1. string-utils.class: Create method 'getIdentifierFromString()' to return a single Identifier.
2. resultLanding.component:
a. Add 'pid' as possible parameter in page url for persistent identifiers.
b. In method 'getResultLandingInfo()' add Identifier parameter to build the appropriate query.
c. Do not re-build url (location.go) if url parameter was "pid".
d. [For orcid - coming soon] Join all identifiers of result into a string: pidsArrayString.
3. resultLanding.service:
a. In method 'getResultLandingInfo()' add Identifier parameter to build tthe appropriate query.
b. Add method 'buildResultLandingInfoUrl()' called by 'getResultLandingInfo()'.
c. Im method 'getResultLandingInfo()', if given identifier and not id parameter, the response is search-like with array of results:
if there are no results, throw HttpErrorResponse with status 404 (like landing response, which returns 404 when no results), otherwise return first result (results['result'][0]).
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@60221 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. utils/rangeFilter/: range filters added to describe year range queries (currently used in types: result & project).
2. utils/properties/searchFields.ts:
'uniqueValue: boolean' changed to 'filterType: string' with value among: null (if this is not a range/refine filter), radio, checkbox, range.
RANGE_FIELDS added for each type needed.
'fieldHasUniqueValue()' method renamed to 'getFieldFilterType()' method.
'getFieldParam()' method added.
3. utils/properties/searchFields.ts & services/servicesUtils/refineResults.class.ts & searchPages/searchUtils/searchHelperClasses.class.ts
& searchPages/dataProviders/ & searchPages/searchDataProviders.component.ts & searchPages/searchOrganizations.component.ts: 'filterType' field is used.
4. searchPages/searchProjects.component.ts & searchPages/searchResearchResults.component.ts: Initialize and use in calculations range filters.
5. searchPages/searchUtils/searchFilter.component: Update filters to match redesign & use them everywhere (not special case if search or deposit).
6. searchPages/searchUtils/newSearchPage.component: Update filters to match redesign and add range filters.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@58105 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3