1. pom.xml: Updated version of "uoa-admin-tools-library" from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, "uoa-authorization-library" from 1.0.0 to 2.0.1, "uoa-notification-service" from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2.
2. GlobalVars.java: Added field "version" (version of project in pom).
3. MonitorServiceCheckDeployController.java: Expose globalBars.version in /health_check/advanced.
4. monitorservice.properties: Added monitorservice.globalVars.version=@version@ (initialized by pom version).
1. StakeholderController.java: In method "getAllRealStakeholders()" (/stakeholder), return also stakeholders with "restricted" visibility, without checking user's roles.
2. pom.xml:
a. Update parent from "spring-boot-starter-parent" to "dnet45-parent" ==> add <dependencyManagement> and "maven-war-plugin" and comment "spring-boot-maven-plugin".
b. For dependencies "uoa-authorization-library" and "uoa-notification-service", use version 1.0.0 (released version), not 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
1. pom.xml:
a. Added timestamp in properties.
b. In <build> added <resources> with filtering set to true.
2. GlobalVars.java: Added GlobalVars class for date of deploy & date of build.
3. UoaMonitorServiceApplication.java:
a. Added @PropertySource("classpath:admintoolslibrary.properties") and @PropertySource("classpath:notification.properties")
b. In @EnableConfigurationProperties added GlobalVars.class.
4. MonitorServiceCheckDeployController.java: Added exposing date of deploy and date of build.
5. monitorservice.properties: Added property monitorservice.globalVars.buildDate=@timestamp@
1. MonitorServiceCheckDeployController.java: In method "checkEverything()" (/health_check/advanced), added "Date of build" field with current date.
2. Indicator.java: In method "copyFromDefault()" set visibility of new indicator to "RESTRICTED" (instead of copying the default indicator's visibility).
3. IndicatorController.java: [NEW] Bulk add for indicators (imported from file) - get charts and numbers in a list and create chart and number sections to put them.
a. Added API call method "saveBulkIndicators()" (POST /{stakeholderId}/{topicId}/{categoryId}/{subcategoryId}/save-bulk).
b. Added helper methods "createSectionsAndSaveBulk()", "createSection()", "saveIndicatorAndAddInSection()".
1. MonitorController.java: [Bug fix] In class @RequestMapping, added "/organization" (this portal type was missing).
2. update_db.js: Commnented old functions and added "addHomePageInPortalType()", "addFooterDivIdForPortalType()", "addFooterHelpTextForPortalType()" for portalTypes: funder, ri, organization.
1. MonitorServiceCheckDeployController.java: [NEW] Controller added and
a. "hello()" method (@RequestMapping(value = {"", "/health_check"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)) which just prints and returns a greeting message.
b. "checkEverything()" method @RequestMapping(value = "/health_check/advanced", method = RequestMethod.GET) only accessible by PORTAL ADMINS which checks connection with db and prints properties.
2. TestController.java: Comment "index()" method with @RequestMapping("/").
3. IndicatorController.java: [Bug fix]
a. Added a check when the value of an indicator path parameter is null
b. When an indicator path parameter from a default profile is deleted, delete this parameter also from all profiles based on this default.
1. RolesUtils.java: Comment all contents of this file (should be removed in next commit). This file is added in uoa-admin-tools-library.
2. StakeholderController.java & TopicController.java & CategoryController.java & SubCategoryController.java & SectionController.java & IndicatorController.java: Import RolesUtils from uoa-admin-tools-library.
3. StakeholderController.java: In "getAllRealStakeholders()" method, add optional parameter "defaultId", to get Stakeholders based on a default profile.
1. StakeholderController.java:
a. Method "getMyRealStakeholders()" (/my-stakeholder) returns basic Stakeholder info (Topics are not full object anymore).
b. Method "saveStakeholder()" (/save) gets basic or full object for Stakeholder and returns whatever format it received.
2. IndicatorController.java: [Bug fix] In method "onUpdateDefaultIndicator()" improve checks (there were missing cases, e.g. chartObject of previous-saved indicatorPath was null).
