
276 lines
10 KiB

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse} from "@angular/common/http";
import {throwError} from 'rxjs';
import {ProjectInfo} from '../../utils/entities/projectInfo';
import {EnvProperties} from '../../utils/properties/env-properties';
import {ParsingFunctions} from '../landing-utils/parsingFunctions.class';
import {map} from "rxjs/operators";
import {StringUtils} from "../../utils/string-utils.class";
export class ProjectService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
this.parsingFunctions = new ParsingFunctions();
public parsingFunctions: ParsingFunctions;
projectInfo: ProjectInfo;
getProjectInfo(id: string, properties: EnvProperties): any {
let url = properties.searchAPIURLLAst + 'projects/' + id + "?format=json";
let key = url;
return this.http.get((properties.useCache) ? (properties.cacheUrl + encodeURIComponent(url)) : url)
//.map(res => <any> res.json())
.pipe(map(res => res['result']['metadata']['oaf:entity']['oaf:project']))
.pipe(map(res => [res,
.pipe(map(res => this.parseProjectInfo(res, properties)));
getProjectInfoByGrantId(grant: string, funder: string, properties: EnvProperties): any {
let url = properties.searchAPIURLLAst + 'resources?query=(oaftype exact project)' +
'and (projectcode_nt exact "' + grant + '" ) and (fundershortname exact ' + '"' + funder + '"' + ')' + "&format=json&size=1";
let key = url;
return this.http.get((properties.useCache) ? (properties.cacheUrl + encodeURIComponent(url)) : url)
//.map(res => <any> res.json())
.pipe(map(res => res['results'][0]))
.pipe(map(res => [res['result']['metadata']['oaf:entity']['oaf:project'], res['result']['header']['dri:objIdentifier']]))
.pipe(map(res => [res[0],
res[0]['rels']['rel'], res[1]]))
.pipe(map(res => this.parseProjectInfo(res, properties)));
get project strtDate and endDate
getProjectDates(id: string, properties: EnvProperties): any {
let url = properties.searchAPIURLLAst + 'projects/' + id + "?format=json";
let key = url + '_projectDates';
return this.http.get((properties.useCache) ? (properties.cacheUrl + encodeURIComponent(url)) : url)
//.map(res => <any> res.json())
.pipe(map(res => res['result']['metadata']['oaf:entity']['oaf:project']))
.pipe(map(res => [res,
.pipe(map(res => this.parseProjectDates(id, res)))
getHTMLInfo(id: string, properties: EnvProperties): any {
let url = properties.searchAPIURLLAst + 'projects/' + id + "?format=json";
let key = url;
return this.http.get((properties.useCache) ? (properties.cacheUrl + encodeURIComponent(url)) : url)
//.map(res => <any> res.json())
.pipe(map(res => res['result']['metadata']['oaf:entity']['oaf:project']))
.pipe(map(res => this.parseHTMLInfo(res)));
private handleError(error: HttpErrorResponse) {
return throwError(error || 'Server error');
parseHTMLInfo(data: any): any {
let htmlInfo: { "title": string, "acronym": string, "callIdentifier": string };
if (data != null) {
htmlInfo = {"title": data.title, "acronym": data.acronym, "callIdentifier": data.callidentifier};
return htmlInfo;
parseProjectInfo(data: any, properties: EnvProperties): any {
this.projectInfo = new ProjectInfo();
this.projectInfo.funding = {
funderName: "", funderShortName: "", funderJurisdiction: "", code: "", callIdentifier: "",
fundingStream: "", budget: "", contribution: "", currency: ""
// ['result']['header']['dri:objIdentifier']
if (data[3] != null) { = data[3];
// ['result']['metadata']['oaf:entity']['oaf:project']['fundingtree']
if (data[1] != null) {
let funding: { "funderName": string, "funderShortname": string, "funderJurisdiction": string, "stream": string };
funding = this.parsingFunctions.parseFundingTrees(data[1]);
if (funding.funderName) {
this.projectInfo.funding.funderName = funding.funderName;
if (funding.funderShortname) {
this.projectInfo.funding.funderShortName = funding.funderShortname;
if (funding.funderJurisdiction) {
this.projectInfo.funding.funderJurisdiction = funding.funderJurisdiction;
if ( {
this.projectInfo.funding.fundingStream =;
// ['result']['metadata']['oaf:entity']['oaf:project']
if (data[0] != null) {
this.projectInfo.acronym = data[0].acronym;
if (data[0]['title']) {
this.projectInfo.title = Array.isArray(data[0]['title']) ? StringUtils.HTMLToString(String(data[0].title[0])) : StringUtils.HTMLToString(String(data[0].title));
} else {
this.projectInfo.title = "";
this.projectInfo.funding.code = data[0].code;
