1. dmp-editor.component.html & dmp-clone.component.html & dataset-wizard.component.html: On next button, moved chevron_right icon to the right side of the text.
2. dataset-profile-editor.component.scss:
a. Removed margin-top from .dataset-profile-editor.
b. Updated position and styling of .scroll-on-top.
c. Added .floating-btn and .progress-min-height.
3. dataset-profile-editor.component.ts:
a. Set showScrollOnTopButton default value to true and comment intersection stepperNavigationObserver (because title is sticky now and always visible).
b. In method "onSubmit()" added parameter close:boolean=false, to check if the router will navigate to "/dataset-profiles" or not (button "save and continue" added).
4. dataset-profile-editor.component.html:
a. Renamed "Back" button to "Close" and use DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.CLOSE.
b. Moved "Close", "Save"/"Update" and "Finalize" buttons aligned with title on the top right.
c. Made title with aligned buttons sticky to top with stepper.
d. Moved buttons "Previous"/"Next" on the down right of viewport (floating buttons).
e. Moved scroll button and update it.
f. Updated alignment of main content when there is no sidebar on the left.
5. i18n/: In language files added "DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.CLOSE" and updated "USER-PROFILE.MERGING-EMAILS-DIALOG.TITLE" (#7662).
1. user-profile.component.ts: Added PopupNotificationDialogComponent when email for validating account has been sent.
2. login.component.ts: Added @Input() redirect: boolean = true; - if this is false do not redirect to home page.
3. add-account-dialog.component.html: Add parameter redirect="false" in <app-login>.
4. clone-dialog.component.html: [Bug fix] Truncate title of dataset and show tooltip in dmp clone popup.
1. DatasetListingModel.java: Added field DatasetProfileOverviewModel profile, getter/setter and set profile in methods "fromDataModel()" and "toDataModel()".
2. RecentActivityModel.java: Added field DatasetProfileOverviewModel profile and getter/setter.
3. RecentDatasetModel.java: Set profile in methods "fromEntity()" and "fromDmpEntity()".
WordBuilder.java: Use media types instead of file extension for IMAGE_TYPE_MAP | Calculate image dimensions inside document according to its initial ratio and remove from page size the top, bottom, left, right margins.
1. dataset-profile-editor-upload-field.component.ts: Added image/tiff media type in available types for Upload.
2. en.json: Updated literals for "Upload" file field type and removed literals for "Table" field type, because the field is not ready yet.
3. de.json, es.json, gr.json, pt.json, sk.json, sr.json, tr.json: Added literals for "Upload" file field type.
1. dataset-profile-field-view-style.ts: Include "upload" field type.
2. field-data.ts: Export interface UploadFieldData.
3. config.json: Added new property "maxFileSizeInMB":10.
4. configuration.service.ts: Added _maxFileSizeInMB field and getter for it.
5. enum-utils.service.ts: Added cases for upload and table (not ready, to be added) field types.
6. rich-text-editor.module.ts: [Bug fix] Removed import of HttpClientModule (this is imported only once in order to work with interceptor).
7. field-editor-model.ts & dataset-profile-editor.component.ts: Added case and validators for "upload" field type.
8. dataset-profile.module.ts: Imports for upload.
9.dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component & dataset-profile-editor-field.component: Added button for upload.
10. form-field.component: Added functionality for uploading and downloading files.
11. dataset-description-form.module.ts: Added "FileService" provider and import of "NgxDropzoneModule".
12. en.json: New literals for upload and table (to be added in other language files too).
13. New files for upload field type: file.service.ts, upload-field-data-editor-model.ts, dataset-profile-editor-upload-field.component.html, dataset-profile-editor-upload-field.component.ts, dataset-profile-editor-upload-field.component.scss
1. Datasets.java: In "delete()" method, call also fileManager.markAllFilesOfEntityIdAsDeleted.
2. DatasetManager.java: Added method "deleteOldFilesAndAddNew()" which is called by "createOrUpdate()", to mark as deleted files that are not used any more and save the new ones.
3. DatabaseRepository.java & DatabaseRepositoryImpl.java: Include in DAOs FileUploadDAO.
4. ModelBuilder.java & ViewStyle.java: Incluse "upload" field type.
5. field-data.ts:
a. In "getOrdinal()" method return Integer instead of int.
b. In "getValidations()" method added null check.
c. In methods "fromJsonObject()" and "toMap()" added special if clauses for "upload" field type.
6. application.properties:
a. Added property "file.storage", to set the folder where the files will be permanently saved.
b. Changed default spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size and pring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size to 10 MB.
7. UserInvitationController.java: Deleted a print in System.out.
8. New files for upload field type: FileUploadDao.java, FileUploadDaoImpl.java, FileUpload.java, PostgreSQLEnumType.java (necessary for the enum EntityType), FileController.java, FileManager.java, UploadData.java.