1. dataset-profile.module.ts: Added in declarations "DatasetProfileEditorRichTextAreaFieldComponent".
2. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html: Added RichTextArea as input field type for response to a question.
3. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.ts: In method "addNewInput()" added case for RichTextArea.
4. dataset-profile-field-view-style.ts & view-style-enum.ts: Added RichTextArea.
5. field-data.ts: Added interface RichTextAreaFieldData.
6. enum-utils.service.ts: In methods "toDatasetProfileFieldViewStyleString()" and "toDatasetProfileViewTypeString()" added cases for RichTextArea
7. field-editor-model.ts: Added richTextarea.
8. component-profile-editor-default-value.component.html: Added <mat-form-field> for RichTextArea (how rich text area is initialized when this type is selected as response).
9. dataset-profile-editor-field.component.html: Added <mat-option> for RichTextArea (to select it) and <app-dataset-profile-editor-rich-text-area-field-component> (to show it).
10. dataset-profile-editor-field.component.ts: Added RichTextArea case everywhere.
11. dataset-wizard.component.ts & dmp-editor.component.ts: In method "_getPlaceHolder()" added case for richTextarea.
12. dataset-description-form.module.ts: Imported RichTextEditorModule.
13. form-field.component.html: Added RichTextArea case with <rich-text-editor-component>.
15. field-data/rich-text-area-field-data-editor-model.ts & field-type/rich-textarea/: [NEW] Files for Rich Text Area field type.
Replace static text with language translation.
Fix scrolling behaviour.
Clean up some code in table of contents.
Patch drag and drop (instant drag) issue.
UI enhancements: validate button and marking on table of contents(Pages when dont have children)