1. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for usage counts iframes and changed the order they appear (first views, then downloads).
2. dataProvider.component.ts & project.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes.
b. [Bug fix] Updated parsing of dataProviderInfo.measure.counts when querying external usage counts api.
3. resultLanding.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes.
b. [Bug fix] In bipFrameUrl, when environment == "beta", add "&src=beta" parameter.
4. orcid-work.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Updated disabled class checks, to enable orcid buttons in search too when there are identifiers.
b. When loading - action is in progress, show loading icon next to the label.
c. In my orcid links page: renamed "Add to ORCID" to "Claim" and "Delete from ORCID" to "Remove".
5. newSearchPage.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for "filters" floating button in mobile/ small screens.
6. Added method "detectChanges()" to be called by html.
7. navigationBar.component.html: Updated placeholder of search-input to align with the generic search form (Home page).
8. ISVocabularies.service.ts: [Bug fix] In methods getFos() and getSDGs(), removed check and call to cache - these files are always local.
1. rangeFilter.component: [Bug fix] Removed from method get disabled() check of isDisabled and added this check for class "disabled" in action/button (error on enter, because isDisabled was already true before triggering the action of yearChanged).
2. search-input.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added check for client side in ngAfterViewInit(), before calling "getComputedStyle".
3. searchAll.component:
a. Set "advancedSearchLink" properly and pass it to each search entity page in "simpleSearchLink" parameter.
b. In <advanced-search-form>, pass parameters [entityType]="activeEntity" and [advancedSearchLink]="advancedSearchLink" [advancedSearchLinkParameters]="parameters".
4. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Removed check this.entityType == this.selectedEntity from advanced search link.
5. searchFilter.component.ts: In filterKeywords() method, added cdr.detectChanges().
6. searchResult.component.html: [Bug fix] Reverted [isMobile] parameter to <result-preview" (removed by mistake in a previous merge).
1. search.less: Added css for modifier .small-vertical for .input-wrapper of <search-input>.
2. layout.service.ts: Added hasMenuSearchBarSubject: BehaviorSubject<boolean> = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false), parsing and getter/setter methods.
3. navigationBar.module.ts: Imported SearchInputModule.
4. navigationBar.component.ts:
a. Added searchMode: boolean = false; and hasSearchBar: boolean = false; (and other helpful fields)
b. Subscribe to queryParams to hide search bar and reset keyword | Subscribe to layoutService.hasMenuSearchBar to check if search should be included in navbar or not.
c. Added methods "openSearch()" to show the search form and "goTo()" to trigger the search action and navigate to the search page.
5. navigationBar.component.html: Added <div search-input> and search-icon button to show search bar | Added checks if searchMode is enabled (search form visible) or not.
6. app-routing.module.ts: In routes for landing pages added in data: hasMenuSearchBar: true.
1. layout.service.ts: Initialize hasQuickContactSubject to false (Don't ever show it unless it should be there).
2. quick-contact.service.ts: Initialize display to false (Assume it is intersecting, until it is proved it is not).
3. app.component.ts: Updated checks for <quick-contact> and added public bottomNotIntersecting: boolean; and public displayQuickContact: boolean;
1. home.component.html: Commented everything.
2. home.component.ts: Commented everything and added redirect to EOSC search.
3. app.component.ts: Commented <navbar>.
4. app-routing.module.ts: Removed unused routes | For any route other than landing, redirect to home page.
5. index.html: Removed BETA badge | Updated title from "Search OpenAIRE" to "Search EOSC".
6. errorPage.component.ts & relatedDatasourcesTab.component.ts & showAuthors.component.ts & search-tab.component.ts: If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, open search page in OpenAIRE Explore in a new tab.
7. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, open search page in OpenAIRE Explore in a new tab | If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, do not show "feedback/suggest" link.
8. open-aire-jsonld-converter.service.ts: If property adminToolsPortalType is eosc, do not add fos and sdgs as doc.isPartOf.
1. composer.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: Removed "and Technology" from "Fields of Science" typename.