1. StakeholderController.java & TopicController.java & CategoryController.java & SubCategoryController.java && SectionController.java && IndicatorController.java:
a. Comment logs for get requests.
b. Use "ForbiddenException" instead of "AccessDeniedException"
c. On /save, if full entity has id (already in DB), if not found in DB throw EntityNotFoundException.
d. Get children (e.g. when saving a Topic, get its categories) from DB.
2. TopicController.java & CategoryController.java & SubCategoryController.java & SectionController.java:
In /reorder, if there are in DB, ids that are missing from reordered list, do reordering and add in the end of list the missing ids.
3. ReorderEvent.java: [NEW] Added class ReorderEvent with fields "action" (String), "target" (String), "ids" (List<String>) (used in IndicatorController.java).
4. IndicatorController.java:
a. In /reorder, @RequestBody changed from List<String> indicators to ReorderEvent reorderEvent.
b. If there are in DB, ids that are missing from reordered list AND missing id is not moved to other section (action = removed and target = missing id), do reordering and add in the end of list the missing ids.
5. ExceptionsHandler.java: exception handler methods "invalidInput()", "nullPointerException()", "notFoundException()" moved to "Admin Tools Library" - "accessDeniedException()" is removed.
6. responses/ExceptionResponse.java: File and folder deleted (moved to "Admin Tools Library").
7. RolesUtils.java: Added method "isLoggedIn()" (checks if no roles for user, or user has role "ROLE_ANONYMOUS").
1. MonitorController.java: new class for admin tools functionalities (to be updated, when admin tools UI will be redesigned).
2. update_db.js: Update script added for mongo db updates.
1. RolesUtils.java: New class connected to "AuthorizationService" and returns helper methods for roles and authorities.
2. StakeholderController.java & TopicController.java & CategoryController.java & SubCategoryController.java & SectionController.java & IndicatorController.java:
a. Add authorization checks according to user roles (authorization library).
b. Handle new fields "createDate" and "updateDate" (StakeholderController.java already had these fields).
c. [Bug fix] On save method, if it is default entity, add it before "onSaveDefault...()" or after "onUpdateDefault...()".
d. (not in SectionController) Comment methods for toggling status and access and add method for changing visibility.
e.g. "changeIndicatorVisibility()" (/{stakeholderId}/{topicId}/{categoryId}/{subcategoryId}/{sectionId}/{indicatorId}/change-visibility).
3. StakeholderController.java: Method "getAllRealStakeholders()" (/stakeholder) returns now basic Stakeholder info (topicIds, not full entities).
4. IndicatorController.java:
a. [Bug fix] On "onUpdateDefaultIndicator()", "changed" is set to false for each indicatorBasedOnDefault.
b. On "onUpdateDefaultIndicator()" handle update policy for "description" and "additionalDescription".
c. [Bug fix] On "onUpdateDefaultIndicator()", bug fixes when updating "jsonPath".
1. In all enums, add capitalized values too (maybe in the future, lowercased values will be removed - NOT NOW).
2. Visibility.java: New enumeration Visibility added with values: PUBLIC, RESTRICTED, PRIVATE (will replace isPublic and isActive fields).
3. Stakeholder.java:
a. Add field "isUpload" (default value: false) to define if "logoUrl" is a link, or a locally uploaded image.
b. Remove fields "isActive" and "isPublic" and add field "visibility" (default value: Visibility.PRIVATE).
c. Remove unused field "managers" (managers are defined from aai roles).
4. Topic.java & Category.java & SubCategory.java:
a. Remove fields "isActive" and "isPublic" and add field "visibility" (default value: Visibility.PRIVATE).
b. Add fields "creationDate" and "updateDate".
5. Section.java: Add fields "creationDate" and "updateDate".
6. Indicator.java:
a. Rename enumeration "IndicatorWidth" to "IndicatorSize" (will be used for width and height).
b. Add field "additionalDescription" (for default profiles, "description" can now be changed only by default profiles settings,
while "additionalDescription" can also be changed by managers too).
c. Add field "height" (default value: IndicatorSize.MEDIUM).
d. Remove fields "isActive" and "isPublic" and add field "visibility" (default value: Visibility.PRIVATE).
e. Add fields "creationDate" and "updateDate".
