495 lines
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495 lines
18 KiB
import {Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {Router, ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router';
import {ClaimsService} from '../../claim-utils/service/claims.service';
import {ModalLoading} from '../../../utils/modal/loading.component';
import {AlertModal} from '../../../utils/modal/alert';
import {Md5} from 'ts-md5/dist/md5';
import {Session} from '../../../login/utils/helper.class';
import {LoginErrorCodes} from '../../../login/utils/guardHelper.class';
import {EnvProperties} from '../../../utils/properties/env-properties';
import {
} from "../../claim-utils/claimHelper.class";
selector: 'claim-insert',
template: `
<div class="uk-width-1-1">
<modal-loading [message]="'Please wait...'"></modal-loading>
<modal-alert (alertOutput)="confirmClose()">
<h4 class="modal-title uk-text-bold " id="myModalLabel">Confirmation notice</h4>
<p>All the links you provided will be published in the OpenAIRE platform. <br>
Please make sure that the information is valid.<br>
<span class="uk-text-bold">In some cases, links take some time to be published.</span><br>
For more information please check the linking status in My-Links page.
Do you confirm the information you provide is valid?
<div class="uk-clearfix">
<div *ngIf="!claiming " (click)="insert()" style="width: 350px;"
[class]="(((sources.length>0||inlineEntity) && results.length > 0 && (!claiming && errors.length == 0))?'linksbaskettitlesPortalColor ':'uk-disabled')+ ' linksbaskettitles uk-padding-small uk-text-center'">CONFIRM LINKING
<span class="uk-icon uk-float-right uk-text-bold uk-margin-small-right">
<svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
icon="chevron-right" ratio="1.5"><polyline fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.03"
points="7 4 13 10 7 16"></polyline></svg>
export class ClaimInsertComponent {
constructor(private claimService: ClaimsService, private _router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute,) {
ngOnInit() {
this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
this.params = params;
params = {};
@Input() public results: ClaimEntity[];
@Input() inlineEntity: ClaimEntity = null;
@Input() sources: ClaimEntity[] = null;
@Input() public properties: EnvProperties;
@Input() localStoragePrefix: string;
@ViewChild(ModalLoading) loading: ModalLoading;
@ViewChild(AlertModal) alert;
@Input() errors: ClaimsErrorMessage[];
@Output() insertFinished = new EventEmitter();
public claiming = false;
public claims: number = 0;
private servicesRespond: number = 0;
private insertedClaims = [];
private errorInClaims: ClaimRecord2Insert[] = [];
private insertedRecords = [];
private errorInRecords = [];
public insert() {
private insertActions() {
this.servicesRespond = 0;
this.insertedClaims = [];
this.errorInClaims = [];
this.insertedRecords = [];
this.errorInRecords = [];
if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) {
localStorage.setItem(this.localStoragePrefix + "results", JSON.stringify(this.results));
if (this.sources != null) {
localStorage.setItem(this.localStoragePrefix + "sources", JSON.stringify(this.sources));
this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], {
queryParams: {
"errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID,
"redirectUrl": this._router.url
} else {
this.claiming = true;
const user = Session.getUserEmail();
let claims: ClaimRecord2Insert[] = [];
let directclaims: DirectIndexRecord[] = [];
for (let j = 0; j < this.sources.length; j++) { // if an external result -> direct insert in the index
const result: ClaimEntity = this.sources[j];
if (result.result && ["crossref", "datacite", "orcid"].indexOf(result.result.source) != -1) {
directclaims.push({"id": result.id, "record": ClaimInsertComponent.createDirectClaim(result, this.results)});
for (let i = 0; i < this.results.length; i++) {
const entity: ClaimEntity = this.results[i]; // this is a research result, a project or a context
if (entity.result && ["crossref", "datacite", "orcid"].indexOf(entity.result.source) != -1) { // if an external result -> direct insert in the index
if (this.sources.length > 0) {
"id": entity.id,
"record": ClaimInsertComponent.createDirectClaim(entity, this.sources)
} else if (this.inlineEntity) {
"id": entity.id,
"record": ClaimInsertComponent.createDirectClaim(entity, [this.inlineEntity])
for (let j = 0; j < this.sources.length; j++) {
const result: ClaimEntity = this.sources[j]; // this is a research result
if (entity.result) {
claims.push(ClaimInsertComponent.createResultClaim(result, entity, user));
} else if (entity.context) {
claims.push(ClaimInsertComponent.createContextClaim(result, entity, user));
} else if (entity.project) {
claims.push(ClaimInsertComponent.createProjectClaim(result, entity, user));
if (this.inlineEntity) {
if (this.inlineEntity.result) {
