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Actions for the gCubeActions Pipeline

Container for Actions executed with the gCubeActionExecutor pipeline.


An Action is a script that is executed on a selected git repository. Every command in the Action must be written considering the root folder of the repository as working folder.

Exit Code

An Action is successful if it returns 0 as exit code. Any code different from 0 makes the Action fails and halts the execution of the pipeline process. An exit code can be returned in any point of the Action by invoking the exit code command. Unless exit is used, the exit code of the Action is the one returned by the last command of the Action.

List of Repositories

Each action is executed on a list of repositories. The expected format of the file with the list on repo name per file.

For example:


The URL of the Gitea organization where to find these repositories is passed as parameters of the gCubeActionExecutor pipeline.

How to Generate the List

The script generateRepoList.sh can be executed any time to generate an up-to-date list of repositories in the gCubeSystem organization. If a different organization has to be scanned, we can easily change the scrip tor make it parametric.

The output of the script is a file named gCubeSystem_all_sorted_$timestamp.txt. The list in the output file is alphabetically ordered.