in progress

This commit is contained in:
Francesco Mangiacrapa 2022-10-19 17:51:13 +02:00
parent 9b0d36f232
commit 18d3548c09
10 changed files with 466 additions and 312 deletions

View File

@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewer implements EntryPoint {
IndexLayerDV layer = toOpen.getIndexes().get(0);
// Open Index Layer
layerManager.addIndexLayer(layer, toOpen.getUcd().getProfileID());

View File

@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.GCubeSDIViewerLayerDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.IndexLayerDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.innerobject.PayloadDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.gis.BoundsMap;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.content.WorkspaceContentDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.LayerType;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MapEventType;
@ -80,16 +80,12 @@ public class LayerManager {
/** The ol map. */
private OpenLayerMap olMap;
private Map<String, LayerObject> mapDetailLayerObjects = new HashMap<String, LayerObject>();
private Map<String, LayerObject> mapBaseLayerObjects = new HashMap<String, LayerObject>();
private Map<String, LayerObject> mapOtherLayerObjects = new HashMap<String, LayerObject>();
private Map<String, LayerObject> mapIndexLayerObjects = new HashMap<String, LayerObject>();
private HandlerManager layerManagerBus = new HandlerManager("");
private HandlerManager applicationBus;
private org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.LayerItem baseLayerFromISProfile;
private OverlayLayerManager overlayLayerManager;
@ -117,7 +113,7 @@ public class LayerManager {
if (queryEvent.getGeoQuery() != null) {
GeoQuery selectDataInfo = queryEvent.getGeoQuery();
String mongoItemId = queryEvent.getMongoItemId();
final String productID = queryEvent.getProductID();
GWT.log("(" + selectDataInfo.getX1() + "," + selectDataInfo.getY1() + ")(" + selectDataInfo.getX2()
+ "," + selectDataInfo.getY2() + ")");
@ -149,11 +145,11 @@ public class LayerManager {
List<LayerObject> listLO = new ArrayList<LayerObject>();
// for querying base layers
// for querying detail layers only in this case
if (olMap.getCurrentResolution() < OLMapManager.LAYER_DETAIL_MAX_RESOLUTION) {
Collection<LayerObject> collLO = mapDetailLayerObjects.values();
Collection<LayerObject> collLO = mapOtherLayerObjects.values();
ArrayList<LayerObject> layerVisibility = new ArrayList<LayerObject>(collLO.size());
@ -221,7 +217,7 @@ public class LayerManager {
if (features != null && features.size() > 0) {
String theProductId = null;
for (FeatureRow fRow : features) {
List<String> productIdLst = fRow.getMapProperties().get("product_id");
List<String> productIdLst = fRow.getMapProperties().get("projectid");
if (productIdLst != null) {
theProductId = productIdLst.get(0);
if (theProductId != null) {
@ -245,11 +241,11 @@ public class LayerManager {
if (features != null && features.size() > 0) {
// I need to show exactly the feature with produc_id == recordId
if (mongoItemId != null) {
GWT.log("MongoItemId is not null: " + mongoItemId);
if (productID != null) {
GWT.log("productID is not null: " + productID);
// Searching mongoItemId in the list of product
theFeatures = listUniqueProducts.get(mongoItemId);
GWT.log("Loaded mongoItemId == product_id with id: " + mongoItemId
theFeatures = listUniqueProducts.get(productID);
GWT.log("Loaded productid == product_id with id: " + productID
+ ", the features are: " + theFeatures);
// the recordId/mongoItemId to show has been passed but not found into
@ -261,8 +257,8 @@ public class LayerManager {
// If mongoItemId not passed
if (mongoItemId == null) {
GWT.log("MongoItemId is null");
if (productID == null) {
GWT.log("productID is null");
// Checking if the features returned belonging to detail layers (not
// centroids).
if (listUniqueProducts.isEmpty()) {
@ -314,7 +310,8 @@ public class LayerManager {
// is >
final String theProfileID = "?????";
final String theProfileID = geoNaDataObject.getSourceLayerObject()
theProfileID, theProductID,
@ -412,7 +409,7 @@ public class LayerManager {
* Removes the all detail layers.
public void removeAllDetailLayers() {
@ -428,7 +425,7 @@ public class LayerManager {
if (fRow == null)
return null;
List<String> productIds = fRow.getMapProperties().get("product_id");
List<String> productIds = fRow.getMapProperties().get("projectid");
if (productIds != null && productIds.size() > 0) {
