1. refineResults.class.ts:
a. Updated method "includeValue()" and include "null" (as a string) check | Call method "includeValue()" when creating filters.
b. Set filter.countUnfilteredValues to the length of values returned by the service before filtering them out.
c. Check if filters returned by service before trying to parse anything.
2. searchHelperClasses.class.ts: Added in Filter structure the field "public countUnfilteredValues?: number = 0;", to check if there are more values to be queried (show "view all" link or not).
3. searchFilter.component.ts: Updated check of hasMoreValues to show or not the "view all" link - check filter.countUnfilteredValues | Comment filtering out of filter values - moved to refineResults.class.ts.
2. searchResearchResults.component.ts: Set and initialize orderedFields and orderedFilters and pass them to <new-search-page>.
3. newSearchPage.component.html: If there are orderedFilters, show filters from this structure.
1. searchResearchResults.service.ts & searchProjects.service.ts & searchOrganizations.service.ts & searchDataproviders.service.ts: In advanced search method added parameter minRef: boolean = false and if true, add in request url "&minRef=true" to query for top 7 values.
2. searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchDataProviders.component.ts: By default query filters with minRef=true | Added method "filterRequestedAll()" to be called on view all click of a filter.
3. searchHelperClasses.class.ts: Added in Filter public countAllValues?: number = -1; (-1: all filters not yet requested, 0: request failed) and public isOpen?: boolean = false; (checks if view all filter is clicked).
4. searchFilter.module.ts: Imported LoadingModule.
5. searchFilter.component.ts & searchFilter.component.html: Updated process on view all click.
6. newSearchPage.component.ts: Added method "filterToggled()".
7. newSearchPage.component.html: Bind filterToggled method to <search-filter> output.
1. searchFields.base.ts: Added RESULT_STATIC_FIELDS/ DATASOURCE_STATIC_FIELDS and RESULT_STATIC_FIELD_VALUES/ DATASOURCE_STATIC_FIELD_VALUE and updated in RESULT_FIELDS type to static for resultbestaccessright, and added type and in DATASOURCE_FIELDS added eosctype.
2. staticAutoComplete.component.ts: Added @Input() public fieldValues; and added check not to query for values when static (fieldValues exists).
3. searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchDataProviders.component.ts: Added parameters for static fields in <new-search-page> and initialized them properly.
4. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Added parameter fieldValues to <static-autocomplete>.
5. advancedSearchForm.component.ts: Added method "public getFieldValuesForId(id: string)".
6. newSearchPage.component.html: Added parameter fieldValues to <advanced-search-form> and show static filters view case.
7. newSearchPage.component.ts: Added static filters - initialize them properly and make code for static filters more dynamic.
1. searchResultsForOrcid.component.html & searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: Removed [promoteWebsiteURL]="true", since this should be true only in deposit cards.
2. searchResultsInDeposit.component.ts: Added @Input() isMobile: boolean = false;
3. searchResultsInDeposit.component.html: Set parameter [isMobile]="isMobile" to <result-preview>.
4. newSearchPage.component.html: Set parameter [isMobile]="mobile" to <deposit-result>.
5. result-preview.component.html: In deposit cards align on the right of the title the "Go to repository" button and in mobile screens show it on the top right of the card.
1. home.component & navigationBar.component: Get portalName by config.portalAsObservable>name and set placeholder to "Search "+portalName.
2. searchAll.component.ts: Set default value of "formPlaceholderText" to "Search".
3. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Set placeholder of input (when there is also the <entities-selection>) to [placeholder]="formPlaceholderText".
1. searchAll.component.ts: [Bug fix] From previous commit - Set formPlaceholderText outside if condition.
2. advancedSearchForm.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "simpleKeywordChanged()", do not check for selectedEntity when !this.entitiesSelection (selectedEntity is changed only when exists <entities-selection>.
1. searchAll.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Subscribe to layoutService.isMobile and calculate there the "offset" (for sticky tabs).
b. Updated "formPlaceholderText" - different for each entity.
2. newSearchPage.component.html: Added check, so that search form is not sticky in advanced search pages.
1. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for usage counts iframes and changed the order they appear (first views, then downloads).
2. dataProvider.component.ts & project.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes.
b. [Bug fix] Updated parsing of dataProviderInfo.measure.counts when querying external usage counts api.