if (entity.result) {
claims.push(ClaimInsertComponent.createResultClaim(this.inlineEntity, entity, user));
} else if (entity.context) {
claims.push(ClaimInsertComponent.createContextClaim(this.inlineEntity, entity, user));
} else if (entity.project) {
claims.push(ClaimInsertComponent.createProjectClaim(this.inlineEntity, entity, user));
} else if (this.inlineEntity.project) {
if (entity.result) {
claims.push(ClaimInsertComponent.createProjectClaim(entity, this.inlineEntity, user));
//first call direct index service - when call is done (success or error) call isertBulkClaims method to insert claims in DB
if (directclaims.length > 0) {
this.claimService.insertDirectRecords(directclaims, this.properties.claimsAPIURL).subscribe(
data => {
this.insertedRecords = data.insertedIds;
this.errorInRecords = data.errorInClaims;
err => {
try {
err = err.json();
} catch (error) {
if (err.insertedIds && err.insertedIds.length > 0) {
this.insertedRecords = err.insertedIds;
if (err.errorInClaims && err.errorInClaims.length > 0) {
this.errorInRecords = err.errorInClaims;
ClaimInsertComponent.handleError("Error inserting direct records: " + JSON.stringify(directclaims), err);
} else {
private isertBulkClaims(claims: ClaimRecord2Insert[]) {
this.errors.splice(0, this.errors.length);
this.claimService.insertBulkClaims(claims, this.properties.claimsAPIURL).subscribe(
data => {
this.insertedClaims = data.insertedIds;
this.errorInClaims = data.errorInClaims;
//TODO remove - testing having errors in claims
// this.insertedClaims.pop();
// this.insertedClaims.pop();
// this.errorInClaims.push(claims[1]);
// this.insertedClaims.splice(0,this.insertedClaims.length);
// this.errorInClaims = claims;
//remove till here
if (claims.length != this.insertedClaims.length) {
let error: ClaimsErrorMessage = new ClaimsErrorMessage();
error.type = "claimServiceFail2Insert";
error.inserted = this.insertedClaims.length;
error.failed = this.errorInClaims.length;
this.createErrorMessagesPerEntity((this.insertedClaims.length == 0));
err => {
try {
err = err.json();
} catch (e) {
let error: ClaimsErrorMessage = new ClaimsErrorMessage();
error.type = "claimServiceFail";
if (err.insertedIds && err.insertedIds.length > 0) {
this.insertedClaims = err.insertedIds;
error.inserted = err.insertedIds.length;
if (err.errorInClaims && err.errorInClaims.length > 0) {
this.errorInClaims = err.errorInClaims;
error.failed = err.errorInClaims.length;
} else {
error.failed = claims.length;
if (this.results != null) {
localStorage.setItem(this.localStoragePrefix + "results", JSON.stringify(this.results));
if (this.sources != null) {
localStorage.setItem(this.localStoragePrefix + "sources", JSON.stringify(this.sources));
this.createErrorMessagesPerEntity((this.insertedClaims.length == 0));
ClaimInsertComponent.handleError("Error inserting bulk claims: " + JSON.stringify(claims), err);
createErrorMessagesPerEntity(applyToAll: boolean) {
let errorsInIds: string[] = [];
let savedIds: string[] = [];
if (!applyToAll) {
for (let claim of this.errorInClaims) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.sources.length; i++) {
let entity: ClaimEntity = this.sources[i];
if (errorsInIds.indexOf(entity.id) != -1 || applyToAll) {
let error: Message = new Message();
error.type = "fail2Insert";
} else {
for (let entity of this.results) {
if (errorsInIds.indexOf(entity.id) != -1 || applyToAll) {
let error: Message = new Message();
error.type = "fail2Insert";
} else {
if (this.inlineEntity && (errorsInIds.indexOf(this.inlineEntity.id) != -1 || applyToAll)) {
let error: Message = new Message();
error.type = "fail2Insert";
//remove entities that have been saved
for (let id of savedIds) {
//remove sources
let sourceIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < this.sources.length; i++) {
if (this.sources[i].id == id) {
sourceIndex = i;
if (sourceIndex != -1) {
this.sources.splice(sourceIndex, 1);
} else {
//remove results
let resutsIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < this.results.length; i++) {
if (this.results[i].id == id) {
resutsIndex = i;
if (resutsIndex != -1) {
this.results.splice(resutsIndex, 1);
private afterclaimsInsertion() {
this.claiming = false;
if (this.errorInClaims.length == 0 && this.insertedClaims.length > 0) {
localStorage.removeItem(this.localStoragePrefix + "sources");
localStorage.removeItem(this.localStoragePrefix + "results");
this._router.navigate(['/myclaims'], {queryParams: this.params});
private static createContextClaim(resultEntity: ClaimEntity, contextEntity: ClaimEntity, user: any): ClaimRecord2Insert {
return {
claimedBy: user,
sourceId: contextEntity.context.concept.id,
sourceType: "context",
sourceCollectedFrom: "openaire",
sourceAccessRights: "OPEN",
sourceEmbargoEndDate: "",
targetId: resultEntity.id,
targetType: resultEntity.type,
targetCollectedFrom: resultEntity.result.source,
targetAccessRights: resultEntity.result.accessRights,
