Skip the artifact if already in the report.

This commit is contained in:
Manuele Simi 2020-03-12 13:52:59 -04:00
parent a4adba12b4
commit f2c0881f7d
1 changed files with 22 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
def projects2artifacts = [:]
def artifacts2projects = [:]
def modules2deps = [:]
def alreadyInTheTree = []
def inputProject = params.jenkins_project
def report = [:]
report['project'] = inputProject
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ pipeline {
report['downstream_modules']['L1'] = [:]
projects2artifacts[inputProject].each { a ->
if (a.split(':').length > 1) { //skip the parent (only groupId)
report = analyzeDependency(modules2deps, artifacts2projects, report, a, 1) }
report = analyzeDependency(modules2deps, alreadyInTheTree, artifacts2projects, report, a, 1) }
@ -79,27 +80,34 @@ def findDownstreamDependencies(modules2deps, artifact) {
//build the report of the given dependency, go recursive on its dependencies
def analyzeDependency(modules2deps, artifacts2projects, report, artifact, depth) {
def analyzeDependency(modules2deps, alreadyInTheTree, artifacts2projects, report, artifact, depth) {
def level = "L${depth}"
def downdeps = findDownstreamDependencies(modules2deps, artifact)
def skipTree = !alreadyInTheTree.contains(artifact)
if (!skipTree) {
report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact] = ['dependencies': [], 'projects': []]
// get all downstream dependencies
report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact]['dependencies'].addAll(findDownstreamDependencies(modules2deps, artifact))
//println "${artifact} is used by ${report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact]['dependencies']}"
// add the project that builds the artifact
report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact]['projects'] << artifacts2projects[artifact]
report['downstream_projects'] << artifacts2projects[artifact]
alreadyInTheTree << artifact
// then we look for the projects that build the downstream dependencies and finally we go recursive
if (report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact]['dependencies']) {
if (downdeps) {
def nextDepth = ++depth
report['downstream_modules']["L${nextDepth}"] = [:]
report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact]['dependencies'].each { d ->
downdeps.each { d ->
if (!skipTree) {
report['downstream_modules'][level][artifact]['projects'] << artifacts2projects[d]
report['downstream_projects'] << artifacts2projects[d]
// go recursive
analyzeDependency(modules2deps, artifacts2projects, report, d, nextDepth)
analyzeDependency(modules2deps, alreadyInTheTree, artifacts2projects, report, d, nextDepth)