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package org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.statisticalmanager.synchserver.mapping;
public class WorkspaceManager {
public static String uploadOnWorkspaceAndGetURL(AlgorithmConfiguration config, File localfile,String description,String mimeType) throws Exception{
String url = null;
Workspace ws = HomeLibrary
WorkspaceFolder root = ws.getRoot();
String session = config.getParam(processingSession);
WorkspaceFolder folder = root.createFolder("WPS Synch "+session, "WPS Synch - Folder of session: "+session);
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(localfile);
FolderItem item = WorkspaceUtil.createExternalFile(root, localfile.getName(), description, mimeType, is);
url = item.getPublicLink(false);
if (url==null)
throw new Exception ("Error: could not upload "+localfile.getAbsolutePath()+" on the Workspace in scope "+config.getGcubeScope());
return url;