1. env-properties.ts & environment.ts: Added and set property "arxivURL".
2. string-utils.class.ts & parsingFunctions.class.ts: Added method "isValidArxiv" and added "arXiv" in the list of pids portals expose.
3. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Added checks to also display "arXiv".
1. env-properties.ts: Added property openScienceCloudURL?: string.
2. environment.ts: Renamed property "eoscMarketplaceURL" to "openScienceCloudURL" and set value for new property "eoscMarketplaceURL".
3. dataProviderInfo.ts: Use properties.openScienceCloudURL instead of properties.eoscMarketplaceURL.
4. dataProvider.component.ts & organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: Updated method "eoscBackLink()" to use "properties.eoscMarketplaceURL" instead of static url "https://search.marketplace.eosc-portal.eu/".
5. parsingFunctions.class.ts: In eoscSubjects use "properties.eoscMarketplaceURL" instead of static url "https://search.marketplace.eosc-portal.eu/".
6. connectHelper.ts: In method "getCommunityFromDomain()", added check domain.indexOf('eosc-beyond.eu') != -1.
1. resultLandingInfo.ts: Added field "children".
2. resultLanding.service.ts: Set children field.
3. resultLanding.component.html: In <deletedByInference> add parameter children.
4. result/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts: Parse children to initialize resultsPreview: ResultPreview[] and show versions accordingly.
1. organizationInfo.ts: Added field "children".
2. organization.service.ts: Set children field.
3. organization.component.html: In <organizationsDeletedByInference> add parameter children.
4. organization/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts: Parse children to initialize resultsPreview: ResultPreview[] and show versions accordingly.
1. result-preview.ts: Define interface RelationDatasource and added method "relationDatasourceConvert()".
2. resultLandingInfo.ts: Added fields "relatedServices" and "relatedServicesClassFilters".
3. resultLanding.service.ts: Call parsing for relations "dnet:result_datasource_relations".
4. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Added method "parseDatasources()".
5. resultLanding.component: Follow same schema for related research products (relatedResults) and related services (relatedServices), initialize relation fields and show them.
1. result-preview.component.html: Added input parameter "resultTitle" to <entity-metadata>.
2. entity-metadata.component.ts: Added @Input() resultTitle: string = null; | When more than 1000 projects or organizations, show +more projects/partners and in modal, show message "Only 1000 Projects/ Partners of {result title} are shown here."
1. searchProjects.service.ts: Added filter &fq=(projectcode<>"unidentified") in methods "getProjectsforDataProvider()", "advancedSearchProjects()", "getProjectsForOrganizations()", "numOfSearchProjects2()".
2. organization.component.ts: In method call "searchProjectsService.getProjectsForOrganizations()" updated parameter for funder to be in fq instead of keyword query.
3. projects-in-modal.component.ts: In method "updateFilters()", format filterQuery to be in fq instead of keyword query.
4. entitySearch.service.ts: In method "search()", for type "project", added in the query &fq=(projectcode<>"unidentified").
1. mobile-dropdown.component.ts: Added makrForCheck() method call in "open()".
2. deletedByInference.component.ts: Added @Input() isMobile: boolean = false; & In <result-preview> set parameter [isMobile]="isMobile".
3. resultLanding.component.html: In mobile view, in <deletedByInference> set parameters [isMobile]="isMobile" and [modal]="alertModalDeletedByInferenceFS".
4. showAuthors.component.ts:
5. searchOrganizations.component.ts: [BUG FIX] In <new-search-page> set parameter [showRefine]="refineFields?.length > 0" to display filters or not.
6. newSearchPage.component.html: [BUG FIX] Updated checks for displaying refine filters column or not.
1. searchResult.ts: Added field funderName: string; in class SearchResult.
2. result-preview.ts: Added field funderName: string; in class ResultPreview & in method "searchResultConvert()" set resultPreview.funderName = result.funderName;
3. searchProjects.service.ts: Added parsing of funderName.
4. result-preview.component.html: Show funderName and if not available, show funderShortname.
5. entity-metadata.component.ts: Added check for funders display.
1. deletedByInference.service.ts: [Bug fix] Fixed author check.
2. sdg.component.html & quick-contact.component.html & fos.component.html: Added alt attribute on images.
3. result-preview.component.ts: Set changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush | Added get countDots().
4. result-preview.component.html: Changed how number of access routes dots is passed into a class (countDots) - needed for ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush.
5. orcid-work.component.ts: Added alt attribute on images | Added ChangeDetectorRef and call this.cdr.markForCheck(); on "getPutCode()", "saveWork()" and "deleteWorks()" - needed for ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush.
6. searchResult.component.ts: Rebuild previewResults object after getting orcidPutCodes to draw html again - needed for ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush.
7. newSearchPage.component.html: Removed uk-flex-wrap for number of results and uk-margin-medium-left from desktop sorting.