String productId = productIds.get(0);
String itemName = "Dettagli Prodotto";
@ -438,8 +435,8 @@ public class LayerManager {
LayerObjectType layerObjectType = layerObject.getType();
return new ShowDetailsEvent(layerObjectType != null ? : null, layerObject.getUcid(),
productId, itemName, fRow);
return new ShowDetailsEvent(layerObjectType != null ? : null,
layerObject.getProfileID(), productId, itemName, fRow);
return null;
@ -490,18 +487,10 @@ public class LayerManager {
public void addLayer(final LayerObjectType lot, final String layerTitle, final String layerName,
final String wmsLink, final boolean isBase, final boolean displayInLayerSwitcher, final String UUID,
final boolean asDetailLayer, Double minResolution, Double maxResolution, String profileID,
String projectID) {
// final LayoutContainer westPanel = (LayoutContainer) layersPanel.getParent();
// if(layersPanel.getLayerItems().size()==0)
// westPanel.mask("Adding..."+layerName, "x-mask-loading");
// else
// layersPanel.mask("Adding..."+layerName, "x-mask-loading");
final boolean asDetailLayer, Double minResolution, Double maxResolution, final String profileID,
final String projectID) {
final LayerType featureType = isBase ? LayerType.RASTER_BASELAYER : LayerType.FEATURE_TYPE;
// Info.display("Adding Layer", layerName);
if (wmsLink == null || wmsLink.isEmpty()) {
GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJs("Skipping add layer for wmsLink as null or empty");
@ -536,37 +525,61 @@ public class LayerManager {
LayerObject lo = new LayerObject();
switch (lot) {
String layerNameKey = layerItem.getName();
LayerObject theLo;
switch (lo.getType()) {
theLo = mapIndexLayerObjects.get(layerNameKey);
if (theLo == null) {
theLo = lo;
mapIndexLayerObjects.put(layerNameKey, theLo);
GWT.log("mapIndexLayerObjects is: " + mapIndexLayerObjects);
} else {
GWT.log("Skipping " + lo.getType() + " layer " + theLo.getLayerItem().getName()
+ " already added to Map");
theLo = mapOtherLayerObjects.get(layerNameKey);
if (theLo == null) {
theLo = lo;
mapOtherLayerObjects.put(layerNameKey, theLo);
GWT.log("mapOtherLayerObjects is: " + mapIndexLayerObjects);
} else {
GWT.log("Skipping " + lo.getType() + " layer " + theLo.getLayerItem().getName()
+ " already added to Map");
String key = layerItem.getName(); // should be unique //
// layerObjects.put(key, lo);
if (!asDetailLayer) { // is a base layer LayerObject blo =
LayerObject blo = mapBaseLayerObjects.get(key);
if (blo == null) {
mapBaseLayerObjects.put(key, lo);
} else {
GWT.log("Skipping base layer " + key + " already added to Map");
} else {
LayerObject dlo = mapDetailLayerObjects.get(key);
if (dlo == null) {
mapDetailLayerObjects.put(key, lo);
overlayLayerManager.addLayerItem(lo); //; } else {
GWT.log("Skipping detail layer " + key + " already added to Map");
// String key = layerItem.getName(); // should be unique //
// // layerObjects.put(key, lo);
// if (!asDetailLayer) { // is a base layer LayerObject blo =
// LayerObject blo = mapIndexLayerObjects.get(key);
// if (blo == null) {
// olMap.addWMSLayer(layerItem);
// mapIndexLayerObjects.put(key, lo);
// } else {
// GWT.log("Skipping base layer " + key + " already added to Map");
// }
// } else {
// LayerObject dlo = mapOtherLayerObjects.get(key);
// if (dlo == null) {
// mapOtherLayerObjects.put(key, lo);
// olMap.addWMSDetailLayer(layerItem);
// overlayLayerManager.addLayerItem(lo); //; } else {
// GWT.log("Skipping detail layer " + key + " already added to Map");
// }
// }
@ -577,10 +590,12 @@ public class LayerManager {
* @param layer the layer
public void addIndexLayer(IndexLayerDV layer) {
addLayer(LayerObjectType.INDEX_LAYER, null, null, layer.getLayer().getOgcLinks().get("wms"), false, false, null,
false, null, null, null, null);
public void addIndexLayer(IndexLayerDV layer, String profileID) {
GWT.log("Adding index layer: " + layer);
String wmsLink = layer.getLayer().getOgcLinks().get("wms");
GWT.log("index layer wmsLink: " + wmsLink);
addLayer(LayerObjectType.INDEX_LAYER, null, null, wmsLink, false, false, null, false, null, null, profileID,
@ -675,6 +690,7 @@ public class LayerManager {
* @param queryClick the query click
public void showPopupInfoForLayer(List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> listGeoNaDataObject, ExtentWrapped queryClick) {
GWT.log("showPopupInfoForLayer called for "+listGeoNaDataObject);
ScrollPanel scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel();
final FlowPanel flowPanel = new FlowPanel();
