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* Material Dashboard Angular - v2.2.0
* Product Page:
* Copyright 2018 Creative Tim (
* Designed by Coded by
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@use '@angular/material' as mat;
@use 'sass:math';
@import "@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css";
@import "@angular/material/theming"; // @import '../../../node_modules/@angular/material/theming';
@import "./blue-theme.scss";
// @import "./green-theme.scss";
// TODO(v15): As of v15 mat.legacy-core no longer includes default typography styles.
// The following line adds:
// 1. Default typography styles for all components
// 2. Styles for typography hierarchy classes (e.g. .mat-headline-1)
// If you specify typography styles for the components you use elsewhere, you should delete this line.
// If you don't need the default component typographies but still want the hierarchy styles,
// you can delete this line and instead use:
// `@include mat.legacy-typography-hierarchy(mat.define-legacy-typography-config());`
@include mat.all-legacy-component-typographies();
@include mat.legacy-core();
// // Define a blue theme.
$custom-theme-primary: mat.define-palette($app-blue-theme-primary-palette, 900);
$custom-theme-accent: mat.define-palette($app-blue-theme-accent-palette);
// Define a green theme.
// $custom-theme-primary: mat-palette($app-green-theme-primary-palette, 500);
// $custom-theme-accent: mat-palette($app-green-theme-accent-palette);
// $custom-theme-accent: mat-palette($mat-pink, A200, A100, A400);
$custom-theme-warn: mat.define-palette(mat.$red-palette);
$custom-theme: mat.define-light-theme($custom-theme-primary, $custom-theme-accent, $custom-theme-warn);
@include mat.all-legacy-component-themes($custom-theme);
@import "core/variables";
@import "core/mixins";
//Material-Bootstrap configuration
@import "assets/scss/bootstrap-material";
@import "/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
// Core Components
@import "core/buttons";
@import "core/checkboxes";
@import "core/radios";
@import "core/forms";
@import "core/input-group";
@import "core/images";
@import "core/navbar";
@import "core/alerts";
@import "core/type";
@import "core/tabs";
@import "core/tooltip";
@import "core/popover";
@import "core/dropdown";
@import "core/togglebutton";
@import "core/ripples";
@import "core/footers";
@import "core/sidebar-and-main-panel";
@import "core/fixed-plugin";
@import "core/tables";
@import "core/misc";
@import "core/cards";
@import "core/cards/card-stats";
@import "core/cards/card-profile";
@import "core/cards/card-plain";
//plugin scss
@import "core/plugins/animate";
@import "core/plugins/chartist";
@import "core/plugins/perfect-scrollbar";
@import "core/responsive";