1. general.less: Added fixed position for .filters-toggle-button.
2. newSearchPage.component.html: Added floating button for filters in mobile screens.
3. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Re-introduced commented out <entities-selection> inside <advanced-search-input> | Removed iconPosition and commented button for filters inside search form.
4. home.module.ts: Imported SearchInputModule.
5. home.component.html: Replaced <advanced-search-input> with <div search-input>
6. searchDataProviders.component.ts: Set entitiesSelection to false for <new-search-page>
7. newSearchPage.component.ts & searchAll.component.html: Set entitiesSelection to false for <advanced-search-form>
1. home.component.html: Added blue banner, white logo, aligned search form to the center and updated fonts according the new EOSC Marketplace.
2. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Updated link to Marketplace for eosc subject EOSC::RO-crate.
3. resultLanding.component.html: Updated how links to Compatible EOSC Services are displayed.
4. searchAll.component.html: Updated paddings and margins in search form of Search all page.
5. navigationBar.component.html: Set burger menu icon to light color if dark background.
6. advancedSearchDataProviders.component.ts & advancedSearchOrganizations.component.ts & advancedSearchProjects.component.ts & advancedSearchServices.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchDataproviders.component.ts & searchOrganizations.component.ts & searchProjects.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts & searchServices.component.ts & search.component.ts: Set in searchForm, dark=true.
7. aggregators.ts: In eoscInfo, updated logoUrl and removed customCss of AggregatorInfo.
8. app.component.ts: Set header.darkBg: true.
9. Added eosc-custom.less file.
10. styles.less: import eosc-custom less file, instead of portal-custom.css.
11. deletedByInference.service.ts & result-preview.ts: [Bug fix] Parse description of versions properly.
12. reports.service.ts: Copy fix from angular-14 branch - do not timeout to 10000.
1. badge.css: [NEW] Css file for uk-badge added.
2. import.css: Added @import "structure/badge.css";
3. fos.component.html & sdg.component.html: Added beta badge on top left of the title.
4. landing-utils/fos.component.ts & landing-utils/sdg.component.ts: Added [Beta] in title.
5. searchFields.ts: In sdg and fos RESULT_FIELDS, added [Beta] in their names.
6. offcanvas.css: [Bug fix] In rule .offcanvas .uk-offcanvas-bar added "max-width: 100vw", so that offcanvas does not exceed the screen width.
7. searchAll.component.html: Added some classes in <advanced-search-form> and uk-slider to be better displayed in small screens (form within page with some horizontal margins and arrows in slider).
1. home.component.html:
a. Removed uk-margin-large-top from search form and logo.
b. Removed uk-height-medium from search form and logo.
c. Move searchImage on top of search form (uk-width-1-1) for small screens.
2. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: Removed animation with uk-scrollspy.
3. searchAll.component.html: Move searchImage on top of search form (uk-width-1-1) for small screens.
4. newSearchPage.component.html:
a. Removed animation with uk-scrollspy.
b. For simple search, move searchImage on top of search form (uk-width-1-1) for small screens.
c. For advanced search, searchImage is on top of search form for any screen size.
5. result-preview.component.html & result-preview.component.ts: For eosc portalType, added in incompatible datasources link to the service landing page.
6. aggregators.ts:
a. In #searchImage commented custom margin-left.
b. In #searchForm commented custom padding and width.
c. Exclude also .uk-button-link from custom css for buttons with parent .search_box_bg or #searchForm.
1. result-preview.component.ts & datasourcesHelper.class.ts & entitiesSelection.component.ts & newSearchPage.component.ts & errorPage.component.ts & searchAll.component.ts: Added case for service entity.
2. searchFields.ts: Added in OpenaireEntities names for Services | In methods "getFieldName()" and "getFieldParam()" case for service entity.
3. searchDataProviders.component.ts: Parametrize component to show/query for datasources or services.
4. quick-selections.component.ts: Delete reset of resultTypes from "initializeFilters()" method.
5. searchDataproviders.service.ts: In method "numOfSearchDataproviders2()" added parameter "typePathParam" to search for datasources or services | In method "parseResults()" set "entityType" according to eosctype field.
6. portal.ts: In method "getmockPortalInfo()" added entity and routes for service.
7. env-properties.ts: Added properties "searchLinkToService", "searchLinkToServices", "searchLinkToAdvancedServices".
8. dataProvider.component.html: Parametrize component to show for datasources or services | [Bug fix] Added [class.uk-invisible]="!dataProviderInfo" in #graph_and_feedback_template.
9. dataProvider.component.ts: Parametrize component to show/query for datasources or services.
10. dataProvider.service.ts: In method "getDataproviderInfo()" added parameter "typePathParam" to search for datasources or services.
11. searchAll.component.html: Added tab for search services.
Search Pages:
- change showAdvancedSearchLink to showSwitchSearchLink and used it to chech for both simple and advanced link
- add showBreadcrump choice for search projects, content provider and organization components
- customFilter: add promptToAddFilter: boolean in order to display prompt about adding or removing custom filter
- entities selection: if advanced search use the advanced search routes, disable selection for advanced pages of connect - community portal
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@59265 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
-Home page:
-Add description in Website with search action
-In every search page add description based on the filters
-In (project, content provider, organization) landing add description if available otherwise use the title
-In project add id in funder entity
Autocomplete: create event emitter to update entity or refine result label (used in jsonld)
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@59152 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. advanced link in home and /search/find
2. DOI issue in /search/find/
3. update of numbers in tabs when there is an error in /search/find/
4. order of filters in search outcomes
5. In Landingpages: rename "Publication Summary" --> "Summary" kai "Related outcomes" --> "Related research"
get communities but not hidden ones
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@59003 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
Result Landing: Fix link for softwrae
Search all: fix communityId typo
Advanced Search form: pass customFilter
Entities Selecton: pass custom Filter, add checks for RCD don't show drop down if only one option
Search page: link to openaire- pass same parameters as the filters
Search table view:
filters, paging, form similar to search pages, add entities selection
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-services-library/trunk/ng-openaire-library/src/app@58391 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3