if (data[0].startdate) {
let date: number = Date.parse(data[0].startdate);
this.projectInfo.startDate = (date ? date : null);
if (data[0].enddate) {
let date: number = Date.parse(data[0].enddate);
this.projectInfo.endDate = (date ? date : null);
if (this.projectInfo.endDate || this.projectInfo.startDate) {
let todayDate = Date.parse(new Date().toString());
this.projectInfo.currentDate = todayDate;
if (this.projectInfo.startDate) {
let startDate = +(this.projectInfo.startDate);
if (todayDate < startDate) {
this.projectInfo.status = "Not started";
if (this.projectInfo.endDate && !this.projectInfo.status) {
let endDate = +(this.projectInfo.endDate);
if (todayDate <= endDate) {
this.projectInfo.status = "On going";
} else {
this.projectInfo.status = "Closed";
if (this.projectInfo.funding) {
if (this.projectInfo.funding.funderShortName == "EC") {
this.projectInfo.openAccessMandatePublications = data[0].oamandatepublications;
// this.projectInfo.specialClause39 = data[0].ecsc39;
if (data[0].hasOwnProperty("projectoamandatedata")) {
this.projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets = data[0].projectoamandatedata;
} else if (data[0].hasOwnProperty("ecarticle29_3")) {
this.projectInfo.openAccessMandateDatasets = data[0].ecarticle29_3;
this.projectInfo.funding.callIdentifier = data[0].callidentifier;
this.projectInfo.funding.budget = data[0].totalcost;//"10000";
this.projectInfo.funding.contribution = data[0].fundedamount;//"200100";
this.projectInfo.funding.currency = data[0].currency;//"EUR";
// if(!Array.isArray(data[0]['summary'])) {
// this.projectInfo.description = (data[0]['summary']) ? String(data[0]['summary']) : "";
// } else {
// this.projectInfo.description = (data[0]['summary'][0]) ? String(data[0]['summary'][0]) : "";
// }
this.projectInfo.description = this.parsingFunctions.parseDescription(data[0] && data[0].summary ? data[0].summary : []);
// ['result']['metadata']['oaf:entity']['oaf:project']['rels']['rel']
if (data[2] != null) {
this.projectInfo.organizations = [];
if (!Array.isArray(data[2])) {
if (data[2].hasOwnProperty("to") && data[2]['to'].class && data[2]['to'].class.toLowerCase() == "hasparticipant") {
let country: string = "";
let acronym: string = "";
let name: string = "";
let id: string = "";
if(data[2].hasOwnProperty("country")) {
country = data[2].country.classname;
if (data[2].hasOwnProperty("legalshortname")) {
acronym = data[2].legalshortname;
if (data[2].hasOwnProperty("legalname")) {
name = data[2].legalname;
if (!acronym && !name) {
// acronym is displayed with link and name only in tooltip
acronym = "[no title available]";
if (data[2].hasOwnProperty("to")) {
id = data[2]['to'].content;
this.projectInfo.organizations.push({"country": country, "acronym": acronym, "name": name, "id": id});
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < data[2].length; i++) {
let country: string = "";
let acronym: string = "";
let name: string = "";
let id: string = "";
if (data[2][i].hasOwnProperty("to") && data[2][i]['to'].class && data[2][i]['to'].class.toLowerCase() == "hasparticipant") {
if(data[2][i].hasOwnProperty("country")) {
country = data[2][i].country.classname;
if (data[2][i].hasOwnProperty("legalshortname")) {
acronym = data[2][i].legalshortname;
if (data[2][i].hasOwnProperty("legalname")) {
name = data[2][i].legalname;
if (!acronym && !name) {
acronym = "[no title available]";
if (data[2][i].hasOwnProperty("to")) {
id = data[2][i]['to'].content;
this.projectInfo.organizations.push({"country": country, "acronym": acronym, "name": name, "id": id});
if (this.projectInfo.funding && this.projectInfo.funding.funderShortName == "EC") {
if(this.projectInfo.funding.fundingStream && this.projectInfo.funding.fundingStream.includes("ERASMUS+")) {
this.projectInfo.url = properties.erasmusURL + this.projectInfo.funding.code;
this.projectInfo.urlInfo = "Detailed project information (ERASMUS+)";
} else {
this.projectInfo.url = properties.cordisURL + this.projectInfo.funding.code;
this.projectInfo.urlInfo = "Detailed project information (CORDIS)";
if (data[0]?.measure) {
this.projectInfo.measure = this.parsingFunctions.parseMeasures(data[0].measure);
return this.projectInfo;
parseProjectDates(id: string, data: any): any {
let project = {id: id, startDate: "", endDate: ""};
if (data[0] != null) {
project.startDate = data[0].startdate;
project.endDate = data[0].enddate;
return project;