@ -726,7 +742,8 @@ public class LayerManager {
String prevConcessioneName = "";
for (GeoNaSpatialQueryResult geoNaSpatialQueryResult : listGeoNaDataObject) {
try {
GWT.log("baseLayerFromISProfile.getName() :" + baseLayerFromISProfile.getName());
Set<String> indexLayers = mapIndexLayerObjects.keySet();
LayerObject lo = geoNaSpatialQueryResult.getSourceLayerObject();
LayerItem sourceLI = lo.getLayerItem();
@ -734,7 +751,7 @@ public class LayerManager {
// skipping centroid layer
if (layerSourceName == null
|| layerSourceName.compareToIgnoreCase(baseLayerFromISProfile.getName()) == 0) {
|| indexLayers.contains(layerSourceName)) {
@ -745,80 +762,80 @@ public class LayerManager {
GWT.log("showPopupInfoForLayer must be REVISITED");
* String nomeConcessione = lo.getSourceConcessione().getNome(); if
* (prevConcessioneName.compareTo(nomeConcessione) != 0) { String
* concessioneIntro = nomeConcessione.length() > 100 ?
* StringUtil.ellipsize(nomeConcessione, 100) : nomeConcessione; Heading heading
* = new Heading(4, concessioneIntro); heading.setTitle(nomeConcessione);
* heading.getElement().getStyle().setMarginBottom(10, Unit.PX);
* flowPanel.add(heading);
* Button buttOpenProject = new Button("Open Project"); final String buttId =
* "open-details-" + Random.nextInt(); Element bEl =
* buttOpenProject.getElement(); bEl.setId(buttId);
* bEl.getStyle().setPaddingLeft(0, Unit.PX);
* buttOpenProject.setType(ButtonType.LINK);
* if (buttOpenProject != null) { flowPanel.add(buttOpenProject);
* buttOpenProject.setType(ButtonType.LINK);
* Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
* @Override public void execute() { Element buttonElement =
* DOM.getElementById(buttId); Event.sinkEvents(buttonElement, Event.ONCLICK);
* Event.setEventListener(buttonElement, new EventListener() {
* @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { if (Event.ONCLICK ==
* event.getTypeInt()) { applicationBus.fireEvent(new
* ShowDetailsEvent("concessione", lo.getSourceConcessione().getItemId(),
* nomeConcessione, null));
* } } }); } }); } listOpenProject.add(buttOpenProject);
* HTML subText = new HTML(
* "<p style=\"color:#999; font-size:14px; margin:5px 0 5px 0;\">Layers and Properties</p>"
* ); flowPanel.add(subText); }
* prevConcessioneName = nomeConcessione;
* Label layerLabel = new Label(); layerLabel.setType(LabelType.INFO);
* String layerName = StringUtil.fullNameToLayerName(layerSourceName, ":");
* layerLabel.setText(layerName); layerLabel.setTitle(layerSourceName);
* layerLabel.getElement().getStyle().setMarginTop(10, Unit.PX);
* layerLabel.getElement().getStyle().setMarginBottom(5, Unit.PX);
* flowPanel.add(layerLabel);
* GWT.log("Displaying " + features.size() + " features"); FlexTable intFlex =
* new FlexTable(); intFlex.setCellPadding(1); intFlex.setCellSpacing(1);
* intFlex.getElement().addClassName("table-feature"); intFlex.setHTML(0, 0, new
* HTML("Feature Id").toString());
* int i = 0; for (FeatureRow feature : features) {
* intFlex.setHTML(i + 1, 0, new HTML(feature.getId()).toString());
* // Showing properties belonging to concessioni layer Map<String,
* List<String>> entries = feature.getMapProperties();
* if (entries.size() == 0) { // Adding this row to show "no property" for
* feature // intFlex.setHTML(i + 1, 1, new
* HTML("<i>No property</i>").toString()); } int j = 0; for (String key :
* entries.keySet()) { List<String> theValues = entries.get(key); String
* valueToDisplay = ""; for (String value : theValues) { valueToDisplay += value
* + ", ";
* } valueToDisplay = valueToDisplay.substring(0, valueToDisplay.length() - 2);
* // adding the keys only of first feature row. They are equal for all features
* // (beloning to same layer). if (i == 0) intFlex.setHTML(0, j + 1, new
* HTML(key).toString());
* intFlex.setHTML(i + 1, j + 1, new HTML(valueToDisplay).toString()); j++;
* } i++; } flowPanel.add(intFlex);
// String nomeConcessione = lo.getProjectLayer().getNome(); if
// (prevConcessioneName.compareTo(nomeConcessione) != 0) { String
// concessioneIntro = nomeConcessione.length() > 100 ?
// StringUtil.ellipsize(nomeConcessione, 100) : nomeConcessione; Heading heading
// = new Heading(4, concessioneIntro); heading.setTitle(nomeConcessione);
// heading.getElement().getStyle().setMarginBottom(10, Unit.PX);
// flowPanel.add(heading);
// Button buttOpenProject = new Button("Open Project"); final String buttId =
// "open-details-" + Random.nextInt(); Element bEl =
