The "gCube Data Catalogue" or "Catalogue" is a system that provides facilities for: a) (meta)data publishing and management based on roles; b) vres' products publishing; c) making data products publicly available; d) enriching products of metadata to maximise their potential reuse and making them searchable (via title, tags etc) are based on the CKAN technology. The Catalogue application allows to show all the metadata available in the CKAN instance, as well as publish a new product, retrieve the list of organizations (i.e. Virtual Research Environments) to which the user belongs and his/her already published products. Moreover, the "Catalgoue" application (via configuration) provides moderation of its content enabling the user/s with the Moderator role to approve/reject the products under review.
* GWT v.2.9.0. [GWT]( is licensed under [Apache License 2.0](
* GWT-Bootstrap v. [GWT-Bootstrap]( is licensed under [Apache License 2.0](
and others. You can discovery all dependencies via dependency hierarchy (e.g. use [dependency:tree](
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