2. resultLanding.component.html: Bind (suggestClicked) to <fos> instead of (feedbackClicked).
3. input.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added check in "filter()" method if option.label.
4. sdg-selection.component.ts: [Bug fix] Set this.loading = false; inside subscribe.
5. fos.component.ts: In title, updated FOS to FoS.
6. sdg-fos-suggest.module.ts: Imported LoadingModule.
7. sdg-fos-suggest.component.ts: Show loading when sending email | Do not initialize <sdg-selection> and <fos-selection> before subjects have value (this way inputs of existing fos/sdgs are checked).
8. fos-selection.component.ts:
a. Added @Input() inModal: boolean = false; to set activeSection, when inModal, instead of navigating with fragment.
b. [Bug fix] Set this.loading = false; inside subscribe.
c. Call this.setObserver(); both in ngOnInit and when keyword changes.
d. Updated threshold of observer from 0.25 to 0.1 (large FoS categories were never triggered on scrolling, because less than 25% of their content was visible).
e. Updated fosOptions to Map<string, boolean> to track easily checked inputs and updated getSelectedSubjects() accordingly.
9. fos-selection.component.html: In search-input of keyword no options are needed | Updated ngModel of checkbox inputs.
10. cache-interceptor.service.ts: Added check if (!properties.useLongCache) to skip cache.
1. CuratorInfo.ts: In Curator class added visible: boolean = true;
2. personal-info.module.ts: Imported MatSlideToggleModule.
3. personal-info.component.ts: Added slider to set curator profile to visible or invisible (default to visible).
4. menu.ts: In Menu class added field "featuredAlignment: MenuAlignment;" | Added enum MenuAlignment.
5. menu.component: Updated title "Menu settings" | Added "Menu Alignment" setting, to set if custom menu will be left, center or right alligned | Added notification when menu visibility changes.
6. help-content.service.ts: Added "alignMenu()" method to align custom menu dynamically.
1. dataProvider.component.ts & organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts & orcid-work.component.ts: Commented unused @ViewChild fields.
2. dataProvider.service.ts & project.service.ts & resultLanding.service.ts: Strip html tags from title.
3. resultLanding.component.ts: [Bug fix] resultLanding.description is string, not array.
4. orcidWork.ts: [Bug fix] resultLanding.description is string, not array & strip html tags from description.
5. refineFieldResults.service.ts: In method "getSearchAPIURLForEntity()", for entityType "result" set suffix to "results/".
6. searchDataproviders.service.ts & searchOrganizations.service.ts & searchProjects.service.ts & searchResearchResults.service.ts: Strip html tags from title | Do not cut description (multi line ellipsis is used in html).
7. jsonld-document-serializer.service.ts: [Bug fix] resultLanding.description is string, not array.
8. result-preview.component.html: Show description as innerHTML to properly display special characters.
1. home.component.html: Added blue banner, white logo, aligned search form to the center and updated fonts according the new EOSC Marketplace.
2. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Updated link to Marketplace for eosc subject EOSC::RO-crate.
3. resultLanding.component.html: Updated how links to Compatible EOSC Services are displayed.
4. searchAll.component.html: Updated paddings and margins in search form of Search all page.
5. navigationBar.component.html: Set burger menu icon to light color if dark background.
6. advancedSearchDataProviders.component.ts & advancedSearchOrganizations.component.ts & advancedSearchProjects.component.ts & advancedSearchServices.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchDataproviders.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchServices.component.ts & search.component.ts: Set in searchForm, dark=true.
7. aggregators.ts: In eoscInfo, updated logoUrl and removed customCss of AggregatorInfo.
8. app.component.ts: Set header.darkBg: true.
9. Added eosc-custom.less file.
10. styles.less: import eosc-custom less file, instead of portal-custom.css.
11. deletedByInference.service.ts & result-preview.ts: [Bug fix] Parse description of versions properly.
12. reports.service.ts: Copy fix from angular-14 branch - do not timeout to 10000.