// buttOpenProject.getElement(); bEl.setId(buttId);
// bEl.getStyle().setPaddingLeft(0, Unit.PX);
// buttOpenProject.setType(ButtonType.LINK);
// if (buttOpenProject != null) { flowPanel.add(buttOpenProject);
// buttOpenProject.setType(ButtonType.LINK);
// Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
// @Override public void execute() { Element buttonElement =
// DOM.getElementById(buttId); Event.sinkEvents(buttonElement, Event.ONCLICK);
// Event.setEventListener(buttonElement, new EventListener() {
// @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { if (Event.ONCLICK ==
// event.getTypeInt()) { applicationBus.fireEvent(new
// ShowDetailsEvent("concessione", lo.getSourceConcessione().getItemId(),
// nomeConcessione, null));
// } } }); } }); } listOpenProject.add(buttOpenProject);
// HTML subText = new HTML(
// "<p style=\"color:#999; font-size:14px; margin:5px 0 5px 0;\">Layers and Properties</p>"
// ); flowPanel.add(subText); }
// prevConcessioneName = nomeConcessione;
// Label layerLabel = new Label(); layerLabel.setType(LabelType.INFO);
// String layerName = StringUtil.fullNameToLayerName(layerSourceName, ":");
// layerLabel.setText(layerName); layerLabel.setTitle(layerSourceName);
// layerLabel.getElement().getStyle().setMarginTop(10, Unit.PX);
// layerLabel.getElement().getStyle().setMarginBottom(5, Unit.PX);
// flowPanel.add(layerLabel);
// GWT.log("Displaying " + features.size() + " features"); FlexTable intFlex =
// new FlexTable(); intFlex.setCellPadding(1); intFlex.setCellSpacing(1);
// intFlex.getElement().addClassName("table-feature"); intFlex.setHTML(0, 0, new
// HTML("Feature Id").toString());
// int i = 0; for (FeatureRow feature : features) {
// intFlex.setHTML(i + 1, 0, new HTML(feature.getId()).toString());
// // Showing properties belonging to concessioni layer Map<String,
// List<String>> entries = feature.getMapProperties();
// if (entries.size() == 0) { // Adding this row to show "no property" for
// feature // intFlex.setHTML(i + 1, 1, new
// HTML("<i>No property</i>").toString()); } int j = 0; for (String key :
// entries.keySet()) { List<String> theValues = entries.get(key); String
// valueToDisplay = ""; for (String value : theValues) { valueToDisplay += value
// + ", ";
// } valueToDisplay = valueToDisplay.substring(0, valueToDisplay.length() - 2);
// // adding the keys only of first feature row. They are equal for all features
// // (beloning to same layer). if (i == 0) intFlex.setHTML(0, j + 1, new
// HTML(key).toString());
// intFlex.setHTML(i + 1, j + 1, new HTML(valueToDisplay).toString()); j++;
// } i++; } flowPanel.add(intFlex);
} catch (Exception e) {
GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJs("Error: " + e.getMessage());
@ -839,6 +856,8 @@ public class LayerManager {
public void showPopupInfoForCentroidLayer(GeoNaSpatialQueryResult geoNaDataObject, FeatureRow feature,
Coordinate onFailureCenterTo) {
GWT.log("showPopupInfoForCentroidLayer must be revisited");
FlexTable flex = new FlexTable();
@ -886,13 +905,12 @@ public class LayerManager {
if (geoNaDataObject.getMapImages() != null) {
for (String key : geoNaDataObject.getMapImages().keySet()) {
List<UploadedImageDV> listUI = geoNaDataObject.getMapImages().get(key);
List<PayloadDV> listUI = geoNaDataObject.getMapImages().get(key);
GWT.log("Adding images: " + listUI);
if (listUI != null && listUI.size() > 0) {
UploadedImageDV img = listUI.get(0);
if (img != null && img.getListWsContent() != null) {
WorkspaceContentDV wsContent = img.getListWsContent().get(img.getListWsContent().size() - 1);
String theImgHTML = "<img src=\"" + wsContent.getLink() + "\"></img>";
PayloadDV img = listUI.get(0);
if (img != null && img.getLink() != null) {
String theImgHTML = "<img src=\"" + img.getLink()+ "\"></img>";
GWT.log("theImgHTML: " + theImgHTML);
// GeoportalDataViewerConstants.print("The row are:
// "+flex.getRowCount());
@ -1020,24 +1038,6 @@ public class LayerManager {
return layerManagerBus;
* Sets the base layer from is profile.
* @param layerItem the new base layer from is profile
public void setBaseLayerFromIsProfile(org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.LayerItem layerItem) {
this.baseLayerFromISProfile = layerItem;
* Gets the base layer from IS proile.
* @return the base layer from IS proile
public org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.LayerItem getBaseLayerFromISProile() {
return baseLayerFromISProfile;
* Gets the overlay layer manager.

