1. [new] #4216: Create component for 'Other Versions' (deleted by inference) in research results (currently available only in Publication Landing Page).
2. publicationInfo.ts: Add field 'deletedByInferenceIds' (will be removed later possibly).
3. env-properties.json: change environment to 'development' and search service to 'rudie' local development machine.
4. publication.component: Add 'Other Versions' tab (section).
5. tabResult.component.html: Changes in css style and sequence of details in tab results according to search results.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@54962 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3