3. resultLanding.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes.
b. [Bug fix] In bipFrameUrl, when environment == "beta", add "&src=beta" parameter.
4. orcid-work.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Updated disabled class checks, to enable orcid buttons in search too when there are identifiers.
b. When loading - action is in progress, show loading icon next to the label.
c. In my orcid links page: renamed "Add to ORCID" to "Claim" and "Delete from ORCID" to "Remove".
5. newSearchPage.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for "filters" floating button in mobile/ small screens.
6. Added method "detectChanges()" to be called by html.
7. navigationBar.component.html: Updated placeholder of search-input to align with the generic search form (Home page).
8. ISVocabularies.service.ts: [Bug fix] In methods getFos() and getSDGs(), removed check and call to cache - these files are always local.
1. searchFilter.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "filterKeywords()", set hasMatch and call detectChanges(), only if !hasMatch.
2. searchAll.component.html: Hide numbers of entity tabs on mobile screens.
1. rangeFilter.component: [Bug fix] Removed from method get disabled() check of isDisabled and added this check for class "disabled" in action/button (error on enter, because isDisabled was already true before triggering the action of yearChanged).
2. search-input.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added check for client side in ngAfterViewInit(), before calling "getComputedStyle".
3. searchAll.component:
a. Set "advancedSearchLink" properly and pass it to each search entity page in "simpleSearchLink" parameter.
b. In <advanced-search-form>, pass parameters [entityType]="activeEntity" and [advancedSearchLink]="advancedSearchLink" [advancedSearchLinkParameters]="parameters".
4. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Removed check this.entityType == this.selectedEntity from advanced search link.
5. searchFilter.component.ts: In filterKeywords() method, added cdr.detectChanges().
6. searchResult.component.html: [Bug fix] Reverted [isMobile] parameter to <result-preview" (removed by mistake in a previous merge).
1. searchFields.ts:
a. Added in HIDDEN_FIELDS, "instancetypename" (refine filter for research products).
b. In DEPENDENT_FIELDS, set ["instancetypename"]: "type"
2. quick-selections.component.ts: Added again (as in the past), @Input() vertical: boolean=false and show types using <search-filter> if vertical is true.
3. searchAll.component.html: Changed medium top and bottom margins to uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom.
4. newSearchPage.component.ts:
a. In method "getFields()", check for HIDDEN_FIELDS, also dependencies to resultTypes.
b. Added method "getFilterById()".
5. newSearchPage.component.html:
a. Moved <quick-selections> to the left as filter (removed "include" line).
b. Added <ng-template #search_filter> and re-arranged the order of the filters
1. general.less: Added fixed position for .filters-toggle-button.
2. newSearchPage.component.html: Added floating button for filters in mobile screens.
3. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Re-introduced commented out <entities-selection> inside <advanced-search-input> | Removed iconPosition and commented button for filters inside search form.
4. home.module.ts: Imported SearchInputModule.
5. home.component.html: Replaced <advanced-search-input> with <div search-input>
6. searchDataProviders.component.ts: Set entitiesSelection to false for <new-search-page>
7. newSearchPage.component.ts & searchAll.component.html: Set entitiesSelection to false for <advanced-search-form>
1. /assets: Added /media/fonts/inter folder with the "Inter" font-family.
2. eosc-custom.less: Override the default font family to use 'Inter', sans-serif.
3. routerHelper.class.ts: Added method "addQueryParam()" to add a query parameter in already existing or not object with parameters.
4. search-tab.component.ts & searchResult.component & projects-in-modal.component.ts & result/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts & organization/deletedByInference/deletedByInference.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and pass it to the appropriate children components.
5. result-preview.component & fundedBy.component.ts & availableOn.component.ts & relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and method "addEoscPrevInParams()" and call it when building queryParams of internal links.
6. metrics.component.ts: Added @Input() prevPath: string = ""; and use it when building internal urls.
7. resultLanding.component.ts & project.component.ts & organization.component.ts & dataProvider.component.ts:
a. Added fields public referrer: string; and public prevPath: string;
b. Read "pv" url property and get referrer.
c. Added methods "addEoscPrevInParams()" and "eoscBackLink()".
8. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html:
a. Update "Go to Search" back link.
b. Call "addEoscPrevInParams()" method when building queryParams of internal links.
c. Pass "prevPath" to the appropriate children components.