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175 lines
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import {AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, Input, OnInit, ViewChild} from "@angular/core";
import {IconsService} from "./icons.service";
export interface StopRule {
class: string,
offset: number
* By default this component uses Material Icons Library to render an icon with
* a specific @name. For custom icons you should:
* - Add your icon in icons.ts and register it to Icon registry, by adding this to your component Module.
* e.g export class ExampleModule {
* constructor(private iconsService: IconsService) {
* this.iconsService.registerIcons([arrow_right])
* }
* }
* If the name of your icon is the same with a Material Icon name, yours will be used instead of the default.
* - Custom SVG Icon. Define a variable in your component with an SVG and give it as Input @svg.
* In case of SVGs, there is an opportunity to add gradient color by define at least a start and end stop-color rules
* and an id to support them. This option is enabled by giving id as input in @gradient (Optional @degrees for gradient direction)
* e.g #gradient .start {
* stop-color: red;
* }
* e.g #gradient .end {
* stop-color: orange;
* }
* */
selector: 'icon',
template: `
<span #icon *ngIf="svg" class="uk-icon" [class.uk-preserve]="gradient" [class.uk-flex]="flex" [ngClass]="customClass" [ngStyle]="style" [innerHTML]="svg | safeHtml"></span>
<span [class.uk-flex]="flex" [ngClass]="customClass" [class.uk-display-inline-block]="!flex">
<span *ngIf="!svg && iconName" class="material-icons" [ngClass]="type" [ngStyle]="style">{{iconName}}</span>
<span *ngIf="visuallyHidden" class="visually-hidden">{{visuallyHidden}}</span>
export class IconsComponent implements AfterViewInit {
private static DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE = 20;
public iconName: string;
public style;
* Custom icon as SVG
public svg;
public defaultSize = false;
* True if this icon should have display flex (Optional, Default: false)
* */
public flex = false;
* Add custom class(es)(Optional)
* */
public customClass = '';
* Color of svg (Optional)
* */
public fill;
* Color of svg stroke (Optional)
* */
public stroke;
* Size of icon (Default: 1)
* Disabled if defaultSize = true
* */
public ratio = 1;
* In case of Material icon only. Type of icon (Optional)
* */
public type: "outlined" | "round" | "sharp" | "two-tone" | null = null;
* Name of icon in registry (Required)
* */
set name(iconName: string) {
this.iconName = iconName;
this.svg = this.iconsService.getIcon(iconName);
* Set visually hidden name for accessibility
* */
public visuallyHidden: string = null;
* Gradient rules
* Available only for SVG!
* Define your css rules for stop-colors
* */
public gradient: string = null;
public degrees: number = 0;
public stopRules: StopRule[]= [{class: 'start', offset: 0}, {class: 'end', offset: 100}];
public icon: ElementRef;
constructor(private iconsService: IconsService,
private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {}
ngAfterViewInit() {
if(this.svg) {
let svg: Element = this.icon.nativeElement.getElementsByTagName('svg').item(0);
if(!this.defaultSize) {
svg.setAttribute("width", (this.ratio * IconsComponent.DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE).toString());
svg.setAttribute("height", (this.ratio * IconsComponent.DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE).toString());
if(this.gradient) {
} else {
this.style = {
fill: this.fill,
stroke: this.stroke
} else {
this.style = {
"font-size.px": this.ratio*IconsComponent.DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE
addGradient(svg: Element) {
if(svg.children.length > 0 && typeof document !== "undefined") {
let gradientDefinition = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'linearGradient');
gradientDefinition.setAttribute('id', this.gradient);
if(this.degrees !== 0) {
let angle = (this.degrees) * (Math.PI / 180);
gradientDefinition.setAttribute('x1', Math.round(50 + Math.sin(angle + Math.PI) * 50) + '%');
gradientDefinition.setAttribute('y1', Math.round(50 + Math.cos(angle + Math.PI) * 50) + '%');
gradientDefinition.setAttribute('x2', Math.round(50 + Math.sin(angle) * 50) + '%');
gradientDefinition.setAttribute('y2', Math.round(50 + Math.cos(angle) * 50) + '%');
for(let rule of this.stopRules) {
let item = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg','stop');
item.setAttribute('class', rule.class);
item.setAttribute('offset', rule.offset + '%');
let defs = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg','defs');
for(let i = 0; i < svg.children.length; i++) {
let item = svg.children.item(i);
if(!item.hasAttribute('fill')) {
item.setAttribute('fill', "url('#" + this.gradient + "')");
svg.insertBefore(defs, svg.childNodes[0]);