Resource Sweeper Widget is a GWT Widget integrated with RMP portlet which provide a WEB UI to clean manually the IS of dead and expired resources.

Updated 4 years ago

List of R packages, required by some services. The packages can be sources from CRAN-like repositories, sources from github, or - preferred - packages in deb format

Updated 1 year ago

This is a connector to support SeaDataNet in DataMiner service.

Updated 1 year ago

gCube Share Updates Portlet is used to create social posts in any VRE.

Updated 2 years ago

SimpleImageClassifier is a simple example that allows you to classify a image jpg in input. This example is based on Detectron2 that is a Facebook AI Research's.

Updated 2 years ago

Spring Boot Application that collects metadata from a generic OAI publisher and stores them in a FTP server

Updated 6 months ago

SimpleOBIS is an example written in R that allows you to create an image(occplot.png) of the occurrences present in OBIS starting from a scientific name and a polygon.

Updated 11 months ago

Updated 11 months ago

Reduce output

Updated 11 months ago

This component is a Liferay 6.2.6 CE Hook which customises (custom JSPs) the Liferay Dockbar (top bar) adding the Dashboard Icon, Workspace, Catalogue etc.

Updated 3 years ago