* @param crs the crs
* @param mapWmsNoStandard the map wms not standard
* @param styles the layer styles
* @param isNcWMS the is nc WMS
* @param zAxis the z axis
public GeoInformationForWMSRequest(String baseWmsServiceHost, String wmsRequest, String layerName,
String versionWms, String crs, HashMap<String, String> mapWmsNoStandard, Styles styles, boolean isNcWMS,
ZAxis zAxis) {
this.baseWmsServiceHost = baseWmsServiceHost;
this.wmsRequest = wmsRequest;
this.layerName = layerName;
this.versionWMS = versionWms; = crs;
this.mapWMSNoStandardParams = mapWmsNoStandard;
this.styles = styles;
this.zAxis = zAxis;
this.isNcWMS = isNcWMS;
* Gets the z axis.
* @return the zAxis
public ZAxis getZAxis() {
return zAxis;
* Sets the z axis.
* @param zAxis the zAxis to set
public void setZAxis(ZAxis zAxis) {
this.zAxis = zAxis;
* Gets the base wms service host.
* @return the baseWmsServiceHost
public String getBaseWmsServiceHost() {
return baseWmsServiceHost;
* Gets the wms request.
* @return the wmsRequest
public String getWmsRequest() {
return wmsRequest;
* Gets the layer name.
* @return the layerName
public String getLayerName() {
return layerName;
* Gets the version wms.
* @return the versionWMS
public String getVersionWMS() {
return versionWMS;
* Gets the crs.
* @return the crs
public String getCrs() {
return crs;
* Gets the map wms no standard.
* @return the mapWMSNoStandard
public HashMap<String, String> getMapWMSNoStandard() {
return mapWMSNoStandardParams;
* Gets the styles.
* @return the styles
public Styles getStyles() {
return styles;
* Checks if is nc wms.
* @return the isNcWMS
public boolean isNcWMS() {
return isNcWMS;
* Sets the base wms service host.
* @param baseWmsServiceHost the baseWmsServiceHost to set
public void setBaseWmsServiceHost(String baseWmsServiceHost) {
this.baseWmsServiceHost = baseWmsServiceHost;
* Sets the wms request.
* @param wmsRequest the wmsRequest to set
public void setWmsRequest(String wmsRequest) {
this.wmsRequest = wmsRequest;
* Sets the layer name.
* @param layerName the layerName to set
public void setLayerName(String layerName) {
this.layerName = layerName;
* Sets the version wms.
* @param versionWMS the versionWMS to set
public void setVersionWMS(String versionWMS) {
this.versionWMS = versionWMS;
* Sets the crs.
* @param crs the crs to set
public void setCrs(String crs) { = crs;
* Sets the map wms no standard.
* @param mapWMSNoStandard the mapWMSNoStandard to set
public void setMapWMSNoStandard(HashMap<String, String> mapWMSNoStandard) {
this.mapWMSNoStandardParams = mapWMSNoStandard;
* Sets the styles.
* @param styles the styles to set
public void setStyles(Styles styles) {
this.styles = styles;
* Sets the nc wms.
* @param isNcWMS the isNcWMS to set
public void setNcWMS(boolean isNcWMS) {
this.isNcWMS = isNcWMS;
* To string.
* @return the string
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("GeoInformationForWMSRequest [baseWmsServiceHost=");
builder.append(", wmsRequest=");
builder.append(", layerName=");
builder.append(", versionWMS=");
builder.append(", crs=");
builder.append(", mapWMSNoStandardParams=");
builder.append(", styles=");
builder.append(", isNcWMS=");
builder.append(", zAxis=");
return builder.toString();