1. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html:
a. Move errorMessages and loading inside center box.
b. In center box, after graph & feedback line, set [style]="'margin-bottom: '+graph_height+'px'", so that sticky header stop before graph & feedback.
2. resultLanding.component.html: Removed "uk-height-1-1" class from center box.
3. organization.component.html & project.component.html: In sticky header use <landing-header> instead of <showTitle> (forgotten in commit 8b94b7f98a).
4. organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: In errorMessage, use OpenaireEntities in singular.
5. parsingFunctions.class.ts: [Bug fix] Removed "eoscSubjectsFound" from class fields and set it as local variable - bug fixed on back and again on landing.
1. badge.css: [NEW] Css file for uk-badge added.
2. import.css: Added @import "structure/badge.css";
3. fos.component.html & sdg.component.html: Added beta badge on top left of the title.
4. landing-utils/fos.component.ts & landing-utils/sdg.component.ts: Added [Beta] in title.
5. searchFields.ts: In sdg and fos RESULT_FIELDS, added [Beta] in their names.
6. offcanvas.css: [Bug fix] In rule .offcanvas .uk-offcanvas-bar added "max-width: 100vw", so that offcanvas does not exceed the screen width.
7. searchAll.component.html: Added some classes in <advanced-search-form> and uk-slider to be better displayed in small screens (form within page with some horizontal margins and arrows in slider).
1. dataProvider.component.ts: [Bug fix] Allow also ?pid url parameter, query accordingly and set canonicalUrl to use it in seoService and scema2jsonld.
2. dataProvider.component.html: Set canonicalUrl into URL of <schema2jsonld> | Use <landing-header> instead of <showTitle>.
3. dataProvider.service.ts: Set url for querying a datasource by pid (if ?pid in landing url param) and parse also the whole record, the objIdentifier and the relcanId.
4. landing-header.component.ts: Added @Input() isSticky: boolean = false; to set less margins when sticky.
5. resultLanding.component.html: Use <landing-header> instead of <showTitle>.
6. resultLanding.component.ts: Use renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
7. metrics.service.ts: Removed console.log.
8. searchDataproviders.service.ts: Added parsing for relcanId.
9. dataProviderInfo.ts: Added relcanId, objIdentifier, record.
10. result-preview.component.ts: Use renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
11. string-utils.class.ts: Renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
12. [SITEMAPS] extractUrlsFromSearch.ts: Use renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
13. newSearchPage.component.ts: [Bug fix]
a. entityType for datasources is "dataprovider".
b. Added service filter options only when entityType == "service".
1. transferData.module.ts: Imported AlertModalModule.
2. transferData.component.ts: Use <modal-alert> common component instead of uk-modal | Comment logs.
3 alert.ts:
a. Added "@Input() public emitHidden: boolean = false;" and " @Output() public alertHidden: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();"
b. On ngAfterViewInit, if emitHidden is true, check when modal is hidden and emit alertHidden (currently used only in transferData.component.ts to reinitialize local fields and route).
1. home.component.html:
a. Removed uk-margin-large-top from search form and logo.
b. Removed uk-height-medium from search form and logo.
c. Move searchImage on top of search form (uk-width-1-1) for small screens.
2. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: Removed animation with uk-scrollspy.
3. searchAll.component.html: Move searchImage on top of search form (uk-width-1-1) for small screens.
4. newSearchPage.component.html:
a. Removed animation with uk-scrollspy.
b. For simple search, move searchImage on top of search form (uk-width-1-1) for small screens.
c. For advanced search, searchImage is on top of search form for any screen size.
5. result-preview.component.html & result-preview.component.ts: For eosc portalType, added in incompatible datasources link to the service landing page.
6. aggregators.ts:
a. In #searchImage commented custom margin-left.
b. In #searchForm commented custom padding and width.
c. Exclude also .uk-button-link from custom css for buttons with parent .search_box_bg or #searchForm.
1. dataProvider.component.ts: In method "searchRelatedDatasources()", size can be always 0 (refine query).
2. advancedSearchForm.component.html: [Bug fix] Make all the button line clickable and functional in advanced search form.
3. result-preview.component.ts: Added get method "isResultType()" which checks if result.resultType is result, publication, dataset, software, other.
