Konstantina Galouni 4d520d71fe [Library | new-theme]: Added scrolling in links and my links | set 403 on errorPage when private data | Show pid re3data lowercase.
1. displayClaims.component.ts & searchMyOrcidResults.component.ts: Added scrolling in my/all claims page and in my orcid links page.
2. errorPage.component.ts: Set statusMessage and statusCode to 403 when page is private.
3. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Do not add uk-text-uppercase for "re3data" pid.
4. myOrcidLinks.component.ts: In "No ORCID links found" added classes "uk-text-meta uk-text-large uk-text-center" instead of alert.
5. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: Added condition if totalResults > 0 and previewResults > 0 for <no-load-paging>.
2022-06-27 12:00:30 +03:00
error.module.ts [Trunk | Library]: 2019-11-07 09:51:09 +00:00
errorPage.component.ts [Library | new-theme]: Added scrolling in links and my links | set 403 on errorPage when private data | Show pid re3data lowercase. 2022-06-27 12:00:30 +03:00
isRouteEnabled.guard.ts Add errorLink property and change routing to this. Add searchPageParams to errorPage 2022-05-11 12:55:14 +03:00