Update 'Page 2: Setup Configurations'

Bernaldo Mihasi 2022-08-21 21:47:14 +02:00
parent adb63fb78e
commit fdce456bc7
1 changed files with 209 additions and 0 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
# Page 2: Setup Configurations
## A. Database:
The only configuration that is used is in **/dmp-db-scema/Docker/dmp-db.env**
Inside the file it contains configuration for the admin users (database, app), database name and admin passwords.
The values are:
ADMIN_USER: Admin username (app)
ADMIN_PASSWORD: Admin password (app)
POSTGRES_DB: database name
POSTGRES_USER: Admin username (database)
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Admin password (database)
*NOTE: The passwords are ONLY placeholders and MUST be changed*
## B. Backend
### 1. App configuration
The app configurations are in the **/dmp-backend/web/src/main/resources/config** folder.
Inside the folder there are 4 **.properties** files:
* **application.properties**: Main configuration file (loads before any other)
* **application-devel.properties**: Devel Profile (Internal development) configuration
* application-staging.properties: Staging Profile (testing build) configuration
* application-production.properties: Production Profile (main build) configuration
Inside the files you will find the following properties:
*Properties with bold are the minimun that have to be configured so as the app works properly*
| | application-devel.properties | application.properties |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| dmp.domain | the domain name of the server |
| **database.url** | the url that is used to connect to database (JDBC based) |
| **database.username** | database admin username |
| **database.password** | database admin password |
| pdf.converter.url | the url of the PDF converter service |
| server.port | | the network port the application is listening to |
| server.tomcat.max-threads | | the maximum number of request processing threads to be created |
| server.tomcat.max-connections | | the maximum number of connections that the server accepts |
| spring.profiles.active | | the active profile of the app (devel, staging, production) |
| elasticsearch.host | | the host url of the elastic server |
| elasticsearch.port | | the host port of the elastic server |
| elasticsearch.username | | the elastic server admin username |
| elasticsearch.password | | the elastic server admin password |
| elasticsearch.index | | the index which will be used if exists or created |
| elasticsearch.usingssl | | whether SSL is used to communicate with the elastic server |
| elasticsearch.certPath | | the path of the certification used in SSL |
| elasticsearch.certKey | | the key of the certification used in SSL |
| configuration.externalUrls | | path to the externalUrls xml file |
| configuration.rda | | path to RDACommonStandards.txt |
| configuration.h2020template | | path to H2020 export dmp template (.docx) |
| configuration.h2020datasettemplate | | path to H2020 export dataset template (.docx) |
| configuration.configurable_login_providers | | path to ConfigurableLoginProviders.json |
| configuration.doi_funder | | path to DOI_Funder.json |
| autouser.root.* | | setup an auto login user (email, username, password) |
| facebook.login.clientId | | Facebook API client Id |
| facebook.login.clientSecret | | Facebook API client Secret |
| facebook.login.namespace | | Facebook API namespace |
| **google.login.clientId** | | Google API client Id |
| linkedin.login.clientId | | LinkedIn API client Id |
| linkedin.login.clientSecret | | LinkedIn API client Secret |
| linkedin.login.redirect_uri | | LinkedIn API redirect uri |
| linkedin.login.user_info_url | | LinkedIn API user info url |
| linkedin.login.user_email | | LinkedIn API user email |
| linkedin.login.access_token_url | | LinkedIn API access token url |
| twitter.login.clientId | | Twitter API client Id |
| twitter.login.clientSecret | | Twitter API client Secret |
| twitter.login.redirect_uri | | Twitter API redirect uri |
| b2access.externallogin.user_info_url | | B2 Access API user info url |
| b2access.externallogin.access_token_url | |B2 Access API access token url |
| b2access.externallogin.redirect_uri | | B2 Access API redirect uri |
| b2access.externallogin.clientid | | B2 Access API client Id |
| b2access.externallogin.clientSecret | | B2 Access API client Secret |
| database.driver-class-name | | database class name |
| database.lock-fail-interval | | time before the editor lock to be automatially dleleted (in milliseconds) |
| database.driver-class-name | | database class name |
| **userguide.path** | | path to the user manual directory e.g <project's directory>/user-guide |
| notification.rateInterval | | time before to retry to send the notifications (in milliseconds) |
| notification.maxRetries | | number of maximum retries before it stop sending the notifications |
| notification.modified.subject | | default email subject for edited DMP/Dataset notification |
| notification.publish.subject | | default email subject for published DMP notification |
| notification.finalised.subject | | default email subject for finalised DMP notification |
| notification.modifiedFinalised.subject | | default email subject for modified and finalised DMP notification |
| logging.config | | path to the logback configuration file |
| **temp.temp** | | path to internal temp folder |
| **file.storage** | | path to internal final folder |
| **language.path** | path to the language files e.g <project's directory>/dmp-frontend/src/assets/i18n/ | |
### 2. External Urls
The externalUrls are used in order to retrieve data from external sources (funders, grants, organizations etc)
The files are in <project's directory>/dmp-backend/externalUrls folder.
There are 3 files:
ExternalUrls.xml: Default externalUrl configuration
ExternalUrlsStaging.xml: externalUrls configuration for the Staging Profile
ExternalUrlsProduction.xml: externalUrls configuration for the Production Profile
Inside these files there are:
registries: The Dataset external reference for registries
grants: The DMP grants
projects: The DMP projects
funders: The DMP funders
repositories: The Dataset external reference for repositories
services: The Dataset external reference for services
researchers: The DMP researchers
organisations: The DMP organizations
datasets: The Dataset external reference for datasets
Inside each one there are:
**urls**: list of urls from where the data will be retrieved
**fetchMode**: How the data will be fetched. Available values are:
FIRST: Load ONLY the first urls configuration
ALL: Load ALL the urls configurations
On each urls there are urlConfigs from which each one is having:
key: Configuration key (lowercase)
Label: Configuration Name
type: type of the data source (usually External)
url: The url template that will be used for retrieving the data
funderQuery: (OpenAIRE only) The Funder search query
firstPage: The default page that is used if none is specified
contenttype: The content Type to be returned by the source
data: the data returned
paginationpath: The path where pagination data are from the response
Inside **data** there are different fields based on the content type:
path: the json path where the data are
fields: the name of the fields to be read and where to be mapped. example : <id>'myid'</id> it will map myid to the id value
parse-class: The classpath to be used for parsing the xml document
parse-field: The xml field that is used as a root for parsing
merge-fields: The fields that will be merged together (with space character)
merge-field-name: The name of the merged field
## B. Frontend
The only configuration that is used is the **<project's directory>/dmp-frontend/webapp/config/config.json**
Inside the file there are those properties:
production: Enable or Disable Production default configuration
Server: The url to the Backend service
App: The url to the Frontend service
defaultCulture: The default culture
LoginProviders which has:
enabled: An array of the loginproviders to be used. Available values:
1: Google
2: Facebook
3: Twitter
4: LinkedIn
6: B2Access
8: OpenAIRE
9: Configurable LoginProvider
10: Zenodo
lockInteval: After how much time it will send an editor lock request to the backend (in milliseconds)
guideAssets: path to the folder that contains the user Manual assets (images etc)
allowOrganizationCreator: Allow the user to create custom organizations when creating or updating DMPs
The minimun property that has to be configured is **loginProviders.googleConfiguration.clientId** which stores the Google API client Id