4. result-preview.component.html: [Bug fix] Call <orcid-work> (add/remove from ORCID buttons) only for results - check for identifiers is not enough, now datasources also have pids.
1. app.component.ts: [Bug fix] Add services search page in menu items if "service" entity is enabled (not datasource".
2. aggregators.ts: Added "datasource" entity and "/search/find/datasources" page in disabled list for eosc.
3. result-preview.component.html:
a. Do not show "Not yet registered" compatibility label in services.
b. For eosc, show in datasources "Not yet registered in OpenAIRE".
4. quick-selections.component.ts: Changed uk-child-width-auto@l to uk-child-width-auto@m (not nice in medium screens for 2 types).
5. newSearchPage.component.ts: "Include" filter name for services changed to "Other Services"
1. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Updated width in div for entity selection in advanced search form (uk-width-large@m uk-width-2-5@xl uk-width-1-1).
2. newSearchPage.component.html: In <advanced-search-form> added horizontal padding (on the left it was already there) - the form is centered and leaves some space from the right side of page.
3. aggregators.ts:
a. Commented background css in .search_box_bg.
b. Do not apply custom button css for .uk-button-text with parent .search_box_bg or #searchForm.
c. Added padding: 10px in buttons with parent .search_box_bg or #searchForm.
1. app.component.ts: [Bug fix] First menu item under "Search", set to OpenaireEntities.RESULTS.
2. searchFields.ts: Renamed OpenaireEntities.DATASOURCE to "Data source".
3. addThis.component.ts: [Bug fix] Check for showing warning was missing a not (!).
1. addThis.component.ts: [Bug fix] Increased timeout to 4 sec and fix check (sometimes innerText was undefined).
2. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: [Bug fix] Removed uk-animation-fade from results and added uk-scrollspy.
3. showAuthors.component.ts: [Bug fix] Fixed copy to clipboard - data-clipboard-target was not working because we have multiple clipboards in the same page (reverted code to old way of copying).
4. timeout-interceptor.service.ts: Reverted timeout time for client.
5. utils.css: Added custom css for .orcid-dropdown input (orcid dropdown in authors).
1. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added properties.domain as prefix in request for vocabulary - Network error on server.
2. displayClaims.component.html: Used <results-and-pages> before results and <paging-no-load> after results.
3. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: After results use <paging-no-load>.
4. displayClaims.module.ts & searchMyOrcidResults.module.ts: Imported NoLoadPaging.
5. dataProvider.component.ts & organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: [Bug fix] Fixed checks in ngAfterContentChecked, not to run on server.
6. dataProvider.service.ts: Added check if there are subjects.
7. orcid-work.component.ts: [Bug fix] On search view, add classes uk-button uk-button-link in orcid actions.
8. newSearchPage.component.ts: Removed console.log.
1. env-properties.ts:
a. In Dashboard type added "aggregator".
b. In PortalType added "funder", "ri", "project", "organization", "aggregator", "eosc".
2. environments/: Set "dashboard" property to "aggregator" and only for eosc set "adminToolsPortalType" property to "eosc".
3. entitiesSelection.component.ts: Added check if adminToolsPortalType is "eosc".
4. resultLanding.component.ts: In method "hasRightSidebarInfo()" check if adminToolsPortalType is "eosc" to show "Check compatible EOSC services" button.
5. resultLanding.component.html: Show "Check compatible EOSC services" for adminToolsPortalType "explore" or "eosc".
1. dataProviderInfo.ts: Added fields jurisdiction, thematic, contentpolicy, identifiers.
2. dataProvider.service.ts: Parse new fields.
3. dataProvider.component.html: Added label "Thematic" when true | moved "web page" under the labels | Show identifiers, jurisdiction and contentpolicy.
4. dataProvider.module.ts: Import ResultLandingUtilsModule.
5. parsingFunctions.class.ts: In method "parseIdentifiers()" added parsing for classid "re3data".
6. showIdentifiers.component.ts: Show identifier when key is "re3data" too.
7. string-utils.class.ts: In Identifier class added class and check for "re3data".
8. searchDataproviders.service.ts: In method "parseResults()" parse "pid" and set identifiers.
9. newSearchPage.component.ts: In method "createKeywordQuery()" added check for identifiers for entityTypes "datasource" and "service".