1. home.component & navigationBar.component: Get portalName by config.portalAsObservable>name and set placeholder to "Search "+portalName.
2. searchAll.component.ts: Set default value of "formPlaceholderText" to "Search".
3. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Set placeholder of input (when there is also the <entities-selection>) to [placeholder]="formPlaceholderText".
1. search.less: Added css for modifier .small-vertical for .input-wrapper of <search-input>.
2. layout.service.ts: Added hasMenuSearchBarSubject: BehaviorSubject<boolean> = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false), parsing and getter/setter methods.
3. navigationBar.module.ts: Imported SearchInputModule.
4. navigationBar.component.ts:
a. Added searchMode: boolean = false; and hasSearchBar: boolean = false; (and other helpful fields)
b. Subscribe to queryParams to hide search bar and reset keyword | Subscribe to layoutService.hasMenuSearchBar to check if search should be included in navbar or not.
c. Added methods "openSearch()" to show the search form and "goTo()" to trigger the search action and navigate to the search page.
5. navigationBar.component.html: Added <div search-input> and search-icon button to show search bar | Added checks if searchMode is enabled (search form visible) or not.
6. app-routing.module.ts: In routes for landing pages added in data: hasMenuSearchBar: true.
1. environments/: [Bug fix] Added missing property "adminPortalURL".
2. community-routing.module.ts: Added "user-info" path for each community.
3. app.routing.ts: Set "hasSidebar" to true for "user-info" path.
4. app.component.ts:
a. Set "user-info" path in userMenuItems under community if any selected.
b. In menuHeader for community set logoUrl and logoSmallUrl to headerLogoUrl (community logo).
c. When community is selected, added in menu all items of dashboard too (menu same in admin and dashboard).
5. app.component.html: In <navbar> added input parameter "communityId".
6. navigationBar.component.ts: On "initialize()" method, clear "showEntity" and "showPage" fields before filling them again and subscribe to communityInformationState if there is a community and adminToolsAPIURL OR if adminToolsPortalType is community (admin & dashboard).
7. community.service.ts: On getCommunityAsync() method, after await call clearSubscriptions().
1. app.component.ts: In search menu, use OpenaireEntities.
2. navigationBar.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "isTheActiveMenu()", update condition to "if(menu instanceof MenuItem || !menu.rootItem)" - custom menu items via admin tools are MenuItems but not instanceof MenuItem.
3. projectsPage.component.ts & nationalBulletinsPage.component.ts & contentPage.component.ts: Margins & paddings updated, so that breadcrumb is at the same position on all pages.
1. layout.service.ts: Added "activeMenuItemSubject" to keep value of data['activeMenuItem'].
2. menu.ts: Removed "markAsActive" (not used) | Set RootMenuItem as deprecated (should use only MenuItem) | Added "isTheActiveMenuItem()" method to check if a MenuItem (root or not / sidebar or navbar) is active.
3. navigationBar.component.ts: Updated "isTheActiveMenu()" method to call MenuItem.isTheActiveMenu() | Removed method "isTheActiveMenuItem()".
4. navigationBar.component.html: Always call "isTheActiveMenu()" method.
5. sideBar.component.ts: Added "get currentRoute()" and updated method "isTheActiveMenuItem()".
6. tabs.component.ts: [Bug fix] Removed [class.uk-active] from <li> of tabs (since small-tabs are not currently used it is ok to remove this) - caused by version update of Uikit.
7. monitor-routing.module.ts: Set activeMenuItem: "dashboard" for any path under a stakeholder that has nothing or anything under a topic. | Set activeMenuItem: "search" in paths under search.
8. app-routing.module.ts: Set activeMenuItem: "manage" for paths under admin/:stakeholder.
9. app.component.ts: Updated menu in Admin Dashboard (all items visible and logo of monitor used) | Set value for MenuItem.routeActive when adding menu items of topics and users.
1. dataProvider.component.ts: Comment log for dataProviderInfo.fundedContent.
2. searchResult.component.ts: In initialize() method, before calling orcidService.getPutCodes, added more checks for type (result, publication, dataset, software, other).
3. navigationBar.component.ts: Call _helpContentService.getMenuItems only in development environment.
code clean up:
-remove app.* files from library
-remove unused imports, code, files (Old search pages for results, dataproviders, map search page, etc)
-remove Freeguard from modules
-unsubscribe all subscriptions
-Services: configuration, isvocabularies, user management: unsubscribe from app component or the component that uses them (clearSubscriptions())
-Fetchers: unsubscribe from the component that uses them (clearSubscriptions())
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@59816 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. configuration.service.ts: Use "useLongCache" property for communityFull | Add BehaviorSubject for communityFull | Add filtering methods to check if route is enabled from communityFull info.
2. isRouteEnabled.guard.ts: Get properties from environment (no service needed) | Foreach route do not query API but check if enabled by communityFull info (BehaviorSubject).
3. search.component.ts & searchAll.component.ts & entitiesSelection.component.ts & quick-selections.component.ts & navigationBar.component.ts & bottom.component.ts:
Get communityFull info from state (call configurationService.communityInformationState) | Add subscriptions in array to unsubscribe in ngOnDestroy.
quick-selections.component.ts: Add "uk-disabled" class when needed in <form> elements.
4. resultLanding.module.ts & navigationBar.module.ts & bottom.module.ts & entitiesSelection.module.ts & quick-selections.module.ts:
Remove ConfigurationService from providers (singleton service, providedIn: 'root').
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@59074 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. src/assets/common-assets/common/custom.css: Add 'font-display: swap;' in '@font-face' css rules - improve performance.
2. dataProvider.component.html & organizations.component.html & project.component.html & resultLanding.component.html: Add check if 'indexUpdateDate' is initialized.
3. dataProvider.component.ts & organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts:
Initialize 'indexUpdateDate' and tabs counts only if "typeof document !== 'undefined'" (javascript is enabled) - improve performance.
4. resultLanding.component.ts: Get "provenanceActionVocabulary" and "altMetrics" only if "typeof document !== 'undefined'" (javascript is enabled) - improve performance.
5. organization.component.ts: [Bug fix] Get 'indexUpdateDate' from service (not properties) if available.
6. project.component.ts: [Bug fix] Call 'getProjectInfo()' only once (was called twice).
7. project.service.ts: [Bug fix] Add check for rels.rel.to.class=="hasParticipant" (when not array).
8. metrics.component.ts: Get metrics if "typeof document !== 'undefined'" (javascript is enabled) | Show charts only if user clicked on metrics badge | Do not set "width" for <i-frame> elements.
9. iframe.component.ts: Add case when only height is sent as input.
10. searchDataProviders.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts: [Bug fix] Set "firstLoad" to false after getting results (was asking refine filters in paging too).
11. search-tab.component.ts: [Bug fix]: In method "getEntityName()" add cases when 'entityType == "project"' and 'entityType == "dataprovider"' and fix case when 'entityType == "result"'.
12. navigationBar.component.ts: [Bug fix] Do not initialize navbar inside route.queryParams subscription - !!! check it carefully when deployed in all portals !!! .
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@58874 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3