@ -222,103 +222,104 @@ export class IndicatorPath {
export type FilterType = "fundingL0"|"start_year" | "end_year" | "co-funded" | "foslvl1" | "foslvl2";
export type FilterType = "fundingL0"|"start_year" | "end_year" | "co-funded" | "foslvl1" | "foslvl2" | "publicly-funded";
export class IndicatorFilterUtils {
export class IndicatorFilterUtils {
public static filteredFields = {
static getFilter(fieldPath: string, filterType:FilterType, value:string|string[] =null) {
if ((filterType == "start_year" || filterType == "end_year") && (fieldPath.indexOf(".year") != -1 || fieldPath.indexOf(".start year") != -1)
"result": "result.year",
&& fieldPath.indexOf("indi_pub_downloads_year.year") == -1) {
"indi_pub_downloads_year": "indi_pub_downloads_year.year", //exclude indi_pub_downloads_year.year because it throws errors. when there is a solution remove the exclusion
// make it work for any table with field year or start year no matter the type or the table name
//exclude indi_pub_downloads_year.year because it throws errors. when there is a solution remove the exclusion
if (filterType == "start_year") {
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"' + fieldPath + '","type":">=","values":["' + ChartHelper.prefix + 'start_year' + ChartHelper.suffix + '"]}],"op":"AND"}';
} else if (filterType == "end_year") {
"indi_impact_measures": "indi_impact_measures.result.year",
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"' + fieldPath + '","type":"<=","values":["' + ChartHelper.prefix + 'end_year' + ChartHelper.suffix + '"]}],"op":"AND"}';
"project": "project.start year"
"result": "result.project funding level 0",
"project": "project.funding level 0",
"country":"country.organization.project.funding level 0",
"organization":"organization.project.funding level 0"
"result": "result.No of funders",
if ((filterType == "foslvl1" || filterType == "foslvl2") ){
if (filterType == "foslvl1" && fieldPath.indexOf("result.result_fos.lvl1")!=-1 && value && value.length > 0) {
let filterString = '{"groupFilters":[' ;
let filters = [];
for(let v of value) {
filters.push('{"field":"' + fieldPath + '","type":"=","values":["' + v + '"]}');
filterString+=filters.join(", ")
return filterString;
if (filterType == "foslvl1" && fieldPath.indexOf("result.result_fos.lvl2")!=-1 && value && value.length > 0) {
let filterString = '{"groupFilters":[' ;
let filters = [];
for(let v of value) {
filters.push('{"field":"' + (fieldPath.replace(".lvl2",".lvl1")) + '","type":"=","values":["' + v + '"]}');
filterString+=filters.join(", ")
return filterString;
if (filterType == "foslvl2" && fieldPath.indexOf("result.result_fos.lvl2")!=-1 && value && value.length > 0) {
let filterString = '{"groupFilters":[' ;
let filters = [];
for(let v of value) {
filters.push('{"field":"' + fieldPath + '","type":"=","values":["' + v + '"]}');
filterString+=filters.join(", ")
return filterString;
return "";
let table = fieldPath&&fieldPath.length > 0? fieldPath.split(".")[0]:"";
static getFieldForTable(field, table){
if(["publication", "software", "dataset", "other", "result"].indexOf(table)!=-1){
if(["publication", "software", "dataset", "other", "result"].indexOf(table)!=-1){
return this.getResultFilter(table,filterType);
return IndicatorFilterUtils.filteredFields[field]["result"];
}else if (table == "project"){
return this.getProjectFilter(filterType);
return IndicatorFilterUtils.filteredFields[field][table];
else if (table == "country"){
return this.getCountryFilter(filterType);
static getFilter(fieldPath: string, filterType:FilterType, value:string|string[] =null) {
}else if (table == "organization"){
let tablename = fieldPath.split(".")[0];
return this.getOrganizationFilter(filterType);
if ((filterType == "start_year" || filterType == "end_year") && (IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("year",tablename))){
if (filterType == "start_year") {
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"' + IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("year",tablename) + '","type":">=","values":["' + ChartHelper.prefix + 'start_year' + ChartHelper.suffix + '"]}],"op":"AND"}';
return "";
} else if (filterType == "end_year") {
