
168 lines
5.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
import { Component, EventEmitter, Inject, OnInit, Output, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { BaseComponent } from '@common/base/base.component';
import { interval, Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { distinctUntilChanged } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { type } from 'os';
import { SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
import { ToCEntry } from './table-of-contents-entry';
export interface Link {
/* id of the section*/
id: string;
/* header type h3/h4 */
type: string;
/* If the anchor is in view of the page */
active: boolean;
/* name of the anchor */
name: string;
/* top offset px of the anchor */
top: number;
page: number;
section: number;
show: boolean;
selected: boolean;
selector: 'dataset-profile-table-of-contents',
styleUrls: ['./table-of-contents.scss'],
templateUrl: './table-of-contents.html'
export class DatasetProfileTableOfContents extends BaseComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() links: ToCEntry[];
container: string;
headerSelectors = '.toc-page-header, .toc-section-header, .toc-compositeField-header';
@Output() stepFound = new EventEmitter<LinkToScroll>();
@Output() currentLinks = new EventEmitter<Link[]>();
subscription: Subscription;
linksSubject: Subject<HTMLElement[]> = new Subject<HTMLElement[]>();
@Input() isActive: boolean;
show: boolean = false;
@Inject(DOCUMENT) private _document: Document) {
ngOnInit(): void {
//emit value every 500ms
// const source = interval(500);
// this.subscription = source.subscribe(val => {
// const headers = Array.from(this._document.querySelectorAll(this.headerSelectors)) as HTMLElement[];
// });
// if (!this.links || this.links.length === 0) {
// this.linksSubject.asObservable()
// .pipe(distinctUntilChanged((p: HTMLElement[], q: HTMLElement[]) => JSON.stringify(p) == JSON.stringify(q)))
// .subscribe(headers => {
// const links: Array<Link> = [];
// if (headers.length) {
// let page;
// let section;
// let show
// for (const header of headers) {
// let name;
// let id;
// if (header.classList.contains('toc-page-header')) { // deprecated after removing stepper
// name = header.innerText.trim().replace(/^link/, '');
// id =;
// page ='_')[1];
// section = undefined;
// show = true;
// } else if (header.classList.contains('toc-section-header')) {
// name = header.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.trim().replace(/^link/, '');
// id =;
// page ='.')[1];
// section =;
// if ('.')[4]) { show = false; }
// else { show = true; }
// } else if (header.classList.contains('toc-compositeField-header')) {
// name = (header.childNodes[0]).nodeValue.trim().replace(/^link/, '');
// id =;
// // id =;
// show = false;
// }
// const { top } = header.getBoundingClientRect();
// links.push({
// name,
// id,
// type: header.tagName.toLowerCase(),
// top: top,
// active: false,
// page: page,
// section: section,
// show: show,
// selected: false
// });
// }
// }
// this.links = links;
// // Initialize selected for button next on dataset wizard component editor
// this.links.length > 0 ? this.links[0].selected = true : null;
// })
// }
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
// if (!this.isActive && this.links && this.links.length > 0) {
// this.links.forEach(link => {
// link.selected = false;
// })
// this.links[0].selected = true;
// }
goToStep(link: Link) {
// this.stepFound.emit({
// page:,
// section: link.section
// });
// this.currentLinks.emit(this.links);
// setTimeout(() => {
// const target = document.getElementById(;
// target.scrollIntoView(true);
// var scrolledY = window.scrollY;
// if (scrolledY) {
// window.scroll(0, scrolledY - 70);
// }
// }, 500);
toggle(headerLink: Link) {
// const headerPage =" ", 1);
// let innerPage;
// for (const link of this.links) {
// link.selected = false;
// if (link.type === 'mat-expansion-panel') {
// innerPage =".", 1)[0];
// if (isNaN(innerPage)) { innerPage =" ", 1) }
// } else if (link.type === 'h5') {
// innerPage =".", 1)[0];
// }
// if (headerPage === innerPage && (link.type !== 'mat-expansion-panel' || (link.type === 'mat-expansion-panel' &&".")[4]))) {
// = !;
// }
// }
// headerLink.selected = true;
// getIndex(link: Link): number {
// return"_", 2)[1];
// }
export interface LinkToScroll {
page: number;
section: number;