A service responding to the push performed by Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access Service to move data downloads onto the VRE
Updated 2021-10-27 15:25:38 +02:00
NetCDF Basic Widgets is a set of widgets that allow the display of information related to NetCDF files.
Updated 2021-10-26 18:12:44 +02:00
OpenLayers Basic Widgets is a set of widgets that allow the display of map tiles and the retrieval of geographical information.
Updated 2021-10-26 18:12:36 +02:00
This is a library to support the Geospatial functions in DataMiner service.
Updated 2021-10-26 18:11:55 +02:00
Workspace Widget Portlet is a small Front-end component looking like G Drive which exposes the content of the user's workspace or VRE Folders in read only mode.
Updated 2021-10-05 14:31:56 +02:00
Updated 2021-10-05 11:46:37 +02:00
gCube ws-thredds-sync-widget is a widget to use and interact with ws-thredds facility through the Workspace
Updated 2021-08-05 17:21:08 +02:00
This component cleans the Smartgears ThreadLocal variables each time a new Thread is assigned to a request from tomcat thread pool
Updated 2021-08-05 17:20:31 +02:00
Updated 2021-08-05 17:20:26 +02:00
Collection of OOZIE workflows for the OpenAIRE Graph construction, processing, provisioning.
Updated 2021-06-16 15:19:50 +02:00
This is a library to execute Data Miner's algorithms from gCube Workspace
Updated 2021-06-04 17:34:13 +02:00
Workspace Explorer is a widget that allows access and interaction with the D4Science StorageHub.
Updated 2021-05-04 12:36:28 +02:00
Accounting Manager Theme is a simple basic theme for web applications
Updated 2021-05-04 12:36:20 +02:00
a Liferay 6.2.6 CE Hook which customises (custom JSPs) the Liferay Sign In Portlet look & feel
Updated 2021-03-04 17:38:39 +01:00
This library takes care of implementing all the required actions to remove a user account from D4Science.
Updated 2021-03-03 12:12:42 +01:00
This portlet takes care of implementing all the required actions to remove a user account from D4Science. It is configured to appear in the Liferay Control Panel.
Updated 2021-03-03 12:11:47 +01:00
This component read periodically exports users and their groups in LDAP
Updated 2021-03-03 12:11:04 +01:00
This component is a Liferay Terms of Use (ToU) Hook which intercepts the user not agreeing to the ToU and take care of implementing all the required actions to remove the user account from D4Science.
Updated 2021-03-03 12:10:16 +01:00
This component is a Liferay 6.2.6 CE Hook which allows users to login with their Google Account credentials to this Liferay portal version.
Updated 2021-03-01 18:59:39 +01:00