targetEmbargoEndDate: ClaimInsertComponent.getEmbargoEndDate(resultEntity)
private static createProjectClaim(resultEntity: ClaimEntity, projectEntity: ClaimEntity, user: any): ClaimRecord2Insert {
return {
claimedBy: user,
sourceId: projectEntity.id,
sourceType: "project",
sourceCollectedFrom: "openaire",
sourceAccessRights: "OPEN",
sourceEmbargoEndDate: "",
targetId: resultEntity.id,
targetType: resultEntity.type,
targetCollectedFrom: resultEntity.result.source,
targetAccessRights: resultEntity.result.accessRights,
targetEmbargoEndDate: ClaimInsertComponent.getEmbargoEndDate(resultEntity)
private static createResultClaim(inlineResult: ClaimEntity, resultEntity: ClaimEntity, user: string): ClaimRecord2Insert {
return {
claimedBy: user,
sourceId: resultEntity.id,
sourceType: resultEntity.type,
sourceCollectedFrom: resultEntity.result.source,
sourceAccessRights: resultEntity.result.accessRights,
sourceEmbargoEndDate: ClaimInsertComponent.getEmbargoEndDate(resultEntity),
targetId: inlineResult.id,
targetType: inlineResult.type,
targetCollectedFrom: inlineResult.result.source,
targetAccessRights: inlineResult.result.accessRights,
targetEmbargoEndDate: ClaimInsertComponent.getEmbargoEndDate(inlineResult)
static getEmbargoEndDate(resultEntity: ClaimEntity): string {
if (resultEntity.result && resultEntity.result.accessRights == "EMBARGO" && resultEntity.result.embargoEndDate != null) {
return resultEntity.result.embargoEndDate;
return ""
static createDirectClaim(resultEntity: ClaimEntity, results: ClaimEntity[]) {
let entity = {};
const md5_id = Md5.hashStr(resultEntity.id);
entity["originalId"] = "userclaim___::" + md5_id;
entity["openaireId"] = "userclaim___::" + md5_id;
entity["title"] = resultEntity.title;
entity["title"] = (Array.isArray(resultEntity.title) && resultEntity.title.length > 0) ? resultEntity.title[0] : resultEntity.title;
if (resultEntity.result.authors && resultEntity.result.authors.length > 0) {
entity["authors"] = resultEntity.result.authors;
if (resultEntity.result.publisher) {
entity["publisher"] = resultEntity.result.publisher;
if (resultEntity.result.description) {
entity["description"] = resultEntity.result.description;
// entity["language"]=""; no info
entity["type"] = resultEntity.type;
if (resultEntity.result.source == "crossref" || resultEntity.result.source == "datacite") {
entity["pids"] = [];//{type:string, value:string}[];
entity["pids"].push({type: "doi", value: resultEntity.id})
entity["licenseCode"] = resultEntity.result.accessRights;
if (resultEntity.result.accessRights == "EMBARGO") {
entity["embargoEndDate"] = resultEntity.result.embargoEndDate;
if (resultEntity.type == "publication") {
entity["resourceType"] = "0001";
} else if (resultEntity.type == "dataset") {
entity["resourceType"] = "0021";
} else if (resultEntity.type == "software") {
entity["resourceType"] = "0029";
} else if (resultEntity.type == "other") {
entity["resourceType"] = "0020";
entity["url"] = resultEntity.result.url;
entity["hostedById"] = "openaire____::1256f046-bf1f-4afc-8b47-d0b147148b18";
if (resultEntity.result.source == "crossref") {
entity["collectedFromId"] = "openaire____::crossref";
} else if (resultEntity.result.source == "datacite") {
entity["collectedFromId"] = "openaire____::datacite";
} else if (resultEntity.result.source == "orcid") {
entity["collectedFromId"] = "openaire____::orcid";
} else if (resultEntity.result.source == "orpenaire") {
entity["collectedFromId"] = "openaire____::driver";
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
if (results[i].project) {
if (!entity["linksToProjects"]) {
entity["linksToProjects"] = [];
let project: ClaimEntity = results[i];
entity["linksToProjects"].push("info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/" + project.project.funderName + "/" + project.project.fundingLevel0 + "/" + project.project.code + "/" + project.project.jurisdiction + "/" + project.title + "/" + project.project.acronym);
} else if (results[i].context) {
if (!entity["contexts"]) {
entity["contexts"] = [];
let context: ClaimEntity = results[i];
// var json = JSON.stringify(entity);
return entity;
confirmOpen() {
this.alert.cancelButton = true;
this.alert.okButton = true;
this.alert.alertTitle = "";//"Final Confirmation notice";
this.alert.okButtonLeft = false;
// this.alert.message = "<div>All the links you provided will be published in the OpenAIRE platform. " +
// "<br>Make sure you have checked all the information you provided. In some cases some links take more time to be published. " +
// "<br>For more information please check the linking status in My-Links page. " +
// "<br><br>Do you confirm the information you provide are valid?</div>";
this.alert.okButtonText = "CONFIRM";
this.alert.cancelButtonText = "CANCEL";
confirmClose() {
private static handleError(message: string, error) {
console.error("Insert Claim (component): " + message, error);