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A playground for experimenting, developing and testing Netflix OSS Conductor based workflows.

Useful information

launch playground

docker-compose -f stack-playground.yaml up

Upload workflow with:

Put mioworkflow.json into workflows dir, then:

./ mioworkflow

Delete workflow with:

If 1 is the version to remove and mioworkflow is the name given to the workflow

./ mioworkflow/1

Conductor REST API:


Access UI:


Official Site:

Task documentation

pyrest task inputParameters are configured like this:

    "method" : "POST",
    "url" : "http://...."
    "headers" : {
        "Authorization" : "...",
        "Content-Type" : "....",
        "Accept" : "...",
    "params" : { // Query string parameters

    "body" : {  //either a map of form-parameters or a JSON structure or a string body

    "expect" : [200,409], // Default is 20x
    "fail" : true|false   #if failure should be avoided at all. If set to true the task succeeds independently of the HTTP Status

pyrest output is as follows:

    "body" : //the response body possibly parsed to JSON if Accept is set to "application/json" or response contains a mime-type indication of "applciation/json"
    "headers" : {
        // a map containing the response headers
    "status" : 200,
    "readon" : "OK"

Run java worker example


./ test_myworker_workflow.json

Increase the number stored by the init task in the variable cycles in order cause an exception (values > 7).

To start the my_worker implementing my_task enter directory jworker and run:

mvn clean compile exec:java

Access the UI and from the workbench run a test_myworker workflow. You should be able to see log information during execution of the task updating at every second.