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public class QueryDataEvent extends GwtEvent<QueryDataEventHandler> {
public static Type<QueryDataEventHandler> TYPE = new Type<QueryDataEventHandler>();
private GeoQuery select;
private ExtentWrapped queryClickExtent;
private String mongoItemId;
private String productID;
private boolean onInit;
private MapEventType sourceMapEventType;
@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ public class QueryDataEvent extends GwtEvent<QueryDataEventHandler> {
* @param select the select
* @param onFailureCenterTo the on failure center to
* @param mongoItemId the mongo item id
* @param productID the mongo item id
* @param onInit the on init
* @param mapEventType the map event type
public QueryDataEvent(GeoQuery select, ExtentWrapped queryClickExtent, String mongoItemId, boolean onInit,
public QueryDataEvent(GeoQuery select, ExtentWrapped queryClickExtent, String productID, boolean onInit,
MapEventType mapEventType) { = select;
this.queryClickExtent = queryClickExtent;
this.mongoItemId = mongoItemId;
this.productID = productID;
this.onInit = onInit;
this.sourceMapEventType = mapEventType;
@ -49,13 +49,8 @@ public class QueryDataEvent extends GwtEvent<QueryDataEventHandler> {
return TYPE;
* Gets the mongo item id.
* @return the mongo item id
public String getMongoItemId() {
return mongoItemId;
public String getProductID() {
return productID;
@ -107,8 +102,8 @@ public class QueryDataEvent extends GwtEvent<QueryDataEventHandler> {
builder.append(", queryClickExtent=");
builder.append(", mongoItemId=");
builder.append(", productID=");
builder.append(", onInit=");
builder.append(", sourceMapEventType=");

