1. full-screen-modal.component.ts: Added cancelButton: boolean = true; and show cancel button, only if cancelButton is true and okButton is false.
2. transferData.module.ts: Imported FullScreenModalModule.
3. transferData.component.html: Replaced <modal-alert> with <fs-modal> and updated the interface accordingly | In inputs, set [inputClass]="'flat'".
4. transferData.component.ts:
a. Configure FullScreenModal, instread of AlertModal.
b. In destinationOptions, set label to dest.description (used to be dest.destination).
c. In transfer, in destinations, use also element.path, to keep the initial structure/ hierarchy when transfering files.
1. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: Added Beta badge and "View all" link.
2. fundedBy.component.ts: Added @Input isMobile and relative checks in html | Updated how projects appear in mobile | Added ng-template for #funder and #dropInfo.
3. relatedTo.component.ts: Added @Input isMobile and relative checks in html | Added uk-margin-small-bottom between communities in mobile.
4. showSubjects.component.ts:
a. Added @Input isMobile and relative checks in html.
b. Added @Input() viewAllSubjects: boolean = false, @Input() viewAllClassifiedSubjects: boolean = false, @Output() viewAllClicked = new EventEmitter(); and methods "viewAllSubjectsClicked()", "viewAllSubjectsByVocabularyClicked()" to show subjects properly in mobile.
5. full-screen-modal.component.ts: Added method "backClicked()" and field public stayOpenInBack: boolean = false.
6. resultLanding.module.ts: Imported FullScreenModalModule.
7. resultLanding.component.ts & resultLanding.component.html: Redesign for small screens (mobile) for main info and its tabs (Summary, References, etc..).
1. projects-in-modal.module.ts: Imported DropdownFilterModule.
2. projects-in-modal.component.ts: Use common <dropdown-filter> instead of custom uk-button and uk-dropdown.
3. full-screen-modal.component.ts: [Bug fix] In ngOnDestroy added check for observer - error in ssr.