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"' + IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("year",tablename) + '","type":"<=","values":["' + ChartHelper.prefix + 'end_year' + ChartHelper.suffix + '"]}],"op":"AND"}';
static getResultFilter(table: string = null, filterType:FilterType) {
//works for tables ["publication", "software", "dataset", "other", "result"]
if (filterType == "fundingL0") {
if(properties.useOldStatisticsSchema) {
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"' + table + '.project.funding level 0","type":"=","values":["' + ChartHelper.prefix + 'fundingL0' + ChartHelper.suffix + '"]}],"op":"AND"}';
}else{//new statistcs schema
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"' + table + '.project funding level 0","type":"=","values":["' + ChartHelper.prefix + 'fundingL0' + ChartHelper.suffix + '"]}],"op":"AND"}';
}else if (filterType == "co-funded") {
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"' + table + '.No of funders","type":">","values":["1"]}],"op":"AND"}';
if (filterType == "fundingL0" && IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("fundingL0",tablename)) {
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"' + IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("fundingL0",tablename) + '","type":"=","values":["' + ChartHelper.prefix + 'fundingL0' + ChartHelper.suffix + '"]}],"op":"AND"}';
}else if (table == "publication" &&(filterType == "foslvl1" || filterType == "foslvl2") ){
}else if (filterType == "co-funded" && IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("co-funded",tablename)) {
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"' + (filterType == "foslvl1"?"publication.topics.result.result_fos.lvl1":"publication.topics.result.result_fos.lvl2") + '","type":"=","values":["' + ChartHelper.prefix + filterType + ChartHelper.suffix + '"]}],"op":"OR"}';
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"' + IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("co-funded",tablename) + '","type":">","values":["1"]}],"op":"AND"}';
}else if (filterType == "publicly-funded" && IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("publicly-funded",tablename)) {
return "";
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"' + IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("publicly-funded",tablename) + '","type":"=","values":["' + (value=="true"?"1":"0") +'"]}],"op":"AND"}';
}else if (filterType == "foslvl1" && IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("foslvl1",tablename) && value && value.length > 0) {
static getProjectFilter( filterType:FilterType) {
let filterString = '{"groupFilters":[' ;
//works for table "project"
let filters = [];
if (filterType == "fundingL0") {
for(let v of value) {
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"project.funding level 0","type":"=","values":["' + ChartHelper.prefix + 'fundingL0' + ChartHelper.suffix + '"]}],"op":"AND"}';
filters.push('{"field":"' + IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("foslvl1",tablename) + '","type":"=","values":["' + v + '"]}');
return "";
filterString+=filters.join(", ")
static getOrganizationFilter( filterType:FilterType) {
return filterString;
//works for table "organization"
}else if (filterType == "foslvl2" && IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("foslvl2",tablename) && value && value.length > 0) {
if (filterType == "fundingL0") {
let filterString = '{"groupFilters":[' ;
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"organization.project.funding level 0","type":"=","values":["' + ChartHelper.prefix + 'fundingL0' + ChartHelper.suffix + '"]}],"op":"AND"}';
let filters = [];
for(let v of value) {
return "";
filters.push('{"field":"' + IndicatorFilterUtils.getFieldForTable("foslvl2",tablename) + '","type":"=","values":["' + v + '"]}');
static getCountryFilter( filterType:FilterType) {
filterString+=filters.join(", ")
//works for table "country"
if (filterType == "fundingL0") {
return filterString;
return '{"groupFilters":[{"field":"country.organization.project.funding level 0","type":"=","values":["' + ChartHelper.prefix + 'fundingL0' + ChartHelper.suffix + '"]}],"op":"AND"}';
return "";
return "";