1. pom.xml: Added dependencies for spring security and for uoa-authorization-library | [Bug fix] spring boot version set to 1.5.8 (it was accidentally set to 1.5.18 and library was not compatible).
2. UoaMonitorServiceApplication.java: Added authorization.properties | Remove SecurityConfig from configuration (done by authorization library) | import AuthorizationConfiguration.
3. ExceptionsHandler.java: Add handler for AccessDeniedException.
4. monitorservice.properties: Remove security properties (and add missing properties for mongodb).
5. UoaMonitorServiceConfiguration.java: Remove interceptor for AuthorizationHandler.
6. SecurityConfig.java & AuthorizationHandler.java & AuthorizationUtils.java: Removed unnecessary files (authorization is done via authorization library).
CategoryController.java & SubCategoryController.java & TopicController.java: In "onUpdateDefaultTopic()" method, when "name" is changed, update also "alias" according to default profile.
1. TopicController.java & CategoryController.java & SubCategoryController.java: New methods for reorder added.
2. CategoryController.java: Method "checkForExceptions()" added.
3. IndicatorController.java: [Bug Fix] When updating a default indicator and all indicators based on that are updated too, set description field when needed (not name again).
1. Adding parameter in delete methods to delete or disconnect all profiles based on the default one that is being deleted (not for stakeholder).
2. In delete methods remove iterations (for deleting inner elements) and call "deleteTree()" method.
1. trunk/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/uoamonitorservice: New folders for tests.
2. ExceptionsHandler.java: Replace "log.debug" with "log.error".
3. Stakeholder.java: Field 'description' and getter/ setter methods added.
4. Topic.java: Field 'icon' and getter/ setter methods added | In method "copyFromDefault()", set "isActive" and "isPublic" fields of new Topic same as the values from default Topic.
5. TopicController.java: In method "onUpdateDefaultTopic()", add update for icon.
6. Category.java & SubCategory.java & Indicator.java:
In method "copyFromDefault()", set "isActive" and "isPublic" fields of new Category/ SubCategory/ Indicator same as the values from default Category/ SubCategory/ Indicator.
7. IndicatorController.java:
a. [Bug fix] Add some null checks when updating number indicators.
b. In method "parameterMapping()" comment replacement of "index_id", "index_name", "index_shortName" in indicatorPath.url (number indicators only).
1. Stakeholder.java: Field 'name' added.
2. Section.java: In method 'copyFromDefault()' initialize indicators (empty list).
3. StakeholderDAO.java & MongoDBStakeholderDAO.java: Added method 'Stakeholder findByTopicsContaining(String topic);' (needed to find in which Stakeholder a Topic belongs - section needs stakeholderAlias).
4. TopicDAO.java & MongoDBTopicDAO.java: Added method 'Topic findByCategoriesContaining(String category);' (needed to find in which Topic a Category belongs - section needs stakeholderAlias).
5. CategoryDAO.java & MongoDBCategoryDAO.java: Added method 'Category findBySubCategoriesContaining(String subCategory);' (needed to find in which Category a SubCategory belongs - section needs stakeholderAlias).
6. TopicController.java & CategoryController.java & SubCategoryController.java & SectionController.java & IndicatorController.java:
Bug fixes & changed logic for updates on default profile: When a value in a profile is same as the value in default, inherit changes in default value, otherwise keep local profile's options.
a. Pathvariable "index" is required - if index == -1, ignore it and add section in the end of the list.
b. Use id from saved section (Section<String> section) and not from RequestBody - if this is a new section, no id in "Section<Indicator> sectionFull" yet.
1. SectionController.java: In 'saveSection()' method add in path index where section will be stored in subcategory (path: /{stakeholderId}/{topicId}/{categoryId}/{subcategoryId}/save/{index}).
2. IndicatorController.java: In 'parameterMapping()' method add replacement in number url - add 'urlEncode()' helper method.