View File

@ -17,18 +17,18 @@ public class ShowPopupOnCentroiEvent extends GwtEvent<ShowPopupOnCentroiEventHan
private RecordDV record;
* Instantiates a new show details event.
* @param geonaItemType the geona item type
* @param geonaMongoID the geona mongo ID
* @param itemName the item name
* @param featureRow the feature row
public ShowPopupOnCentroiEvent(RecordDV record) {
this.record = record;
// /**
// * Instantiates a new show details event.
// *
// * @param geonaItemType the geona item type
// * @param geonaMongoID the geona mongo ID
// * @param itemName the item name
// * @param featureRow the feature row
// */
// public ShowPopupOnCentroiEvent(RecordDV record) {
// this.record = record;
// }

View File

@ -509,7 +509,8 @@ public class GeonaDataViewMainPanel extends Composite {
if(collection!=null && collection.size()==1) {
//Open the first collection as default
if(collection!=null && collection.size()>0) {
CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox) openCollectionPanel.getWidget(0);
checkbox.setValue(true, true);
String collectionID = checkbox.getId().replace("gcubeCollectionSelector_", "");

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.ResultDocumentDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.config.ItemFieldDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.GCubeSDIViewerLayerDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.IndexLayerDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.innerobject.PayloadDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.project.ProjectDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.ucd.GEOPORTAL_DATA_HANDLER;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.ucd.HandlerDeclarationDV;
@ -230,59 +231,6 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet impleme
* Gets the data result.
* @param layerObjects the layer objects
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param selectBBOX the select BBOX
* @param maxWFSFeature the max WFS feature
* @param zoomLevel the zoom level
* @return the data result
public List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> getDataResult(List<LayerObject> layerObjects, String mapSrsName,
BoundsMap selectBBOX, int maxWFSFeature, double zoomLevel) {"getDataResult called");
List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> listDAO = new ArrayList<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult>(layerObjects.size());
for (LayerObject layerObject : layerObjects) {
GeoNaSpatialQueryResult geoDAO = new GeoNaSpatialQueryResult();
List<FeatureRow> features = FeatureParser.getWFSFeatures(layerObject.getLayerItem(), mapSrsName, selectBBOX,
LOG.debug("For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got features: " + features);
// Getting the concessioneId from WFS features
for (FeatureRow fRow : features) {
if (fRow.getMapProperties() != null) {
List<String> concessioneIds = fRow.getMapProperties().get("product_id");
if (concessioneIds != null && concessioneIds.size() > 0) {
String cId = concessioneIds.get(0);
try {
UploadedImageDV uplImg = sessionloadPreviewImageForConcessione(this.getThreadLocalRequest(),
"Concessione", cId);
// List<UploadedImageDV> listUI = getUploadedImagesForId("Concessione", cId, 1);
Map<String, List<UploadedImageDV>> mapImages = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<UploadedImageDV>>();
mapImages.put(cId, Arrays.asList(uplImg));
// mapImages.put(cId, listUI);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error on loading uploaded images for concessione: " + cId, e);
geoDAO.setSourceLayerObject(layerObject);"For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got " + features.size()
+ " feature/s");
}"returning " + listDAO + " geona data objects");
return listDAO;
* Gets the uploaded images for id.
@ -1029,10 +977,11 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet impleme
String jsonDocument = theProject.getTheDocument().toJson();
LOG.trace("JSON Project is: " + jsonDocument);
String materializationJSONPath = String.format("%s.%s.%s", Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.JSON_$_POINTER,
Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.FILESET, Geoportal_JSON_Mapper._MATERIALIZATIONS);
String materializationParentJSONPath = String.format("%s..%s", Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.JSON_$_POINTER,
listLayers = Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.readGcubeSDILayersForFileset(materializationJSONPath, jsonDocument);
listLayers = Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.readGcubeSDILayersForFileset(materializationParentJSONPath,
jsonDocument);"For projectID " + projectID + ", returning " + listLayers.size() + " layer/s");
return listLayers;
@ -1045,6 +994,48 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet impleme
protected List<PayloadDV> getImagesForId(String profileID, String projectID) throws Exception {"getImagesForId [profileID: " + profileID + ", projectID: " + projectID + "] called");
if (profileID == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The profileID is null");
if (projectID == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The projectID is null");
List<PayloadDV> listImages = null;
try {
SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {"User not found in session, the userName for cecking policy will be null");
}"Trying to get project for id " + profileID);
new GeoportalServiceIdentityProxy(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
Project theProject = GeoportalClientCaller.projects().getProjectByID(profileID, projectID);
String jsonDocument = theProject.getTheDocument().toJson();
LOG.trace("JSON Project is: " + jsonDocument);
String filesetJSONPath = String.format("%s..%s", Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.JSON_$_POINTER, Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.FILESET);
listImages = Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.readImagesForFileset(filesetJSONPath, jsonDocument);"For projectID " + projectID + ", returning " + listImages.size() + " image/s");
return listImages;
} catch (Exception e) {
String erroMsg = "Images are not available for profileID " + profileID + " with projectID " + projectID;
LOG.error(erroMsg, e);
throw new Exception(erroMsg);
* Gets the project view for id.
@ -1097,4 +1088,77 @@ public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet impleme
* Gets the data result.
* @param layerObjects the layer objects
* @param mapSrsName the map srs name
* @param selectBBOX the select BBOX
* @param maxWFSFeature the max WFS feature
* @param zoomLevel the zoom level
* @return the data result
public List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> getDataResult(List<LayerObject> layerObjects, String mapSrsName,
BoundsMap selectBBOX, int maxWFSFeature, double zoomLevel) {"getDataResult called for layerObjects: " + layerObjects);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {"getDataResult parmeters layerObjects: " + layerObjects,
", mapSrsName: " + mapSrsName + ", selectBBOX: " + selectBBOX + ", maxWFSFeature: " + maxWFSFeature
+ ", zoomLevel: " + zoomLevel);
List<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult> listDAO = new ArrayList<GeoNaSpatialQueryResult>(layerObjects.size());
for (LayerObject layerObject : layerObjects) {
GeoNaSpatialQueryResult geoDAO = new GeoNaSpatialQueryResult();
List<FeatureRow> features = FeatureParser.getWFSFeatures(layerObject.getLayerItem(), mapSrsName, selectBBOX,
LOG.debug("For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got features: " + features);
// Getting the projectid from WFS features
for (FeatureRow fRow : features) {
if (fRow.getMapProperties() != null) {
List<String> productIDs = fRow.getMapProperties().get("projectid");
if (productIDs != null && productIDs.size() > 0) {
String projectID = productIDs.get(0);
try {
LOG.debug("Found the projectID : " + projectID + " into properties of feature id: "
+ fRow.getId());
String profileID = layerObject.getProfileID();
LOG.debug("Read the profileID from layerObject : " + profileID);
if (profileID != null) {
Project theProject = GeoportalClientCaller.projects().getProjectByID(profileID,
ProjectDVBuilder projectBuilder = ProjectDVBuilder.newBuilder().fullDocumentMap(false);
ProjectDV projectDV = ConvertToDataValueObjectModel.toProjectDV(theProject,
List<PayloadDV> images = getImagesForId(profileID, projectID);
Map<String, List<PayloadDV>> mapImages = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<PayloadDV>>();
mapImages.put(projectID, images);
// mapImages.put(cId, listUI);
} else {
LOG.warn("ProfileID is null for: " + layerObject);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error on loading images for project: " + projectID, e);
geoDAO.setSourceLayerObject(layerObject);"For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got " + features.size()
+ " feature/s");
}"returning " + listDAO + " geona data objects");
return listDAO;

