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package org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.statisticalmanager.synchserver.mappedclasses.generators;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.statisticalmanager.synchserver.bindings.*;
import org.n52.wps.algorithm.annotation.*;
import org.n52.wps.server.*;import org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.statisticalmanager.synchserver.mapping.AbstractEcologicalEngineMapper;import org.n52.wps.server.*;import org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.statisticalmanager.synchserver.mappedclasses.*;
@Algorithm(statusSupported=true, title="ICCAT_VPA", abstrakt="An algorithm for stock assessment of catch statistics published by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Produces summary statistics about a stock, involving assessment of fishing mortality, abundance, catch trend, fecundity and recruitment. Developed by IFREMER and IRD. Contact persons: Sylvain Bonhommeau, Julien Barde", identifier="org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.statisticalmanager.synchserver.mappedclasses.generators.ICCAT_VPA", version = "1.1.0")
public class ICCAT_VPA extends AbstractEcologicalEngineMapper implements IGenerator{
@LiteralDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: StartYear. First year of the dataset temporal extent", defaultValue="1950", title="First year of the dataset temporal extent", identifier = "StartYear", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, binding = LiteralIntBinding.class) public void setStartYear(Integer data) {inputs.put("StartYear",""+data);}
@LiteralDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: EndYear. Last year of the dataset temporal extent", defaultValue="2013", title="Last year of the dataset temporal extent", identifier = "EndYear", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, binding = LiteralIntBinding.class) public void setEndYear(Integer data) {inputs.put("EndYear",""+data);}
@ComplexDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: CAAFile. Catch at Age Matrix (Number of Fish caught by year and for each age)", title="Catch at Age Matrix (Number of Fish caught by year and for each age)", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, identifier = "CAAFile", binding = D4ScienceDataInputBinding.class) public void setCAAFile(GenericFileData file) {inputs.put("CAAFile",file);}
@ComplexDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: PCAAFile. Partial Catch at Age Matrix (Number of Fish caught by gear and year and for each age)", title="Partial Catch at Age Matrix (Number of Fish caught by gear and year and for each age)", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, identifier = "PCAAFile", binding = D4ScienceDataInputBinding.class) public void setPCAAFile(GenericFileData file) {inputs.put("PCAAFile",file);}
@ComplexDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: CPUEFile. Table of Catch Per Unit of Effort used in the stock assessment", title="Table of Catch Per Unit of Effort used in the stock assessment", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, identifier = "CPUEFile", binding = D4ScienceDataInputBinding.class) public void setCPUEFile(GenericFileData file) {inputs.put("CPUEFile",file);}
@ComplexDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: PwaaFile. Partial weight at age (Weight of Fish caught by gear and year and for each age)", title="Partial weight at age (Weight of Fish caught by gear and year and for each age)", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, identifier = "PwaaFile", binding = D4ScienceDataInputBinding.class) public void setPwaaFile(GenericFileData file) {inputs.put("PwaaFile",file);}
@ComplexDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: waaFile. Fecundity at age (Fecundity of Fish caught by year and for each age)", title="Fecundity at age (Fecundity of Fish caught by year and for each age)", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, identifier = "waaFile", binding = D4ScienceDataInputBinding.class) public void setwaaFile(GenericFileData file) {inputs.put("waaFile",file);}
@LiteralDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: shortComment. Free text for users to describe the current simulation", defaultValue=" ", title="Free text for users to describe the current simulation", identifier = "shortComment", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, binding = LiteralStringBinding.class) public void setshortComment(String data) {inputs.put("shortComment",data);}
@LiteralDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: nCPUE. Number of Catch Per Unit of Effort Time series to use", defaultValue="7", title="Number of Catch Per Unit of Effort Time series to use", identifier = "nCPUE", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, binding = LiteralIntBinding.class) public void setnCPUE(Integer data) {inputs.put("nCPUE",""+data);}
@LiteralDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: CPUE_cut. Identifier of the Catch Per Unit of Effort Time Serie to be shrunk", defaultValue="1", title="Identifier of the Catch Per Unit of Effort Time Serie to be shrunk", identifier = "CPUE_cut", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, binding = LiteralIntBinding.class) public void setCPUE_cut(Integer data) {inputs.put("CPUE_cut",""+data);}
@LiteralDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: n_remove_year. Number of the (last) years to be removed", defaultValue="1", title="Number of the (last) years to be removed", identifier = "n_remove_year", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, binding = LiteralIntBinding.class) public void setn_remove_year(Integer data) {inputs.put("n_remove_year",""+data);}
@LiteralDataInput(abstrakt="Name of the parameter: age_plus_group. Maximal age class of catches to be taken into account", defaultValue="10", title="Maximal age class of catches to be taken into account", identifier = "age_plus_group", maxOccurs=1, minOccurs=1, binding = LiteralIntBinding.class) public void setage_plus_group(Integer data) {inputs.put("age_plus_group",""+data);}
@ComplexDataOutput(abstrakt="Output that is not predetermined", title="NonDeterministicOutput", identifier = "non_deterministic_output", binding = GenericXMLDataBinding.class)
public XmlObject getNon_deterministic_output() {return (XmlObject) outputs.get("non_deterministic_output");}
@Execute public void run() throws Exception {; } }