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import { TemplateRef } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { AutoCompleteGroup } from '../auto-complete-group';
export interface SingleAutoCompleteConfiguration {
// Delay for performing the request. Default: 200ms.
requestDelay?: number;
// Min characters for the filtering to be applied. Default: 1.
minFilteringChars?: number;
// Load and present items from start, without user query. Default: true.
loadDataOnStart?: boolean;
// Static or initial items.
initialItems?: (data?: any) => Observable<any[]>;
// Data retrieval function
filterFn?: (searchQuery: string, data?: any) => Observable<any[]>;
// Get selected items. Used when valueAssign is used so the full object can be retrieved for presentation.
getSelectedItem?: (selectedItem: any) => Observable<any>;
// Property formating for input
displayFn?: (item: any) => string;
// Function to group results in the drop down
groupingFn?: (items: any[]) => AutoCompleteGroup[];
// Display function for the drop down title
titleFn?: (item: any) => string;
// Display function for the drop down subtitle
subtitleFn?: (item: any) => string;
//Extra data passed to query function
extraData?: any;
// Callback to intercept value assignment based on item selection
valueAssign?: (selectedItem: any) => any;
// Property formating template
optionTemplate?: TemplateRef<any>;
// Selected value formating template
selectedValueTemplate?: TemplateRef<any>;
autoSelectFirstOptionOnBlur?: boolean;