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class Geoportal_JSON_Mapper {
public static final String FILESET = "fileset";
public static final String _OGC_LINKS_WMS = "_ogcLinks.wms";
public static final String _OGC_LINKS = "_ogcLinks";
public static final String _BBOX = "_bbox";
@ -306,6 +306,40 @@ public class Geoportal_JSON_Mapper {
* Read images for fileset.
* @param parentJSONPath the parent JSON path
* @param sectionJSONDocument the section JSON document
* @return the list
public static List<PayloadDV> readImagesForFileset(String parentJSONPath, String sectionJSONDocument) {
LOG.debug("readImagesForFileset called");
List<PayloadDV> listImages = new ArrayList<PayloadDV>();
com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration config = com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration.builder()
.jsonProvider(new JsonOrgJsonProvider()).build();
// Reading Fileset _payloads
String filesetJSONPath = String.format("%s.%s", parentJSONPath, _PAYLOADS);"Reading sectionPath {} into section document {}", filesetJSONPath, sectionJSONDocument);
JsonPath theSectionPolycJsonPath = JsonPath.compile(filesetJSONPath);
Object _filesets =, config);
List<Payload> payloads = new ArrayList<Payload>();
List<Payload> listPayloads = recursiveFetchingPayloads(config, _filesets, payloads);
for (Payload payload : listPayloads) {
boolean isImage = ImageDetector.isImage(payload.getMimetype());
if (isImage) {
PayloadDV payloadDV = ConvertToDataValueObjectModel.toPayloadDV(payload);
LOG.debug("readImagesForFileset returning listOfImages: "+listImages);
return listImages;
public static List<GCubeSDIViewerLayerDV> readGcubeSDILayersForFileset(String materializationParentJSONPath,
String sectionJSONDocument) {
LOG.debug("readGcubeSDILayersForFileset called");
@ -357,6 +391,45 @@ public class Geoportal_JSON_Mapper {
return listSDILayers;
* Read payloads for fileset.
* @param filesetJSONPath the fileset JSON path
* @param sectionJSONDocument the section JSON document
* @return the list
public static List<Payload> recursiveFetchingPayloads(com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration config, Object objectJSON,
List<Payload> payloads) {
LOG.debug("recursiveFetchingPayloads called");
if (objectJSON == null)
return payloads;
if (objectJSON instanceof JSONArray) {
JSONArray theJsonArray = (JSONArray) objectJSON;
LOG.trace("jsonArray: " + theJsonArray.toString(3));
for (int i = 0; i < theJsonArray.length(); i++) {
recursiveFetchingPayloads(config, theJsonArray.get(i), payloads);
} else if (objectJSON instanceof JSONObject) {
JSONObject toStringPayloads = (JSONObject) objectJSON;
LOG.trace("The _payloads is a String {}", toStringPayloads.toString(3));
Payload payload;
try {
payload =, Payload.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Error on converting the JSON Boject " + toStringPayloads + "as " + Payload.class.getSimpleName()
+ e.getMessage());
return payloads;
private static GCubeSDIViewerLayerDV converLayer(com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration config,
JSONObject thJsonObject) {
@ -381,19 +454,19 @@ public class Geoportal_JSON_Mapper {
LOG.warn(jsonPath + " error: ", e);
try {
jsonPath = String.format("%s.%s", JSON_$_POINTER, _OGC_LINKS_WMS);
jsonPath = String.format("%s.%s", JSON_$_POINTER, _OGC_LINKS);
String jsonString = JsonPath.using(config).parse(toSerializeJSONOBJ).read(jsonPath).toString();
Gson gson = new Gson();
HashMap map = gson.fromJson(jsonString, HashMap.class);
LOG.debug(_OGC_LINKS_WMS + " are: " + map);
LOG.debug(_OGC_LINKS + " are: " + map);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn(jsonPath + " error: ", e);
try {
String wmsLink = gsdiLayer.getWMSLink();
if(wmsLink!=null) {
if (wmsLink != null) {
String layerName = URLParserUtil.extractValueOfParameterFromURL("layers", wmsLink);
@ -401,7 +474,6 @@ public class Geoportal_JSON_Mapper {
LOG.warn(jsonPath + " error: ", e);
LOG.debug("converLayer returning: " + gsdiLayer);
return gsdiLayer;

View File

@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ import;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.innerobject.PayloadDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.project.ProjectDV;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.LayerObject;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wfs.FeatureRow;
* The Class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR
* Jul 30, 2021
* Jul 30, 2021
public class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult implements Serializable {
@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ public class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3513120677727206958L;
private List<FeatureRow> features;
private LayerObject sourceLayerObject;
// Map with couple (mongoId concessione, list of uploaded GNAImages for the concessione)
private Map<String, List<UploadedImageDV>> mapImages = null;
// Map with couple (mongoId concessione, list of uploaded GNAImages for the
// concessione)
private Map<String, List<PayloadDV>> mapImages = null;
private ProjectDV projectDV;
* Instantiates a new geo na data object.
@ -34,6 +36,15 @@ public class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult implements Serializable {
public void setProjectDV(ProjectDV projectDV) {
this.projectDV = projectDV;
public ProjectDV getProjectDV() {
return projectDV;
* Gets the features.
@ -75,7 +86,7 @@ public class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult implements Serializable {
* @return the map images
public Map<String, List<UploadedImageDV>> getMapImages() {
public Map<String, List<PayloadDV>> getMapImages() {
return mapImages;
@ -84,15 +95,10 @@ public class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult implements Serializable {
* @param mapImages the map images
public void setMapImages(Map<String, List<UploadedImageDV>> mapImages) {
public void setMapImages(Map<String, List<PayloadDV>> mapImages) {
this.mapImages = mapImages;
* To string.
* @return the string
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
@ -102,6 +108,8 @@ public class GeoNaSpatialQueryResult implements Serializable {
builder.append(", mapImages=");
builder.append(", projectDV=");
return builder.toString();

