1. rich-text-editor.component.scss: Css for .editor-wrapper .disabled added.
2. rich-text-editor.component.ts: New "editable" Input() field added, to allow rich text area to be disabled and not editable.
3. dataset-profile-editor.component.html:
a. In <rich-text-editor-component> set [editable]="form.controls['description'].status !== 'DISABLED'"
b. #7518 Show required message and css in rich text area when there is error "required" and description is touched (not dirty)
4. dataset-profile-editor.component.ts: #7519 comment disable of form controls label (title), description and language.
5. dataset-profile-listing.component.html: #7519 Time added in created column of dataset templates.
6. dataset-editor.component.html & form-field.component.html: #7518 Show required message and css in rich text area when there is error "required" and description is touched (not dirty).
7. clone-dialog.component.html: Replaced <textarea> with <rich-text-editor-component> for description field.
8. clone-dialog.module.ts: Import RichTextEditorModule.
9. clone-dialog.component.ts: #7519 comment disable of form group label (title)
10. styles.scss: Css for class .form-field-subscript-wrapper updated.
1. dataset-profile-editor-section.component.html & dataset-profile-editor.component.html & dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html: Replace <angular-editor> with <rich-text-editor-component> (custom common component when rich text editor is set).
2. dataset-profile-editor-section.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.ts: Remove AngularEditorConfig (this is set in RichTextEditorComponent).
3. dataset-profile.module.ts: Instead of AngularEditorModule, import RichTextEditorModule (common component where rich text editor is set).
4. styles.scss: Moved css for angular editor to dedicated css file (src/app/library/rich-text-editor/rich-text-editor.component.scss) and keep here only "form-field-subscript-wrapper" class.
1. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor-section.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor.component.ts: Initialize AngularEditorConfig.
2. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html & dataset-profile-editor-section.component.html & dataset-profile-editor.component.html: Use <angular-editor> in description.
3. multiple-auto-complete.component.html & dataset-profile-listing.component.html & form-section.component.html: Show description as html.
4. dataset-profile.module.ts: Imported HttpClientModule, AngularEditorModule (needed for <angular-editor>).
5. available-profiles.component.html: Show description as html, under the Dataset Template title, not as tooltip (matTooltip does not receive html).
6. available-profiles.component.ts: Added styleUrls: ['available-profiles.component.scss'].
7. available-profiles.component.scss: [NEW] Added css for class "list-option" to cut description if too long.
8. form-composite-title.component.html: Show description and extendedDescription as html | Add view more/less functionality to show/hide extendedDescription.
9. form-composite-title.component.ts: Added "public showExtendedDescription: boolean = false;" field.
10. form-composite-title.component.scss: Added css for "more" class, to make "view more/less" seem like link.
12. assets/styles.css: Added css for <angular-editor>, to be similar to the other text areas and forms.