View File

@ -5,10 +5,9 @@ import;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.GCubeSDILayer;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.IndexLayerDV;
* Represents a layer,
* holds the layer item and the related Collection info if existing
* Represents a layer, holds the layer item and the related Collection info if
* existing
@ -19,13 +18,12 @@ public class LayerObject implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2282478701630148774L;
private LayerObjectType type;
private IndexLayerDV indexLayer; // expected for INDEX_LAYER type
private String ucid; // expected for collection layers
private GCubeSDILayer projectLayer; // expected for PROJECT_LAYER
private String projectId; // expected for PROJECT_LAYER
private IndexLayerDV indexLayer; // expected for INDEX_LAYER type
private String profileID; // expected for collection layers
private GCubeSDILayer projectLayer; // expected for PROJECT_LAYER
private String projectID; // expected for PROJECT_LAYER
private LayerItem layerItem;
@ -33,81 +31,68 @@ public class LayerObject implements Serializable {
public LayerObject(LayerObjectType type,LayerItem item) {
public LayerObject(LayerObjectType type, LayerItem item) {
public LayerObject(String ucid, IndexLayerDV indexLayer, LayerItem item) {
public LayerObject(String profileID, IndexLayerDV indexLayer, LayerItem item) {
this(LayerObjectType.INDEX_LAYER, item);
this.profileID = profileID;
this.indexLayer = indexLayer;
public LayerObject(String ucid, String projectId, GCubeSDILayer projectLayer, LayerItem item) {
public LayerObject(String profileID, String projectID, GCubeSDILayer projectLayer, LayerItem item) {
this(LayerObjectType.PROJECT_LAYER, item);
this.profileID = profileID;
this.projectID = projectID;
this.projectLayer = projectLayer;
public LayerObjectType getType() {
return type;
public void setType(LayerObjectType type) {
this.type = type;
public IndexLayerDV getIndexLayer() {
return indexLayer;
public void setIndexLayer(IndexLayerDV indexLayer) {
this.indexLayer = indexLayer;
public String getUcid() {
return ucid;
public String getProfileID() {
return profileID;
public void setUcid(String ucid) {
this.ucid = ucid;
public void setProfileID(String profileID) {
this.profileID = profileID;
public GCubeSDILayer getProjectLayer() {
return projectLayer;
public void setProjectLayer(GCubeSDILayer projectLayer) {
this.projectLayer = projectLayer;
public String getProjectId() {
return projectId;
public String getProjectID() {
return projectID;
public void setProjectId(String projectId) {
this.projectId = projectId;
public void setProjectID(String projectId) {
this.projectID = projectId;
public LayerItem getLayerItem() {
return layerItem;
public void setLayerItem(LayerItem layerItem) {
this.layerItem = layerItem;
@ -119,17 +104,16 @@ public class LayerObject implements Serializable {
builder.append(", indexLayer=");
builder.append(", ucid=");
builder.append(", profileID=");
builder.append(", projectLayer=");
builder.append(", projectId=");
builder.append(", projectID=");
builder.append(", layerItem=");
return builder.toString();

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.geoportal.GeoportalClientCaller;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.geoportal.ProjectsCaller;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.geoportal.UseCaseDescriptorCaller;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.GCubeSDIViewerLayerDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.innerobject.FilesetDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.materialization.innerobject.PayloadDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.project.ProjectDV;
import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.view.ProjectView;
import org.gcube.common.authorization.library.provider.SecurityTokenProvider;
@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ public class GeoportalViewer_Tests {
private static String TOKEN = "c41a00c0-7897-48d2-a67a-05190d6ce5e6-98187548"; // devVRE
private static String PROFILE_ID = "profiledConcessioni";
private static String PROJECT_ID = "6311d408900dde90e44d9265";
private static String PROJECT_ID = "634fc41ecd343e6571ed3db0";
private static String USERNAME = "francesco.mangiacrapa";
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ public class GeoportalViewer_Tests {
clientProjects = GeoportalClientCaller.projects();
// @Test
public void getProjectViewForID() {
try {
@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ public class GeoportalViewer_Tests {
// @Test
public void getLayersForId() {
System.out.println("getLayersForId [profileID: " + PROFILE_ID + ", projectID: " + PROJECT_ID + "] called");
@ -92,7 +94,8 @@ public class GeoportalViewer_Tests {
String materializationParentJSONPath = String.format("%s..%s", Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.JSON_$_POINTER,
listLayers = Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.readGcubeSDILayersForFileset(materializationParentJSONPath, jsonDocument);
listLayers = Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.readGcubeSDILayersForFileset(materializationParentJSONPath,
jsonDocument); -> System.out.println(s));
@ -104,4 +107,31 @@ public class GeoportalViewer_Tests {
public void getImagesForId() {
System.out.println("getImagesForId [profileID: " + PROFILE_ID + ", projectID: " + PROJECT_ID + "] called");
List<PayloadDV> listImages = null;
try {
Project project = clientProjects.getProjectByID(PROFILE_ID, PROJECT_ID);
String jsonDocument = project.getTheDocument().toJson();
System.out.println("JSON Project is: " + jsonDocument);
String filesetJSONPath = String.format("%s..%s", Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.JSON_$_POINTER, Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.FILESET);
listImages = Geoportal_JSON_Mapper.readImagesForFileset(filesetJSONPath, jsonDocument); -> System.out.println("Image: " + s));
} catch (Exception e) {
String erroMsg = "Images are not available for profileID " + PROFILE_ID + " with projectID " + PROJECT_ID;